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Luftwaffe Late Fighters - Bf 109 G-6,8,10,14, K-4



Sorry my English bad. I do research on luftwaffe. Do not have are many aircraft in the game in 1943 and 1944. I searched for about 6 months.

I reached this conclusion.

These aircraft need to be added to the game.


Luftwaffe  Combat  services line





Messerschmitt Late Fighters.




More İnformation Messerschmitt Bf109 G-14 http://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/60496-level-13-messerschmitt-bf109-g14/

Premium Late fighter 1944 Bf109G-5/As http://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/76351-rare-aircraft-messerschmitt-bf109g-5as/?p=1322893

Old Topic http://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/32490-my-dream-bf109-tech-tree/


Daimler Benz Db engine development








Umbau and Rüstsätze kits

























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1943  Messerschmitt Bf109G-6





1944  Messerschmitt Bf109G-6




1944  Messerschmitt Bf109G-6/AS



1944  Messerschmitt Bf109G-14




1944  Messerschmitt Bf109G-14/AS

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Abfang, I am completely blown away! What a great collection of data. I informed our head FM tester so this will find some very good use. Great Stuff!!

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Interesting stuff, good info about F-4 through K-4.


Personally can't wait for the G-14/AS

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Move to Suggestions, its now under moderation. I cleaned it up and trimmed away some fat.

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White Spiral on the Black Spinner is Optical deception for Allied air gunners. The logic was that the spinner spiral put off bomber gunners aim. It made them concentrate (the eyes catch the spiral movement) on the spinner as a aiming point so overshooting the fast moving target (deflection angle) when attacking at an angle to the bomber.

The time frame of the introduction of this design in the Luft. Staffels matchs the USAAF daylight bombing efforts of 1943 onwards.

Same could be said for other designs as well, for instance the factory 1/3 White on 2/3 RLM 70 spinner.

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White Spiral on the Black Spinner is Optical deception for Allied air gunners. The logic was that the spinner spiral put off bomber gunners aim. It made them concentrate (the eyes catch the spiral movement) on the spinner as a aiming point so overshooting the fast moving target (deflection angle) when attacking at an angle to the bomber.

The time frame of the introduction of this design in the Luft. Staffels matchs the USAAF daylight bombing efforts of 1943 onwards.

Same could be said for other designs as well, for instance the factory 1/3 White on 2/3 RLM 70 spinner.


Hmm, that actually makes sense! I always thought its just for looks (lets face it, it looks really badass).



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Ha very long name . Messerschmitt Bf109G-6/AS/U2/U4


Messerschmitt Late G6 Air frame






Daimler Benz DB 605 AS engine







U2 Gm1 Boost sytem







U4 Mk108 motor canon





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Move to Suggestions, its now under moderation. I cleaned it up and trimmed away some fat.

you might as well cobble together all of his recent suggestions (even though some of it is out of context) into one jumbo suggestion. his sole purpose is to get premium 109s in the lineup regardless of their production or capabilities...

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Hes suggesting at least. its up to the devs to decide and up to us Mods here to find stuff that is well made and has a chance to strike interest when presented to them. 

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Gustav Series test developmen and test


The G-series, or Gustav, was a furtherdevelopment of the F-series. It seemed thatall development possibilities had alreadybeen exhausted with the Bf 109 F. Then, atthe end of December 1941, the new DB605 A became available. This power plantwas first installed in the G-1, while the Bf109 G-0 pre-production series was poweredby the DB 601 E.Designed in 1940, the DB 605 was alogical development of the DB 605 A 601E. The most significant difference was anincrease in displacement from 33.9 liters to35.7 liters through boring out the cylinders.plus an increase in compression from 7.2 to7.5. The resulting performance of the DB605 A was 1475 H P. for takeoff at 1.42 atmospheresof boost.The initial installation of this engineproduced some cooling problems, whichresulted in the first of the so-called "bulges"which were to become synonymouswith the Gustav. These were intake scoopsto provide cooling air for the ejector exhaustsand spark plugs.The scoops were installed on bothsides of the engine cowling and were rivetedto the metal skinning over the oil tank.Much larger bulges appeared later, theresult of larger wheels and. from the G-5.the replacement of the MG 17 by the MG131 machine-gun.Bf 109 G-1The Bf 109 G-1 was designed as a lightfighter with a pressurized cockpit. Problemswith the pressurized cockpit made seriesproduction impossible at that time,however, and this version was built in severalsmall batches. Production began at Regensburgin November 1941. Twenty machineswere also built by Erla (Leipzig).The standard power plant was the DB 605A using B4 (87 octane) fuel. The engine'scompression ratio was 1 : 7.3/7.5.Takeoff and emergency power of1,475 H.P. was achieved with 1.42 ata ofboost at 2,800 rpm. This output was initiallybanned by VT-Anw.Nr.2206 and was notreinstated until 8 June 1943 when Daimler-Benz issued a technical directive. Gearingratio was 1 : 1.685. Engine weight was700kg plus 3 percent.The main undercarriage used enginecowling wheels with channel rims for the650 x 150 tires. Until December 1942(when the G-4 was introduced) the tailwheelwas fitted with an EC flat rim with a290 x 110 tire.The propeller was a three-blade VDM9-12087 A variable-pitch type with a diameterof 3 meters. Pitch control was either"electro-mechanical"" (automatic) or "manual-electric" using a thumb-switch on thethrottle lever.The basic 12 o'clock position on thepilch indicator equated to a blade angle of25 degrees. This pilch indicator in thecockpit was fitted with an analogue clock.Takeoff position was 11:45.23





