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QA Feedback to DevTeam (05/26)


Q. Add an unlimited amount of bans/5 bans.

  • The problem with this one is that we already have situations with the current one ban system, where some maps are rarely ever played. Adding additional bans (5 bans for sure) will lead to situations where all available maps are banned from the current queue, meaning matches won’t be able to start at all, or only after significant waiting times.


Honestly, this response shows great disrespect to the player base. If you already see that some maps are very rarely "available" because most players use their ban on these very maps, it is distinctive feedback, that these maps are sub-par or plainly suck.

Instead of considering that type of feedback, you now fall back to the all-to-well-known cry-baby behavior and tell us "buhuhuhu, you don't like our map designs, but *smirk* we still MAKE you to play them". Get your stuff together and listen to that type of feedback in order to improve maps!

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If there are maps that are on the very low frequencies due to people banning them it might aswell be a sign that you should just get rid of those. Some maps just got objectively horror levels of design.

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good that we have at least some answers ...


but mostly it is showcase "look at how many questions we ignored for years" ... long Q/A list and there really isn't anything new, all these questions are things asked many times on the forums. Just look at the very first question, HEAT damage was very sketchy since the very first iteration of ground forces beta. This really shouldn't have needed almost 10 years of waiting followed by major community relations fiasco to be only just acknowledged as problem (and in no way fixed yet).


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