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Feedback/question on matchmaking/BR


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I know this post should be part of the pinned matchmaker thread, but I want to give it more obvious room for discussion.


I always asked myself why we have BR with only distinctive values (x.0, x.3, x.7). It seems to me that this is an arbitrary choice or a left over from a different, older design.

However, I do feel that this would enable more options for customization to achieve more fair matches.

My suggestion: Haver the vehicle sit in its designated BR as we have it right now. However, add 0.1 increments for progress in research and crew training.

Example: Have a tank at 8.0 stock and when crew is high enough for expert (15 crew level per rank I think it is) add 0.1 for match making. If the tank is half through research, add another 0.1. If tank is spaded, another 0.1 which totals to up to 0.3 for all three elements. So a spaded, expert crew 8.0 tank would run 8.3 for match making.



  • Reduce match maker range to 0.7 or address BR compression by stretching BR up to 15 or 16 with current state of the game
  • Greatly reduce SL cost for expert training (thinking of 60-80% reduction!)
  • Make FPE and repair kit available for stock tanks. You can keep the research token for improving FPE (e.g. increase number of uses from 1 time to 3 times) and repair kit (increase efficiency by 30%, resulting in 77% repair time compared to stock)  
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