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Romanian Land Forces Sub-tree - Viața este o bătălie (Updated 17JUN23)


Romanian Land Forces Sub-tree - Viața este o bătălie  

87 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the Romanian Land Forces Sub-tree be added to War Thunder?

    • Yes!
    • No!
  2. 2. Where should it go?

    • German Ground Forces Tree
    • U.S.S.R. Ground Forces Tree
    • Italian Ground Forces Tree
    • Other Ground Forces Tree (Comments)
    • I said No!

Cleaned up the suggestion to make it more navigable and make corrections. The summary/description of each vehicle has been moved into a spoiler. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 02/12/2021 at 04:23, Solarmod said:

I honestly think Romania has enough at low-mid-top tier that it could easily stand on its own. Air especially. I'd only want a sub-tree if the devs say "we're never going to add another country to the game ever again", type deal. Which I don't want. +0 but not -1.

No it doesn't, or at least it doesn't have anywhere near enough indigenous vehicles for a proper tech tree. All of the tech tree proposals I've seen are flooded with copy-paste, paper/fictional vehicles and barely modified foreign stuff. Romania has a few unique WW2 tanks and some late cold war unique vehicles but nothing in between. Definitely can't be an independent tree and could just about be a sub tree with a massive gap in the middle.

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I don't think Romania should be a subtree, there are enough vehicles which would warrant its own TT. It doesn't make sense being added to any other nation as their tanks just don't fit in. I can't imagine the Italian tree with all this stuff, if Italy needs a subtree, they should get Spain or Brazil. Nations like Germany and the USSR already have enough domestic vehicles to cover their requirements, so they don't need subtrees at all. 


TL;DR: Romania should be its own independent tree.

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2 hours ago, AVROVULCANXH558 said:

I don't think Romania should be a subtree, there are enough vehicles which would warrant its own TT. It doesn't make sense being added to any other nation as their tanks just don't fit in. I can't imagine the Italian tree with all this stuff, if Italy needs a subtree, they should get Spain or Brazil. Nations like Germany and the USSR already have enough domestic vehicles to cover their requirements, so they don't need subtrees at all. 


TL;DR: Romania should be its own independent tree.

Wouldn't it be sensible, with this logic, to add Spain as an independent nation too, rather than as a sub-tree?

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2 hours ago, AVROVULCANXH558 said:

I don't think Romania should be a subtree, there are enough vehicles which would warrant its own TT. It doesn't make sense being added to any other nation as their tanks just don't fit in. I can't imagine the Italian tree with all this stuff, if Italy needs a subtree, they should get Spain or Brazil. Nations like Germany and the USSR already have enough domestic vehicles to cover their requirements, so they don't need subtrees at all. 


TL;DR: Romania should be its own independent tree.


  I do not see how you can justify Spain in Italian TT but not Romania.


19 minutes ago, Mahiwew said:

Wouldn't it be sensible, with this logic, to add Spain as an independent nation too, rather than as a sub-tree?


  Exactly, Spain with the Portuguese vehicles could be quite good either in form of Spanish TT or Iberian TT.


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36 minutes ago, Mahiwew said:

Wouldn't it be sensible, with this logic, to add Spain as an independent nation too, rather than as a sub-tree?

The argument can be made that Spain and Italy are much closer culturally and historically speaking, as well as being allies in the 1930's, and in the Postwar era being in NATO and operating relatively similar equipment. Meanwhile, Romania and Italy have very little in common, the latter operates Warsaw Pact equipment and the only reason Romanian vehicles are present in the Italian TT was because that's where Gaijin decided to put minor Axis nations. In regards to equipment, the Spain-Italy connection is much more homogenous as they operate similar equipment, or equipment which fits into the same doctrine. Meanwhile Romania would bring vehicles which wouldn't fit in to the tree so well. 


In all honesty, there are enough vehicles that can be added to a potential Romanian Tree that wouldn't warrant it being added in the Italian TT. 

