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Iranian Ground Forces Tech Tree



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188px-Flag_of_Iran_svg.png.f2de9e0bd5703 Iranian Ground Forces Tech tree 


The Karrar MBT during a training exercise.



Historical background:


Contary to popular beliefs that Iran were still mainly using a leftover US-supplied military hardwares from the Shahist era and Soviet/Chinese supplied armaments, Iran have developed their own self-sufficient armed force industries and are capable of designed their own vehicle. Thought it's not until the last few decades that Iran managed to combine the best of the eastern and western bloc's armaments to create their own vehicle derivated from them.


To understand how did Iran managed to get their hands on the western technology, we need to get back to the Shahist Persian era (prior the 1979 revolution). Back then, the Imperial State of Persia ruled was by the Pahlavi dynasty, who alligned themselves with the western democratic bloc to counter the neighboring Soviet influrences. As such, the United States and the United Kingdom began selling a huge quantities of weapons and armaments to Persia in exchange with the country's rich gas and petroleum resources. Sometimes even selling the latest equipment to Persia before these countries adopted it for their own use (such as the F-14 and Chieftain tank). However, due to increasingly high unrest among the population due to failing economy, as well as several suppressive attempt by the pro-western Shahist regime. The Iranian Revolution occured in 1979, replacing the 2,500 years imperial dynastic history of Iran with the Islamic Republic. As the new Islamic Republic later revealed itself to be an anti-western government, the US and UK decided to cancel all of the military supply to Iran amidst increasing military tensions.


As Iran were still recovering from the aftermath of the revolution and the embargo, the neighboring Iraq has invaded Iran in 1981. With Iran suffered from the lack of spare parts for western-supplied equipment from Shahist era, Iran turns themselves to the former communist enemies and bought a large amounts of surplus equipment from the USSR, China, and North Korea to fulfil their short-term needs.


Even before Iran managed to repel the Iraqi invasion in 1988, the Iranian leadership finds it neccessary for the country to develop their own independent military industry to relinquish the need to purchase the weapons from other countries, as Iran were under constant sanctions by the western blocs after the revolution. And thus, in 1981, Iran's Ministry of Defence founded the Defense Industries Organization (DIO), a government-owned arms development company to fulfil this purposes.


To gain the experience neccesary for arms development, in 1991, Iran contracted the USSR for a license to built the T-72 MBT under designation T-72S. After gathering enough engineering knownledge, Iran then decided to reverse-engineered the western-supplied equipment and try to apply the advantages of the western tanks with the powerful Soviet armaments.


After years of trial-and-error, in early 2000s, Iran managed to develop their first domestically-designed MBT, the Zulfiqar. The tank is essentially a heavily modified M60 hull with a newly-designed turret to fit the Soviet armaments. Since then, the Iranian arms industry has grew increasingly independent from foreign suppliers, with only the reproduced parts of various foreign design as a hint of what the tank was based on.


Due to how the DIO usually subcontracted several smaller arm producer firms within Iran to produce a new vehicle based on a certain specifications, this often results into a wide discrepantcy of the built of the vehicle. Ranking from a cheap conversion from existing and readily available platforms into a delicated purpose-built combat vehicle.



  • To avoid most of the "copy-paste" vehicle, the Iranian ground tree will start at Rank IV. The requirements to unlock the Iranian tree will be similar to that of the recently implemented Israeli tech tree: Players have to get at least one Rank V ground vehicle from one of the four main tech trees; USA, USSR, UK, and China. Whose are the main arm suppliers to Iran prior the establishments of the DIO.
  • The vehicles in this tech tree will mostly consists of an Iranian domestically-produced vehicles as well as modernizations, thought a handful of the "copy-paste" vehicles (there's only few of them) will be present at early ranks to represent Iran's earlier history as a major western bloc allies as well as vehicles used in the Iraq-Iran war.
  • Due to the lack of information in most vehicles, most of the vehicle's specifications is mostly a speculations unless stated by the Iranian military or military experts.
  • This proposal is a spin-off of Borotovas' "Arab-Iranian Ground Forces Tech tree" proposal. I've decided to clear off most of the "copy-paste" vehicles and re-arrage the tree to fit with the suitable role for each vehicle. Thanks Borotovas for granting a permission for me to use some of the materials of his suggestion.





