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F-4F ICE Upgrades


Hi, I think its quite probable we will see the introduction of the F-4 ICE to the german tech tree this year. With that in mind it would be great if we could list the modifications the plane got, and how it could be separated into different variants. Would be great if anyone would provide additional info.


Phase 2 Upgrades: (phase 1 only included avionics that are not represented in WT)

  • APG-65 Radar (same as used in the F/A-18)
  • New RWR (currently would not mean much in WT but if RWR are reworked with more detailed representation it could result in considerable improvements)
  • Other avionics improvements not represented in game


Later Upgrades:

  • IRIS-T A-A missile: This is one of the most potent contemporary Fox-2 missiles, so it would be too powerfull for the foreseeable future. I read somewhere they were retrofited in the F-4F ICEs as of 2005.


Other lesser known upgrades and missing info:

  • New HUD: I read somewhere it recieved new HUD but cant find any info on it. 
  • New cockpit: I read somewhere it recieved a new cockpit, does any one have any info on this? Does it present a considerable upgrade in game (visibility for Sim) as to list it as a new characteristic?
  • Targeting pod: Have seen the following pictures of it but im not sure what its used for. Its also massive! Also read somewhere it could also use a different targeting pod... Also dont know if this was used in the initial ICE upgrade or later on like the IRIS-T




  • AIM-120B: I read somewhere germany recieved a relatively small quantity of AMRAAMs modification B. Can someone confirm this? And if so, what are its differences to the A model?
  • Any other weapon? Perhaps air-ground? If it recieved IRIS-T later on I would not be surprised if it got other more modern armament. 





According to the previous info the following variants could be added to the game with the follwoing characteristics:


1 - F-4F ICE

Probably Rank VIII 12.0 -12.3 BR

  • APG-65 Radar
  • AIM-120A
  • AIM-9L


2 - F-4F ICE (2005) or (Late)

Probably Rank IX 12.7-13.0 BR

  • Same characteristics as previous 
  • IRIS-T
  • AIM-120B?
  • Sensor pod + newer air-ground weapons?
Edited by gojuancamilo@psn
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56 minutes ago, gojuancamilo@psn said:

Hi, I think its quite probable we will see the introduction of the F-4 ICE to the german tech tree this year. With that in mind it would be great if we could list the modifications the plane got, and how it could be separated into different variants. Would be great if anyone would provide additional info.


Phase 2 Upgrades: (phase 1 only included avionics that are not represented in WT)

  • APG-65 Radar (same as used in the F/A-18)
  • New RWR (currently would not mean much in WT but if RWR are reworked with more detailed representation it could result in considerable improvements)
  • Other avionics improvements not represented in game


Later Upgrades:

  • IRIS-T A-A missile: This is one of the most potent contemporary Fox-2 missiles, so it would be too powerfull for the foreseeable future. I read somewhere they were retrofited in the F-4F ICEs as of 2005.


Other lesser known upgrades and missing info:

  • New HUD: I read somewhere it recieved new HUD but cant find any info on it. 
  • New cockpit: I read somewhere it recieved a new cockpit, does any one have any info on this? Does it present a considerable upgrade in game (visibility for Sim) as to list it as a new characteristic?
  • Targeting pod: Have seen the following pictures of it but im not sure what its used for. Its also massive! Also read somewhere it could also use a different targeting pod... Also dont know if this was used in the initial ICE upgrade or later on like the IRIS-T
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  • AIM-120B: I read somewhere germany recieved a relatively small quantity of AMRAAMs modification B. Can someone confirm this? And if so, what are its differences to the A model?
  • Any other weapon? Perhaps air-ground? If it recieved IRIS-T later on I would not be surprised if it got other more modern armament. 





According to the previous info the following variants could be added to the game with the follwoing characteristics:


1 - F-4F ICE

Probably Rank VIII 12.0 -12.3 BR

  • APG-65 Radar
  • AIM-120A
  • AIM-9L


2 - F-4F ICE (2005) or (Late)

Probably Rank IX 12.7-13.0 BR

  • Same characteristics as previous 
  • IRIS-T
  • AIM-120B?
  • Sensor pod + newer air-ground weapons?


The F-4F ICE used the AN/APG-65GY. IR missiles used are the AIM-9L, AIM-9L/I, AIM-9L/I-1, and IRIS-T. ARH missiles used were the AIM-120A and AIM-120B, the most numerous was the B; Germany oinly acquired around 100 of the A variant. Air to ground ordinance is pretty much unchanged from what we have at the moment on the F-4F, though BAP-100/80 and DURANDAL anti-runway bombs, and BL. 755 cluster bombs could be fitted. Laser guided bombs were evaluated, but I believe they had to be targeted from the ground, the aircraft itself had no means to designate a target. The sensor pod you see was used during the testing of the IRIS-T, basically to track its accuracy and reliability. Something which is not represented in game are the drop tanks. A 600-gal F-15 auxiliary fuel tank can be mounted in the centre while a 'Seargeant Fletcher' 370-gal fuel tank can be mounted on each of the wings. An AN/ALQ-119 ECM pod can be mounted in the left forward AMRAAM bay. A soviet SPS ECM pod from an Su-22 was also tested, fitted to pylon 2.

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ICE cockpit
HUD_72-1523.jpg Cockpit_rear.jpg


F-4F/ICE is the designation given to a substantially upgraded Luftwaffe F-4F. The Improved Combat Efficiency (ICE) program was initiated in late 1983 and was originally intended to produce an interim fighter with improved capabilities that would serve with the Luftwaffe pending the introduction of the EFA (European Fighter Aircraft) into service.