Bf 109 G-3Only fifty examples of the G-3 were built atRegensburg during the period from Januaryto February 1943. It was similar in designto the G-1 and was fitted with a pressurizedcockpit. Like the G-1. it could beidentified by the air scoop on the left sideof the engine cowling above the superchargerair intake. Radio equipment consistedof a FuG 16Z in place of the earlierFuG VIIa.Equipped weight for the fighter role,which did not include the pilot, fuel, andammunition, was 2545 kg. On the whole,performance was similar to that of the G-1.More Directionally-Stable300-1 Drop TankFor drag-reduction experiments with the300-1 drop tank the FAV performancebranch installed a metal fairing betweenthe fuselage and the drop tank. Flight testsconducted by Fritz Wendel with Bf 109Werknummer 15939 revealed serious staticinstability about the vertical axis, both inhigh and low speed flight.A modified version of the fairing wassupposed to be tested in an attempt to overcomethis instability. Finally, after variousexperiments, a metal streamer was weldedonto the fairing, which was attached to theunderside of the fuselage by a bolt at itsrear upper end and to the rear end of thelank by means of a clamping ring. The machinetest flown with this modified fairingdisplayed full stability about the verticalaxis.Testing took place between 16 Augustand 16 September 1943, however, the modifiedtank was never introduced into service.Trials with Fixed Rudder Trim TabsRudder ineffectiveness at small deflectionshad an unfavorable effect on firing passesand aiming corrections. This led in earlyJune 1944 to the testing of so-called "bentrudder tabs." Werknummer 110039 servedas a test-bed, and in several practice gunneryflights it proved the effectiveness ofthe rudder labs. These tabs consisted of two1-mm-thick Dural sheets of varying widthand depth.The upper tab was bent to the right, thelower to the left. After several flights withlabs of various depths it was discoveredthat effectiveness was fully sufficient at adepth of 30 mm.The distance between the tab and thetrailing edge of the rudder was 10 mm. ABSK 16 gun camera was used to photographthe experiments.Elevator Vibration on the Wooden Tailof the Bf 109On 10 July 1944 Regensburg Messerschmittdirector Lindner reported to thehandling characteristics project bureau thatvibration was being encountered in aircraftwith the wooden tail. Regensburg reportedthat since the prolonged rainy period at thebeginning of July and the use of elevatorswith doubled fixed trim strip length (woodenelevators), a greater number of machineshad been experiencing vibration inelevator control at speeds above 600 to 700kph. The vibration appeared after severaltrouble-free flights. An immediate investigationwas ordered. On 10 July 1944 HerrNürnberg and Herr Baumann of the stressbureau and Herr Blümm of the project bureauof the Obernminergau research institutewere sent to Regensburg to investigatethese incidents. Herr Bosch (design bureau—tail section) and Herr Blümm(project bureau) followed on 17 July. Atthat lime the following types of elevatorwere held in the Messerschmitt AG Regensburg'sstocks:First, the standard metal elevator withshort fixed trim strip; second, the woodenelevator built by the Wolf Hirth Firm ofNabern (WHN) with 1.5-mrn skinning betweenRibs 2 and 6; and third, the woodenelevator built by the DEAG Firm of Butschowitzwith 1-mm skinning betweenRibs 4 and 6. plus wooden elevators byWHN of the same type as those made byDEAG. The control surfaces made by theWHN Firm were preserved according toLackkette 33. while those by the DEAGFirm were preserved using the method ofthe Warnecke and Böhm Firm. All of thecontrol surfaces which had produced vibrationand were removed in Regensburg weresubsequently examined. There were 29 intotal, all built by DEAG. All exhibited seriousdamage as a result of weather. In mostcases glued joints had failed, especially onRib 1 and along the rim strip. One of the elevatorswas sent to Oberammergau for aninvestigation of the preservation process.It was determined that painting hadbeen carried out without the prescribedfabric covering, which was contrary to procedure.This system (Warbecke and Böhm)was always rejected by materials testing onaccount of the fact that it allowed throughtoo much water. This was not the main reasonfor the vibration, however, rather it wasthe inadequate conservation protection ofthe glue. Reference was made to earlier investigationsin March 1943.At that time the wooden tails built byFokker in Amsterdam also used a skinningof 1-mm between Ribs 4 to 6. The thenconfirmed speed of 750 kph produced noneof the current complaints. Further investigationssaw several Bf 109 G-14s exposedto simulated rain overnight in order to evaluatethe effects of dampness. Then on 18and 19 July 1944 test flights were conductedat various times of day by HauptmannObermaier of BAL2 Regensburg. These resultedin vibration at speeds of 680 to 750kph with elevators with 1-mm skinning andthe DEAG type, as well as several built byWHN.

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nice one! and i really want proper german kill marks (bars on tail)





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This is Heinrch Bartesl last fighter Messerschmitt BF109G-10 ( remowe all marks rudder)



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