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Aircraft 4 USA Blue_7f6184bf6d58db8f5cc9

  • A bug that caused trees and bushes not to fall when they were hit by shells, bullets and rockets has been fixed.
  • A bug that would randomly reset control settings has been fixed.


Improved camera in replays


  • New camera “Two plane camera” for use in replays and arbiter mode has been added. The cinematic camera allows you to track other aircraft while keeping the selected player’s aircraft in the frame. You can seamlessly switch to the next aircraft in the range. To control the new camera you need to go to “Controls” under “Spectator camera”.
  • The ability to fix the direction of the free camera movement independent of the direction of view has been added.
  • You can move and rotate now the camera that follows the aircraft.
  • The ability to disable and enable shaking of the aircraft tracking camera has been added.
  • Blocking the direction of view in the horizontal plane has been added.
  • Free camera speed blocking (current and according to aircraft speed) has been added.
  • Zoom speed adjustment has been added for all cameras.
  • “Field of view” setting has been added for cameras in replays. You can set the desired value in the menu “Session Settings” -> “Main parameters” -> “Replays and Spectator Mode”.


The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.

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  • Technical Moderator
11 minutes ago, OrsonES said:

New camera “Two plane camera” for use in replays and arbiter mode has been added. The cinematic camera allows you to track other aircraft while keeping the selected player’s aircraft in the frame. You can seamlessly switch to the next aircraft in the range. To control the new camera you need to go to “Controls” under “Spectator camera”.


I've been waiting for a bind like for a very long time. Instead of pressing the Random view key and hoping you get that camera angle for like 3 minutes straight.

This will definitely help people who make videos out a ton.



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These are the very features I have felt I needed for a long time. Excellent well done Gaijin. o7


But it's a bit inconvenient that the camera zoom has lost its inertia. Is there any way to get the smooth zooming back like before?

Edited by Kawashima_Momo

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This is fantastic! Been wanting some of these features for a long time. Thank you, Gaijin! :salute:


Which reminds me. Plane and helicopter cockpit interiors move in a really twitchy manner when using the Target Camera: Enemy function in cockpit view. This glitch has been a major immersion breaker for years now. Will it ever be fixed?

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I'm trying to test out the "The ability to disable and enable shaking of the aircraft tracking camera has been added" function. What exactly does this apply to? Is it when tracking 2 aircraft? Because there still seems to be that little "vibration" that aircraft in game still have apparently.

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