Line 1 - Light tanks





Essentially the basic BMP-1 you found in the Soviet tree, so it's basically a copy-paste to fill the gap.


Rank V BR: 7.3

Boragh AIFA



A variant of Boragh IFV, an Iranian version of BMP-1, this version is equipped with 90 mm Toophan ATGM launcher (persumeably an early variant).


Rank V Estimated BR; 7.0

Heidah 6




An Iranian modified BTR-60PB fitted with BMP-1's turret. Equipped with the same 73 mm 2A28 cannon and an ATGM.


Rank V Estimated BR: 7.7




An Iranian upgrade of the FV 101 Scorpion, equipped with 90 mm Toophan 5 laser-guided missile.


Rank VI Estimated BR: 8.3


Boragh COBRA



An upgraded version of the Boragh IFV, features two 30 mm 2A42 cannons and an option to mount Toophan 5 launchers


Rank VI Estimated BR: 9.0





A heavily-upgraded BTR-50 equipped with 30 mm 2A42 cannon and two Tosan 5 laser-guided missiles.

Rank VII Estimated BR: 9.3


Line 2 - Western MBTs


M48A5 Patton



Not entirely copy-paste (but still works the same) as the M48A1 in the US tree. This tank were widely used prior the Iranian revolution.


Rank V BR: 7.3




Again, a copy-paste vehicle. Works the same as the M60 in the tech tree. A more interesting variant of this tank will be appeared along the line.


Rank VI BR: 7.7



Blr-Tl-FLCQAE4-EBg-jpg-large.jpg.f372d30 sabalan_l1.jpg.277764ca41f3f87e5c80dcc8e


The Sabalan is an early attempt by the Iranian army to modernize the M47 Patton (not included in the suggestion as it's a bit reduandant), the tank is essentially a normal M47, but with M60's engine and 105 mm guns. The tank also have a new fire control system, laser rangefinder, and enlarged turret to fit the 105 mm Iranian HM-49L gun, which is based on the British L7 gun.


Rank VI Estimated BR: 8.0





A modernization of the M60A1, replacing the Browning MG on the miniturret with a laser targeting and rangefinding system, as well as an Iranian 105 mm HM-49L. Can be equipped with ERA package.


Rank VI Estimated BR: 8.7





The Mobarez may looks like an ordinary FV4201 Chieftain, but it is actually a modernized variant with an Iranian 100 mm Sa'ir cannon, which is in turn an upgrade of the Soviet 100 mm KS-19 AA gun. The tank were also outfitted with the more powerful Russian V-84 engines.


Rank VI Estimated BR: 8.7






The Tiam is best described as a "Frankenstein" tank -  It was described by the Iranian military as an "optimized" version of the Sabalan. As such, it was based on the M47 hull. Yet its armaments were all over the place; the turret were a heavily modified Type 59/69 turret, it retains the same 105 mm HM-49L (L7) guns as the Sabalan, using a Russian fire control system, an "upgraded" engine of unknown origin, and a domestically-made ERA package.


Rank VI BR: 9.7

Zulfiqar 1





The Zulfiqar 1 were the first fully-domestically designed and produced MBT of Iran. Its suspension were based on the M60, and the main fire control system were taken from the T-72. The tank is equipped with 125 mm smoothbore cannons and is protected by a composite armor at the frontal arc.


Rank VI Estimated BR: 10.0

Zulfiqar 3





The Zulfiqar 3 bears striking visual resermblance to the M1 Abrams, although the tank is using a similar components from the M60. The hull of the tank is built from scratch, with an extended suspension to accomodate composite armor, more powerful engine, Soviet 125 mm Smoothbore gun with an autoloader, and a new fire control system. The tank is similar in size of that of the M60, but longer.


Rank VII Estimated BR: 10.7


Line 3: Eastern MBTs





Essentially a copy-paste of the T-54/55A we have in the Soviet tech tree. These two will be foldered.


Rank V, BR: 7.7 & 8.0





The T-72S were the first tank to be domestically produced by Iran. The tank was a license-built version of the Russian T-72 and received several upgrade throughout its service life.


