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Steep RP economy is causing the high tier decompression issues


Recently I've read thru Spookston Youtube text-post where he laments about the issue of low-mid tier BR classes vs high tier.
In low tier tanks getting better engine or ammo round will easily push you up tier list while high-level planes are forced to fight each other in insane tech gaps, all-aspect missiles vs rear-aspect missiles, props vs jets, BVR missiles vs short-range missiles, supersonics vs subsonics, no flare planes vs missiles ... do I need to continue?

The thing is, Gaijin's insanely stingy RP gain policy in high tier (and remember, now we're talking about RPs, SLs are separate, but very similar, issue) hurts this game in the long run. Getting to high tier and to all recently introduced new and shiny toys is really hard, both financially end effort-wise, most of new toys remain unreachable for vast majority of (especially new) players. Playing high tier is economically exhausting and tedious AF, plus decompression makes you fight MiGs 29 in hopelessly outdated machines, something like Iraq vs US in the gulf war. That's no fun. 

I've recently played a lot of air RB, most popular tiers are late-war props. Very few ppl play high tier comparatively. That makes it very hard to decompress, which again fuels the issue of people unwilling /and unable to play it. Gaijin makes all those shiny new toys for nobody. 

The issue is, and I've talked about this earlier, steep and cheap RP economy that is an obsolete relic of a bygone era when the game had three nations, not almost dozen like now. Gaijin's fear that people will research everything and stop playing and paying is utterly unfounded. Popularizing this game more with fair economy and fair decompression would benefit the income of the company more than this "annoy the F out of players and sell them overpriced premium vehicles on the gunpoint" business model. There is a limit of BS a player is willing to take. 
I always said, WT should be more popular for how good it is but anti-consumer short-sighted policies keep it forever in a niche. 


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