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Do you want the A7V ingame?  

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  2. 2. Do you want the A7VU ingame?

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  3. 3. Do you want the Flak A7V ingame?

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Hi guys.


Here is a Suggestion for the A7V Tanks for War Thunder! :)






The Shortest way to explain the A7V is that it is the German respons to the British Mark tanks!

In 1916 the British and French started Using tanks on the Battlefield in order to breach German defences. However German high command still mostly believed that AT Rifles, Heavy Machine guns, Field Cannons and Artillery would be enough to counter the tank on the Battlefield. But as British and French Tank tactics improved the Germans realized that they needed an operational tank of their own.

the Allgemeines Kriegsdepartement quickly started to resarch the idea of how a German tank would be created. It was the same department that was garthering intelligence on the British and French tanks.

The first plans for The German tank was created by the engineer Joseph Vollmer which suggested a 30 ton tank chassis.

The Chassis was designed to be able to carry cargo, move troops and be a armored fighting vehicle on the battlefield. 

The first prototype built by daimler motoren gesellschaft and made its first trail in May 1917. It was unarmored but filled with 10 tons of ballast to simulate its weight.

When the tank was first introduced and sent to the soldier. It revealed some off its heavy flaws like its height and underbelly unable to resist fragmentation and grenades. The unarmored plates and regular steel plates which meant that its 20 to 30mm plates was reduced to something simular to the mark 4 which had only 12 mm of front armor plates.

another major flaw of the A7V was that it was heavely overcrowded with man power which counted 17 operators in the tank. A driver, mechanics, signaler and twelve infantrymen, gun servants and machine gun servants six loaders and six gunners.

Despite the heavy weight off the tank it was still the most fast tank of the war with a top speed off 15 km/h.

The tank first saw combat during the attack on the St Quentin canal, during the German spring offensive. Two of the tanks broke down but was still able to counter a british counter offensive on the 24th of April 1918.

The Worlds first tank on tank encounter was with three A7V,s meeting its oponents which was three British Mark 4,s during the second battle of villers-bretonneux. the two british female Mark 4 tanks were unable to penetrate the steel amor off the A7V. They decided to fall back leaving the male Mark 4 to fight off the A7V. after getting hit 3 times with the Male Mark 4,s 57mm cannon the A7V was knocked out and killed 5 off its 17 crew members which deciced to bail. the tank was recovered and repaired later but the Male Mark 4 was still rolling around the battlefield and causing chaos among German troops.

The Germans tried to sent in more A7V and motar fire. But the A7V,s broke down and some even rolled over which ended up getting some off them captured.

The attack with the A7V was believed to be a disaster and the A7V was pulled away from front line service.

There was made a prototype called the A7VU that had a simular appearance to the British Mark tanks. however this tank never left prototype phase.

There was also made a Anti aircraft variant off the A7V with 77mm guns.

One A7V still suvives to this day and sits in Australia Queensland.




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Tank overview and specification


The tank had a crew of 17 men including Driver, Gunners, Loaders, Mechanic, Signaler and a Comander.

The engine was the 2x6 inline Daimler petrol engine with 200 hp

The top speed was 15 km/h which was the fastest for operational tanks during the war.

The weight of the tank was 33 tons

The armor was 30mm of frontal plate which is said to be only steel plate.

The gun was the maxim-nordenfelt 57mm gun.


In War Thunder


In War Thunder the A7V line off tanks would need a overhaul off rank 1 in order to be balanced ingame so i have made this concept tree to show how they could sit ingame! :)















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Open for discussion. :salute:

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34 minutes ago, Wulfbane said:

If War Thunder has WW I era tanks for all nations, sure?

I think it would be possible also for other nations that are not in War Thunder! I have made concept trees for how a WW1/Early interwar tanks could look like ingame. :)





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+1, this is the argument I make for World War I vehicles (this doesn’t sound about WW1 but it is ultimately):



Currently, you have a massive strength difference between low Rank 6 tanks and upper rank 6 tanks, like the T-55A and the T-80B obr. 1985.  In fact in general, 60 years of history was added to the 19 previous, yet this represents only rank 6 and only 1-2 vehicles per nation of Rank 7.  As well, literally hundreds of vehicles were introduced into the mad-dash to high tier.


