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EC-665 Tiger UHT Auto Countermeasure


Hey everyone,


I have an issue with this auto countermeasure. Can I deactivate it somehow?

Because it launches every countermeasures when just one missile is coming at me.

I turned the frequency down to 10 seconds, but still. It just takes two missiles and I am empty of countermeasures and the next missile will hit me.


So... can I deactivate it, or is there no option for that?

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It's the same issue with every heli at the moment, there is no way to control the amount or frequency of countermeasure ejection when the MAW detects one. Countermeasures generally aren't very effective at self protection for helicopters anyway, as most missiles coming at you will be either radar/IR guided SACLOS or IR guided missiles with IRCCM.

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On 17/06/2023 at 13:15, Godvana said:

It's the same issue with every heli at the moment, there is no way to control the amount or frequency of countermeasure ejection when the MAW detects one. Countermeasures generally aren't very effective at self protection for helicopters anyway, as most missiles coming at you will be either radar/IR guided SACLOS or IR guided missiles with IRCCM.

Ohh okay. I find it very weird. My countermeasures go full ham as soon as a missile starts flying to me, even when I take cover behind trees etc. 

I think they should change it again. Yes, they may be not very effective, but at least they give you some what safety. I mean... when they are empty after the first missile, why even bring them into battle?

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