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Ground vehicles

  • T25 — The thickness (4 - >10 mm) and the material (structural steel -> rolled armour) of the grilles on the top of the engine-transmission compartment have been fixed. Previously, these grilles could be penetrated by machine gun fire from other ground vehicles.
  • Ariete (all modifications) — The material (structural steel - > combined armour plate) and thickness (4 - > 20 mm) of the side skirts have been fixed.
  • 9М331 — The missile's maximum permissible overload has been clarified. Permissible overload has been changed from 16 to 42G.
  • 9М331 — The missile dynamics has been reworked. The work of autopilots for guidance and orientation of the rocket has been clarified.
  • ZLT11 — A bug where the absence of hatch main armour on the right side of the hull has been fixed ( report ).
  • QN506 — A bug which made it impossible to use the commander’s sight except for the cannon’s direction has been fixed ( report 1 , report 2 ).
  • QN506 — Ammo of the 7.62 machine gun has been changed from 2000 to 1000 rounds.
  • QN506 — A bug causing part of the hull roof armour to combine at the same time as the air intake grill has been fixed ( report ).
  • QN506 — Partition between the unmanned combat compartment and control compartment has been added.
  • QN506 — In the damage mode and X-Ray view, the ammo for the 30 mm cannon has been divided into two belts.
  • M6A1, T1E1 — A bug which made it possible to fire the offensive machine guns after the loss of the gunner has been fixed.
  • M4A5 — A bug with the inconsistent location of transmission geometry in the damage model and X-ray view has been fixed.
  • M163 — A bug with absence in the DM of the breech part of the cannon has been fixed ( report ).
  • 2S38 — A bug with discrepancy of the location of the cannon’s breech geometry in DM and X-Ray view has been fixed ( report ).
  • ZSU-23-4, ZSU-37-2 — The mode of the circular scanning has been changed from “Circular” to “Accelerated circular” mode. Angular scanning speed has been changed from 20 to 60 degrees per second. Source: “Пособие по изучению правил стрельбы батареи, взвода, установки ЗСУ-23-4. 1969”


  • F-84G (Italy) — air respawn has been fixed.
  • PB4Y (all versions) — air respawn has been fixed.
  • Milan — a bug has been fixed where the fuel tank was overlapping the cannon magazines.
  • F-5E (all versions) — a bug where the radar in the cockpit was shifted to the side has been fixed.
  • Kurnass 2000 — a bug where the radar in the cockpit was shifted to the side; the radar colour scheme has been adjusted has been fixed.
  • A-7K — a bug where a data popup of the LANA targeting pod was similar to the A-7E pod has been fixed.
  • P.108A series 2 — a bug where the modification “New 102mm cannons” increased a shell spread on distances over 500 metres has been fixed.
  • Ju 388 J a bug where the windshield glass was specified as “armour” in the armour view tab in the hangar has been fixed.
  • A-4 (all versions) — jet boosters have been added to all A-4 aircraft, similar to A-4B versions. A bug with the infinite repair on the airfield has been fixed.
  • Yak-141 — stealth belt has been added to the GSh-30-1 cannon.
  • MiG-29 — a bug where the MFD remained idle after disabling the HUD has been fixed.
  • A bug where the contrail was not displayed in the local replay has been fixed.
  • A bug where while test flying the Soviet piston-engined aircraft, as well as French and British hydroplanes, the gunner’s sight was blinking in the allowed fire angles, which made it impossible to disable AI gunners, has been fixed.

Aircraft missiles

  • 9М39 — altitude control engine and autopilot has been added.
  • L-UMTAS — autopilot has been improved. Significantly improved autopilot at short-range. ( report )
  • ZT-6 Mokopa — the rocket dynamics and autopilot have been reworked. Significantly improved autopilot at short-range.
  • CIRIT — autopilot has been improved.
  • APKWS II (M151) — autopilot has been improved.
  • APKWS II (M282) — autopilot has been improved.
  • R-27Т, R-27R, R-27ER — control guidance delay upon launching has been reduced from 0.5 to 0.4 sec ( report ).
  • AIM-54A — the rocket dynamics and autopilot have been reworked. Max overload has been increased from 16G to 17G. Sources: “An Outsider’s View Of The Phoenix/AWG-9 Weapon System”, “Grumman F-14 Tomcat by David Baker”, “Iranian F-14 Tomcat Units in Combat by Tom Cooper, Farzad Bishop (Author) & Chris Davey (Illustrator) form Osprey Publishing”
  • AIM-54A — a bug where the missile could destroy the carrier aircraft while pulling up has been fixed ( report ).
  • AIM-54A — the seeker warm-up angles have been increased from 45 to 60 degrees. Source: “An Outsider’s View Of The Phoenix/AWG-9 Weapon System”
  • AIM-54A — guidance equipment operational time has been increased from 100 to 160 sec. Source: “An Outsider’s View Of The Phoenix/AWG-9 Weapon System”
  • AIM-54A — the climbing up angle has been increased. ( report ).


  • Z-47 The possibility of simultaneous firing of the 128 mm and 37 mm guns has been disabled .
  • Blagorodnyy — A bug where the first order ammo racks for the main calibre turrets weren’t displayed if the auxiliary armament wasn’t selected has been fixed.
  • Duguay-Trouin — The elevation angles of the 75mm anti-aircraft gun have been changed from 60 to 85 degrees.

