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Repair costs for vehicles above rank 3


currently I'm grinding Sweden tanks and i have the IKV 91 and the STRV 81 RB52

(Ignoring captures because most of them are taken before I arrive)
The repair cost for the IKV 91 is 5286 for me
The repair cost of the STRV 81 RB52 is 2799
The average SL I get for a kill in the IKV 91 is 1910 silver lions
The average SL I get for a kill in the STRV 81 RB52 is 2500 silver lions
I average about 1-2 kills per game and 1 assist which is 1110 silver lions

for 2 kills in the IKV 91 I would get 3820 silver lions and for 2 kills in the STRV 81 RB52 I get 5000 which is enough to repair and profit
to be able to repair AND profit with the IKV 91 alone in a lineup I would need 4-5 kills with it without dying until the end

If I want to be able to properly contribute to my team and not be a 1 death leaver I would need about 3 kills with the IKV and 2-3 kills with the STRV 81 RB52 just to profit
if I want to be able to bring planes I would need up to 7 kills to be able to use the A21-A3 in the battle
the repair cost is already so bad I can barely profit and when I do profit its only for 1 game and I immediately lose it to repair costs
I'm not even sure whether I can afford to crew and play the Bkan 1c because of the repair cost


Edited by ValtyrKarl

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17 minutes ago, ValtyrKarl said:

If I want to be able to properly contribute to my team and not be a 1 death leaver

Gaijin has designed their game so that one death leaving is the most effecient way to get SL and RP, unless they fix that you should just become a one death leaver

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4 minutes ago, UnknowenPlayer said:

Gaijin has designed their game so that one death leaving is the most effecient way to get SL and RP, unless they fix that you should just become a one death leaver

But arent they actively trying to fix that problem?


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2 minutes ago, UnknowenPlayer said:

are they? ive been playing for 3 years and not once have i seen gaijin implement anything to even try and fix the problem, if anything they have just been making it worse

So i shouldnt crew the bkan and just buy it even though i would want to try playing it



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1 minute ago, ValtyrKarl said:

So i shouldnt crew the bkan and just buy it even though i would want to try playing it


you can crew it and try it if you want, but just dont expect every vehicle to be profitable in the current economy. Hopefully gaijin does something to improve the economy at some point but right now it seems like they are just trying to delay and distract us with some other minor improvements

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12 minutes ago, UnknowenPlayer said:

you can crew it and try it if you want, but just dont expect every vehicle to be profitable in the current economy. Hopefully gaijin does something to improve the economy at some point but right now it seems like they are just trying to delay and distract us with some other minor improvements

im gonna do it now cause i like the tank



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That's the issue of WT since years. My personal strategy (besides having premium account and a couple of premium vehicles) is to NEVER play vehicles which have more than 15k SL repair cost, the typical limit being 10k.

This works out for many nations, but not all. Like your example, some rewards are simply way off from the vehicle repair cost and since it is an issue since year, we have the current uproar in the community. The latest "economy changes the snail tried" were not the (only) reason, they were simply the drop which made all boil over. 

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10 minutes ago, ValtyrKarl said:

So i shouldnt crew the bkan and just buy it even though i would want to try playing it


are you going to play it for long enough time to at least get back the SL you'll have to spend on it?


sad reality of WT is that most vehicles in TT are just progression roadblock and SL trap for new players. At low tiers it is less of a problem, but once you are at rank4 and especially rank5+ every vehicle you decide to not only buy (you sort of need to do that to progress through TT) but also crew & expert & play means huge SL hole and you'll need lots of time to dig yourself out from that SL hole. 


IKV 91 ... 240k SL to buy, 68k SL for basic crew, 240k SL for expert crew, 116k SL for all modules. That's 664k SL in total, for just that one vehicle. You already have that vehicle, have paid this SL, so do some rough math how long it'll take you to get this SL back.


BKAN you mentioned is 310k + 90k + 310k + 156k ... 866k SL. How much time in how many battles will you need to get that ammount of SL back? Are you sure you'll play that vehicle that much?


And that's just rank4 vehicles. Vehind IKV-91 at rank5 is U-SH 405 that needs 420k+110k+420k+214k ... that's 1,16M SL, and it has lower SL rewards & higher repair cost, so getting that SL back will be even more painful. And then things get again worse at rank6 & rank7. The game is designed in a way where you won't be able to afford buying & using everything, not even as premium player, unless you stop somewhere and spend time grinding for SL.


And using aircraft is yet another SL trap in ground battles in most cases. You have way lower rewards compared to air RB (both SL & RP), but you pay repair costs balanced based on air RB. And it means yet another set of vehicles you need to buy & crew (waste SL on ... if SL for ground vehicles is already a problem, doubling that problem by needing even more SL for aircraft too isn't good solution). And unless you  take some extra time to grind aircraft TT in air RB your progress through aircraft tree will most likely lag far behind ground vehicles. 


and you you probably start to see why so many players leave after 1 death. Or why it isn't worth it buying & using all vehicles. Because the game does all it can to steer players in that direction. 

