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TOW is Broken, made up missile behaviour. Incompetent bad design.


Basically, go look up any live fire of a TOW system, and you can't see any altitude drop from the missile, as it leaves the tube.
On top of this, IRL TOW missile isn't sluggish, lack rubber banding, and reacts to the controls pretty fast.
Meanwhile, WT TOW drops to the ground like it's forgot its own engine, lags as hell, and reacts very sluggishly to the controls.
Did they watch Javelin launch, and through it's a TOW, or WTH is going on???
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2 hours ago, Dethraxxi said:
Basically, go look up any live fire of a TOW system, and you can't see any altitude drop from the missile, as it leaves the tube.
On top of this, IRL TOW missile isn't sluggish, lack rubber banding, and reacts to the controls pretty fast.
Meanwhile, WT TOW drops to the ground like it's forgot its own engine, lags as hell, and reacts very sluggishly to the controls.
Did they watch Javelin launch, and through it's a TOW, or WTH is going on???

pure skill issue

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3 hours ago, Dethraxxi said:
Basically, go look up any live fire of a TOW system, and you can't see any altitude drop from the missile, as it leaves the tube.
On top of this, IRL TOW missile isn't sluggish, lack rubber banding, and reacts to the controls pretty fast.
Meanwhile, WT TOW drops to the ground like it's forgot its own engine, lags as hell, and reacts very sluggishly to the controls.
Did they watch Javelin launch, and through it's a TOW, or WTH is going on???


The TOW has actual physics now, there's nothing to fix.


There's no arcade style physics for it anymore, so get used to it, learn how to use it.

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7 hours ago, somebody_Else said:


The TOW has actual physics now, there's nothing to fix.


There's no arcade style physics for it anymore, so get used to it, learn how to use it.

pretty stupid answer ! 
that the rocket is inert and sinks after firing - has nothing to do with reality.

here is not at all more real. there is no drop and the rockets are not sluggish in the control ! also applies to milan. 

this is simply a design flaw in the game - and one that makes it worse.  

the stingers also drop. which they don't do in real life. clear design flaw in the game.   

and that has nothing to do with the fact that they were arcade.... they were closer to reality than now !

i have shot with milan i can allow myself to say that ;) 

and our heavy company had wiesel tow. and i was often there shooting too. the man up there is simply right - period


no drop no big smoke trail ^^




Edited by Waraeger
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Try out HJ-9, even worse than TOW. 

This is what Gaijin do for things capable of countering T80s and T72s.

This game is already far from realistics so dont tell me anything about this.

Edited by Russian_____Bias
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11 hours ago, Dethraxxi said:
Basically, go look up any live fire of a TOW system, and you can't see any altitude drop from the missile, as it leaves the tube.
On top of this, IRL TOW missile isn't sluggish, lack rubber banding, and reacts to the controls pretty fast.
Meanwhile, WT TOW drops to the ground like it's forgot its own engine, lags as hell, and reacts very sluggishly to the controls.
Did they watch Javelin launch, and through it's a TOW, or WTH is going on???

NATO weapons poorly implemented in WT. Tell me something I don´t know.

One would have thought they´d be NATO biased instead, since the devs are Hungarian :kappasnail:

Edited by bananomet
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37 minutes ago, bananomet said:

NATO weapons poorly implemented in WT. Tell me something I don´t know.

One would have thought they´d be NATO biased instead, since the devs are Hungarian :kappasnail:

A Hungarian company don't stop the company being assembled by Russian.

Guess why the company established in Hungary? To pretend they are not related with Russia.

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I test drove the Begleitpanzer 57: Launching and controlling the I-TOW with commander sight is better than doing the same with gunner sight.


For example:

  • Launching the I-TOW on the T-55A at the shooting range with the gunner’s sight, sitting in the pit, 30 m in front of the spawn, results in that the I-TOW will fly down into the dirt in front of the trench.
  • Launching the I-TOW on the same target with the commander’s sight, the I-TOW wanders a little to the left before centering again but stays level and with a slight upward sweep goes over the trench and hits the target behind.

Conclusion for Begleitpanzer 57 with new I-TOW physics: You are better off launching the ATGM with commander’s sight now.

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2 hours ago, bananomet said:

One would have thought they´d be NATO biased instead, since the devs are Hungarian :kappasnail:


Yes. They are Hungarians all right. It literally says so on an official Hungarian web page of War Thunder. And is repeated on every Hungarian dev stream. Oh, wait...

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1 hour ago, Kicimijazawa said:


Yes. They are Hungarians all right. It literally says so on an official Hungarian web page of War Thunder. And is repeated on every Hungarian dev stream. Oh, wait...


4 hours ago, Russian_____Bias said:

A Hungarian company don't stop the company being assembled by Russian.

I think you guys missed my kappasnail emote.

