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Has anyone experienced random large fps drops?

Hello everyone! Lately I've been experiencing fps drops. My fps from a stable 120 can drop to 60 or even to 30-40, while the game becomes not smooth, but it does not freeze. I've tried reinstalling the nvidia driver, deleting the cache and verifying the files, but sometimes it still happens. This first happened on March 19 when my fps dropped to 30 for 2 seconds on the Alaska map. I don't think it's a hardware issue, as it happens at random times. I have a RTX 3050 TI gpu. I have normal temperatures and this is not throttling. Does anyone have the same problem? Could it be bad drivers? How to fix it? What could be causing this? I think that these fps problems appeared after the Sky Guardians update.

I also know that some people have the same problem and now I'm wondering here if this can be fixed somehow?


Edited by CUJlbHblu

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1 hour ago, 孤芳YNnjr said:


I hope this gets fixed.

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