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NVIDIA drivers


Recently I installed new Linux version. It works Ok. Then I also re-installed War Thunder. It works, but it also crashed three times in one battle. That repeated too often. So I wondered what different reasons could cause that stability issue. I realized that one possible could be NVIDIA drivers. I had driver number 530 installed, because it was recommended. So I tried driver number 525 instead of the newer. I rebooted computer and tried playing War Thunder. No crashes at all.

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War Thunder is updated with Drivers in mind


There are like a million different reasons why it crashed with the latest Driver... it is why bug reporting technical issues is best, since Tech Mods can go over files supplied and find out what happened.... could be a conflict with your hardware, the driver could have a bug, game was not updated with that driver yet and like I said a million other reasons ^^


So, just make sure to make a Bug report if you try that driver again!


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