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Multi-Function Menu Feedback



Hi dvndev, in another thread you asked for some feedback regarding the multi-function menu. I've got a small issue that has been around in the ground vehicles multi-function menu since 2015 if you would care to take a look at it. It doesn't actually concern using the multi-function menu but rather something in the multi-function menu you cannot directly bind a key press to activate rather than using the multi-function menu.


Currently when using the gampad simplified and simulator presets in the controls wizard in the ground vehicles multi-function menu you can activate everything in it by binding a button or key press directly to the function you want to use except bringing up the artillery strike tactical map. If you use the mouse + keypad preset from the controls wizard it is bound by default to keyboard key 5 therefore negating the need to use the multi-function menu to activate it.


In fact I can't even find in controls where this function is located now. Back in the day it was called the "Artillery strike" function (not to be confused with "Call for artillery strike"). It used to sit between "Select the fourth type of shells" (4) and "Fire extinguisher" (6). Therefore there is no way on PS4 to directly bind a key to the artillery tactical map unless you use the mouse + keyboard preset and indeed no way to change the default away from key 5 in the mouse + keyboard preset, which in turn means there is no way at all to bind any button on the DS4 directly to the artillery strike tactical map.


You might think oh well you can just use the multi-function menu to bring up the artillery strike tactical map but some of us who use a keyboard and mouse in conjunction with the DS4 don't like the multi-function menu. In my honest opinion I find it clunky and slow. Better to have a direct bind to all the functions within the multi-function menu. It's much easier and much much faster.


Is this a bug or is it working as intended? It's never been resolved publicly to my knowledge.


Here's the original report I created and forwarded back in 2015. The screenshots have disapeared from the post but they should still be available in the tracker.


Thanks for your time.



Edited by *PureGT_Muzz
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I am not a fan of the new Multi Purpose Menu. I often activate the interface accidentally while being excited and it now stays until removed vs holding down L3. Meaning I cant move my tank which is usually a big problem being the reason I got excited is I was surprised. Now I have to remove a menu before I can defend myself.  I therefore removed it but now I can't communicate in the limited way ps4 could quickly communicate before hand. All in all this was a badley conceived design element in my opinion. 

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Hi! Thank you!


Constructive feedback is indeed much appreciated. Be it positive or negative - both count and both will help us improve this new functionality.


I will pin this thread so more players can notice it and we have less chance of ending up with feedback scattered around and eventually lost.

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The new Multi-Function Menu is more or less pretty fine to me, however I find it weird you can toggle it on and off, but can't do so with the event menu you use to bring up for a tow, artillery and crew replacement in which you have to hold the button down. I was wondering if there's any way to make the event menu toggle as well. Another nice option to have is the ability to choose which thumbstick to use for navigating the menus since both sticks basically stop controlling the tank when you bring up said menus.

Edited by *ACR-N64
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I generally like the multi-function menu and I think it's a good idea overall, but this are my opinions about the system:


  • It's perfect for those options that are used very infrequently and/or don't warrant a button combination for quick use (e.g. turn radar on and off, ballistic computer, cockpit lighting, opening and closing the cockpit, etc), but not for things that have to be done very quickly. In particular I find the entire "camera control" menu pointless. It's quicker to toggle through all views rather than opening the menu and select the one you want.
  • I like that it stays on without having to hold down the L3 button, it makes it easier to select things. If you want to get out press circle a couple times and the menu will close.
  • You can toggle manual engine control with it, but no other options are available. It would be nice if options like Toggle auto prop pitch, Toggle auto radiator or Toggle supercharger were also available to make MEC just a bit easier on controller users.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I use a keyboard and mouse and sense the mfw has made it so I can't keybind arty, tow rope, crew replacement I think that is a issue that needs investigation. If I use the mfw I have to press x on my controller to confirm selection which puts me in a position to get killed 

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IMO I have to say as someone who uses ONLY a keyboard and mouse to play instead of the ps4 controller this last update that at least on the surface forcing me to use the event menu to call in arty is wack. Especially considering there isn't a option that allows me to opt out so i can revert to the old simple keybind. Which i prefer as it is faster and far less likely to get me killed. And no I'm not going to use the terrible controller to play the game as that's a flat disadvantage I've learned from experience. Overall if there was a choice for this that'd be great but as it stands it's awful as it puts me at a disadvantage by not having arty support just for playing on ps4 with mouse and keyboard. Really hope this gets a simple fix or if there's a setting I'm just missing.

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1. You can no longer bring up the ground vehicles artillery strike tactical map with a keyboard bind (was default 5) when you are using the mouse + keyboard scheme from the PS4 controls wizard.


This is a bit of a step backward in control efficiency because it forces you to use the ground vehicles event selection menu which is clunky and slow compared to a direct keyboard key bind. It also places PS4 at a disadvantage compared to PC where you definitely can bind a keyboard key to the artillery strike tactical map.


2. Several bound keyboard key icons no longer appear above their assigned functions in the ground vehicles battle interface when using the mouse + keyboard scheme from the PS4 controls wizard.

Both of these issues were not present prior to patch. You could bring up the artillery strike tactical map with keyboard key 5 and all the bound function key icons were present in the battle interface no worries at all.


I've bug reported both issues separately but they appear to be linked. It is possibly the same for some other control schemes when using a keyboard?


BTW.. There are no patch notes posted  on the website for to tell us exactly what was changed.



















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On 23/06/2020 at 08:39, *AForsakenSlayer said:

IMO I have to say as someone who uses ONLY a keyboard and mouse to play instead of the ps4 controller this last update that at least on the surface forcing me to use the event menu to call in arty is wack. Especially considering there isn't a option that allows me to opt out so i can revert to the old simple keybind. Which i prefer as it is faster and far less likely to get me killed. And no I'm not going to use the terrible controller to play the game as that's a flat disadvantage I've learned from experience. Overall if there was a choice for this that'd be great but as it stands it's awful as it puts me at a disadvantage by not having arty support just for playing on ps4 with mouse and keyboard. Really hope this gets a simple fix or if there's a setting I'm just missing.



