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Why I don't escort bombers


Escorting bombers works if the bomber and fighter(s) are talking or at least aware of what each other are doing.  I've had many battles where a lone bomber and fighter made a good tag team. of course the last match was a space bomber and a spawn camper who said he was "protecting his bomber," by keeping us from getting out of the gate.  Yes, I asked him about it, nice excuse.


Most arcade battles you assume what the bomber will do and that's where the problems happen.  Bombers can be most effective if they get so high fighters can't get to them before the match ends, or they stick together in a tight group to maximize defensive firepower, and the player takes over from one of the AI gunners to help in the defense.  I almost never see groups, but do see a fair number of space bombers.


Flying bombers is also more tedious than fun, and why many of take their four engine plane and make like it's a dive bomber, or try to ensure accuracy by going in for low level runs, which if you look up the 1943 raids on Ploesti you know how that ends.


Probably the only way to make bombing useful is to have a game mode like some of the single player missions (yes, those exist) where players start out high among AI bombers with some controlled by players, and rather than destroy ground units you destroy bombers before they take our your city or airbase.  

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Using bombers as intended usually only results in the need to pay for repairs and negative emotions. Therefore, strategic bombers are used as dive bombers.
This is how the developers organized the game. Fighters rise to the height of bombers too quickly.

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On 07/09/2022 at 15:37, VT_88 said:

Just want to let you know, when a player knows how to use a bomber I don't mind. In fact allot of times I do escort and we win.


Example: we are loosing the match. No way to win. It is a ground pounding map. A bomber escaped and is on the way to finish the last base and then the airfield.


I fly like a Bat Out of Hell. Get to escort, shoot 3 players down. 


The other idiots realize I'm up there, (teammates). Soon there are two more Bombers flying towards the airbase. Then another fighter comes up to help. I shoot down another enemy plane.


Now, the second fighter showed up and is helping. The two bombers come in to make the win.


Butt... this diving down when there is a fighter escort is really frustrating. Only one thing to do then, What everyone hates. Spawn Camp.

Well if you see me in a bomber feel free to feast on the fighters trying to climb to me...If I have even a small amount of escort we have a very good chance of winning and if you get bored I am happy to bait and antagonize the reds to climb and try to kill me...3-4 bombs per base is all that is needed and then the airfield...

On 07/09/2022 at 15:37, VT_88 said:

Just want to let you know, when a player knows how to use a bomber I don't mind. In fact allot of times I do escort and we win.


Example: we are loosing the match. No way to win. It is a ground pounding map. A bomber escaped and is on the way to finish the last base and then the airfield.


I fly like a Bat Out of Hell. Get to escort, shoot 3 players down. 


The other idiots realize I'm up there, (teammates). Soon there are two more Bombers flying towards the airbase. Then another fighter comes up to help. I shoot down another enemy plane.


Now, the second fighter showed up and is helping. The two bombers come in to make the win.


Butt... this diving down when there is a fighter escort is really frustrating. Only one thing to do then, What everyone hates. Spawn Camp.

Well if you see me in a bomber feel free to feast on the fighters trying to climb to me...If I have even a small amount of escort we have a very good chance of winning and if you get bored I am happy to bait and antagonize the reds to climb and try to kill me...3-4 bombs per base is all that is needed and then the airfield...

On 30/10/2022 at 09:31, FailBoatCaptain said:

Has anyone mentioned the scientific fact that escorting bombers is boring ? 

If you are escorting me I will bait others for you...You wont be bored especially if I forbid their fighters from climbing higher than 2500m



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On 05/11/2022 at 17:35, MasterBLB said:

Spawncampers make the best escorters, though not intentionally.

Oh,  its very much intentional. That's what folks don't get. Our heavies can do their job if we stop the other fighters from coming up to them. We also suppress enemy bombers and attackers. Two (or more) fighters effectively controlling altitude over enemy spawn is both offensive and defensive. 


Controlling altitude over enemy spawn also extends the gameplay for everyone, giving bombers the time they need to take out bases. The only option the enemy team has is to dive out, where in theory, the remainder of the allies can clean them up. It's up to the other teammates to stop them from ground pounding. We can't be both at altitude to protect heavies and be down low to stop the ground pounding. 


