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mig 25 when


6 hours ago, puptoast said:

Can litearlly anyone explain why gaijin just skipped the mig 25, the soviets have barerly any diversity in jets especially compared to the us. its not like they are avoiding slower bomber intercepter type aircraft either from them adding the mig 23. 


Also R-40 missiles >w<

I think they should have gotten the Mig-25 and not the mig-29. Mig-25 vs Tornado F3 vs F-14 would have been a far more interesting top tier battle than what we have now. Mig-29 and F-16s were added to early in my opinion

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Right now, some aircraft are just too powerful.... you will more than likely see the Mig 25 around the same time that the F-15 is introduced...


The F-15 was designed out of desperation since the US did not have anything that could consistently/successfully counter the "Foxbat", and they did not know what it was capable of at the time... so, more than likely will see both show up around the same time... even then the F-15 may still be bit too advanced... they did design a monster... so yeah, right now just too early for some aircraft 


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5 hours ago, Pacifica said:

Right now, some aircraft are just too powerful.... you will more than likely see the Mig 25 around the same time that the F-15 is introduced...


The F-15 was designed out of desperation since the US did not have anything that could consistently/successfully counter the "Foxbat", and they did not know what it was capable of at the time... so, more than likely will see both show up around the same time... even then the F-15 may still be bit too advanced... they did design a monster... so yeah, right now just too early for some aircraft 


I guess we could get an update that would bring the MiG-25PD, F15A and the Mirage 4000, with adequate copy pasting where it would be adequate, although, we're still stuck with several tech trees with nothing that could fill that performance bracket.

I just hope we don't get another F100 v MIG 19 v subsonic jets for everyone else.

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On 06/06/2023 at 14:27, Pacifica said:

Right now, some aircraft are just too powerful.... you will more than likely see the Mig 25 around the same time that the F-15 is introduced...


The F-15 was designed out of desperation since the US did not have anything that could consistently/successfully counter the "Foxbat", and they did not know what it was capable of at the time... so, more than likely will see both show up around the same time... even then the F-15 may still be bit too advanced... they did design a monster... so yeah, right now just too early for some aircraft 



Calling the MiG-25 'too powerful' is pretty funny, its not even as good as the tornado ADVs.

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I had always thought the counter model for the F-15 was the Su-27, but implementing the MiG-25 as a counter is a little misguided...

I am convinced that the MiG-25 will be like the Super-VautourIIN(Late) in terms of game characteristics and it will be easy to implement in the current version, but the difference with the VautourIIN is that the enemy does not have bombers. This problem is what makes the implementation of the MiG-25 so difficult.

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On 06/06/2023 at 06:27, Pacifica said:

Right now, some aircraft are just too powerful.... you will more than likely see the Mig 25 around the same time that the F-15 is introduced...

Leaked information ??? ^^"

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2 hours ago, somebody_Else said:


Calling the MiG-25 'too powerful' is pretty funny, its not even as good as the tornado ADVs.


Can it do Mach 3.2 ?

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8 hours ago, somebody_Else said:


Top speed at obscenely high altitudes has no relevance to war thunder. At actual combat altitudes, much more modest speeds.


You would run out of map before reaching m 3.2.


What about altitude of up to 123,000+ feet ? and other 29 world records have been registered ?


So... yeah just bit too advanced right now...

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2 hours ago, Pacifica said:

just bit too advanced right now


You can't be serious(?), Mig-25 really isn't any good. Fast, sure, can go high, sure, but what use is that at all in current map/game design. It can't maneuver, doesn't have anything going for it to make it any good in WT and would just be used as a bomber. It doesn't even have a gun, lmao.


It's not advanced whatsoever, or useful in WT..


Edited by CоmeToDaddy
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Would be a pointless addition in WT. Usually Air combat is done like 100 to 500m above the ground, sometimes there's a bit BVR action at few 1000 meters but thats it. That high-alt and high speed missile, which is called Mig-25, would have no niche to be a successful WT jet. High altitude planes are irrelevant, almost nobody climbs up. You'll see the contrails, aim for it, press radar lock hotkey, send a sparrow or R-27R...doong. No one climbs anymore^^

Edited by Thodin
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On 08/06/2023 at 01:24, CоmeToDaddy said:


You can't be serious(?), Mig-25 really isn't any good. Fast, sure, can go high, sure, but what use is that at all in current map/game design. It can't maneuver, doesn't have anything going for it to make it any good in WT and would just be used as a bomber. It doesn't even have a gun, lmao.


It's not advanced whatsoever, or useful in WT..


Well the cruising altitude of MiG-25 is currently higher than most missile maximum Ceiling,...


The fact is there, you're fast and high, and basically untouchable for most players,...


while your ennemies have to turn and burn against MiG-29's, you can basically choose who ever you want to shoot down, R-40 missiles are really efficient fired from there, as they have gravity helping them to keep lot of energy, so even at long range those missiles would be deadly.

On 08/06/2023 at 07:07, Thodin said:

Would be a pointless addition in WT. Usually Air combat is done like 100 to 500m above the ground, sometimes there's a bit BVR action at few 1000 meters but thats it. That high-alt and high speed missile, which is called Mig-25, would have no niche to be a successful WT jet. High altitude planes are irrelevant, almost nobody climbs up. You'll see the contrails, aim for it, press radar lock hotkey, send a sparrow or R-27R...doong. No one climbs anymore^^

Pointless i don't think so,... 

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1 hour ago, Cpt_Bel_V said:

Well the cruising altitude of MiG-25 is currently higher than most missile maximum Ceiling,...


The fact is there, you're fast and high, and basically untouchable for most players,...


while your ennemies have to turn and burn against MiG-29's, you can basically choose who ever you want to shoot down, R-40 missiles are really efficient fired from there, as they have gravity helping them to keep lot of energy, so even at long range those missiles would be deadly.

Pointless i don't think so,... 

That altitude advantage would only be useful in Sim or Large EC maps for air RB, otherwise, most BVR missiles would clown on the MIG 25 while it attempts to reach that altitude, as for the engagement at usual altitude,the team composed of MIG25 would be at a disadvantage due to the alternative strategy necessarily employed by MIG25 players, as long as it's only one or two players, the match shouldn't be too affected, but as the aircraft would be one of two realistic options for top tier USSR, I'd wager we'd see more than 3 or 4 per match, situations in which the remainder of that team would be sustain greater losses, having to engage a full opposing team while outnumbered.


the MIG 25 doesn't fit in the current meta of warthunder.

Edited by LD_FR
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While i want things like both the Foxbat and Foxhound for entirely meme reasons and would gladly play them, neither plane fits into the meta at all at top tier so they would be a rather mediocre addition at best. The early MiG-25s would be pretty much DOA and later variants like the PD and PDS would just be a worse Tornado F.3 and we all know how that plane is fairing currently......something like the MiG-31 might work out but it will probably have the same issues just not as extreme.

In the end i can see them coming at some point but i am not exactly expecting anything special.

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