I believe it would greatly benefit the game, (along with BR decompression), if we were to have, say, 9 ranks?


For example, Rank I-V would be mostly WW2 to Korean War.


Using Russia as an example, simply because I think their diverse vehicles would be the easiest to explain with,


Rank 6 tanks would be, many ‘50s and ‘60s vehicles, such as the T-54A/Bs, T-55s and As, and early T-62s.

Rank 6 Aircraft could be transonic and early supersonics, such as the MiG-17 series, the MiG-19 series, Su-7/9 series, etc.


Rank 7 tanks could be strong ‘60s vehicles, medium strength ‘70s, to low strength ‘80s vehicles.  So this could include the 1970s variants of the T-62, the T-55M, AM, and T-62M series, the 1963 T-64 as well as the T-64A series, and the T-72 Urals.

Rank 7 Aircraft could be 3rd generation jets, such as the entirety of the MiG-21 series, maybe the first MiG-23s if that doesn’t completely swallow Rank 7 with the shear size of the MiG-21 line.


Rank 8 ground forces would include the strongest ‘70s tanks, and almost the entirety of the 1980s, with the T-64Bs, T-72As, T-72Bs, and the entirety of the T-80 and T-80B series, with up to the Cold War T-80Us.

Rank 8 jets could be ~4th generation jets, (where things probably will get insane, no idea how they’ll do this), with MiG-25s and maybe early MiG-29s such.


Rank 9 would be the entirety of ‘modern tanks’, with the post-Cold war T-80Us and T-80Bs, the T-72B3/B3Ms, and the T-90 series.

Rank 9 jets would be Su-27s and stuff if they go this far.



I believe based on the number of vehicles for the nations in game, a Rank 1-9 system would work perfectly.




But how is this related to World War 1?


My logic: if a Rank 1-9 system for example worked just fine, I think it would be a terrible shame to say, bump all the ranks up by one for a new WW1/interwar Rank, and have a nice even Rank I - X system...


War Thunder: experience 10 ranks (<nice even number, who tf said there should be 7?), giving you the full 1914-modern experience!

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Oh my god yes! So many +1s from me! I don‘t care if it would be effective or not, I need it. I 100% support this suggestion! :mitraljez:

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+1, and this WWI tech tree looks neat.

Maybe the Brustyin tank could be a premium as well to have something austro-hungarian. Huehue. ( or at least some armored cars would be fine too) 

Edited by GeckesPilotHUN
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I want it, but I don't believe we weill ever see it :/

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Ofc, yes. There is no reason not to have ww1 tanks in game since we have ww2-cold war and modern MBT's

Br decompression with separator holes where its needed and yes please ww1 tanks


would be more fun than more broken and extremely expensive modern era tanks and missile systems that just ruin the game and bring in terrible meta's

Edited by Jacky95
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  • 2 weeks later...

tesar Tank , rly? it would be pretty bad , and big

Edit: No cannos? And slow?

Edited by Ghostmaxi
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  • 2 months later...
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it would require a massive amount of work for a bunch of tanks that would have poor armament, poor armour and poor mobility.
it would extend the grind to get to the highest tier vehicles even more and force people to play with barely mobile boxes to start with.
i do not think this is a good idea at all since it would require far too much work since it would require a "Tier 0" to work and that changes the game in ways that may not be positive at all. 

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12 hours ago, *TheLastYouSee__ said:

it would require a massive amount of work for a bunch of tanks that would have poor armament, poor armour and poor mobility.
it would extend the grind to get to the highest tier vehicles even more and force people to play with barely mobile boxes to start with.
i do not think this is a good idea at all since it would require far too much work since it would require a "Tier 0" to work and that changes the game in ways that may not be positive at all. 

