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Meteor F.8 'Reaper'


Quick search, couldn't find anything.


Came across a variant of the F8 today whilst on my Lunch Break at work, and it would look pretty great in WT.


The, 'Reaper'




It was a slightly modified F8, most of them being visually.


The wings received tip tanks, and the wings strengthened for more hardpoint.


The result of which, was the Reaper.


It still had the standard 4 Mk V Hispano cannons, but, with the new hardpoints, it could carry


> 24 x 127mm Rockets


> 4 x 1000lb Bombs (4 x 450kg)



The penalties of these modification were to the speed and handling, but with the tip tanks, range was unaffected, if not increased marginally. 



Now, only one of these aircraft saw production, so it was essentially still a prototype, but as a few prototype jets are working their way into the game, why not another, for us Brits?

   _____________________   _________________   _______________________
   spec                    metric              english
   _____________________   _________________   _______________________

   wingspan                11.3 meters         37 feet 2 inches
   wing area               32.51 sq_meters     350 sq_feet
   length                  13.6 meters         44 feet 7 inches
   height                  3.96 meters         13 feet

   maximum speed           960 KPH             600 MPH / 525 KT
   service ceiling         13,100 meters       43,000 feet
   range                   965 kilometers      600 MI / 525 NMI

I'm still conducting research on this A/c, but there is very little, so if you stumble across anything, posting below would be highly appreciated.



So what do you guys think?








Edited by Rautaa
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Meteor F8 already has rockets and can do the same job better.


This carries 3X the amount of rockets, and twice the amount of bombs...


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Think of that meteor as gameplay style of Canberra / Il-28 when they will be added.

It will not be too hard to include this Meteor F8 Reaper into the game, so i do support as well.
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It could get Attacker role and RP/Lion bonuses.


Considering they want to ad IL-28 this would be "easy" way to give Britain good Jet bomber/attacker. Yes EEC would be great but making good FM would take way longer than modifying Meteors.

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Doesnt have to be a prem, just need a good jet attacker / bomber for us Brits, as this wouldnt take much to re-model the normal F8, as if they were to do the EE Canberra, as mentioned, it would take time for the model and FM.

medal medal medal

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That's one very nice aircraft!

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What year was it made?

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