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I considered replying to another topic, but because that looked more like ranting, and I wanted to say something else, I decided to start a new topic.


It seemed likely that a brief instruction about how to use a SPAAG would be welcome and needed. Long instructions may be found elsewhere.


So, I really tried to keep this new document short, because usually people don't want to read long texts.







Edited by Teemestari
improved the attached document

TheCheshireCat (Posted )

Thread moved to player academy

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I added one more page to the document because I tried Custom Battles for shooting exercise and that was superior compared to Test Drive. It was so essential that I had to add some instructions.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I noticed that I did not mention arcade battle and lead indicator in the latest version. Perhaps I should edit the document.

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Learning about lead indicator in AB got me performing better than most SPAA RB Aces I play with. The trick is to realise that it's relative and is the centre of the plane and also there is ping delay for what is shown.

So lead it a little usually for me (200-300 ping). In Naval/moving SPAA situations you need to learn to lead left or right of oncoming/parallell/diagonal plane paths etc. This is the hardest part and takes you from good (e.g. dealing with head ons) to excellent (dealing with weird angles/moving shots etc). 


Also one good tip to add for the majority of SPAA situations a Ace will find (the worst one to mistake) - a headon. For this dont spray at plane or lead indicator. Vary your spray elevation a few degrees and 'spray' that arc. It makes a wide 'V shape' of bullets instead of a stream leading to nearly guaranteed head on kills with high ROF SPAA.

Also good to mention backing out so you can drive forwards into cover and listening for planes to determine what cover to drive to, so you don't have to look so much at planes and then crash into stuff, leaving you dead as they head on/another plane dives you same time.

  • Thanks 1

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23 hours ago, Teemestari said:

I noticed that I did not mention arcade battle and lead indicator in the latest version. Perhaps I should edit the document.


In the new version also that is included.

Edited by Teemestari

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  • 3 months later...

Today I tried Sd.Kfz.251/21 to see if it was worth anything. During a test drive I noticed that I could actually hit planes with those machine guns. Perhaps I was lucky but in the first battle I shot down four planes. I was impressed.


Ostwind II is effective also.

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  • 4 months later...

Getting a bit of practice with an AA can make some nice Sl and RP.

But people tend to make some mistakes.

People start to shoot the second they see a plane in the distance, and with a lot of the pre radar/missiles AAs you are only telling the plane where you are, so STOP shooting so early!   Most pilots is kinda angry for just getting killed, so they got tunnelvision and are flying in a straight line. easy picks.

  • Haha 1

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