Game mechanics

  • Respawn cost of the Pantsir-S1 in Ground RB has been increased to the SPG level: 90-130 RP instead of 70-110.
  • Weapon RP costs for ATGM-carrying helicopters in Ground RB has been changed:
    • Increased by 9% for ATGMs with proximity fuzes;
    • Decreased by 10% for ATGMs with guiding distance of 2 km and below;
    • Increased by 9% for ATGMs with guiding distance above 6 km


  • A bug that caused the vehicle in the research window not to update when replacing this vehicle in the setup has been fixed.


Other changes

  • An FPS drop while sending long messages in the in-game chat has been fixed.
  • Incorrect display of the aircraft gunner’s hands have been corrected.


  • A bug where the functionality of showing the list of the last past players after the battle wasn’t working has been fixed.
  • The displaying of nicknames for all Gaijin users has been unified.
    • Added support for Unicode letters and numbers that allows the vast majority of nicknames from Steam to look unchanged in Gaijin services.
    • If you encounter any issues in game client , please report them on community.gaijin.net .

The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.

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13 minutes ago, Stona said:

Weapon RP costs for ATGM-carrying helicopters in Ground RB has been changed:

  • Increased by 9% for ATGMs with proximity fuzes;
  • Decreased by 10% for ATGMs with guiding distance of 2 km and below;
  • Increased by 9% for ATGMs with guiding distance of 6 km and above.

Awesome change, can we now please have a "cost per missile", so that 4 Hellfires dont cost es much as 16 for example?


Same system would be also great for planes... TV+Laserguided stuff.

Edited by Noir89
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2 hours ago, Stona said:

T25 — The thickness (4 - >10 mm) and the material (structural steel -> rolled armour) of the grilles on the top of the engine-transmission compartment have been fixed. Previously, these grilles could be penetrated by machine gun fire from other ground vehicles.

The T25 being buffed? I thought I'd never see the day...


Now to wait for a much needed transmission change for the T25.

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6 hours ago, Stona said:

Kurnass 2000 — a bug where the radar in the cockpit was shifted to the side; the radar colour scheme has been adjusted has been fixed.

Im sorry, but did you notice. It's. Shifted. In. Every. Single. Phantom. In. The. Game. Every single one, i just checked, F-4E (US), F-4C, F-4J, F-4F (early), F-4F, FGR.2. Don't know if its only on the rectangular radar or its the same on the triangular one.

Edited by MarekoiSK
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7 hours ago, Stona said:


  • APKWS II (M151) — autopilot has been improved.
  • APKWS II (M282) — autopilot has been improved.

These missiles are entirely broken now, at least in the test range. They seem to like to lock onto the ground some distance to the right of the target, even when they go for the actual target they seem to hit around it rather than hitting it. You've taken an almost useless weapon and removed the almost.

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9 hours ago, Stona said:

A-4 (all versions) — jet boosters have been added to all A-4 aircraft, similar to A-4B versions. A bug with the infinite repair on the airfield has been fixed.

The boosters are broken in a simulator setting match (at least on PlayStation). Beginning to throttle up prior to igniting the boosters uses the boosters' fuel and they then fail to ignite, will not jettison, and block the airbrake. I have reported this via the bug reporting website: https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/Prwxcs6MZeGH


I am addressing it here as well, since this expands the effect from only the A-4B which has had this issue for a long time to presumably all A-4 aircraft (I specifically checked the US Squadron A-4E Early, and Israeli premium A-4E). The work around prior to a fix is to ignite the boosters prior to increasing the throttle.

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6 hours ago, MarekoiSK said:

Im sorry, but did you notice. It's. Shifted. In. Every. Single. Phantom. In. The. Game. Every single one, i just checked, F-4E (US), F-4C, F-4J, F-4F (early), F-4F, FGR.2. Don't know if its only on the rectangular radar or its the same on the triangular one.


The issue was only reported specifically for the Kurnass. If you experience an issue, please be sure to report it here :)


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Well I think you are on the right track fixing the imbalances at top tier, which is much appreciated. However, the nerf degree to Russian 11.7 is still not enough imo. I feel the pantsir should receive a unique spawn point formula, preferably equivalent to that of ADATS in order to limit its number, before other nations obtain their equivalence or effective countermeasures against it. On the other hand, the sp cost of a ka52 equipped with 12 vikhr should be nowhere lower than a uht with 8 pars-3 missiles. The fire-and-forgot feature of pars-3 is both an advantage and a flaw in this game, the fact that you cannot manually control the missile movement creates more uncertainties and instabilities. Besides, the effectiveness of pars-3 is severely reduced ever since the tank corpses no longer disappear after death. At present I think the ka52 and mi28nm should be more costy than a uht, not the other way around.

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21 hours ago, Stona said:

Weapon RP costs for ATGM-carrying helicopters in Ground RB has been changed:

  • Increased by 9% for ATGMs with proximity fuzes;
  • Decreased by 10% for ATGMs with guiding distance of 2 km and below;
  • Increased by 9% for ATGMs with guiding distance above 6 km

Do these increases stack on applicable missiles? Vihkrs being long range and proximity missiles, do these now cost 18% more? or just 9%?

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Is there a reason you cannot shoot down trees/bushes anymore? I see that arty can still knock down a tree, but main cannons, mg's or auto-cannons do not.


Is this a new "feature", or a bug?

Edited by Vortex__

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For some reason trees can no longer be cut down by HE or HEAT shells anymore. Is this a deliberate change or a bug? I support having trees that are screening spawn being immune, but removing trees is a Ley part of finding good spots in the game and is a good mechanic - just like knocking down houses and tents etc to clear lines of sight. Please allow it!!!

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