Rank VI Estimated BR: 9.3 

T-72Z (Safir-74)




Confusingly. Despite its name, it's in fact a modernized T-55A/Type 69 and an antithesis of the Mobarez, since this is in fact a Soviet tank armed with the 105 mm HM-49L, a gun based on the British L7 and the American M68 gun and capable of firing an ATGM and NATO standard rounds. The tank were also equipped with an ERA package, a stabiliser, a balistic computer, a second generation night-vision device, and a laser rangefinder. These equipment were later shared with the Tiam.


Rank VI Estimated BR: 9.7

T-72M1 Rakhsh


T-72M_Rakhsh_MBT.jpg.93770a290a23c68b3bf 758.png.bf5a43363e8ffb2a25dc18d73fdfdec1

The Rakhsh is an upgrade of the T-72S for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The upgrade features laser warning system, advanced ballistic computers, and an improved ERA.


Rank VII Estimated BR: 10.7

T-72M1 (2020)



A heavily modernized variant of the T-72M1 based off of the Karrar MBT outfitted with several new features as described in the image above, thought the commander's sight found in the Karrar is missing, and the tank is outfitted with a different turret.


Rank: VII Estimated BR: 11.0



Iranian_third_generation_tank-Karrar.jpg karrar_l1.jpg.ebb1a3631c363a4e948c343f4e



The Karrar is an Iranian "new generation main battle tank" equipped with several advanced features, such as advanced ballistic computers, advanced radar warning signs, and commander/gunner panoramic sights. The tank is strikingly similar to that of the T-90MS, thought some difference can be observed. Most notably the smaller ERA package. Other than the Soviet-based rounds, the tank can also fire the Tondar guided all-purpose missile from the gun barrel. The aforementioned missile is later refitted into other T-72 upgrades armed with a similar gun, as well as the Zulfiqar 3 equipped with the same gun.


Rank VII Estimated BR: 11.3+? (if BR ceiling has risen, of course)


Line 4: Tank Destroyer/SPG line





The Aghareb is a peculiar "wheeled tank" based on the BTR-60PB, the "tank" is armed with a 90 mm cannon of unspecified model, a .50 cal Browning MG, and a coaxial 7.62 mm .30 cal machine gun. The vehicle is supposed to be equipped with a modern fire control system.


Rank V Estimated BR: 7.0 

Raad 1



The Raad 1 is an SPG/tank destroyer prototype developed from Boragh IFV in 1990s, the vehicle is armed with a 122 mm smoothbore cannon.


Rank V Estimated BR: 7.3




The Hoveizeh is an upgrade of the American M109A3 SPG.


Rank V Estimated BR:7.7

Safir (Tosan ATGM)



The Safir is an Iranian domestically produced version of the Jeep. This version of the Safir is equipped with Tosan 1 wire-guided missile launcher based on the Soviet 9M113 Konkurs.


Rank VI Estimated BR: 8.0

Faragh 2



A short range MLRS system, can be equipped with either four 240 mm or two 333 mm rockets.


Rank VI Estimated BR: 8.3

Raad 2M




The Raad 2M is an Iranian domestically-produced version of the M109 SPG, first produced in 1997. It was based on a Soviet T-72 hull with advanced fire control system, fume extractor, and laser rangefinder. The M version is an upgraded version with a more powerful 5TDF engines.


Rank VI Estimated BR:8.7

Sayyad (Toophan ATGM)



The Sayyad is a compact-sized IFV specifically built for unconventional warfare. The vehicle can be equipped with various weapons, this version is equipped with two 90 mm Toophan 5 ATGM launchers.


Rank VI Estimated BR: 9.0


Line 5: SPAAG line


Sayyad (12.7 mm Moharram)



This variant of the Sayyad compact IFV features 12.7 mm Moharram rotary cannons as its main armament.


Rank V Estimated BR: 7.0

Rakhsh (ZU-23)



The Rakhsh is one of the first delicated military vehicle ever built by the new Islamic Republic. This version of the Rakhsh is equipped with a pair of 23 mm ZU-23 anti-air cannons.


Rank V Estimated BR: 7.3

Seraj Sadej 10



An SPAA based on the Seraj cruise missile platform. It is equipped with two 35 mm Samavat (a clone of the Oerlikon GDF AA guns) AA guns.


Rank VI Estimated BR: 8.0

Mesbah 1



A truck-based heavy anti-air mount. Equipped with eight 23 mm ZU-23 cannons.


