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So if Russia isn't artificially buffed since they have the best planes, SPAA and arguably the best MBT's, what am I supposed to do to win against these tanks? Hitting a one pixel sized isn't a weak point really since hitting it on your terrible 100 km² maps is not that easy.
Why is the KA-50 easily the best helicopter in game? Why is nothing even comparable to the Pantsir-1? Why are any Tanks but russian tanks not fitted with everlasting, all avoiding ERA? Why are there premium tanks on russia that are clearly better than their "counter parts" of any other nations?


Also why exactly am I always spawning on the weak sides when I play germany but never when I play mother russia? 


To be more objective Russia has the least repair costs and arguably the best vehicles. Why do I need to almost always get matched against russia? Is there some algorythm working taking my IP into account? Also why do I need to spend all my vehicles every match and feed the mighty expert players of mother russia?


I legitimately don't want to troll I just want answers and actual proof that I am wrong here or have my questions denied.

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2 hours ago, ENGIBACTER said:

Because Russian Top tier vehicles like bvm, Ka52, Pantsir, and et al are indeed more advanced than their in-game western counterparts IRL. 

Just play something below 10.0, you’d be much happier.:happysnail:

oh god i just snorted my scotch, That's a good one! Where are they hiding them? IRL of course.

  • Haha 1

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4 hours ago, HansHimmelreich said:

Also why exactly am I always spawning on the weak sides when I play germany but never when I play mother russia? 


This looks somehow familiar to playing Air RB in the old axis vs allied world...in case of low sun (reducing marker range dramatically) the allies had always the sun in the back...some of you might remember this...or the ground targets for allies were mostly pillboxes (easy kill with 0.50 cal) whilst axis had to kill medium tanks (like on old/new Sicily map and still active Battle of the Rhine map) - another example of balancing...  


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4 hours ago, Uncle J Wick@live said:


This looks somehow familiar to playing Air RB in the old axis vs allied world...in case of low sun (reducing marker range dramatically) the allies had always the sun in the back...some of you might remember this...or the ground targets for allies were mostly pillboxes (easy kill with 0.50 cal) whilst axis had to kill medium tanks (like on old/new Sicily map and still active Battle of the Rhine map) - another example of balancing...  


Way back in the day the Allies got the auto-win on the Essen map when the B-17s showed up.


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12 hours ago, ENGIBACTER said:

Because Russian Top tier vehicles like bvm, Ka52, Pantsir, and et al are indeed more advanced than their in-game western counterparts IRL. 

Just play something below 10.0, you’d be much happier.:happysnail:

If that is true why are the recent political events not showing the results of this? If russian military is so strong and all their vehicles are superior to anything on this planet, then why exactly am I not a native russian speaker by now? Adding to the question that the repair costs of all russian vehicles are way lower than any other even though they are way better. Shouldn't superior technology, thicker and more effective armor be more expensive?

Hard to not see the russian bias here since they are no points or base to argue against it.


But in any case, they also removed the stabilisers from other tanks as far as I know even though they had/have some IRL, purely because of balancing.

Therefore they can make their beloved mother russia vehicles less effective. Just so the game is actually balanced and the gopniks have a challenge instead of a feeding session.


I am doing exactly that. Literally only 9.0 but still I get uptiered in 6/10 matches to 10.0.


Btw what is this joke that resembles the 2S38? Another one in line of complete xxxx vehicles.

Also how exactly does it come that not a single leo2 has any ERA? There are models IRL that have those same goes for any abrams model. 


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Got quite few battles with russia top tier recently. We got wiped in most of the time.


Only good point was fact that planes avoid to spawn. Not inc british Ah64 as his aa misiles works like atgm and he can wipe spaa on begening of match.


Conclusion, plaing in T80/90/72 is not auto win mode.

Edited by WinstonWolfe
medal medal

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36 minutes ago, WinstonWolfe said:

Got quite few battles with russia top tier recently. We got wiped in most of the time.


Only good point was fact that planes avoid to spawn. Not inc british Ah64 as his aa misiles works like atgm and he can wipe spaa on begening of match.


Conclusion, plaing in T80/90/72 is not auto win mode.

Never said, but overall imo it's way easier.


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10 minutes ago, HansHimmelreich said:

If russian military is so strong and all their vehicles are superior to anything on this planet, then why exactly am I not a native russian speaker by now?


Imho your first point has nothing to do what language you speak currently. The general approach to spread ideology with weapons is still there, but imho the roles have significantly changed since 1991. 


16 minutes ago, HansHimmelreich said:

If that is true why are the recent political events not showing the results of this?


Do you actually believe that invading a country with a 450k strong army with just 150k troops is a serious attempt to conquer anything? This conquering myth of the RF is imho just a fairy tale in order to ensure that the heads of the military industrial complex and politicians get richer - and to justify the wasting of thousands of lives and enormous amounts of money. The destroyed?/damaged Iris T a few days ago (btw with a white/bright desert camouflage...) costs around 50 million €.


I do not see any parallels to current political "events" as the warfare irl looks different. The used vehicles might be similar but the massive use of drones, ew, conventional/rocket artillery and hypersonic missiles are far away from that what wt can offer. I recommend to watch some vids on yt with Col McGregor regarding actual warfare and tactics. I do not share all of his thoughts, but give it a try...


And to expect that a Russian game developer would offer a war game with totally balanced vehicles is imho the same if you try to order a steak with french fries in a Burger King. The order is possible, but it is highly unlikely that they will be able to meet your expectation.  