Yup it is a big step backwards ay mate. My sentiments exactly. You are not missing anything. The 5 key no longer works when using the mouse + keyboard scheme from the PS4 controls wizard and there is no option to bind anything unlike on PC where it is possible. In short, it's now the clunky and slow event selection menu or nothing if you play on PS4.


Edited by *PureGT_Muzz
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1 hour ago, *Maj_Fox said:

Why do this? Everything was fine.


Hopefully dvndev is just breaking a few eggs to make an omelet..It happens that way sometimes.


1 hour ago, *Maj_Fox said:

Played a game yesterday and got warning about controls not set. Same in planes.


Is there a link somewere explaning how this is meant to work?


Something like this.



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7 hours ago, *PureGT_Muzz said:



Yup it is a big step backwards ay mate. My sentiments exactly. You are not missing anything. The 5 key no longer works when using the mouse + keyboard scheme from the PS4 controls wizard and there is no option to bind anything unlike on PC where it is possible. In short, it's now the clunky and slow event selection menu or nothing if you play on PS4. Check out the linked thread below.


I've bug reported it and started a separate thread here. @dvndev may merge it into this thread as it is fairly related. Up to him.

i have a thread up in ps4 technical issues to inform everyone i have investigated and found that naval still has artillery key binding of 5 



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25 minutes ago, *darkestsoul00 said:

i have a thread up in ps4 technical issues to inform everyone i have investigated and found that naval still has artillery key binding of 5 


Good snooping. I did wonder about that but I didn't get around to checking it out. Thanks for the info!

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1 hour ago, *PureGT_Muzz said:


Hopefully dvndev is just breaking a few eggs to make an omelet..It happens that way sometimes.



Fingers crossed.


Apologies, don't think I was very clear in my original post.


Can I bind a button on my KB so it acts like the message menu and select stuff with my mouse or do I have to set up the PS controller? If it is the contoller, how? Been a long time sense I used that in WT other than type chat.



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8 hours ago, *darkestsoul00 said:

i have a thread up in ps4 technical issues to inform everyone i have investigated and found that naval still has artillery key binding of 5 



Hmm I just tried it.


Using the mouse + keyboard scheme from the PS4 controls wizard the naval artillery strike tactical map and event selection menu are both by default bound to 5. If you press 5 the event selection radial menu pops up. You then have to use the DS4 to bring up the artillery strike tactical map.


If you unbind 5 from the event selection menu you would expect 5 to now bring up the artillery strike tactical map. It doesn't. It does precisely nothing!


I could be missing something but it appears that the naval artillery strike tactical map is also broken when bound directly to a keyboard key. You have no choice other than use the event selection menu and the DS4.


Very disappointing considering you are using the mouse + keyboard scheme from the wizard.




I just tried it on PC. Yup 5 is bound by default and brings up the artillery strike tactical map.


@dvndev Can you please tell us why on PS4 we can't bring up the ground and naval artillery strike tactical map with a direct keyboard bind like you can on PC?


The event selection menu is slow. More to the point, using the DS4 sticks is very much slower than using a mouse to place the strike!

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9 hours ago, *Maj_Fox said:

Can I bind a button on my KB so it acts like the message menu and select stuff with my mouse or do I have to set up the PS controller?


No. You can bring up the event selection menu with a keyboard bind but you still have to use the DS4 stick to select the artillery strike tactical map and other functions in the menu.


I could be missing something but I don't think so. I even tried toggling the use sticks to control the cursor in the options settings.


9 hours ago, *Maj_Fox said:

If it is the contoller, how?


Bind one of the DS4 sticks to the Radial menu navigation X & Y axes. It's right at the bottom of the miscellaneous section.


It seems it was hidden due to a bug but that is fixed and you can see it now. Unfortunately in fixing that the direct keyboard bind to the artillery strike tactical map got broken in the same patch.


It's a vicious circle and so frustrating that this sort of stuff has been happening for literally years whenever the devs muck about with the event selection menu or pretty much anything to do with the DS4 sticks.

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..so we stray away from tanks modes because that's broke..


And the spectator mode view in Air RB is repeatedly wobbling up and down giving me motion sickness..


Know how's gotten refunds on games because of that stuff?


Me. Many others. This being an F2P I should calculate how much I've spent on planes, on top of the Strv103-0 being so bad it makes me sick.

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2 hours ago, *Maj_Fox said:

My take is to set the menu up like the "Team Chat".


There is an option there to either use the KB or DS4 controller.




2 hours ago, *PureGT_Muzz said:

Or just give us back our keyboard key bind like it is on pc!



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Yeah this needs a fix, it was fine before for a lot of us and the implementation of the radial menu broke something. This is the reason why so many of us are having this problem.

Edited by *Shmo11100
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@*RAIphella_78 this (inability to use artillery with M+KB preset) should have been fixed this morning. Does the problem still reproduce for you in PS4 version 3.17? (We can no longer reproduce it internally.)


This is not directly related to MFM, though the issue appeared because of a fix related to MFM (it's bindings were not always visible too). Sadly, we still have some inconsistencies in controls UI. One of our current goals is to make controls settings more obvious.


Ability to properly bind artillery on consoles with Mouse+Keyboard presets should be restored shortly (the option was hidden on consoles for quite a long while already, but there is no reason for it). When using Dualshock4 presets, it won't be visible yet - there are some conflicts, this will be fixed separately (it requires more testing, as you have unfortunately noticed).


Sorry for inconvenience.

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