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Multi-Function Menu Feedback

Thanks for the fix!


I can now drive and aim my tank with the DS4 and use all the functions associated with the event selection menu with a keyboard bind again.


Much appreciated.



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I'd still like to see a "Team Message" style option so as to make it easy to select options not normally used in addition to binding specific keys for more popular options.


I only use a half KB so I would find it useful. Cheers


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Note: Issue 2 has been fixed with the latest update, issue 1 is an annoyance I will take care of.

Hi, *PureGT_Muzz kindly directed me to this topic after I posted a separate post, thinking it may be my set up.


My issue only began after the last update.  I play keyboard and mouse with PS4 and only ever use the controller when I need to resize decals and rotate decals and camouflage.  I begin with PS4 in November 2018 and used the controller for only a month or two before trying it on my laptop.  My much better success with the laptop keyboard prompted me to buy a wireless keyboard and mouse for our PS4 and I have been playing on the PS4 with keyboard and mouse since about this time last year.  Last week I ran a update after not having played for a number of days.  It's made play irritating and difficult.


Issue 1: The first irritant is when I spawn, I get all these messages for no keys assigned to radial menus which is puzzling as I've never had such messages before.  See the first picture attached (and apologies for the poor quality, I don't know how to get screen shots from my PS4 to a site I regularly use). Is the radial menu a new thing?  When I go into my controls to check if I can address issue 2, below, I get a whole slew of similar messages when I try to leave.


I have never experienced the above previously.


I am guessing those messages relate to the new (?) multi-function menu?  I have a bunch of standard radio messages hot keyed to Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, etc, but I still use the old stalwart T-3-3 to apologize, usually at spawn time when we are sometimes spawned in an area like a kid dropping all his toy cars on top of each other and you bang into each other frequently.  :smile:  I've tried pressing T the past couple months and this unfamiliar to me circular thing comes up that I just press esc on because I don't have time to fiddle through it in a battle


Issue 2: My bottom screen menu has changed and is showing PS4 controller buttons and button combinations instead of keyboard numbers. 


Previously, I would see 1 to 4 ammo types, all labelled from 1 to 4.  The second screen shot shows what appears there now.  I have never seen this in the year I've been playing with keyboard and mouse on PS4.  I can still select ammo using the keyboard numbers.


There's no number or key combo for punching local smoke.  However, keyboard G still works.


No artillery number or key and keyboard 5 no longer works.  This got me really irritated.


Fire suppression has no key indicator, but I believe 6 still works.  When I am set on fire, there's a PS4 controller combo that shows as needing to be used.


Similar situation for repairs and crew replacement, keyboard F and =, respectively, still work.


The artillery situation is unacceptable and I really don't understand why the PS4 key combos are showing instead of keyboard keys.


=  =  =


I just tuned on my PS4 for the first time since Wednesday and I see 3.17 is being copied.  Hopefully that fixes these two problems.  Let's take a test drive and see,,,


FANTASTIC!  The most important one to me, issue 2 appears to have been fixed.  Error messages on radial menus still occur, so I'll have a go at assigning some keys to that.




Photo 2020-06-25, 03 31 43.jpg

Photo 2020-06-25, 02 20 27.jpg

Edited by *Tango_2_3

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5 hours ago, *Tango_2_3 said:

I get all these messages for no keys assigned to radial menus


Assign the left or right DS4 stick to these axes. The warning messages will disappear. You don't use your DS4 for playing so it wont do any harm. They are right at the bottom of the miscellaneous section of each vehicle type.



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On 26/06/2020 at 00:41, dvndev said:

Ability to properly bind artillery on consoles with Mouse+Keyboard presets should be restored shortly (the option was hidden on consoles for quite a long while already, but there is no reason for it).


Could you please make sure it is restored for all PS4 presets including the two joystick presets.



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23 hours ago, *PureGT_Muzz said:


Assign the left or right DS4 stick to these axes. The warning messages will disappear. You don't use your DS4 for playing so it wont do any harm. They are right at the bottom of the miscellaneous section of each vehicle type.




I've got a buttom assigned to call up the menu but can't seem to assign a DS4 stick, must be me missing somthing.


Any chance of a screen shot of the controls menu?