Rank VI Estimated BR: 9.0

Herz 9



A truck-based anti-air system equipped with two Shahab Thaqeb missile launcher (based on the HQ-7)


Rank VII Estimated BR: 10.3

Ya Zahra




Originally a static variant of the quadruple Shahab Thaqeb missile launcher, it was later mounted on a heavy truck.


Rank VII Estimated BR: 10.7

Ra'ad 3rd Kordad




A long-range heavy aeriel defense system. Can utilize either the Taer-2B, Taer-2C, or Taer-2IR anti-air misile and is equipped with a search-and-tracking radar.


Rank VII Estimated BR: 12.0+


Line 6: Premium/event vehicles:





A heavy truck-based SPAA prototype mounted with a twin 57 mm turret from ZSU-57-2.


Rank V Estimated BR: 7.0

Type 69



Basically a copy-paste of the Chinese Type 69. Iran accquired a number of these tank from China as well as captured from Iraq during the war.


Rank V BR: 7.3

EE-9 Cascaval



A Brazilian AFV that were sold and used by Iran during the Iraq-Iran war.


Rank VI estimated BR: 8.0

170 mm "Koksan"



A North Korean super-heavy SPG imported during the Iraq-Iran war. The device is still under the Iranian services.

Rank VI Estimated BR: 8.3

T-72M "Asad Babil"



During the Iraq-Iran war, Iran manage to capture several Iraqi-made T-72M "Asad Babil" tank. These tanks were initially used by Iran before replaced by the domestically-built T-72S. Althought the tank later served as test bed for further Iranian tank developments.


Rank VI Estimated BR: 9.0

Zulfiqar 2



An interim design of the Zulfiqar series of MBT, initially designed from a lenghtened Zulfiqar 1 hull.


Rank VII Estimated BR: ~10.7




New vehicles added to proposal (April 2023):



Tosan (2A42) aka Tosan 30



Essentially a Tosan IFV re-equipped with a 30 mm 2A42 autocannon from the BMP series.


Estimated BR: 8.3








An Iranian upgraded version of the BMP-2. Capable of mounting a single 9M133 Kornet launcher.


Estimated BR: 8.7 - 9.0

T-72 Rakhsh (early)



An early version of the T-72 Rakhsh. While the tank has not entered services with the IRGC, it was supplied to the Iraq Popular Mobilisation Forces, who remains the primary user.


Estimated BR: 10.0

Banihashem ATV 50




This is, in my opinion, will probably be the most controversial choice of this proposal. Since this vehicle blurred the line between a proper military vehicle and an improviesed technical.


Basically, this is an ATV that can be equipped with either the Toophan (based on BGM-71 TOW) or Dehlaviyeh (based on 9M113 Konkurs) ATGM launcher on the back. It was designed specifically as a cheap mobile anti-tank platform that can be quickly deployed.


Estimated BR: 9.0

Majid AD-08






A short range anti-air missile system mounted on a light truck. The missile has a maximum range of 8 km.


Estimated BR: 10.0

T-72 Khorramshahr



An early upgrade project of the T-72M1 during the 90s. Iran contracted the Ukrainian firm to upgrade the vehicle's mobility and electronices. It was ultimately never entered service.


Squadron vehicle. Estimated BR: 9.7



Visual tech tree (V.3):












http://tsahal.miniature.pagesperso-orange.fr/zulfiqar3.html (in French)

Cordesman, Anthony H. & Kleiber, Martin (2007). Iran's Military Forces and Warfighting Capabilities: The Threat in the Northern Gulf. Greenwood Publishing Group.












http://www.yjc.ir/fa/news/5562064/انهدام-جنگنده‌های-آمریکایی-با-سامانه-موشکی-سوم-خرداد-تصاویر-و-مشخصات (in Persian)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXrd1V-MKa4 (source for Samavat cannons)











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I personally don't agree with skipping ranks due to C&P because I think it misses some of the historic value of the tree. That being said I'm totally in favor of Iran having a tree, IMO they deserve one. +1

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1 hour ago, yoyolast said:

I personally don't agree with skipping ranks due to C&P because I think it misses some of the historic value of the tree. That being said I'm totally in favor of Iran having a tree, IMO they deserve one. +1


As much as I wanted to add rank IV to fleshing out the tree a bit, the Iranian army prior 1970s doesn't have as much equipments to fill the rank like the Israelis (as they only received modern equipments during mid-70s). So I decided to skip it. Though the more variety of post-1970s vehicle will help filling the gap of the tree.

