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Hawker Hunter FGA.71, Chile's hunting eagle


Do you want to see the Hawker Hunter FGA.71 in the game?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want to see the Hawker Hunter FGA.71 in the game?

    • yes
    • no
  2. 2. If so, which of the modernization versions would you like to see? (you can choose multiple)

    • Unmodified (essentially a Hunter FGA.9 with no Sidewinders but improved air to ground loadout options including American bombs and SURA rockets)
    • Beagle crisis modification (The same as the previous just with Shafrir 2 missile compatibility)
    • Águila upgrade (includes compatibility with Shafrir 2 missiles, RWR, countermeasure pods and a modernized cockpit)
    • I voted no
  3. 3. Which nation do you think the Hunter FGA.71 should be added to if it was added?

    • Great Britain (Originally a British design)
    • Israel (The modified aircraft are compatible with Shafrir 2 missiles purchased from Israel)
    • Future South American or Chilean TT
    • Other (please explain in the comments)
    • I voted no

  • Suggestion Moderator

Coat_of_arms_of_the_Chilean_Air_Force_sv title.jpg.7bcb82e539539bd174284014f0e392



The Hawker Hunter FGA.71 was an export version of the Hunter based on the Hawker Hunter FGA.9 designated for export to the Chilean Air Force. While that fact alone may seem deceptively insignificant, the Chilean Hunters were used  operationally multiple times and were modified over the years in order to expand their capabilities and service life. The Chilean Hawker Hunters were among the last to remain in service in any Air Force, being withdrawn from service only in 1995.



  • The following suggestion is a sort of family suggestion of the Hunter FGA.71 containing multiple stages of it's modifications over the years. despite this the suggestion also occasionally brings up a very similar model, the Hunter FR.71, as it saw a similar set of modifications and I only managed to get photos of it's cockpit and not the FGA.71's. It is important to note that any mentions of the Hunter FR.71 are only done to reference modifications of the Hunter FGA.71 I didn't have photos for and it is not included in this suggestion.


1483118054_Unmodified2.jpg.1eccd679270fd  - A Hunter FGA.71 in the original configuration, not much different than the Hunter FGA.9.



In 1965 the Chilean Air Force found itself in a predicament as they were refused the purchase of then modern jet fighters from the United States. With this refusal Chile decided to turn to the UK on which it previously relied in order to acquire military jets to procure a new jet fighter for their air force. The Chilean Air Force was mainly drawn towards the Hawker Hunter, and an order for the first batch of 21 Hunters was placed on October of 1966 who became the first Hunter FGA.71s. Chile continued to procure more Hunters down the line, some second hand from the Belgian and Dutch air forces. Technically speaking not all of the Hunters acquired were exactly the same in terms of onboard tech, but for the sake of this suggestion the differences aren't very noticeable and they were mostly brought up to the same standard over time. The Hunter FGA.71s saw service in the Chilean Air Force under air groups number 7, 8 and 9.


unmodified.jpg.b6e156c0754c5dfe9d0552fe1  - Another view of an unmodified Hunter FGA.71.


The first (controversial) use of the Hunters in conflict

The Hunter FGA.71 was first used in conflict in an incident which is considered to be rather controversial, as it involved their use in suppression of the nation's own people. several Hunters of group number 7 were used on September 11th 1973 to strike targets within the capital Santiago including radio stations and the residence of the republic's president as a part of a broader conflict which resulted in the overthrowing of the republic's government.


487356562_HunterswithShafrir2intheBeagle  - Modified Hunter FGA.71s of group number 9 during the Beagle crisis carrying Shafrir 2 missiles.


The fist modification of the Hunters, born under conflict

In 1977 it became clear to the Chilean Air Force that a conflict with the neighboring country Argentina was imminent. This proved to be incredibly problematic as the most capable fighters Chile had access to then, the American F-5, lacked spare parts due to an American embargo. As a result of this the Maintenance Wing of the Chilean Air Force urgently modified 6 of group 9's Hunter FGA.71s to carry Rafael Shafrir 2 missiles. The Shafrir 2 missiles were originally purchased from Israel with the intention of using them on the F-5s instead of AIM-9 Sidewinders due to the American embargo, but with the F-5s being in bad shape it was decided to use them on the Hunters instead. This is considered to be the first major modification of the Hunter FGA.71, and it was standardized on all of the Hunter FGA.71s of the Chilean Air Force in 1983. The 6 Hunters that were modified to carry Shafrir 2 missiles before 1978 were put on quick reaction alert in the Southern part of Chile during the Beagle crisis of 1978 against Argentina to be used in a defensive role.


335404715_modernhunter.jpg.2f915c8290484  - A modernized Hunter FGA.71 Águila. Note the Caiquén II RWR's antennas on the tail and the Eclipse flare/chaff pod near the engine exhaust.