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On 28/06/2020 at 08:52, *PureGT_Muzz said:


Assign the left or right DS4 stick to these axes. The warning messages will disappear. You don't use your DS4 for playing so it wont do any harm. They are right at the bottom of the miscellaneous section of each vehicle type.




That works.


Is DS4 a typo?  Sorry to be thick, but I'm old. :) 


Also, there's a problem with update 3.17:


The driving controls have become wonky on the keyboard.  The vehicle will not stop.  When I spawn into a game, the vehicle is moving backwards at reverse cruise control.  Pressing W will stop it for a moment, but release W and it starts going backwards.  If I click E for CC, it will not stop it.  In fact, if I go into CC1 ,it jumps to CC2.  The only way I can stop the vehicle is by clicking both left and right, A & D at the same time.  This may work because I have lock left and right track mapped to left and right turn.  This does not happen all the time.  It began yesterday in the middle of a game.  Shutting down the PS4 and returning later fixed it.  I also played without the issue this morning, but just logged in and it continues.  Turning of the PS4 does not help.


This does not happen in test drive. 


I've done the following to no effect:


  • Changed the batteries on my keyboard
  • I've turned the game off and restarted.
  • Turned the PS4 off and restarted.
  • Checked keyboard for obstructions.

I'll try to make a bug report.

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29 minutes ago, *Tango_2_3 said:

Is DS4 a typo?  Sorry to be thick, but I'm old.


 DS4 = Dual Shock 4.


29 minutes ago, *Tango_2_3 said:

The vehicle will not stop.


I had this problem when I switched to the mouse + keyboard preset but still using the DS4 (you know what that is now :D) to steer my tanks. It was a brand new DS4 so not worn out and needing some correction applied. I fixed it with a small throttle dead zone increase from the default 0.02 to 0.25. You appear to use the keyboard keys for throttle etc so it may not help you but try the dead zone and see if it works.



War Thunder_20200630112629.jpg


Anyway we need to get this thread back on track for the multi function menu so if you have any more problems shoot me a direct message from https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/profile/297667-puregt_muzz/ and I'll try to help you out.

Edited by *PureGT_Muzz
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Hay *PureGT_Muzz.


My menu looks the same as your screen shots. Thanks again for posting those.


Press a button on my KB and the MFM comes on screen. Available options high lighted in green, others greyed out. In the center circle is the letter "L" indicating I have the Left Stick set up to use the menu. However moving the LS nothing happens. I can press any other buttons, on DS4 or KB and nothing happens unless I hit the original button to exit. Am I missing a step?


I can map buttons on the DS4 such as the "Call Arty" and it works fine so the game is picking up the controller.



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19 hours ago, *Maj_Fox said:

However moving the LS nothing happens.


It's actually a combination of two settings that makes it work. One in options and one in controls.


In Options > Main Parameters > Controller Settings set Use stick to control cursor to yes.


In  Controls > Common > Voice Messages set Use controller for radio messages to Yes.


Now it will work with the controller.


I have that and Use mouse for radio messages set to yes so I can use both the controller and mouse. I recommend a mouse as it is way faster than using a controller. Basically the way I control the game is exactly the same as the PC guys do except I use the DS4 or a joystick to steer, aim and fire weapons. Everything else is keyboard or mouse because it is way faster than a controller.


Alternatively you can set up the quick / favourite radio commands and use a direct key bind  such as 1, 2, 3 or NUMPAD1 , NUMPAD2, NUMPAD3 and bypass the on screen GUI all together. This is the fastest way but you have to memorise what command is bound to which key. Just be careful you don't conflict the keys with other functions like changing shells and suspension control. Not to mention functions associated with other vehicle types like aircraft manual engine control etc.


I hope that lot fixes it for you.




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Edited by *PureGT_Muzz
Fixed a typo.
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Thank you for time and effort but still not working.


I can call up Team Messages and use either mouse or LS to move curser and select a message.


I call up up MFM, options visible but no cursor, no response from LS or mouse.


The only thing I can think of is that I have selected a KB layout initially and then edited to suit my set up. If I select a DS set up can I still bind keys and use mouse?


If that fails I'll give up till the next patch.



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With ref to the picture of my half KB above.


Pressing all buttons out of frustration with the MFM up I found out I could acces the sun-menus by pressing 1 to 6 on the KB. 1 to 3 gives me the left options and 4 to 6 gives me the right option.


