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Economy and progression roadmap is here - Where is the gameplay roadmap?


Gaijin promised* many changes in the economy and progression roadmap, and I think most of them are very positive. But they are essentially just putting out fires that Gaijin, and none else, started. 

But other than the horrendous progression, War Thunder is plagued with an astonishing amount of bugs, which is something I wouldn't expect from a game that was fully launched over a decade ago. Bugs and general players' grievances are piling up far more quickly than Gaijin can fix them. 

This can be anything from a vehicle having a bugged armor/damage model for years that causes unwarranted deaths, to excessive hitboxes on terrain causing helicopters to crash, to game modes that were tested with high player satisfaction but were quickly scrapped, and even outright preferential treatment for certain nations.

What makes matters worse is that Gaijin adds a lot of new content frequently, but leaves it in unfinished state before moving onto new content. I'm sure many players here are hyped for an F-15, for example, and they'll be thrilled when it's released. But how long do you think the fun will last when they realize its flight model is bugged, or its radar doesn't work, or its payload stats are incorrect? Probably days at best. How long do you think it will take Gaijin to fix something like that? For some, it's days or weeks. For some it's many years.


In War Thunder, for at least most people, having fun means performing exceptionally well in a match. A temporary dose of euphoria can also happen when you get a kill, but most players will not feel like they're having fun per match. There's generally a lot of frustration. And this is not some inevitable outcome. There are many games where even performing poorly can provide a fun experience. 


We need a gameplay roadmap just like the economy roadmap. 

Edited by Zucc_Boi
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47 minutes ago, Zucc_Boi said:

We need a gameplay roadmap just like the economy roadmap. 


Fully agree, and tbh i do not understand the expressed confusion below your post. 


From a holistic pov it makes sense for gaijin to focus on main points of complains like economy.


But what happens with the fun playing the game - when you play with your long researched favorite vehicle and your game play is highly affected by countless bugs, crazy BR settings, hidden nerfs or design flaws of maps or MM? 



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What your asking for is what they did for years and it was no end of trouble for them. They use to make statements like we will add this, will not add that etc and as the game evolved and became much bigger it just keeps coming up and causes more trouble then it's worth.  This is 12 years of experience on these forums for this game.

Edited by Razielkaine
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10 hours ago, Zucc_Boi said:

People who feel confused by this suggestion need to learn how to speak and ask questions like "Why would I want this game to be better"? Or just learn how to speak in general.

The answer is already above

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