My concept for tier 0 is that it's not a requirement, and you have to go through from tier 1 to tier 3, and then you unlock it, like for helicopters.

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52 minutes ago, Solarmod said:

My concept for tier 0 is that it's not a requirement, and you have to go through from tier 1 to tier 3, and then you unlock it, like for helicopters.


I think that is pretty reasonable.


I was thinking somewhat the same idea a few days ago. Since i today realize that WW1 tank may require a good knowledge of how the game works. And the conclusion i came to is that current reserve tanks like a BT-5 is the only viewable machine for a new player and the BT-7 will become a rank 2 tank which the player will be able to grind from the get go. :)

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1 hour ago, eleks12 said:


I think that is pretty reasonable.


I was thinking somewhat the same idea a few days ago. Since i today realize that WW1 tank may require a good knowledge of how the game works. And the conclusion i came to is that current reserve tanks like a BT-5 is the only viewable machine for a new player and the BT-7 will become a rank 2 tank which the player will be able to grind from the get go. :)

Yeah, that's one reason why I think it's better that people suggest tier 0 as a seperate gamemode, cause everything is even slower, and most vehicles aren't even designed to fight tanks, planes have different mechanics, etc. :salute: Still gib A7VU

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If WWI tanks should ever be added, It'd definitely make sense to not start with them.  They'd be slow and immobile to the point that people would be put off playing further.  Rank 0 would be something that I'd be interested in but it would definitely be one for the purists.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So stupid that people cry about how it would be bad with new players having to start with slow tanks. It all started slow in the old times, everything was slow. Did they complain? NO! It is 100% fair that players have to go trough some hard work before experiencing the real deal. If War Thunder make a tutorial for how to do well on a WW1 battlefield would it take little time before players reach the interwar vehicles, from there will things speed up.


+1 from me!

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On 13/11/2019 at 01:56, Gerhard___Thyben said:

So stupid that people cry about how it would be bad with new players having to start with slow tanks. It all started slow in the old times, everything was slow. Did they complain? NO! It is 100% fair that players have to go trough some hard work before experiencing the real deal. If War Thunder make a tutorial for how to do well on a WW1 battlefield would it take little time before players reach the interwar vehicles, from there will things speed up.


+1 from me!

Or another option could be, to make a rank 0 with BRs from 0.3 to 1.0, researching them upwards (best to worst). That way Gaijin just have to slap an additional rank over rank I and don't have to worry about BR changes and those vehicles would be completely optional.

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On 12/11/2019 at 18:56, Gerhard___Thyben said:

So stupid that people cry about how it would be bad with new players having to start with slow tanks.

So, if you just picked up a game where the advertising is fast paced action, and you pick it up, and got a slow, slow grind before you even start getting to the actual stuff you wanted, you'd be fine with it?

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15 hours ago, Stuhlfleisch said:

Or another option could be, to make a rank 0 with BRs from 0.3 to 1.0, researching them upwards (best to worst). That way Gaijin just have to slap an additional rank over rank I and don't have to worry about BR changes and those vehicles would be completely optional.

And for that matter, a lot of tanks people propose for tier 0 (BT-2, Leichttraktor, etc) might fit at BR 1.0, whereas some of the French vehicles as well as other low-tier vehicles could be moved down to BR 0.7 at least.

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8 hours ago, Solarmod said:

So, if you just picked up a game where the advertising is fast paced action, and you pick it up, and got a slow, slow grind before you even start getting to the actual stuff you wanted, you'd be fine with it?

There would literally take only a couple of battles with the limited WW1 vehicles before players reach the interwar tanks. From there will things speed up drastically. And for the people that want to hurry up and get the latest tanks seconds after loging in for the first time but have to wait because "HuRr DuRr GaIjIn Is FoRcInG mE tO sPeNd TiMe WiTh ThEiR gAmE": It's worth it+ you can see and experience a WW1 vehicle recreated in a game!

Edited by Gerhard___Thyben
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