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2 minutes ago, AVROVULCANXH558 said:

The argument can be made that Spain and Italy are much closer culturally and historically speaking, as well as being allies in the 1930's, and in the Postwar era being in NATO and operating relatively similar equipment. Meanwhile, Romania and Italy have very little in common, the latter operates Warsaw Pact equipment and the only reason Romanian vehicles are present in the Italian TT was because that's where Gaijin decided to put minor Axis nations. In regards to equipment, the Spain-Italy connection is much more homogenous as they operate similar equipment, or equipment which fits into the same doctrine. Meanwhile Romania would bring vehicles which wouldn't fit in to the tree so well. 


In all honesty, there are enough vehicles that can be added to a potential Romanian Tree that wouldn't warrant it being added in the Italian TT. 

I absolutely agree on Romania not belonging in the Italian tree, but neither does Spain.
Spain has had a closer modern military collaboration with Germany, more so than Italy. I think military collaboration is much more important to take into consideration than "cultural similarities", as this would delve into much too opinionated cases. Many people weren't happy with the Swiss Hunter being added to Germany, which is only added there due to "cultural association". Same happened with the SK-105 at first, but due to the community's outrage at this case this was changed.


Spain has enough vehicles to stand on it's own, and in a fairly bigger capacity than Romania too, especially when regarding naval vessels. I think it wouldn't be sensible to add them as a sub-tree.

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  • 1 month later...

I am from Romania, so i want some of our vehicles to be added in War Thunder.


I have to agree with Gaijin, i think adding them in the Italian tech tree it is good.


And NO, there is no point for a Romania tech tree on its own. We don't have enough vehicles on land, air and water  to make line-ups. 

I am sick and tired of these half-baked tech trees where i can't make a line-up for Ground RB.


Right now i am researching the last Italian vehicles and the playing experience is so bad ...  
Basically i can make a top tier line-up with 3 or 4 x Ariete tanks and that is kinda it.


There is no missile SPAA, there is nothing you can do against a plane who is dropping  guided ordnance from 10km above or against drones or against top tier helicopters.

OTOMAGIC is better against tanks than against flying vehicles. And Sidam 25 Mistral is so limited i still dont understand how it is 9.7 BR


Getting to the Italian top tier A.129  heli is insane .... the starting heli AB 205 is so bad and the next A.109EOA is not far making the grind impossible.

The AB 205 made me think Mi-4 and H-34 are actually good. 


For air i have to use rank VI  G91 YS when other tech trees have full CAS planes on rank vi, vii and viii. 
Only last patch Tornado IDS was added and that is the only option (tho limited) for CAS.

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  • Yontzee changed the title to Romanian Land Forces Sub-tree - Viața este o bătălie (Updated 17JUN23)

Sub-tree Visual



I created a visual since the most requested nation was Italy.

  • Notes:
    • I tried to fill out the tree with Italian vehicles that are not currently in-game however, I'm not that well knowledgeable with Italian designs.
    • The C13/TUA is equipped with TOW-2A/TOW-2B's, that's why it has it's BR at 9.0
    • Battle Ratings are based on Realistic-mode. 
    • Used Copy and Paste to help support sections of the Italian Tree such as the 9K33 Osa-AKM as well as they were historically used by Romania. 
    • The M1A2 SEPv3 is a pretty chaotic addition, I only added it because Romania intends to purchase 54 of them for $1.1 billion in response to the War in Ukraine. If it doesn’t get approved or it changes I’ll simply remove the vehicle (honestly was expecting the Leopard 2 to be purchased, quite surprising).
    • Added Bulgarian vehicles (since they were part of the Axis and Gaijin intends on turning the tree more Axis-affiliated) to add some spice.  
      • Remember vehicles such as the Abrams or Bulgarian-originating are fluid and can be added or removed as necessary.
Edited by Yontzee
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