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Yeah the TOW missiles are trying to overcompensate when being fired out of the tubes, at least on the m2 and m3a3. And all tows mid flight seem to dip down. Idk if that is accurate but heavier missiles like the 9M133 which doesn't dip down at all or the HJ-9 is not as harsh as the Tow.

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2 hours ago, shanrocks1 said:

Yeah the TOW missiles are trying to overcompensate when being fired out of the tubes, at least on the m2 and m3a3. And all tows mid flight seem to dip down. Idk if that is accurate but heavier missiles like the 9M133 which doesn't dip down at all or the HJ-9 is not as harsh as the Tow.

The TOW is fine BTW. The MILAN is FUBAR though. Completely useless.

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25 minutes ago, bananomet said:

The TOW is fine BTW. The MILAN is FUBAR though. Completely useless.

I disagree, the Tow at least on the bradleys dips very low as the missile is trying to compensate. You have to make sure that there are no obstacles near your front that are higher than the ground that you are on.



This picture if from the m2 badley. Both missiles impacted the dirt trench even though I am aiming at the tank. On the milan, it seems fine to me. What issues are you seeing?

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Just tested it. 


It only dips for the first second or 200 -300m while it is accelerating. The moment the fins of the missile create enough aerodynamic lift to keep it flying straight, it flys straight. 


Before the patch it was at 100% velocity instantly. 


To compensate you just have to aim a bit above your targe if its very close and guide the missile down, even though its very sluggish untill it reaches its max speed. 

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52 minutes ago, Speggn said:

Just tested it. 


It only dips for the first second or 200 -300m while it is accelerating. The moment the fins of the missile create enough aerodynamic lift to keep it flying straight, it flys straight. 

You are completely ignoring the fact that IRL, TOW missiles NEVER DIP.
ATGM's that dip, are the manpads like Javelin, and they dip, because missiles are initially expelled from the tube via a small engine designed to give missiles distance from the human operator, so when the main engine is engaged it doesn't burn the face of the guy operating system.

TOW is clearly broken because it some cases it's not only dipping, but it's simply flying to the ground on the flat surface, or even worse, it doesn't respond to any control inputs.

52 minutes ago, Speggn said:

Before the patch it was at 100% velocity instantly. 

That's more or less how TOW launch works.


52 minutes ago, Speggn said:

To compensate you just have to aim a bit above your targe if its very close and guide the missile down, even though its very sluggish untill it reaches its max speed. 

We shouldn't compensate for anything, since it's not how TOW operates.
It's clearly bugged, and badly designed on a mechanical level.

Edited by Dethraxxi

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I tried out a couple of more missiles and 9m113 on the bmp-2 dips even more down.

1 hour ago, Speggn said:

Just tested it. 


It only dips for the first second or 200 -300m while it is accelerating. The moment the fins of the missile create enough aerodynamic lift to keep it flying straight, it flys straight. 


Before the patch it was at 100% velocity instantly. 


To compensate you just have to aim a bit above your targe if its very close and guide the missile down, even though its very sluggish untill it reaches its max speed. 

In theory then heavier missiles should show this as well but they dont. The 9m113 on the Bmp-2M should dip even more as its 26 kg opposed to the tow-2's 22kg and tow-2A's 23 kg. Even the Shillelagh which is 27kg does dip but quickly gains speed and compensates fast. Maybe their motors have some factor to play?

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22 hours ago, Waraeger said:

câu trả lời khá ngu ngốc! 
rằng tên lửa trơ và chìm sau khi bắn - không liên quan gì đến thực tế.

ở đây không thực tế hơn chút nào. không có sự sụt giảm và tên lửa không chậm chạp trong điều khiển! cũng áp dụng cho milan. 

đây chỉ đơn giản là một lỗi thiết kế trong trò chơi - và là lỗi khiến nó trở nên tồi tệ hơn.  

ngòi cũng rụng. mà họ không làm trong cuộc sống thực. lỗ hổng thiết kế rõ ràng trong trò chơi.   

và điều đó không liên quan gì đến thực tế là chúng là trò chơi điện tử.... chúng gần với thực tế hơn bây giờ!

tôi đã ghi bàn với milan tôi có thể cho phép mình nói điều đó ;) 

và công ty hạng nặng của chúng tôi đã kéo wiesel. và tôi cũng thường ở đó để chụp. người đàn ông ở trên đó chỉ đơn giản là đúng




You said you scored with MILAN and according to the video you provided:
"The MILAN anti-tank missile has a maximum range of 2 kilometers. There is a 200-meter dead zone from the launch post. The flight time to maximum range is approximately 12.5 seconds. The MILAN 1 was equipped with a single HEAT warhead with armor penetration of approximately 350 mm RHA...."
It can be seen that MILAN in WT has better stats than reality: Higher armor penetration, faster flight speed. So are you providing evidence to prove what you say is wrong???

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