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Crate Modules

@Stona @Smin1080p

Is there a way for PS4 players to use GE to get crate modules? I'm 6 off from getting the A7K and due to having a family I wasn't able to grind the last 6. I was able to get the other stuff with GE in the background while doing other things when needed but there's no way to get any missed crate modules. There really should be a way to make up missed time instead of punishing players who might have obligations such as family or work. I hopped on when I could to grind out the crates and even skipped out on other things in life because I'd like to fly the A7K in game. Please is there a way for me to get these last 6 crate modules so I can get the A7? I have no interest in the French low tier tank and do not play naval. 

Being that PSN players don't have access to the marketplace, it would be only right that there was a way to fully grind out these events with GE for console players because if PC players miss it they can just get what they're missing from the marketplace and if they want the specific vehicle they go straight to it on the marketplace. It would be only just that there was some equality for console players here. I shouldn't be punished in game for taking care of family when I put what time I could towards the event. 

Edited by CoFro_8@psn
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15 hours ago, CoFro_8@psn said:

@Stona @Smin1080p

Is there a way for PS4 players to use GE to get crate modules? I'm 6 off from getting the A7K and due to having a family I wasn't able to grind the last 6. I was able to get the other stuff with GE in the background while doing other things when needed but there's no way to get any missed crate modules. There really should be a way to make up missed time instead of punishing players who might have obligations such as family or work. I hopped on when I could to grind out the crates and even skipped out on other things in life because I'd like to fly the A7K in game. Please is there a way for me to get these last 6 crate modules so I can get the A7? I have no interest in the French low tier tank and do not play naval. 

Being that PSN players don't have access to the marketplace, it would be only right that there was a way to fully grind out these events with GE for console players because if PC players miss it they can just get what they're missing from the marketplace and if they want the specific vehicle they go straight to it on the marketplace. It would be only just that there was some equality for console players here. I shouldn't be punished in game for taking care of family when I put what time I could towards the event. 




Its not possible to buy crates with GE. The full details can be found within the article: https://warthunder.com/en/news/8186-event-repair-factory-en


You can by a , but not crates themselves:


Allows you to get additional crate modules in battles without restriction — 4 units for every 7500* mission scores.


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1 hour ago, Smin1080p said:


You can by a Contract for the supply of Crate Module, but not crates themselves:


This allows you to get extra modules with mission score and that time limit is over. I'm looking to find a way to trade GE if I have to for crate modules considering I have only 6 more to get the A7K. If it was PC and I missed the allotted time limit to take care of a sick family member I could get it from the marketplace. Buy being on console the only thing I could get straight with GE was parts needed for the exoskeleton, not the crate module. I only had a limited time to spend in game for mission score, while assembling the exoskeletons could be done in the background with GE. I'm asking for a way to assemble crate modules with GE to make up for lost time in games.

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Yeah I burned through maybe $50 to get the vehicle I’m wanting. I made it all the way to the end until these crate modules got in the way. Traditionally, we have never had this problem because no matter what crate/pack/box we purchased with Golden Eagles - it was to finish what couldn’t be finished after the event said no more parts/pieces/grinding. So, I’ve already requested a refund. Why sell the parts and still not be able to finish what’s needed? That’s what has me scratching my head.

Like, why not 1,000 GE or x amount to be able to complete the box modules/pack all exoskeletons for equivalent of one Acceptance Certificate? I just have to pack my exoskeletons and I’ll have all 3 certificates to buy a nice event vehicle. Imagine that struggle and frustration.

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I made it by spending € 6,95 x2 = € 14,-

I did 12 exoskeletons by grinding then i got tired as hell. (i needed to play 2 to 4 hours a day)

When i reached 12 exoskeletons on sunday i said F** it.. no more..

So i spend money... and got the A7K.

I can tell you that it was alot of work, and it was to much.

It should have been 10 exoskeletons and not 15 exoskeletons or a week extra of game time.

Gaijin man, some people have JOBS and a FAM.

Give us something for free sometimes.

