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No fly zone


On 15/07/2021 at 11:42, Lexing_ said:

That sounds like an incredibly complicated solution for an issue that could be resolved through a bit of teamwork. Get 2-3 teammates and spawn in at the same time, then shallow dive in different directions. The camper has to pick one guy to chase kill, so the others get energy in the meantime. And then you can 2v1/3v1 the camper at equal energy states. 

Just to clarify, I am not in favor of spawn camping. Do I do it? Yes, because frankly, camping is the only way a fighter will have any sort of impact on the match. Furballing can get kills, but by the time you kill the attackers they would have already dropped their load. The whole point of camping is to cut off the flow of bombs and rockets to the objectives by shooting down planes as quickly as possible, and it is merely easier to do so by positioning oneself near the spawn. Do you ever wonder why campers tend to attack bombers first before the fighters? because bombers pose a greater threat to the game and are coincidentally easier to finish off than fighters are. 

Yeah, just stuff that came off the top of my head. Hard to implement, no interest to do so. Withdraw the proposal (as if it would have any effect anyway). 

I have to disagree with you in couple of points. First, it's practically impossible to get any teammate to coordinate anything with anyone in AB. Unless it's a clan or something. The other day coincidentally five or six of my team had climbed high when we spotted a guy of one of those (*choose your most hated*) clans, coming our way still a bit far. I said, everyone flying high concentrate on that @#$%. And we did. Must have been one of his shortest matches. But it was a coincidence. If I were to say, hey people let us a bunch of fighters go on high and get the campers, I doubt a single one would follow.

Then maybe I'm cynical, but I don't agree that the main reason for camping is to get the bombers to prevent them from bombing. That's a collateral. The main point of spawn camping is to farm kills to get 20+ and look nice in your clan's scoreboard.

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On 19/07/2021 at 19:41, Caralampio said:

First, it's practically impossible to get any teammate to coordinate anything with anyone in AB. Unless it's a clan or something.

If you can't coordinate with your teammates, don't expect to be able to get rid of the camper. You need the numbers advantage to fight someone with more energy.


On 19/07/2021 at 19:41, Caralampio said:

Then maybe I'm cynical, but I don't agree that the main reason for camping is to get the bombers to prevent them from bombing. That's a collateral. The main point of spawn camping is to farm kills to get 20+ and look nice in your clan's scoreboard.

No it isn't. No one plays this game to get as many kills as possible. Everyone starts off by playing for the win, in their own ways. Killing planes contributes to a win just like groundpounding does. The issue with killing planes at ground level however, is that the attackers will have already dropped their load, and killing them only sends them to the respawn screen where they can pick up a fresh payload. So you are essentially speeding up the pace of the other team's ground attacks, not slowing it down. To slow it down, you have to kill them BEFORE they drop their initial load. That means cutting them off at the spawn or at least close to it, hence the camping. Trust me when I say getting 20 kills is much easier to do in the middle of the map than over the spawn.

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On 21/07/2021 at 11:01, Lexing_ said:

If you can't coordinate with your teammates, don't expect to be able to get rid of the camper. You need the numbers advantage to fight someone with more energy.


No it isn't. No one plays this game to get as many kills as possible. Everyone starts off by playing for the win, in their own ways. Killing planes contributes to a win just like groundpounding does. The issue with killing planes at ground level however, is that the attackers will have already dropped their load, and killing them only sends them to the respawn screen where they can pick up a fresh payload. So you are essentially speeding up the pace of the other team's ground attacks, not slowing it down. To slow it down, you have to kill them BEFORE they drop their initial load. That means cutting them off at the spawn or at least close to it, hence the camping. Trust me when I say getting 20 kills is much easier to do in the middle of the map than over the spawn.

OK but entire clans whose only purpose in life is to get the bombers? Nah I don't buy it. I can believe you have that in mind when you camp, but not those clans. All they do is camp, and why bring only one plane to each battle? So if they do get killed, they can immediately go grief people at another game.

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16 hours ago, Caralampio said:

OK but entire clans whose only purpose in life is to get the bombers? Nah I don't buy it. I can believe you have that in mind when you camp, but not those clans. All they do is camp, and why bring only one plane to each battle? So if they do get killed, they can immediately go grief people at another game.

But what if... shocker I know... I don't plan to die? It's extremely easy to survive in this game for props as long as you know what you are doing. 

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On 21/07/2021 at 14:01, Lexing_ said:

No it isn't. No one plays this game to get as many kills as possible.

This must be sarcasm given that there are threads on this fourm bragging about just that . 

Edited by FailBoatCaptain
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6 hours ago, FailBoatCaptain said:

This must be sarcasm given that there are threads on this fourm bragging about just that . 

Please don't take my statement out of context

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12 hours ago, Lexing_ said:

Please don't take my statement out of context

I don't think I am,  I think you are 'explaining' the stat padders . Which is fine everyone's allowed to play the game for whatever reason they want but to say nobody plays to get the maximum'score ; is flat out lying there's a thread somewhere about high scores and that thread has zero to do with these unicoms 'doing a job for the team' 

Edited by FailBoatCaptain
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On 28/07/2021 at 02:10, Lexing_ said:

Please don't take my statement out of context


Objection overruled, statement was made in regards to the motivation of spawn camping, response to this statement has adressed the subject matter correctly and presented a counter argument.



With warm regards



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  • 2 months later...

Agree it needs to come into being finally...it's a bad hold over from the old days and most other PvP games have eliminated it.  RB literally has SAMs now and no you didn't rob someone of a kill if you go back, land, and repair.  They simply failed to kill you and in real life that's what we call it.  We don't say "that coward flew back after his engine began smoking rather than staying and getting shot down like a real man". 


The spawn zone should be off limits period excluding bombers attacking the airfield and to go one further eliminate their kills scoring anything in that region until the airfield is open to be attacked and they would naturally need to be there. 

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I'll propose a no fly zone. One that would work perfectly, too.


If an enemy is in your spawn bubble, you can't spawn any vehicles until some one on your team makes them leave. I bet every one would not just ignore enemy fighter cover and dive right to the ground as hard as they could then. You guys act like you aren't responsible for getting killed from above when you make no effort to stop people from getting there. That is on you. There is no such thing as spawn camping in air arcade. There is air superiority and there isn't. If you want it, take it.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, I got it.  A solution I think that will work.


When there are enemy above the spawn (It shouldn't be a difficult area to define), all aircraft spawning in will have a minimum 2,000 meter altitude advantage above the camper(s) plus a small speed advantage over normal spawn speeds.


When the campers are gone (out of the defined area)  the altitudes and speeds return to normal.


Easy peasy. 

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3 hours ago, V45Magna said:

Ok, I got it.  A solution I think that will work.


When there are enemy above the spawn (It shouldn't be a difficult area to define), all aircraft spawning in will have a minimum 2,000 meter altitude advantage above the camper(s) plus a small speed advantage over normal spawn speeds.


When the campers are gone (out of the defined area)  the altitudes and speeds return to normal.


Easy peasy. 

That's actually a great way to do it.

I hate when people do this to me, it just makes spawning something you don't want to do, so you ODL. So now I do it as well sometimes, in a Hitlerbolt, you can't catch me and you can't reach me. I don't kill many people with the constant stream of spawns and me being a beginner at air but still enough to annoy and harass and pick out isolated targets. I find it very easy to survive in Air, easier than making kills. 


Making the spawns above the campers would be a perfect solution. I find usually it's some level 100 seal clubber squad that will do it. Great stats brah! Be like me bragging about rank 2 kills, lol. 


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