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  1. 1. Would you like to see the AMX-32 in War Thunder : Ground Forces ?

    • Yes, I would like to see it.
    • No and I have reasons for it.






New features compared to the original in-game AMX-30 (1972) (known IRL as the AMX-30B) :


  • 1979 prototype developed for the export market.

  • Its CN-105 F1 gun is stabilized through the SFIM M527 stabilized commander panoramic sight.

  • The AMX-32 can also be armed with the G1 120 mm smoothbore gun firing the OFL 120 G1 APFSDS (550 mm at point-blank range or 150 mm @ 60° at 8000 m) and a OECC 120 high explosive anti-tank-multi purpose round.

  • Welded turret and hull with high-hardness spaced armor.

  • Mantlet, hull front and glacis designed to defeat 75 mm tungsten-cored PCOT rounds from the AMX-13 and 57 mm armor-piercing rounds from the ASU-57.

  • Side turret spaced armor offers a protection level against 23 mm armor-piercing rounds.

  • Increased turret roof armor.

  • Addition of side skirts used to pre-detonate shaped-charge warheads.

  • 800 hp Hispano-Suiza HS 110-2 SR engine.

  • SESM Minerva ENC 200 automatic gearbox with a modern hydrostatic steering system and neutral steering capability (also featured on the AMX-30B2).

  • The power shuttle (reverser) previously featured on the AMX-30B transmission (to go just as fast backward as it does forwards) is retained.

  • Maximum road speed : 65 km/h, average road speed : 50 km/h, average cross-country speed : 45 km/h.

  • New connector-type tracks.

  • The PH-8-B searchlight fixed to the gun mantlet (on the left side) can be replaced by a DIVT-13 low light level television (LLLTV) (right side).

  • Combat weight : 39 000 kg to 40 000 kg.



Sources :


- Official GIAT sales brochure (just ask me)

- CHASSILLAN, M. (2011). Encyclopédie des chars de combat modernes. Paris, France : Histoire et Collections.

- CHASSILLAN, M. L'AMX 32, première étape vers l'AMX 40. Raids, Hors-série (n°29), pp.46-pp.51

- AMX-32 (AMX32) : http://mainbattletanks.czweb.org/Tanky/amx32.htm
- 1979 AMX 32 : https://www.chars-francais.net/2015/index.php/engins-blindes/chars?task=view&id=835




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I understand why they put the brenus in the first place, because it was the one used by the French army, but the 32 and 40 seen to be a must now. Even if it wasn't used (because no money for French tanks), it represents the ability of French engineers to design counterparts to eastern ranks.



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If would help to balance the French tree in 8.3.


Edited by PanzerCell
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yea  france needs something at top tier that has Gun stabilization.   Most nations  already have tanks with Stabilization since tier 5.

Edited by kev2go
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It didn't had a stabilizer, if you want one the Amx-40 is a better choice...

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2 hours ago, Trotrodor said:

It didn't had a stabilizer, if you want one the Amx-40 is a better choice...

Well,to quote what @Alzoc posted in another discussion:


"Marc Chassillan states in his book (Encyclopédie  des chars de combat: tome 1) the following:


AMX 32:


-COTAC FCS directly extrapoled from the AMX 10RC

-A capacity to observe and fire on the move from the commander station

-The fire on the move capacity was first tested on a French tank with the AMX 32, it was however limited in range (battle sight) and only available from the commander station

-The detection of target both while stopped or on the move was greatly facilitated thanks to the M257 panoramic sight with a night channel available for the commander.

-The turret  could be slaved to the panoramic sight which allowed to fire on the move at short range.

-The M257 with it's night sight was not used on AMX 30B2 as it was expensive"




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Go AMX !




J'ai pas fait gaffe, ce serait pas possible de mettre plutôt le modèle avec le 120mm ?

Edited by TheKenji2221
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5 hours ago, TheKenji2221 said:

Go AMX !




J'ai pas fait gaffe, ce serait pas possible de mettre plutôt le modèle avec le 120mm ?


