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Fuji AH-1S Step III Cobra【Kisarazu Akane】


Fuji AH-1S Step III Cobra【Kisarazu Akane】  

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Kisarazu Akane Fuji AH-1S Step III


To note:
This was given out earlier this year (2022) to DMM players as a camouflage for the helicopter which can be found at my camouflage suggestion here: 


The Fuji AH-1S is a licensed variant of the Bell AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter that was developed and manufactured by Fuji Heavy Industries in Japan. The AH-1S was used by the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) for various military operations, including ground-attack, reconnaissance, and anti-tank missions. The AH-1S was equipped with Japanese-made weapons and avionics systems, and was specifically designed to meet the needs of the JGSDF. The AH-1S was operated by the JGSDF from the 1980s to the 2000s, before being gradually retired and replaced by newer aircraft. Despite its age, the AH-1S was widely regarded as a highly effective and capable attack helicopter that was well-suited to Japan's defense needs. 
Currently the JSDF still uses AH-1S’s however they are working on a replacement for the AH-1S’s as well as the AH-64’s with they AH-X programme.

Kisarazu Akane:

In 2011 to commemorate the 4th Anti-Tank Helicopter Squadron’s 19th Anniversary one of the squadron’s AH-1S’s was given distinctive markings with the original character Aoi Kisarzu which was created by the squadron personnel. The following year (2012) Illustrator Takashi Fujisawa got onboard with the project and created the designs for Akane Kisarazu.
By 2013 there were a total of 4 sisters:

Kisarazu Akane (eldest, First Lieutenant)
Kisarazu Aoi (second, Second Lieutenant)
Kisarazu Wakana (third, Leading Private)
Kisarazu Yuzu (youngest)

In 2011 the cost for the markings was ¥150,000 but in 2012 the price doubled to over ¥300,000. The money to cover the costs was raised by donations as well as the selling of character merch.

These sisters gained a lot of popularity in person as well online however higher ups in the JSDF were not happy with them and in 2013 the higher ups stopped the project.









Specs: (Same as those in game used by the AH-1S Kisarazu https://wiki.warthunder.com/AH-1S_Kisarazu)


Crew: two (Pilot, Gunner)

Maximum speed: 277 km/h
Service ceiling: 3,475m


A single 20-mm M197 with 760 rounds
76x Hydra 70 rockets 
8x BGM-71C Improved TOW or BGM-71D TOW-2 Missiles


Engine exhaust infrared suppression
AN/APR-39A radar warning receiver
JAVN-V6 helmet mounted night vision






Edited by Thatz
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Open for discussion. :salute:

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I really like the Japanese 9.0 line up that you can make in Ground Realistic, but what annoys me that there's no 8.7 or 9.0 helicopter to compliment it.

Could developers please add a helicopter of battler rating of 8.7 or 9.0 to Japan? 

My proposal to resolve this issue would be to make AH-1S Early, weaponarry load-out to be battle rating locked/based. What I mean by that is, when you have stock AH-1S with unguided rockets only, it would sit at BR of 8.7 but once you unlock the ATGM's and equip them in any of your load-outs your helicopter would become 9.3 battle rating rated.

How would this work in a matchmaking?

Lets say you have fully spaded AH-1S Early, the game by default would threat it as 8.7 Helicopter even when spaded, but when ever you enter a battle that has battle rating range of 7.7 to 9.0 you would not be able to select any of ATGM's included load-outs, the game would not let you spawn in with it, you would be able to spawn in only with unguided rocket/cannon load-out.

I genuinely hate the ATGM spamming helicopter gameplay, both on delivering and receiving end, but also, I genuinely  believe that there's not enough opportunity to use a helicopter as close quarter air support with unguided rockets at vast BR range. At present, all of the helicopters are balanced solely on their top ATGM weaponarry. Does Gaijin even remember that majority of helicopters don't get access to their ATGMS at stock, making essentially their battle rating vastly inflated, of course they do because their business model is based only on player suffering.

But honestly would it be that difficult to employ such a system and ACTUALLY bring more variety to the game when in comes to helicopter gameplay?

At present only helicopter that you can use with Japan if you want to keep you Match Making BR of 9.0 is the UH-1B at BR of 7.7 which has only 38 Mighty mouse rockets. . ..

I'm confident that implementing my proposed change would enhance the gameplay at those BR's. I believe that I'm speaking on behalf of many that unguided rocket helicopter gameplay is way less annoying to deal with than ATGM camping gameplay.

All of the previously mentioned changes could be employed across all of the nations, I just felt, personally,  like Japan needed it the most.

Feel free to disagree, but please present sensible arguments.

medal medal medal medal medal

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  • 2 months later...
  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.

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