Edited by GeNeXsis@psn

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@Smin1080p @Stona

It's been 3 says since we've heard anything on this issue. Is there going to be a way for console players to finish these crate modules out with GE or are you guys abandoning this thread and ignoring it from here on out. You haven't giving us an answer on the question at hand. It's not a good look to tell players to go screw themselves when they've already payed GE and are willing to do a wee bit more to try and complete this event. Especially when PC players have a way to buy these vehicle after the event and console players cannot, the least you can do is make all the parts of the event purchasable to give us a chance too.

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9 minutes ago, CoFro_8@psn said:

@Smin1080p @Stona

It's been 3 says since we've heard anything on this issue. Is there going to be a way for console players to finish these crate modules out with GE or are you guys abandoning this thread and ignoring it from here on out. You haven't giving us an answer on the question at hand. It's not a good look to tell players to go screw themselves when they've already payed GE and are willing to do a wee bit more to try and complete this event. Especially when PC players have a way to buy these vehicle after the event and console players cannot, the least you can do is make all the parts of the event purchasable to give us a chance too.




I answered several days ago:


On 18/04/2023 at 18:35, Smin1080p said:




Its not possible to buy crates with GE. The full details can be found within the article: https://warthunder.com/en/news/8186-event-repair-factory-en


You can by a , but not crates themselves:



It is not possible to purchase the crates themselves with GE. The full terms were available in the news article from the start of the event. 

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21 minutes ago, Smin1080p said:


It is not possible to purchase the crates themselves with GE. The full terms were available in the news article from the start of the event. 

I'm not asking to buy crates, I'm asking to buy crate modules. Or some way to complete a full vehicle via GE considering console has no option to just getting any vehicle missed off the marketplace, thus having a way to use GE to make up lost time would be needed.

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@Smin1080p there less than 2 days left on this event. Is there any way for me to complete the last Acceptance Certificate when I have 14 Crate Modules. Is there any way for me to use GE to finish it, or is the company really telling me that I'm screwed because I had to take care of sick family? If I was on PC I could use the marketplace, so what does console have to to offset that for those of us that have obligations in life? Are you really going to tell me that the company wants me to focus on the game more than my family in order to obtain the A7K or are you going to give console the same consideration and fairness as PC. I'm getting sick and tired of getting shafted as a console player.

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15 minutes ago, CoFro_8@psn said:

@Smin1080p there less than 2 days left on this event. Is there any way for me to complete the last Acceptance Certificate when I have 14 Crate Modules. Is there any way for me to use GE to finish it, or is the company really telling me that I'm screwed because I had to take care of sick family? If I was on PC I could use the marketplace, so what does console have to to offset that for those of us that have obligations in life? Are you really going to tell me that the company wants me to focus on the game more than my family in order to obtain the A7K or are you going to give console the same consideration and fairness as PC. I'm getting sick and tired of getting shafted as a console player.

I mean, we had the Chest with 50 Mats each for 699GE and the More Parts for the Chests paper for (999?GE) which gives you instead of 1 part 1+4...

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25 minutes ago, Dontkev@psn said:

I mean, we had the Chest with 50 Mats each for 699GE and the More Parts for the Chests paper for (999?GE) which gives you instead of 1 part 1+4...

You still need the crate modules to finish it and those take the most mission score to complete. 

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Just now, CoFro_8@psn said:

You still need the crate modules to finish it and those take the most mission score to complete. 

sure, but you had a around 10 days to get 4x7500 Missionpoints (if you had the thing for GE)

and depending on the Rang you played for it it was even less...

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2 hours ago, Dontkev@psn said:

sure, but you had a around 10 days to get 4x7500 Missionpoints (if you had the thing for GE)

and depending on the Rang you played for it it was even less...

I normally wouldn't have an issue for this, but I was taking care of sick family came up only 6 modules short. I took what time I could to grind what I could it and it probably was too much time away from my family at the time. If I had the same options as a PC player I'd have no problem using the marketplace for it.  But being console players are handicapped when it comes to the utility of event vehicles, I think it'd be appropriate for there to be a way to obtain the full event via GE.

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