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15 hours ago, gozer said:


are you going to play it for long enough time to at least get back the SL you'll have to spend on it?


sad reality of WT is that most vehicles in TT are just progression roadblock and SL trap for new players. At low tiers it is less of a problem, but once you are at rank4 and especially rank5+ every vehicle you decide to not only buy (you sort of need to do that to progress through TT) but also crew & expert & play means huge SL hole and you'll need lots of time to dig yourself out from that SL hole. 


IKV 91 ... 240k SL to buy, 68k SL for basic crew, 240k SL for expert crew, 116k SL for all modules. That's 664k SL in total, for just that one vehicle. You already have that vehicle, have paid this SL, so do some rough math how long it'll take you to get this SL back.


BKAN you mentioned is 310k + 90k + 310k + 156k ... 866k SL. How much time in how many battles will you need to get that ammount of SL back? Are you sure you'll play that vehicle that much?


And that's just rank4 vehicles. Vehind IKV-91 at rank5 is U-SH 405 that needs 420k+110k+420k+214k ... that's 1,16M SL, and it has lower SL rewards & higher repair cost, so getting that SL back will be even more painful. And then things get again worse at rank6 & rank7. The game is designed in a way where you won't be able to afford buying & using everything, not even as premium player, unless you stop somewhere and spend time grinding for SL.


And using aircraft is yet another SL trap in ground battles in most cases. You have way lower rewards compared to air RB (both SL & RP), but you pay repair costs balanced based on air RB. And it means yet another set of vehicles you need to buy & crew (waste SL on ... if SL for ground vehicles is already a problem, doubling that problem by needing even more SL for aircraft too isn't good solution). And unless you  take some extra time to grind aircraft TT in air RB your progress through aircraft tree will most likely lag far behind ground vehicles. 


and you you probably start to see why so many players leave after 1 death. Or why it isn't worth it buying & using all vehicles. Because the game does all it can to steer players in that direction. 

The reward for playing the Bkan is so low per kill i would need 4 kills to repair -_-



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17 hours ago, ValtyrKarl said:

currently I'm grinding Sweden tanks and i have the IKV 91 and the STRV 81 RB52

(Ignoring captures because most of them are taken before I arrive)
The repair cost for the IKV 91 is 5286 for me
The repair cost of the STRV 81 RB52 is 2799
The average SL I get for a kill in the IKV 91 is 1910 silver lions
The average SL I get for a kill in the STRV 81 RB52 is 2500 silver lions
I average about 1-2 kills per game and 1 assist which is 1110 silver lions

for 2 kills in the IKV 91 I would get 3820 silver lions and for 2 kills in the STRV 81 RB52 I get 5000 which is enough to repair and profit
to be able to repair AND profit with the IKV 91 alone in a lineup I would need 4-5 kills with it without dying until the end

If I want to be able to properly contribute to my team and not be a 1 death leaver I would need about 3 kills with the IKV and 2-3 kills with the STRV 81 RB52 just to profit
if I want to be able to bring planes I would need up to 7 kills to be able to use the A21-A3 in the battle
the repair cost is already so bad I can barely profit and when I do profit its only for 1 game and I immediately lose it to repair costs
I'm not even sure whether I can afford to crew and play the Bkan 1c because of the repair cost



Gaijin wants you to purchase premium / premium vehicles to offset the repair costs of vehicles above Rank IV

Direct from the developers 

"At the same time, Premium vehicles will always have a specified income higher than researchable vehicles and a reduced repair cost, which sets a positive average balance for these vehicles. Premium vehicles of high ranks both have an increased reward and are profitable, unlike researchable vehicles of highest ranks." 


The most equitable solution which would keep Gaijin's incentives towards premium / premium vehicles but allow F2P players to freely play the game and not so heavily encourage ODL gameplay would be to implement a system which prevents negative SL loss.  More simply to only discount SL against profits down to a max of zero.  This would still encourage players to grind lower tiers to earn SL to purchase newly research vehicles / crew train / other SL sinks while allowing players the option of either focusing for SL in gameplay or focusing on RP / normal gameplay.  That is to maximize spawns and fight to the last.


The current system is negative towards both normal gameplay and free to play players.  It's partially why there was such a large hub bub about the recent economy changes.  While lower tiers gained negligible increases to SL gain / similarly negligible decreases to repair costs high tier across the board in all game modes would have seen an increase in repair costs while simultaneously a decrease in SL modifiers.


This was made easily viewable by Gaijin in their chart for the changes.  



These changes were reverted and are not current values  but the methodology is clear and stated by the developers; buy premium / premium vehicles to play top tier.  This methodology is negative towards game health and needs to be adjusted to fairly allow F2P players to play top tier otherwise ODL mechanics will continue to disrupt normal gameplay.

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17 hours ago, ValtyrKarl said:

But arent they actively trying to fix that problem?

Eh they weren't even trying to fix anything about the economy until the community finally had enough and literally forced them to act. However until changes actually happen and they actually stay just don't spend any money on the game.... like at all or you know stop playing the game.

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