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Games are simply too short! 3:34!!!




Look how long this game last for. To be honest i don't play Air Arcade Battles anymore, because of how short they are. I know this examle is extreme, but 5-6 minutes games are standard now days and its really sad.

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In my last twelve ABs the shortest was about six minutes but luckily three were over 10 minutes (13, 12, 15, really enjoyable). I think on the average I had about 7 minutes.

I agree the average duration is nowadays too short.

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There's been a thread on this topic running for years. (This one will likely be combined with it.) The votes of the community clearly reflect a desire for longer matches, and yet matches still tend to be short. In fact, with the recent bomber buff and 75% of matches being ground strike, to me it feels like matches have gotten a bit shorter, as so many players spam bullet-proof gunships.

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The matches are designed to be short...that's why ground targets start killing each other at some point in the battle.  You aren't going to change it, why bother complaining about it ad nauseum.


Another useless thread....where are the mods?

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6 hours ago, SzalonyKalbur said:

Look how long this game last for. To be honest i don't play Air Arcade Battles anymore, because of how short they are. I know this examle is extreme, but 5-6 minutes games are standard now days and its really sad.

The worrying bit is that despite shorter matches, the queue times seem just as long... It's turning into Queue Thunder.

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3 hours ago, Ezz777 said:

The worrying bit is that despite shorter matches, the queue times seem just as long... It's turning into Queue Thunder.


...people are not playing due to the bomber spam and other stuff...queue times will be worse until...well you know what it will take to fix it.


...it's what they're not doing at this point...but they have boats now...and pretty water...meh.

Edited by RolandofSalem
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I know I'm only at 3.7 so far, but most matches end before I get to my second plane... I don't know about bomber spam - I've been starting with a B25 but I only see one or two others one either side, and fighters have no trouble overpowering us.


The real issue is that the game is designed for us to bring 5 crews and yet the stupid tickers run out before we can use half of them. If you enjoy bombing factories, good luck... you're only going to get a few tons dropped before some stray dogfighter decides to squash you like a bug.

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3:34?  You lucky lucky b*stard!


I'm seeing more and more games go under 3 mins.  It's just suicide ground attack spam all the time.



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6 hours ago, SgtMcGARVEY said:

you're only going to get a few tons dropped before some stray dogfighter decides to squash you like a bug.

That might be the case with some low tier bombers and the British ones, but the B-17, B-24, B-29 and Tu-4 are almost gamebreaking. They have reasonable loads (unlike the G8N) and guns pointing in every direction. with the 1.59 buffs to the DM and Gunners, they are very annoying, as they can start spreaying from as far as 1 km away, and they are much harder to kill in a single attack

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26 minutes ago, Saint_StuG said:

That might be the case with some low tier bombers and the British ones, but the B-17, B-24, B-29 and Tu-4 are almost gamebreaking. They have reasonable loads (unlike the G8N) and guns pointing in every direction. with the 1.59 buffs to the DM and Gunners, they are very annoying, as they can start spreaying from as far as 1 km away, and they are much harder to kill in a single attack

It's pretty bad with low tier bombers too, especially the boat planes. I've finally gotten around to researching the Soviets after focusing on the other four nations, and have been playing a lot of tier I and II matches. Bombers like the PBY, Sunderland, and H6K4 are extremely difficult to bring down, even with a seal clubber like the LaGG-3. By now, I've figured out (more or less) how to approach bombers, and even doing it the "right way," it can take multiple full loads of cannon ammo. And, getting back to the original topic, matches are simply too short to have time to bring down more than a couple of bombers, when each one requires a reload of ammo.

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On ‎7‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 6:58 PM, SzalonyKalbur said:



Look how long this game last for. To be honest i don't play Air Arcade Battles anymore, because of how short they are. I know this examle is extreme, but 5-6 minutes games are standard now days and its really sad.

If you remove the time it takes for both teams to fly towards each other, battle time in RB is not much longer.

And then, past the initial Headon Thunder ® where 90% of both teams die, you spend 20 minutes trying to head on the last one.


Good luck


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Main topic:   I think is shame that the arcade battles have become so short. It encourages you to suicide bomb at low att, because everyone else is doing it making the games even shorter. It´s a catch 22


Bomberkilling: I have killed my fair share of bombers and have a way that works for me. 


In the low tier always attack from underneath or slidly under/side.. From underneath aim for the wings, engines. Best places to hit is engines and the wings near the fuselage. That´s is where the fuel is.. Light´em up and watch them burn.. Works 4 the B 24 and the the ruskies.. From the side aim in front of the indicator and get a pilot kill. Works very well on Wellingtons..

