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Crew Qualification





As you all know there are 2 crew qualification upgrades expert which cost SL and ace which cost GE or hard work.

This is a good system Gaijin can make money from those willing to pay GE this will help keep the game developing and give chance to other players to ace it with no payment.




The crew qualification is linked to each individual crew slot.
meaning if you have aced qualification with of specific crew and you want to change the crew you will lose the qualification and start from zero.


-This will limit your control over your lineup which in a way bury some vehicle.
 (For example, I aced both T-90A and T-80BVM but can't use them together because they are on the same crew slot So goodbye T-90A).


-As the game develops and more changes are applied to vehicles that change the BR and break the lineup you have made and this is outside of player control.
(example: I have aced both T-72AV (TURMS-T) and 2S25M the TURMS-T BR was 9.7 and the 2S25M BR 10 there was no problem but with the update now, the TURMS-T BR is 10 but I can't use both of them on this same lineup because they are on the same crew slot) this the most thing that happen to me and this issue becomes even worse as the game develops.



1- First solution let's call it (Everyone wins):-


* When you want to train your crew on a vehicle all your crews train on that vehicle not just one specific crew.


          - The player now can move a vehicle between crew slots without losing the qualification or extra cost.
          - The player can now experiment with lineups and create the lineup that suits his playing style.
          - As the changes happen to the vehicles BR players can adapt to the changes easily.


          - The qualification becomes more appealing to the player and incentives them to invest in the talisman, crew slots, crew training, and ace qualification.

          - The game will look more simple and more forgiving to the new players if they made mistakes and incentives them to stay playing the game.

          - It has no drawback on Gaijin monetizing because the likelihood of players changing crew slots of the aced vehicle is almost impossible.
           (I have about 3000 hr into the game and I have never changed an aced vehicle slot and I will never do that, and when it comes to training multiple crews on the same vehicle I did it a few times that I can count it on one hand).


2- Second let's call it (The player must pay):-

* By linking Qualifications to the vehicle not the crew like modifications
and when you want to change to a new crew you only pay the training cost.



It's a simple fix and easy to implement with a huge impact on the game experience and the community.



Edited by T_Malki
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I like this I have always been annoyed with coming back to playing war thunder after breaks and seeing my certain BR lineups being no longer with vehicles of the same BR. This would be a huge benefit allowing players to only pay the training once per vehicle so when they are sent on holiday they can come back to any crew slot without price or 10,000 silver lions like premiums. Qualifications like Expert and Ace should have honestly always been linked to the vehicle since depending on the vehicle it can cost quite a bit of silver lions. Hopefully, a change like this can be implemented, leading to more full lineups and fewer people leaving after 1 death or people simply unable to play certain vehicles because they can't afford to re-train the crew.

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13 hours ago, T_Malki said:




As you all know there are 2 crew qualification upgrades expert which cost SL and ace which cost GE or hard work.

This is a good system Gaijin can make money from those willing to pay GE this will help keep the game developing and give chance to other players to ace it with no payment.




The crew qualification is linked to each individual crew slot.
meaning if you have aced qualification with of specific crew and you want to change the crew you will lose the qualification and start from zero.


-This will limit your control over your lineup which in a way bury some vehicle.
 (For example, I aced both T-90A and T-80BVM but can't use them together because they are on the same crew slot So goodbye T-90A).


-As the game develops and more changes are applied to vehicles that change the BR and break the lineup you have made and this is outside of player control.
(example: I have aced both T-72AV (TURMS-T) and 2S25M the TURMS-T BR was 9.7 and the 2S25M BR 10 there was no problem but with the update now, the TURMS-T BR is 10 but I can't use both of them on this same lineup because they are on the same crew slot) this the most thing that happen to me and this issue becomes even worse as the game develops.



1- First solution let's call it (Everyone wins):-


* When you want to train your crew on a vehicle all your crews train on that vehicle not just one specific crew.


