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Versuchsflakwagen with 8.8 cm Flak 37 (not the same as the one that is already in game!)


Versuchsflakwagen with 8.8 cm Flak 37 (not the same as the one that is already in game!)  

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2 hours ago, SaperPL said:


Well, there are other glass cannons. I believe the issue of VFW being OP comes from it being not well known, played by many people because it's limited.


The VFW has less survivability than Nashorn if people know where to shoot at. You can easily take out half of the crew - all the gunners in one shot and then finish off the rest, or if you can flank it, you can just cripple it quickly with MG and then kill the driver and it's over. But it's again the problem of not being able to play it to see where are it's actual weaknesses is the main reason of it being OP. Once you'll get it, you'll see what I'm talking about. Because of that, I often use Nashorn as my second vehicle simply because once you're hit properly, you're left with 3 or 2 crewmen and you're reduced to Nashorn's performance.


When I'm playing a Tiger, I usually shoot at the gunners right away and then try to cripple it by hitting driver or the transmission. It may take some time to finish it off, but taking care of it by crippling it is easy.

The second issue of VFW is that by being OP in fire rate, you learn to shoot properly because you're getting second chances, so overall I guess it's not only that the vehicle is more powerful, but after awhile, the players using them are pretty good because it helps you to train sniping. It's similar to what someone told me about IS-6 being a good premium until some time ago, because it's armour gives you a chance to improve if you fail because it's hard to pen, so you can learn a lot instead of dying quickly and needing to take another different vehicle.

The VFW was even weaker back when Hullbreak existed

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On 29/03/2022 at 19:06, Cpt_Jack_Irons said:

The VFW was even weaker back when Hullbreak existed


I wouldn't say it like that, it was weaker at some situation and virtually inpenetrable at other. Right now it's easier to kill it from the front when hullbreak was a thing while back then you could have been hull breaked by 85 mm round slighly grazing/bouncing off the skirt or gun shield. It was really annoying back then, but now you can get hit in the front/cab and lose 3 or 4 crewmen while back then you would lose one at a time or none quite often. It's just different and more reasonable, than getting hull breaked by a single shrapnel from artillery shell exploding 10 meters away hitting your skirt. The weaknesses were eased out/averaged to not be so outrageously visible in some situations.

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  • 5 months later...
On 14/11/2021 at 18:27, SaperPL said:


... the 8.8cm Flak 37 halftrack could be similarly effective if not for the fact that there is a bug with depression on the top of the driver cab where travel lock makes it so that the gun needs to go up slightly over whole cab and not just this portion where the travel lock is, so that makes it so you can't engage effectively at close range. With the game making it so that the battles are fought at closer distance, they should've made the bug in opposite way so the travel lock is neglected, because the whole armoured front and cab doesn't make sense if you can't shoot forward unless on exactly even ground. So having more 88's that actually can fight at closer range would be really cool.


I used the Test Drive to observe how wide sector is it in which the gun cannot use its full depression. It is approximately 80 degrees wide sector. Quite big chunk.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/09/2022 at 15:57, Teemestari said:

I used the Test Drive to observe how wide sector is it in which the gun cannot use its full depression. It is approximately 80 degrees wide sector. Quite big chunk.

yep, and it should be like 3 or 5 degrees just around the travel lock? And more importantly, aren't such things completely removable for various reasons?

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  • 4 months later...

Basically, I'm happy about every new vehicle we get in War Thunder. But a VFW with a worse gun... That would be the absolute last thing on my list. And if there were only a few copies built anyway... 
I would find it more important, well, more meaningful, if other vehicles, which were really produced in larger numbers and also used, would find their way into the game, the StuG IV or the SdKfz 250 with different armament options for example...

Prototypes should only enter the game in exceptional cases.

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On 11/03/2023 at 23:43, _MOC_ said:

Basically, I'm happy about every new vehicle we get in War Thunder. But a VFW with a worse gun... That would be the absolute last thing on my list. And if there were only a few copies built anyway... 
I would find it more important, well, more meaningful, if other vehicles, which were really produced in larger numbers and also used, would find their way into the game, the StuG IV or the SdKfz 250 with different armament options for example...

Prototypes should only enter the game in exceptional cases.


I don't really think that would be a gun that is a lot worse. The Flak 37 on the flakbus is perfectly fine, the problem is that the vehicle that is carrying it has some issues.


As for limiting prototypes - I don't like the idea of vehicles being limited to event vehicles, especially such vehicles that have significantly different play style/features from others. I'm okay with putting them as premiums/packs, but making it that people joining the game later cannot play them without paying ludicrous amounts of money is something I don't like. And I like my VFW and I believe that this vehicle is a great learning experience and I like others to have a chance at it as well.


This is essentially the problem that Battlefield series has right now - there are vehicles in it, but to play specific vehicles, you have to have luck in match to be able to spawn in a vehicle/drive it. So the game has a feature, but it's not a given that you can use it. The games shouldn't be like that IMO and therefore I'll advocate towards possibility to access specific types of vehicles even when you missed the event, came late to the game.

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