On the sub-menus the buttons also work but an DS4 X button also shows. However, pressing the DS4 X button does nothing.


Checked through the "Contols" for aircraft and only number 1 is set to do anything, can't find any bindings for the other 5 numbers.


I'll carry on playing when I get home from work. Oh yeah, Covid 19, I'm working from home.;)

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I reset my controls, originally KB&M to DS4. Then re-bound all the functions I use most to the KB&M.


I also set a key for the "Multi-Function Menu" and a key for "Show Mouse Curser". I can now bring up the menu, show cursor and select the various options with the mouse. Excellent.


I have the number 5 button set to "Call For Artillery Strike" but it does not show on the on the screen above the Artillery marker? Can't call arty, which sucks.



Edited by *Maj_Fox
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Used the wizard to switch back to KB & M default but kept the MFM and Show Mouse.


All seems to work OK, I can call up the menu and use the mouse to sect options and have button 5 for my arty. This means I can now us the MFM for things like Landing Gear Toggle and free up a button on my half keyboard for something I use more often. 


Now is there a list somewhere of the all the functions on the MFM for each game mode type?



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 30/06/2020 at 01:11, *Tango_2_3 said:


That works.


Is DS4 a typo?  Sorry to be thick, but I'm old. :) 


Also, there's a problem with update 3.17:


The driving controls have become wonky on the keyboard.  The vehicle will not stop.  When I spawn into a game, the vehicle is moving backwards at reverse cruise control.  Pressing W will stop it for a moment, but release W and it starts going backwards.  If I click E for CC, it will not stop it.  In fact, if I go into CC1 ,it jumps to CC2.  The only way I can stop the vehicle is by clicking both left and right, A & D at the same time.  This may work because I have lock left and right track mapped to left and right turn.  This does not happen all the time.  It began yesterday in the middle of a game.  Shutting down the PS4 and returning later fixed it.  I also played without the issue this morning, but just logged in and it continues.  Turning of the PS4 does not help.


This does not happen in test drive. 


I've done the following to no effect:


  • Changed the batteries on my keyboard
  • I've turned the game off and restarted.
  • Turned the PS4 off and restarted.
  • Checked keyboard for obstructions.

I'll try to make a bug report.

You have to tick off "relative controls"

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

So here is a pet peeve of mine concerning the multi function menu - on most tanks the artillery prompt will be to the left of the menu, so whenever I want to bring up the artillery, I per automation tilt my stick to the left. 

It's been hardwired into my brain, I don't even look, its become a muscle-memory - left for artillery.

But a problem arises whenever you use a tank with smoke grenades or spotting functionality, artillery switches its default position, it moves to the right ride.

If you play a tank with no spotting, but with smoke grenades, then it moves to bottom left.

I can't begin to tell you how many times I've accidentally fired off smoke when I wanted to open the artillery menu just because it switches position in the wheel menu.

Why the need for this inconsistency? What is the reasoning behind this? 



Why can't artillery stay to the left and the smoke grenades and spotting default somewhere else? This isn't an issue of room, its just random switcharoo for the sake of switcharoo.

Imagine if the gas and break pedals on a car switched places just because you were driving with an automatic gearshift, how confusing wouldn't that be?


But that's not all, as you can see crew replacement also switches place from right to straight down and so does the winch from bottom left to bottom right.

This absolutely kills the fluidity with the MFM. 

You shouldn't have to stop and read the buttons, you should just open and point by automation. That's the whole point of the MFM: snappiness and ease of use.


My suggestion is to cement every function to a set point on the MFM and keep them there; artillery to the left, crew replenishment to the right, and so on.

Edited by Leafleap@psn
One word got flagged because i misspelt it, and I added muscle memory to one of the sentences.
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  • 1 month later...

Would it be possible to add option to light up the crosshairs into the multi function menu?

There are so many night battles nowadays where it is super useful and I have run out of button combinations on the DS4. So it would be great if I could switch it on/off from the menu.

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  • 1 year later...

I got issues with the multifunction menu since this afternoon:


The quick messages on the upper part of the Multifunction menu is gone, I can't warn players with any means, since the chat is unavailable too. Can you fix this?

EDIT: it's completely broken, no buttons work in the multifunction menu.

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