I think that would be overkill (or not really useful depending on how you see it)


If we are talking about the GIAT CN120-25 (120mm L52) that mean it would use either:


- (1980s) OFL 120 G1 (which is an OFL 105 G2 put into a 120mm shell case with more propellant) : about 500+ mm of pen

- (1994) OFL 120 F1 / DM43 : About 600 mm of pen (since I don't know when the 120mm was tested on the AMX 32 I'm not sure if the chronology is right) The 120 mm was presented in 1981 so no OFL 120 F1 for the AMX 32 (120mm)^^


So we are talking about the same ammo the AMX 30 B2 Brenus could use but fired from a 120mm L52 smoothbore instead of a 105mm L56 (shallowly) rifled


It would give said round a slight boost in penetration (the penetrator length being limited) but it would also mean that it will have a greater effective range and ofc a higher velocity.


There is nothing in game that could survive a round with more than 500mm of pen (most likely not even the M1 or the Challenger 1 will or at least not everywhere, if gaijin want to keep it remotely realistic)

Edited by Alzoc

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Taken from Military today : http://www.military-today.com/tanks/amx_32.htm

The AMX-32 is armed with a non-stabilized 105-mm rifled gun, similar to that of the AMX-30. It was also offered with new 120-mm smoothbore gun. Both guns fire standard NATO 105-mm or 120-mm rounds respectively. Variant with a 120-mm gun can carry a total of 38 rounds.

   The AMX-32 was fitted with new COTAS fire control system. It consists of ballistic computer, passive observation and sighting equipment and laser rangefinder. The main drawback of this main battle tank was a lack of gun stabilization equipment and it could not fire accurately on the move. Still it was claimed that the AMX-32 has a 90% hit probability against stationary target in 2 000 m range in day or night conditions.

The optic of the commander was stabilize but not the gun... sorry :/, but france really need the Amx 40, which was fully stabilize

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50 minutes ago, Trotrodor said:

Taken from Military today : http://www.military-today.com/tanks/amx_32.htm

The AMX-32 is armed with a non-stabilized 105-mm rifled gun, similar to that of the AMX-30. It was also offered with new 120-mm smoothbore gun. Both guns fire standard NATO 105-mm or 120-mm rounds respectively. Variant with a 120-mm gun can carry a total of 38 rounds.

   The AMX-32 was fitted with new COTAS fire control system. It consists of ballistic computer, passive observation and sighting equipment and laser rangefinder. The main drawback of this main battle tank was a lack of gun stabilization equipment and it could not fire accurately on the move. Still it was claimed that the AMX-32 has a 90% hit probability against stationary target in 2 000 m range in day or night conditions.

The optic of the commander was stabilize but not the gun... sorry :/, but france really need the Amx 40, which was fully stabilize


As @swpixy said we've got a book source (that the OP also use) stating that a limited fire-on-the-move capability for the AMX 32 existed.

The gun itself wasn't stabilized but it could apparently be slaved to the stabilized commander sight.




The author should be a rather good source (résumé in spoiler):




Ingénieur militaire de formation, Marc Chassillan démarre sa carrière au bureau d'études chars/blindés de l'AMX-APX de Satory où il prend la direction du service des avant-projets des blindés futurs. Après avoir travaillé sur le char Leclerc, le Vextra et les projets de véhicules blindés pour l'infanterie, il est nommé à la direction de projet Leclerc. Il rejoint la direction commerciale et des affaires internationales de Giat industries en charge des marchés export sur la zone Moyen-Orient, Turquie et Amérique. En septembre 2008, il est nommé chef du département études amont et technologies de Nexter Systems, en charge, entre autres, des blindés de l'opération Scorpion. D'avril 2010 à juin 2011, il fut directeur de la communication du groupe Nexter.
Expert international des blindés, Marc Chassillan est appelé à intervenir en tant que speaker dans de nombreuses conférences à l'étranger. Il est professeur à l'ENSIETA, à l'Ecole Militaire à Paris (EMSST) et à l'Ecole des Blindés d'Abu Dhabi. Il a déjà publié de nombreux ouvrages et articles sur les systèmes d'armes terrestres et les chars de combat en particulier. Il a été administrateur du Musée des Blindés de Saumur entre 2004 et 2007.


Which can translate as:


Trained as a military engineer, Marc Chassillan begin his career at the AFV design office of the AMX-APX in Satory where he take the lead of the future armoured vehicles project. After working on the Leclerc, the Vextra and IFV projects he is assigned as the director of the Leclerc project. He then join the international sales direction of GIAT industry where he is put in charge of the Middle-east, Trukey and the American market. In september 2008 he becomes the chief of the R&D department of Nexter Systems where he worked among other thing on the Scorpion project. From April 2010 to June 2011 he was the director of communication for the Nexter group.