The Águila program

During the early 80's Chile commenced an upgrade program for the Hunter FGA.71s due to concerns regarding their usefulness in case of further conflict with Argentina. The program called "Águila" (Eagle in Spanish) included, as previously mentioned, a standardization of the capability to carry Shafrir 2 missiles which was done in 1983, but it wasn't the only part of the modernization. The Electronics Department of the Chilean Airforce, which was later integrated into the national ENEAR company, was tasked with the development of various devices that would increase the combat effectiveness of the Chilean Hunters (this included more variants than just the FGA.71).


The main upgrade that was developed was an indigenous RWR system called the Caiquén. Not much is known about the original model (supposedly some Hunters had it for a short time), but the main version used ended up being the second model, the Caiquén II. The Caiquén II can be distinguished thanks to a set of 3 radars located at the tip of the vertical stabilizer and the tail bullet. The system weighs merely 10kg and gives the Hunter FGA.71 a full 360 degree warning coverage in azimuth +/- 40 degrees and is capable of identifying the direction of the received radar signal as well as the type of radar used to emit the signal. In addition to the AAMs and RWR the Águila program also included the development of a domestic countermeasure pod called Eclipse. This CM pod is capable of using MJU-7/B flares and RR-170 chaff charges. Each of the carried pods was capable of housing 60 total charges (reportedly). One of the more impressive capabilities of the Eclipse system is it's full integration with the Caiquén II RWR, as the pilot can choose whether to use the Eclipse pods manually or have them be used automatically based on input from the RWR. Finally, the Águila program also included a modernization of the cockpit that, among other purposes, was also meant to standardize a similar cockpit layout for all Hunter versions in Chilean use (this includes the FGA.71, FR.71 and T.72). Some less notable upgrades were also included such as new communications and navigation equipment as well as a new motor ignition system.


While the original aim of the program was to upgrade the entire Hunter fleet, only about 20 Hunters were upgraded, of which only 13 were of the FGA.71 variant.


1523388180_InflightwithShafrir2.jpg.b2e0  - A Hunter FGA.71 Águila armed with Shafrir 2 missiles in flight.


The end of service

over the years the Hunter fleet was reduced with group number 8 eventually becoming the only air group of the Chilean Air Force that still operated the aircraft. The modernized Águila airframes continued to be used in the 90's in air patrols but in 1995 the Chilean Hunters finally retired, being among the longest serving Hawker Hunters in the world.






Country of origin: UK (Upgraded by Chile)


Type: Jet Fighter/Attacker


Length: 14 m


Height: 4 m


Wing span: 10.3 m


Wing surface area: 32.4 m^2


Powerplant: Rolls-Royce Avon 207 rated at 4,536 kgf of thrust


Max speed: 1,128 km/h


Max altitude: 15,850 m


Range: 715 km


Weight: Empty: 6,532 kg, Fully loaded: 11,158 kg



  • Regular FGA.71: 4 x 30mm ADEN cannons with 150 rounds per gun, 32 x 81mm SURA P3 rockets, 72 x 68mm Matra SNEB rockets, Mk.81, 82 and 83 bombs in weights of up to 3,000 lbs, 4 x Cardoen CB-250-K cluster bombs, 2 x Cardoen CB-500-K cluster bombs, 2 x 230 Gallon external fuel tanks (drop tanks).
  • Added capabilities with the beagle crisis and  Águila upgrades:  2 x Shafrir 2 air to air missiles.


Additional systems:

  • With the Águila upgrade: Caiquén II RWR, 2 x Eclipse flare/chaff pods with 60 charges each.


Additional photos and media


1561588540_Hunterarmaments.jpg.e95d6148b  - A Hunter FGA.71 with it's armament options.


2071680468_250poundbombsonTERcarrier.jpg  - 3 x 250 lbs Mk.81 bombs carried by a Hunter FGA.71 on a TER carrier.


629392755_SURA81mm.jpg.ee5dd77af6e2ce898  - On the inner pylon: 81mm SURA rockets.


233404704_CardoenCB-250-Kclusterbomb.jpg  - Cardoen CB-250-k cluster bomb.


CB-500-K.jpg.d308757befe5dcf69fde9ccfdca  - Cardoen CB-500-K cluster bomb.


1924263598_CaiquenIIRWRantennasEclipseCM  - Closer look at the tail section of an upgraded hunter showing the RWR antennas.


1749643369_Eclipsefalreandchaffpod.jpg.5  - Closer look at the Eclipse countermeasure pod


1105981008_FR.71cockpit.jpg.18f2f2e9b899  - Modernized cockpit of a Hunter FR.71 (couldn't find one of an FGA.71 but they are similar).


2007759341_FR.71Acockpit.jpg.572867dab22  - Additional photo of the modernized cockpit.


1486246675_shafrir2launch.jpg.9382cb0e87  - An upgraded Hunter FGA.71 firing off a Shafrir 2 missile.







Edited by yoyolast
slight fix
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Open for discussion. :salute:

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Quick personal note - this is the first none-Israeli suggestion I made, so I would really appreciate any general feedback on the quality of it / the sources used if anyone reading this happen to be knowledgeable when it comes to Chilean aircraft. Also obviously any potential additional information on the aircraft would be appreciated, and regardless I hope any of you who read this like and support the suggestion.