Imho your only choice is either to stop investing money and/or playing in the BR brackets most affected - or to find other workarounds for this. As long as fellow players still invest a hell of money (even if they know that some enemy counterparts will "somehow" be superior) - nothing will change.


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32 minutes ago, Uncle J Wick@live said:


Imho your first point has nothing to do what language you speak currently. The general approach to spread ideology with weapons is still there, but imho the roles have significantly changed since 1991. 


I'm just saying that if the game resembles anything to the real world, Russia would be able to conquer anyone without any resistance. According to the game atleast. Therefore all of europe would not be europe but rather "Russia West".

Don't know about all the propaganda that my country or the ukrainians or russia spreads, but the whole images you see atleast shows that russian military vehicles are not clearly superior compared to other nations.


34 minutes ago, Uncle J Wick@live said:

Do you actually believe that invading a country with a 450k strong army with just 150k troops is a serious attempt to conquer anything? This conquering myth of the RF is imho just a fairy tale in order to ensure that the heads of the military industrial complex and politicians get richer - and to justify the wasting of thousands of lives and enormous amounts of money. The destroyed?/damaged Iris T a few days ago (btw with a white/bright desert camouflage...) costs around 50 million €.


I do not see any parallels to current political "events" as the warfare irl looks different. The used vehicles might be similar but the massive use of drones, ew, conventional/rocket artillery and hypersonic missiles are far away from that what wt can offer. I recommend to watch some vids on yt with Col McGregor regarding actual warfare and tactics. I do not share all of his thoughts, but give it a try...


And to expect that a Russian game developer would offer a war game with totally balanced vehicles is imho the same if you try to order a steak with french fries in a Burger King. The order is possible, but it is highly unlikely that they will be able to meet your expectation.  


Imho your only choice is either to stop investing money and/or playing in the BR brackets most affected - or to find other workarounds for this. As long as fellow players still invest a hell of money (even if they know that some enemy counterparts will "somehow" be superior) - nothing will change.



Don't want to go full political here, but yes I am aware that the world needs war to fuel the economy of certain countries. Murica needs war, their economy needs it hence why they already were at war with literally any country in the world. Each piece of equipment costs a huge fortune so whats the deal here? Just from images alone you can tell that german/american tanks etc. are easily on par with russian ones.


My expectations don't matter in this regard. Saying something like this is like pretending nothing on this planet is worth my time then. I am invested in this game, because I still enjoy it from time to time and I want to improve it. But what I learned from russians on the internet is that they think they are smarter, superior and stubborn xxxx that will never let people criticize them even if it is true.

I just want gaijin to stop being nationalistic and artificially make "their" vehicles stronger for no apparent reason. It can't be that hard. 


If I just want to use what is "meta" then I play any other trash cash cow game, no need to play war thunder then. But I am hoping that gaijin eventually proves me wrong with my assumptions, which will never happen anyway, but hope dies at last.

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1 hour ago, HansHimmelreich said:

But what I learned from russians on the internet is that they think they are smarter, superior and stubborn xxxx that will never let people criticize them even if it is true.


If you have trustworthy family members, friends or colleagues who were asked to work abroad: you describe first hand experiences from people lured to work in a very large neighbor state. The level of open hostility/racism against everybody else outside their country is globally unmatched - so expat contracts have to be higher donated to cover this - and of course they are shorter due to this and the dramatic air pollution.


After close and long lasting collaboration for many years (with people from 17 nations) also with several Russian and US citizens, the major difference between them is that Russians are able to drink vodka like tap water. A friend has a Finnish wife - imho the only nation able to compete with Russians in this area. 


1 hour ago, HansHimmelreich said:

I just want gaijin to stop being nationalistic and artificially make "their" vehicles stronger for no apparent reason. It can't be that hard.


I fully support this wish just for the sake of balance. I mean if they earn money globally, they should act like a global player.


Sometimes it looks like they are unable to develop a holistic view on things and forgot that they won WW2 just due masses of lend-lease supplies by the US. And they got this for free whilst GB went bankrupt as they were charged with every single screw they received. 


Anyway - have a good one!


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2 hours ago, Uncle J Wick@live said:


If you have trustworthy family members, friends or colleagues who were asked to work abroad: you describe first hand experiences from people lured to work in a very large neighbor state. The level of open hostility/racism against everybody else outside their country is globally unmatched - so expat contracts have to be higher donated to cover this - and of course they are shorter due to this and the dramatic air pollution.


Not gonna lie, the drinking thing is something I can confirm. Otherwise my internet experience with people from eastern european are pretty much equal to my real life experience. But obviously that a more subjective topic from this point of view. 


Also a friend of mine is actually a fin and he and his wife can basically drink everybody to death. Even a latvian working mate of mine can't beat him.


2 hours ago, Uncle J Wick@live said:


I fully support this wish just for the sake of balance. I mean if they earn money globally, they should act like a global player.


Sometimes it looks like they are unable to develop a holistic view on things and forgot that they won WW2 just due masses of lend-lease supplies by the US. And they got this for free whilst GB went bankrupt as they were charged with every single screw they received. 


Anyway - have a good one!


To me the whole who won which war debate is dumb. Russia didn't "win" WW2, the allies did. Just so germany didn't lose WW2.... well they actually did, but anyway this has nothing to do with the game itself. 

Right now I am doing some data gathering. Winrate of russia, wins, losses, uptiers, downtiers, BR bracket and such. Just for myself, but I think I do know what data will give ultimately. Just more proof for blatant russian bias.

Edited by HansHimmelreich

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