Under the ICE program, the simplified AN/APQ-120 radar of the F-4F was to be replaced with the highly-capable Hughes APG-65 digital multimode radar. This radar was originally intended for the F/A-18 Hornet, and had Doppler velocity tracking capability for moving target indication. In addition, the APG-65 had the ability to distinguish targets against ground clutter and had the ability to track multiple targets at the same time.

The F-4F was also to be given the capability of carrying and launching the Hughes AIM-120 AMRAAM missile. The AIM-120 missile was intended as a replacement for the AIM-7 Sparrow semi-active radar homing missile. The AIM-120 relies on semi-active radar homing for the initial flight to the target, but has autonomous midcourse inertial guidance and a radar transmitter in the nose to provide active terminal radar homing for the final approach to the target. The AMRAAM thus has a real measure of "fire-and-forget" capability. Since the AMRAAM has approximately the same size as the Sparrow, it could be carried within the Sparrow "slots" on the underside of the F-4F.

The F-4Fs were also to receive a new Litef digital fire control computer, a TST radar control console, and Frazer-Nash ejectors for the belly-mounted AMRAAMS. Also to be provided were a new IFF system, a new air data computer, and a new intertial platform. The ICE upgrade program for the F-4F was initiated in late 1983, and initially called for the full upgrade of the 75 Luftwaffe F-4Fs belonging to the interceptor wings JG71 and JG74, with a more modest upgrade being planned for the remaining F-4Fs belonging to the fighter-bomber wings JBG 35 and JBG 36. Later, when JBG 36 switched to the interceptor role and became JG 73, it was decided that the number of aircraft to get the full package of ICE upgrades should be increased to 110.

It was decided that the ICE program should proceed in two stages. In the first phase, all F-4Fs would receive the Honeywell H-423 laser gyro inertial navigation system, the GEC Avionics CPU-143/A digital central air data computer, and a new Mil Std 1553R digital data bus. In the second stage, the 110 interceptor aircraft would get the full package of ICE upgrades.

The first phase of the upgrade began in October 1988. The Litton ALR-68(V)-2 radar warning receiver was added to the upgrade package in 1989. The first fleet aircraft retrofits began in March of 1990. This program is now complete.

Phase 2 of the ICE program took a lot longer than expected, owing primarily to problems and delays in the AMRAAM program. The first F-4F/ICE test aircraft was F-4F 3715 (USAF 72-1125), which flew for the first time in July of 1989. It was equipped to launch the AIM-120 but not to guide it. The second test aircraft (3713, USAF 72-1123) was provided with the full suite of ICE improvements, and began flight tests in April of 1990.

The program to retrofit interceptor squadron F-4Fs began in July of 1991. It is still ongoing. It was originally scheduled to be completed by the end of 1995. The first live AMRAAM launch by an F-4F took place on November 22, 1991. By July of 1992, six ICE conversions had been redelivered to JG 71 "Richthofen".

The rapidly rising costs of the EFA (now known as Eurofighter 2000) project gave the hard-pressed new unified German government a bout of cold feet. At one time, the German government had considered dropping out of the EFA project altogether, leaving their British, Italian, and Spanish partners to go it alone. Since Germany was carrying fully a third of the load, her withdrawal would undoubtedly have doomed the Eurofighter 2000 project. After much finger-pointing and arm-twisting, the German government was persuaded to continue to participate in the development phase of the project, with the final decision on whether Germany would actually order any production articles being deferred until after 1995. As of the posting of this article, it is still uncertain if the German government will actually order any production examples of the Eurofighter 2000. Even if they do, the Eurofighter 2000 will not enter Luftwaffe service until the year 2002 at the earliest. The F-4F/ICE will have to soldier on until least that time.




  1. McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Since 1920: Volume II, Rene J. Francillon, Naval Institute Press, 1990.
  2. McDonnell F-4 Phantom: Spirit in the Skies. Airtime Publishing, 1992.
  3. Modern Air Combat, Bill Gunston and Mike Spick, Crescent, 1983.
  4. The American Fighter, Enzo Angelucci and Peter Bowers, Orion, 1987.
  5. United States Military Aircraft Since 1909, Gordon Swanborough and Peter M. Bowers, Smithsonian, 1989.
  6. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aircraft Armament, Bill Gunston, Orion, 1988.
Edited by dotEXCEL
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On 15/03/2023 at 17:49, dotEXCEL said:

ICE cockpit
HUD_72-1523.jpg Cockpit_rear.jpg




  1. McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Since 1920: Volume II, Rene J. Francillon, Naval Institute Press, 1990.
  2. McDonnell F-4 Phantom: Spirit in the Skies. Airtime Publishing, 1992.
  3. Modern Air Combat, Bill Gunston and Mike Spick, Crescent, 1983.
  4. The American Fighter, Enzo Angelucci and Peter Bowers, Orion, 1987.
  5. United States Military Aircraft Since 1909, Gordon Swanborough and Peter M. Bowers, Smithsonian, 1989.
  6. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aircraft Armament, Bill Gunston, Orion, 1988.


These photos are from Hellenic modernized F-4E afaik. F-4F ICE never fitted any MFD screens. It retained the old radar screen.

Edited by _PanzerNinja_
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