Edited by yoyolast
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+1 for a future South American tree.  Might work as a British premium/event vehicle too in case that never happens.

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I have this wonderful image of the version that used Chile, it says MK9 but as you explained at the beginning of your post the FGA.71 was the export name given to the MK9 sent to Chile, I think this image is when they were not yet implemented the updates, nor the shafrir 2. If I find more photos or relevant or interesting information, I will comment on it to complete the publication. I also have to say that you did a great job with your research, as a Chilean I thank you very much :salute:







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1 hour ago, __Fleks__ said:

An interesting device, I don’t think that the FGA version is very different from the FR (In terms of cockpit). An interesting link to Amazon :p: and I have a question, doesn’t the upgraded version of the aircraft have the designation FGA.71A (Or am I confusing something?)


I will add some links to photos and sources from myself:

1. https://www.airliners.net/index/aircraft-types/Hawker-Hunter/Hawker-Hunter-FGA71A/6407/27049

2. http://huntythejetfighter.com/Reborn/02hhd.htm

3. https://plane-crazy.k-hosting.co.uk/Aircraft/Jets/Hunter/hawker_hunter.htm


Cockpit (Old for comparison):

1. http://fanmodel.tforums.org/gallery/image/10016/source


The MK 71A version is the reconnaissance version, it has two oblique side cameras protected by glass and a nose camera also protected by glass and a metal lid that opens each time the camera is selected. Chile also had this version of the Hawker Hunter but in less quantity

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  • 4 weeks later...

Below I will show important photos and details of the aircrafts taken from the book "From the Vampire to the Viper in the Chilean Air Force", the book accurately details the entire history of all combat aircraft important in Chile:

Source: https://www.amazon.com/Del-Vampire-Viper-Recargado-Historia/dp/B09J6Z84KN

Modernization of the Hunter, "The Eagle, Caiquén and Eclipse Program"

The aircraft subject to these modifications were the following:




summary and characteristics of the fleet



Destination of planes



The Hawker Hunter "Frankenstein" X-001 (740)

An effort was made to build a Hunter Mk.71 from airframes and other structural components of aircraft that had sustained accidents. Thus, parts of the J-700 and J-707 aircraft, mainly, gave shape to what became known as the "Hunter X-001" project of the late 1970s. At the 1980 FIDA it was presented for the first time in exposure static with the license plate X-001. Subsequently, it is designated as a test bench for the Águila Program. In the mid-1980s, it was re-registered as 740 and began operations in Group No. 8 from of 1987, ending its days in 1994.













Static display of the tactical loads the Hunter could carry




Chilean Lieutenant Manuel Quiñones S. in the cockpit of a Hunter. Beside, a frame from the G-95 camera of a Hunter Group No. 8, shows an F-14A from the USS Independence being "shot down" in Exercise Blue Sky I, in 1988.




The Hunter 745 modified eagle program



Hunter FGA.9 N° 751, in this case approving Ferrimar cluster bombs (which I think need to be added to the armament of the post)




715 in ENAER, having already received the modifications of the Águila Program



Mk.71A No. 715 with the eagle program installed




First plane to receive the eagle program and one of the first to acquire the shafrir 2





The J-708 with a particular configuration at the beginning of the 80s, carrying an antenna corresponding to the RWR (Radar Warning Receiver), on the drift, a first version of the Caiquén warning system. Also carries 8 Mk-81 bombs, without supplementary tanks



FGA.9 N° 750, with an Eagle configuration (configuration that it did not use during its operational life)





The Hunter 734 participating in the last Exercise of its operational life



Flight line with the last Hunters at the Los Cerrillos air base on April 19, 1995



Chilean Hawker Hunter in profiles with different camouflage








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@Chilean_Thunder Thank you for the additional information :salute:

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  • 2 months later...

The following information was taken from the book "First Hawker Hunter of the Chilean Air Force (Aviation Art & History - Chilean Air Force nº 2) (Spanish Edition)"


Cockpit of a Hunter F.Mk.71 modernized to Aguila standard.




Technical sheets of the Hawker Hunter, the F.Mk.71 version that was used for the Aguila modification is included




Scheme of the Chilean Hawker Hunter Aguila



Hawker Hunter FGA.71 Aguila paint scheme


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23 minutes ago, Chilean_Thunder said:

The following information was taken from the book "First Hawker Hunter of the Chilean Air Force (Aviation Art & History - Chilean Air Force nº 2) (Spanish Edition)"


Cockpit of a Hunter F.Mk.71 modernized to Aguila standard.




Technical sheets of the Hawker Hunter, the F.Mk.71 version that was used for the Aguila modification is included




Scheme of the Chilean Hawker Hunter Aguila



Hawker Hunter FGA.71 Aguila paint scheme


I'm sorry to disappoint you but this is actually just a Spanish version of one of the sources I've already used x)

Still nice all the same.

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8 minutes ago, yoyolast said:

I'm sorry to disappoint you but this is actually just a Spanish version of one of the sources I've already used x)

Still nice all the same.

at least we already know that the photo that is in your publication is the correct photo of the cockpit of the Chilean Hunter Aguila :lol2:

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