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On 05/01/2022 at 16:51, EddieVanHalo@live said:

Gajin seems to be struggling to make   Israel work properly . Adding everybody's tech tree is not about making the average players game any more enjoyable .It's just about making money 

What proof do you have of this or are you just making a statement of how you feel?

I'd rather the larger middle eastern tree but this is fine (only if you add a tier 4 to match the isrealis tho).

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47 minutes ago, EddieVanHalo@live said:

But at least Nazi German ,Nazi Italy ,Communist China ,Communist Russia ,Imperial Britain and Imperial Japan existed ,America has its full list of Atrocities and many don't hold favourable views on them  but its a moot point ,they all have a history and existed .This  Arab Iranian  league did not feature Iran then its changed to the Arab league which is a peace council if you read into it. War Thunder replicates Nations not some bizzare semi fictional alliance that never existed . 

Maybe do Turkey ,Iraq, Iran or whatever but what even is the Arab League ? The Current Arab League has nothing to do with the earlier Arab Coalitions as far as I can see either . Some Arab countries agreed with attacking Israel some did not . Iraq and Iran have fought a major conflict against each other during the years of the Arab League .


Nobody can ask Gajin to support this proposal in its current state surely ,it's not about politics ,Gajin stays out of that( apart from the pro Stalin slogans on tanks )

Dude, this proposal was about an Iranian-only tree, not an Arab league + Iran tree.

Or perhaps you intended to quote someone else and mistakenly quoted me.

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35 minutes ago, EddieVanHalo@live said:

But at least Nazi German ,Nazi Italy ,Communist China ,Communist Russia ,Imperial Britain and Imperial Japan existed ,America has its full list of Atrocities and many don't hold favourable views on them  but its a moot point ,they all have a history and existed .This  Arab Iranian  league did not feature Iran then its changed to the Arab league which is a peace council if you read into it. War Thunder replicates Nations not some bizzare semi fictional alliance that never existed . 

Maybe do Turkey ,Iraq, Iran or whatever but what even is the Arab League ? The Current Arab League has nothing to do with the earlier Arab Coalitions as far as I can see either . Some Arab countries agreed with attacking Israel some did not . Iraq and Iran have fought a major conflict against each other during the years of the Arab League .


Nobody can ask Gajin to support this proposal in its current state surely ,it's not about politics ,Gajin stays out of that( apart from the pro Stalin slogans on tanks )

if you look at it in macro size , we have 2 sides of conflict :

a side with Iran trying to influence 

a side with US trying to control with economical power (we can see this with the Tank competition which lead to a abrams being chosen over the leclerc)

the thing is if we want to do arab League thing ,then because you said Iraq had war with iran so they should not be counted friendly , then we can say that Iraq should not be in arab League because it attacked kuwait .( then US attacks and iraqi equipment fly into iran instead of arab hand )

the fictional co-ops are not even considered bad in this game . we have BMP1 and marder at a same TT . we have jokes about russian Migs in german TT , they are many topics open ,begging to get T72s in german TT . 

with this i do not support iran only TT which makes it non existence .

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51 minutes ago, Zucc_Boi said:

Dude, this proposal was about an Iranian-only tree, not an Arab league + Iran tree.

Or perhaps you intended to quote someone else and mistakenly quoted me.

I probably didn't make it clear but politically all the Arab states have changed sides and Ideology over the years .We had the Shah who was pro West and The Ayatollah who maybe wasn't so much,  There has been objection to an arab league on WT because people confused them with aggressive coalitions from the past  but Iran were not part of it . Kind of getting self righteous over any army in WT is pointless because war is a dirty business for all and we all have history there . That was my badly made point lol and might even be the point you were actually making.  

