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Not getting credit for surface target kills for Intense Excitement challenge


I've been trying to complete the Intense Excitement challenge for battle pass. I got through the ground target part without issue, but I'm having trouble with the surface target part. I'm not very far along with naval, so I've been playing naval RB using a 3.0 US coastal lineup including the F4U-1D with HVARs. So far I have gotten 3 confirmed kills with the HVARs against surface ships but haven't gotten credit for any of them in the challenge. I wasn't firing the guns at all, so there's no confusion about what weapon actually recorded the kill. And the F4U-1D is definitely a rank III, which is the only other listed requirement. Has anyone else had issues with this challenge? Is it maybe bugged, or is there some hidden requirement that my setup is not meeting? Or am I just doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.


Edit: To preemptively answer some questions from when I posted this elsewhere, 

- Someone suggested that my boats also have to be rank III, not just the plane. But every vehicle I played was rank III, including the boats and obviously the plane.

- Someone suggested that the target needs to be rank III too. I don't remember every target I killed with the HVARs, but I remember at least one was a rank III (PT-59).

- Someone suggested that you may have to kill bluewater vessels with rockets, and coastal vessels don't count. I tried this a few times with the Hellcat and Tiny Tims but didn't have any luck. If this is the case, I was hoping to have it confirmed for certain before I waste more time trying. Killing destroyers with rockets is much harder than torpedo boats.

Edited by shuperman97

syndrome23 (Posted )

Please use existing BP thread
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I suggest you go to Arcade

I completed the challenge with exactly the same line up and it went really well with HVARS

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Hmm, so I guess the consensus is they were bots. That feels pretty unlucky that 3/3 were all bots, but I guess it's possible. Also a very annoying requirement since there's no way to tell when you're attacking them. I'll try to pay closer attention next time I get a kill. 


2 hours ago, KilianL said:

I suggest you go to Arcade

I actually don't think I've ever done naval AB. Is it similar to GAB where you can periodically play as a random fighter/attacker/bomber? Because then aren't you just rolling the dice that you actually get rockets? If you actually use your own aircraft then I'd love to do AB for this, I might just be mistaken. 

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8 minutes ago, shuperman97 said:



I actually don't think I've ever done naval AB. Is it similar to GAB where you can periodically play as a random fighter/attacker/bomber? Because then aren't you just rolling the dice that you actually get rockets? If you actually use your own aircraft then I'd love to do AB for this, I might just be mistaken. 

You can put in your lineup whatever plane you like 

Ill edit in a minute to add a screenshot of my line up


Edit : there, you just have to have 650 Spawn Points and you can take the plane




Edited by KilianL
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2 hours ago, shuperman97 said:

Also a very annoying requirement since there's no way to tell when you're attacking them

In a ship you can use the automated chat commands to interrogate the player name. If it's a single first name, no squadron, in RB it's probably a Gaijin bot. Once you're in the air it's harder.


If you go to AB there's a lot less of them, they're needed in RB to fill out the matchmaker.

2 hours ago, shuperman97 said:

If you actually use your own aircraft then I'd love to do AB for this, I might just be mistaken

AB and RB have the same spawn rules. Plus ordnance reloads in-air in AB.

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