International expert on armoured vehicles, Marc Chassillan gives speeches in many conferences abroad.

He is a teacher at the ENSIETA, the EMSST and the Armored vehicles school in Abu Dhabi.

He already pubilished numerous books and articles on various ground weapons systems and MBT in particular.

He was the administrator of the Saumur museum between 2004 and 2007.



All of this to say that the guy was in a high position in the design office responsible for the AMX 32, AMX 40 and the Leclerc and he was most likely there before 1986, so he should probably be considered as a reliable source until proven otherwise.


The part that @swpixy quoted was my translation of a part of said book (link on top) he wrote.

Will see if I can make some photo and upload them after work, or for the least provide the pages number and the original text.

Edited by Alzoc
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As promised

If somebody want to bother translating be my guest^^

AMX 32 :









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In the last picture they are saying that the EPC has better stabilization that the AMX40 E4 (which basically means that the 40 is stabilized) :"Fire control on both tanks share the same optronic architecture: gunner sight and commander sight, both stabilized. Nevertheless, thermal vision and fire correction are better on the EPC. Moreover, the quality of stabilization on weapon and turret is better on the EPC, which uses electronic powered technologies while the E4 still uses hydraulics."

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now that i think about it we could get the both AMX-32s with the CN-105 F1 105mm or the G1 120mm it it was ever mounted. france could have both its Leo 1A1A1 counterpart and Leo 2K counterpart with that amazing APFSDS and HEAT-MP.


was the G1 gun ever mounted on the AMX-32?

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With the introduction of the latest tanks in v1.77, a more modern MBT for France is urgently needed (and a de-nerf of the OFL F1 APFSDS of the AMX-30B2)
Yet the AMX-40 would be a better choice.


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14 hours ago, No_Camping said:

With the introduction of the latest tanks in v1.77, a more modern MBT for France is urgently needed (and a de-nerf of the OFL F1 APFSDS of the AMX-30B2)
Yet the AMX-40 would be a better choice.



Why can’t we have both? 

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  • 1 month later...
On 24/03/2018 at 10:02 PM, Admiral_Aruon said:

now that i think about it we could get the both AMX-32s with the CN-105 F1 105mm or the G1 120mm it it was ever mounted. france could have both its Leo 1A1A1 counterpart and Leo 2K counterpart with that amazing APFSDS and HEAT-MP.


was the G1 gun ever mounted on the AMX-32?

"En 1979 un premier prototype est présenté à l'exposition d'équipements militaires de Satory. Son armement est le canon de 105 mm de l'AMX 30.

Au salon de 1981 un second prototype est armé d'un canon de 120 mm et dispose d'un blindage amélioré."

"In 1979 a first protorype was presented at the military equipment exposition of Satory. Its armament is the 105mm gun of the AMX-30.

At the 1981 show a second prototype is armed with a 120mm and has better armor."


From : https://www.chars-francais.net/2015/index.php/engins-blindes/chars?task=view&id=835


So yes, both guns were mounted on the tank, I have doubts about the armor being better on the second prototype though


On 26/03/2018 at 3:54 AM, Jarms said:

Why can’t we have both? 

We could, but a post made by War Thunder Blog hinted the AMX-32, no sign of the AMX-40 right now, but in the dev Q&A video, the dude clearly said "In one of the upcoming big updates (1.79 ?) we plan to introduce new vehicle>S< for France."



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Here's some pics to differentiate the tanks :






AMX-32 with the 105mm gun, see the sloped hull to differentiate it from the AMX-40, then look at the laser rangefinder on its right to differentiate it from the AMX-32 with the 120mm gun :




Now here is the AMX-32 with the CN120-25 120mm gun, see the lack of laser rangefinder on the right and the much more angular mantlet, the hull was also changed, meaning more armor ? Now to differentiate it from the AMX-40, you can look at the first less sloped part of the LFP, it's significantly smaller than the one on the AMX-40, and the mantlet is less angular on the AMX-40 :




And here's the AMX-40, it has a less angular mantlet when compared to the AMX-32 120mm, and a not so sloped lower front plate, that's the most obvious difference when compared to the AMX-32 105mm :



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