          - The player now can move a vehicle between crew slots without losing the qualification or extra cost.
          - The player can now experiment with lineups and create the lineup that suits his playing style.
          - As the changes happen to the vehicles BR players can adapt to the changes easily.


          - The qualification becomes more appealing to the player and incentives them to invest in the talisman, crew slots, crew training, and ace qualification.

          - The game will look more simple and more forgiving to the new players if they made mistakes and incentives them to stay playing the game.

          - It has no drawback on Gaijin monetizing because the likelihood of players changing crew slots of the aced vehicle is almost impossible.
           (I have about 3000 hr into the game and I have never changed an aced vehicle slot and I will never do that, and when it comes to training multiple crews on the same vehicle I did it a few times that I can count it on one hand).


2- Second let's call it (The player must pay):-

* By linking Qualifications to the vehicle not the crew like modifications
and when you want to change to a new crew you only pay the training cost.



It's a simple fix and easy to implement with a huge impact on the game experience and the community.



Well,... both of those solutions makes no senses,... IRL a pilot would be qualified on certain aircrafts, and won't be able to use (as pilot) any other aircrafts that they don't qualify onto.


The qualifications, are similarly the experienced gained by pilots for going to Redflags event and similar.


The base training is similar to trainning when entering forces, or switching of aircrafts for new modern one.


This suggestion is in no way a good solution.




I understand that qualification are important in game, and i'll instead propose a different way of doing it:

- Base crew would remain the same price

- Expert crew would be equal to Base crew price (instead of vehicule price today)

- Ace crew would necessit minimum of GE (200x Rank) + an amount payable in SL(2 times expert crew) or in GE (same amount as today)


The ace crew would keep the free option by playing the aircraft (RP Rewards).

Edited by Cpt_Bel_V
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1 hour ago, Cpt_Bel_V said:

IRL a pilot would be qualified on certain aircrafts, and won't be able to use (as pilot) any other aircrafts that they don't qualify onto.


Get the sentiment but this is a game and far removed from RL, if this was a RL game think we'd put up with the game as it is?



34 minutes ago, Threashold said:

Question is, Is it worth the GE spent on Ace? 


Only the person spending the GE could satisfactorily answer this - for me no. I have many many free Ace's. I used to buy lower tiers mainly, now I just simply play a vehical until it's Ace'd. Then think thank *!#$ that's over and promptly never play it again (true story).


And I would support a change where the crew moved with the vehical to a different slot - I may even then again be tempted to use GE for an Ace crew. Not that I would ever hold my breath for this as the Snail would loose a lot of cash if this were to be implemented.



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38 minutes ago, Threashold said:

Question is, Is it worth the GE spent on Ace? 

Well you have to grind 3/4 time the amount of RP required to research the plane, in order to have access to Ace crew.


So,... it will depend on the aircraft itself,...


All aircraft :

under 5.0 --> not worth it

between 5.0 and 7.0 --> only some are worth to have

over 7.0 --> must have to pull harder than your ennemy (but unnecessary if you only go for only using missiles after 9.3)

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8 minutes ago, Toastfrenzy said:

Get the sentiment but this is a game and far removed from RL, if this was a RL game think we'd put up with the game as it

Funny because the game was designed in 2013 with the idea to give realistic experience,... 


Well i admit some of it changed after the boom of new players(since 2020) searching for the new Battlefield/CoD playstyle game.


But this feature is still having sense as it is right now,...


However, maybe a refresh as i proposed in the end of my previous post, would give some kind of novelty.

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26 minutes ago, Cpt_Bel_V said:

All aircraft :

under 5.0 --> not worth it

between 5.0 and 7.0 --> only some are worth to have

over 7.0 --> must have to pull harder than your ennemy (but unnecessary if you only go for only using missiles after 9.3)


This is not a bad guide to work too - in the F2G I hurriedly got my crew aced as was being out pulled by everyone and getting unfashionably hosed by all. Not now though.