That being said, I do wish bomber gunners where halfway between their current and previous iterations where, with maxed crews you stood a good chance to survival of not approached properly by the enemy fighters. Certainly not the 1k laser death rays of old, but a little more effective. I'd also like a slightly higher altitude for spawn, at least above tier 3...my bombers stopped getting spaded at 5.3 because I simply can't get high enough or defend myself effectively enough to be useful to the team. 


Now this is from an arcade perspective of course. Bombers in RB are a bit different, far easier to gain rp and sl, but less rewarding gameplay in the sense that the odds of making a 2nd run in a heavy is not likely a majority of the time. There are a few exceptions, ju288, the premium bomber version of the A26, some jet bombers. I think RB could benefit from the same minor tweaks. But it is a game mode where bombers can win, IF there are enough bombers on the team. 


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Afaik bases in RB now respawn, so you can't just go for the airfield.

That makes AB the mode that can be won by bombers much better.


And talking about securing high alt by spawn camping - it only works if those people do attack offside climbers who snipe away the bombers while they are busy racking up kills from people who climb against them with worse and worse planes.


Btw, in AB the heavy strategic 4 or 2 (Yer) engine bombers got a hard time. Everything else does work, because they can be used in various ways.

Edited by anyuser
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19 hours ago, flY_Sw4tteR_@psn said:

Oh,  its very much intentional. That's what folks don't get. Our heavies can do their job if we stop the other fighters from coming up to them. We also suppress enemy bombers and attackers. Two (or more) fighters effectively controlling altitude over enemy spawn is both offensive and defensive. 


Controlling altitude over enemy spawn also extends the gameplay for everyone, giving bombers the time they need to take out bases. The only option the enemy team has is to dive out, where in theory, the remainder of the allies can clean them up. It's up to the other teammates to stop them from ground pounding. We can't be both at altitude to protect heavies and be down low to stop the ground pounding. 

That is very true, however all these benefits are rather not a main goal for pilots whose want to dominate high altitude and spawn area. They just want frags, and by the way they also do the stuff you've posted.

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On 05/11/2022 at 16:35, MasterBLB said:

Spawncampers make the best escorters, though not intentionally.

Except for the fact that the fighters I get stuck with game after game apparently are unable to climb beyond 2500m and the campers are always on the other team...Aggravating to always have to climb to 7500m or beyond just to base bomb...But the rewards stagger the mind...

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  • 4 weeks later...

My thoughts for those that don't help the bombers : Most players don't mind winning the match when the bombers help but complain or won't help if you have too escort them anywhere on the map, typical self centered , entitled players all about you getting your air kills or KD. Just so you know I will bomb with or without your help as I know it will help win the match in most cases.

Edited by OBEE1_KNO_B@psn
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On 07/12/2022 at 01:09, OBEE1_KNO_B@psn said:

My thoughts for those that don't help the bombers : Most players don't mind winning the match when the bombers help but complain or won't help if you have too escort them anywhere on the map, typical self centered , entitled players all about you getting your air kills or KD. Just so you know I will bomb with or without your help as I know it will help win the match in most cases.

You've just exposed yourself as the player you are judging. Self centered, entitled, doing what you want. Good job.


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2 hours ago, _grampaw_itchee_ said:

You've just exposed yourself as the player you are judging. Self centered, entitled, doing what you want. Good job.



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On 07/12/2022 at 22:09, OBEE1_KNO_B@psn said:

My thoughts for those that don't help the bombers : Most players don't mind winning the match when the bombers help but complain or won't help if you have too escort them anywhere on the map, typical self centered , entitled players all about you getting your air kills or KD. Just so you know I will bomb with or without your help as I know it will help win the match in most cases.


My thoughts on bombers that whine and cry about not getting escorts - most players don't mind winning the match without the bombers contributing much at all, and they get on with killing ground units and enemy a/c that are what actually wins the match rather than being distracted by the crybabies.  Mostly bombers don't contribute anything with or without escorts.

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