Never from behind, 


In the high tiers. Same approch method but never fly in a straght line. Weave up and down side 2 side. When you have you shorting solution ( 4 me 500M ) fire a short bust aim for the wings Engines and Tail. Break away and repeat until you kill him - put him on fire or Critical damages to tail. >They can´t control it anymore and will crash eventualy.

Never from behind


But for TU4 and B29. These babies are flying deathtraps.  Only attack if you have 30 mill cannons and then fly fast + 500ias. Hit and run and never in a straght line. Fast approach - fire you cannon for a short bust - break away. repeat. If you are lucky or a good shot you can get fire, tail damage in one pass. Death will come to them swiftly.

Never from behind.


This works 4 me and maybe 4 you to. Expirence is the best weapon for bomberkilling. Know the self. Know thy enemy - and his guns turrets :-)


Edited by *TLLK_4

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2 hours ago, *TLLK_4 said:

Main topic:   I think is shame that the arcade battles have become so short. It encourages you to suicide bomb at low att, because everyone else is doing it making the games even shorter. It´s a catch 22


Bomberkilling: I have killed my fair share of bombers and have a way that works for me. 


This works 4 me and maybe 4 you to. Expirence is the best weapon for bomberkilling. Know the self. Know thy enemy - and his guns turrets :-)


^this for sure


To the earlier posters... as I said I am already flying a B-25! I have a fair grasp of evasion and always look and try to keep my turret in view of my attackers, and of course this helps, but I am chewed up and spit out by a decent underbelly attack far more than my gunners ever get a kill. In my view the fighter/bomber balance is fairly good, at this BR at least, and definitely better than before.


However, the time is just frustrating as heck. It's so simple, all GJ needs to do is double the tickets or something, but it seems this request is falling on the most deaf ears of all of them...

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3:29 just a couple minutes ago, including load-time. It's ridiculous. Mostly they end within 6 minutes which is also extremely frustrating and making me not wanna play anymore. There's a really easy fix for all this: add more tickets, buff the bases and put more AI ground targets. It's making me suspect that Gaijin is purposely keeping it the way it is. Maybe they're hoping their booster-sales will go up. Highly unlikely, if you ask me.




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4 hours ago, LittleBlueDot said:

Climbed high, met an F8F, got on his tail, shot his rudder off, game ended, whooo! what fun!


Then why even do it? I gave up climbing after the OP bomber patch all together. I don't even climb or fly level with my bombers. I just dive my bomber and go lawn mowing now knowing I have limited time before the game ends.

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13 hours ago, *TLLK_4 said:

Main topic:   I think is shame that the arcade battles have become so short. It encourages you to suicide bomb at low att, because everyone else is doing it making the games even shorter. It´s a catch 22





If you hop in a fighter to actually try and have some fun, the enemy can bomb you out in a few mins before you can bail and get in a bomber yourself.  Thus you just have to suicide bomb asap, which encourages everyone else to do the same thing.


I wonder if we can break the 2 min mark...

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On 9/9/2016 at 5:10 PM, io_i_oi said:

Then why even do it? 


Yep, haven't log in all week. I'm only stopping by the website these days because of the War Thunder posts in my Facebook, may even gives that up.

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On 9/10/2016 at 11:47 AM, LittleBlueDot said:


Yep, haven't log in all week. I'm only stopping by the website these days because of the War Thunder posts in my Facebook, may even gives that up.

No, don't leave. You just gotta hang on like the rest of us....


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50 minutes ago, io_i_oi said:

No, don't leave. You just gotta hang on like the rest of us....


It's nothing but technical difficulties from Gaijin. 


The paper plane representing 4 minute matches, too strong bomber DM's, thick clouds & all that good jazz.


Edited by Vectorize
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its annoying to get like a 3 minute game in all honesty i sometimes tend to prefer air dom if only because those rounds almost always last at least 3-5 minutes 

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I'm considering a move to more RB; AB is an absolute f*ck fest at the moment.


Spam bombers/ground pounders till you win in 3-5 mins.  MAYBE you'll get 45 seconds in a fighter.



How can they buff bombers (a good thing IMO), massively increase rewards for hitting ground units, and not increase the amount of ground units + STR bases?


They must have realized there would be a shift to hitting the ground which would decrease game time.


Edited by DocProfit
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On 9/14/2016 at 10:53 PM, DocProfit said:

I'm considering a move to more RB; AB is an absolute f*ck fest at the moment.


Spam bombers/ground pounders till you win in 3-5 mins.  MAYBE you'll get 45 seconds in a fighter.



How can they buff bombers (a good thing IMO), massively increase rewards for hitting ground units, and not increase the amount of ground units + STR bases?


They must have realized there would be a shift to hitting the ground which would decrease game time.



This is how they get more people into RB...make arcade terrible.


It's working to some extent, but with all the things other than the shorter games due to buffed bombers has caused a lot of players to quit completely. 


This is a good example of how to kill a game.

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