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ItO 90M - Engine rpm is incorrect (current is 2100, should be 2500)


# Game version

My game version: (


# Description

ItO 90M's engine is missing 400 rpm. In-game the engine is 2100 rpm, while in reality the engine is 2500rpm. The horsepower is correct in-game.


# Steps to reproduce the issue

1. Play ItO 90M, or inspect the vehicle's statcard. Observe, that the engine's max rpm is 2100.



# Sources

Sources should comply with the requirements.

  1. Source 1

    1. Sisu-Auto - Sisu XA 180 : käyttö ja huolto, ohjekirja (owners handbook), published 1985, publication number (Julkaisu) no 2.0585 JR

The user manual in question is about the XA-180, the APC that ItO 90M is based on.

NOTE: The official designation of the APC ItO 90M is based on is XA-181. That designation means Xa-180 equipped for the use of anti-aircraft artillery target directing radar. Everything else in Xa-181 and Xa-180 is identical, including the engine.


Cover of the source:



No page numbers in this document. Table of contents shown here, relevant information about the engine is in "Väli 4, Moottori"




Here's the page:




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  • Technical Moderator


Thank you for your interest and help improving the game.


Your information has been forwarded to the Developers for their consideration.


If there is anything further regarding this report a Technical Moderator will contact you.


Thank you again for your support.


Kind Regards, _David_Bowie_

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