53 minutes ago, ACOMETS said:

if you look at it in macro size , we have 2 sides of conflict :

a side with Iran trying to influence 

a side with US trying to control with economical power (we can see this with the Tank competition which lead to a abrams being chosen over the leclerc)

the thing is if we want to do arab League thing ,then because you said Iraq had war with iran so they should not be counted friendly , then we can say that Iraq should not be in arab League because it attacked kuwait .( then US attacks and iraqi equipment fly into iran instead of arab hand )

the fictional co-ops are not even considered bad in this game . we have BMP1 and marder at a same TT . we have jokes about russian Migs in german TT , they are many topics open ,begging to get T72s in german TT . 

with this i do not support iran only TT which makes it non existence .

Again yes ,Im referencing the Ally /Axis or Friendly/ Enemy basis for combat that WT use . How do you make sides out of the middle eastern countries ? Who fights against who or is it all so  mixed now it doesn't matter anymore ? 

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17 minutes ago, EddieVanHalo@live said:

Again yes ,Im referencing the Ally /Axis or Friendly/ Enemy basis for combat that WT use . How do you make sides out of the middle eastern countries ? Who fights against who or is it all so  mixed now it doesn't matter anymore ? 

i don't know , the thing is because of the saudi arabia being the core of islam and having the makkah being in saudi arabia , there can not be a real wide conflict between iran iraq syria side with saudi arabia .

some countries like UAE are with saudis , because they are still in cultural shock of US . (look at all western fastfood brands) .

unlike the E/W german , this sides are changing over time , we have afghanistan being a change in middle east. it is still happening and we might have some countries change sides.

we have some random attacks to American bases in syria and Iraq passed days weeks and months.

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53 minutes ago, ACOMETS said:

i don't know , the thing is because of the saudi arabia being the core of islam and having the makkah being in saudi arabia , there can not be a real wide conflict between iran iraq syria side with saudi arabia .

some countries like UAE are with saudis , because they are still in cultural shock of US . (look at all western fastfood brands) .

unlike the E/W german , this sides are changing over time , we have afghanistan being a change in middle east. it is still happening and we might have some countries change sides.

we have some random attacks to American bases in syria and Iraq passed days weeks and months.

This is the point in many ways .Iran has bought from any and every side it seems . America ,Germany ,UK ,Russia,France  .You would have Chieftains and T series Russian tanks on the same BR . Where would you use them ? How would it work in Sim ,It would exacerbate the chaos we already have in WT. 

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1 hour ago, EddieVanHalo@live said:

This is the point in many ways .Iran has bought from any and every side it seems . America ,Germany ,UK ,Russia,France  .You would have Chieftains and T series Russian tanks on the same BR . Where would you use them ? How would it work in Sim ,It would exacerbate the chaos we already have in WT. 

this is why it should be a moderated TT by not adding everything . with the colab with some arab stuff ,we can have a manageable rank 4 and 5 and with 6 and 7 we get the good stuff . 

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4 hours ago, EddieVanHalo@live said:

probably didn't make it clear but politically all the Arab states have changed sides and Ideology over the years .We had the Shah who was pro West and The Ayatollah who maybe wasn't so much,


Well we already have the germans. They haven't necessarily been ideologically consistent over the years either.

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20 minutes ago, hienapunk said:


Well we already have the germans. They haven't necessarily been ideologically consistent over the years either.

I didn't mention ideology I mentioned sides and the purchasing of vehicles from other nations that are traditional enemies  of each other   

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 08/01/2022 at 17:23, Zucc_Boi said:

-1 from me as well due to C&P even in the proposed high tiers, but we have literally Nazi Germany here as well, and pretty sure most people don't hold favorable views on China. Tanks used by terrorists is something I think is more than tolerable here, because it's just a game about equipment, not politics.

I agree. Game should be apolitical, so as long as its armored vehicles, +1 for me.


We already have Israel too, which is hated among certain nations but made it into the game. So why turn this down? It's a suggestion for more diversity in the game, after all.

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  • 3 weeks later...
DieJagdente gave KnightSepehr a warning for this post
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On 08/01/2022 at 03:23, VonarianTheGreat said:

-1 from me.

Not getting political, but it's not good at all to add such a country to the game, most vehicles fall under IRGC which is well-known for terrorism.

Aaah yes the person that spreads hate against his own country and brothers , Stop the self humilation and get alife 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love this as a counterweight to Isreal +1.


Isreal gives us eastern tanks in a "NATO" country (Tiran) and Iran gives us western tanks in a "WAPACT" country (Samsam).

Edited by hienapunk
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