I definitely would say, consider Ace crew for planes if you think - or know - you should be able to pull a lot more. I mean who doesn't like to pull more?



20 minutes ago, Cpt_Bel_V said:

Funny because the game was designed in 2013 with the idea to give realistic experience,... 


Yes Yes, No, Yes but No...I once muted that maybe starting a tank battle with no round in the breech, so you could choose etc and continue to choose each time (not having to fire to change etc) but this was larfed out of the room.


It's a game and that's ultimately what we play for, a release in whatever fashion with little or no complexities - or change (in some cases).


I now use DCS for my AC - haven't Air RB'd since late March 16v16 put me off - but I may do soon as sort of miss the pick up and leave carnage of Air RB as it is now.

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On 02/06/2023 at 13:26, Cpt_Bel_V said:

Well,... both of those solutions makes no senses,... IRL a pilot would be qualified on certain aircrafts, and won't be able to use (as pilot) any other aircrafts that they don't qualify onto.


The qualifications, are similarly the experienced gained by pilots for going to Redflags event and similar.


The base training is similar to trainning when entering forces, or switching of aircrafts for new modern one.


This suggestion is in no way a good solution.


I do understand what you say but this is not RL,... IRL the crew who worked on T-28(1939) not the same crew who is working on the T-80BVM,... IRL if crew died they don't go back to the hanger for another round,... IRL there is no GE that you can pay to gain experience....etc. but this some of the way the game can make money.




On 02/06/2023 at 13:26, Cpt_Bel_V said:


I understand that qualification are important in game, and i'll instead propose a different way of doing it:

- Base crew would remain the same price

- Expert crew would be equal to Base crew price (instead of vehicule price today)

- Ace crew would necessit minimum of GE (200x Rank) + an amount payable in SL(2 times expert crew) or in GE (same amount as today)


this has more to do with the upgrades cost not the issue I talked about.




The qualification upgrades have a really big price for expert upgrade in the top tire you pay more than 1,000,000 SL and for ace upgrade is bigger ether you pay GE or work really hard and when the game change vehicles BR it missus your lineup and all the upgrades that you payed or worked really hard for are gone and you start from zero.


Now This issue are getting worse the more they add vehicles the worse it gets and when they change vehicles BR it get even more worse.


I have spoken about this issue more than once in this forum but it seam gaijin are not pother with it in the end it effect the player not them.


but now with (Gaijin new found conscience and we care about the community and if you have an issue talk to us in the forum we are listening) I thought you know what maybe they would.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently made a very detailed suggestion how to solve many problems just by removing qualifications from crews and dissolving their earned RP into other crews with the qualification of the same vehicle. But it got deleted in matter of hours. So i am afraid this discussion is hopeless, Gaijin will not change this.

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On 15/06/2023 at 13:48, Cyber_Demon23395 said:

removing qualifications from crews and dissolving their earned RP into other crews with the qualification of the same vehicle


The entire point is to move vehicles between crew slots without extra charge or loss of qualifications.


Why would I have 2 qualifications for the same vehicle?


 I'm sorry maybe I misunderstood your point.


Can you further explain your idea?



Edited by T_Malki
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  • T_Malki changed the title to Crew Qualification

People have more qualifications for the same vehicle, there are many reasons for it. Mistake, bad planning, inability to play some vehicle setups, bought new crew slot but no new vehicles to asign them there, new in war thunder and dont know how it all works... But you just cant remove qualifications and crews get cluttered over time.


But main point was to be able to move qualifications. Not without extra charge, it will cost you some SL for new qualification, but i dont consider it a problem.

It worked like: create new qualification, delete old one, expert RP from deleted is splitted between remaining crews with the same vehicle qualification. If you started with one existing and one new, at the end you effectively moved your qualification from one slot to other.  That is a simple example, for final implementation you must adress all combinations of levels of qualification (basic,expert, ace), but it would have worked well, and all you need is one operation: deleting a qualification.


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