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Where are the grown ups?


I have to say that all sides of this discussion are toxic as hell. 


Gaijin and its arrogance, condescension, willful blindness to issues that are significantly important to the player base and an utter lack of interest in meaningful dialogue with a devoted player base isn't the kind of behavior that inspires people to buy in and support the game. You reap what you sow.


This community is toxic too.  Everything anyone ever has to say is bitching and whining.  Whaaa, Gaijin didn't implement my favorite vehicle.  OMFG, this tank is 0.3 BR too low, the game is unplayable!!!  Boo hoo, I can't just fail my way to top tier because there is actually a progression check in the form of the economy.  


I've been here since 2012.  Back then I was playing World of Tanks.  A clanmate suggested we check out this great new airplane game.  Back then this game didn't have ranks or battle ratings.  The only boats and planes were ai controlled fodder for player bombers.  It was just planes.  20 levels spanning biplanes to Me-262's.  There was no matchmaker.  Whoever was in queue, no matter what level they were, was who got put into the game.  I vividly remember my P-40 getting boom and zoomed by an Me-262.  Problems aside, one of the things that stood out to me about Gaijin, back at the beginning, was that it was everything that Wargaming wasn't.  There were two starter packs.  The US and the Japanese Pacific Campaigns.  There was a premium vehicle, some GE, premium time.  At a very reasonable price. We had double experience first battles of the day.  We had x2 weekends.  We even had some x5 events.  Even back then Wargaming was starting to gouge people.  Gaijin seemed different.  Premium vehicles cost a few hundred GE.  I think the most expensive premium back then was the La-5FN and it was like 1200 GE.  This community was everything that Wargaming's wasn't.  It was friendly and fun.  There was healthy interaction between Dev and player.  I remember being floored at how much information the community had and was willing to contribute...for free.  Helping to create accurate flight models (yes, that was a thing), etc. 


Now it's worse.  Way worse.  Both sides have contributed to this state of affairs.  I don't know who started it.  At this point, it doesn't matter.  No meaningful change can occur if both sides remain at each others throats.  Gaijin refuses to listen.  Community refuses to stop screaming.  When you've been unsuccessfully begging for attention for years, sometimes you have to act out to get someone's attention.  I think its obvious that the Steam reviews over the past few days did that.  Now that we have their attention, what are we going to do with it?  Keep ranting and raving?  Great, then they stick their fingers back in their ears and nothing changes.  Now that Gaijin has seen that the players of this game aren't powerless, are they going to try and have some good faith conversations?  Are the players going to calm down and communicate or just revel in the flames?  


My own experience is that I played for free for a few weeks and liked what I saw, so I invested.  I bought the 2 starter packs.  I did that because I was having fun.  Not because I was having trouble progressing.  It's been sad to see the shift from the fun economy to the frustration economy.  With 150,000 people logged in at peek hours every single day, even during the week, I imagine there is a ton of opportunity to make money that doesn't involving alienating the players Gaijin needs to keep the bills paid and profits coming in.    


Most of us want this game to be successful.  We love playing it.  Despite my frustrations, I love playing it.  I hope Gaijin loves making it.  I know they used to.  If its not successful financially, it goes away.  If people stop playing because they feel Gaijin is a bunch of predatory hacks, it goes away.  Both sides need each other, but we're too busy screaming at the guys with their fingers in their ears screaming muttering "La, La, La, La, I can't hear you, I can't hear you."  This feels like a Saturday night with a bunch of 7 year olds.


Where have all the adults gone?  

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19 minutes ago, Pope_Shizzle said:

I've been here since 2012.  Back then I was playing World of Tanks.  A clanmate suggested we check out this great new airplane game.  Back then this game didn't have ranks or battle ratings.  The only boats and planes were ai controlled fodder for player bombers.  It was just planes.  20 levels spanning biplanes to Me-262's.  There was no matchmaker.  Whoever was in queue, no matter what level they were, was who got put into the game.  I vividly remember my P-40 getting boom and zoomed by an Me-262.  Problems aside, one of the things that stood out to me about Gaijin, back at the beginning, was that it was everything that Wargaming wasn't.  There were two starter packs.  The US and the Japanese Pacific Campaigns.  There was a premium vehicle, some GE, premium time.  At a very reasonable price. We had double experience first battles of the day.  We had x2 weekends.  We even had some x5 events.  Even back then Wargaming was starting to gouge people.  Gaijin seemed different.  Premium vehicles cost a few hundred GE.  I think the most expensive premium back then was the La-5FN and it was like 1200 GE.  This community was everything that Wargaming's wasn't.  It was friendly and fun.  There was healthy interaction between Dev and player.  I remember being floored at how much information the community had and was willing to contribute...for free.  Helping to create accurate flight models (yes, that was a thing), etc. 


Ah yes, the days when the game still had a coherent identity and direction, and wasn't just based entirely around adding whatever new vehicle + top tier premium counterpart variant that would make the most money upon becoming available. I joined in February 2013.


Anyway, I'd say what happened is the community has been radicalized by Gaijin. I used to be a paying player too. I bought stuff for the game because I enjoyed it and felt like things were progressing in a generally positive direction. Before they actually got added, I looked at those "Army" "Navy" and "World War Mode" tabs with hope and excitement for the future. However, by January 2018 I was fed up and vowed not to spend another cent on the game until Gaijin got their act together. Spoiler alert, they never did. There are too many broken promises by now.


The community has learned over the years that Constructive Criticism and positive feedback do not work. Constructive criticism will be (selectively) mostly ignored. The ONLY way to get Gaijin to make significant changes or reverse course even if only temporarily is for the community to rise up in revolt. Maybe the community would be more willing to "stop screaming" and come to the negotiating table if there was any real expectation left for Gaijin to act in good faith. The community has always been willing to negotiate, meanwhile if Gaijin can find any possible way of getting out of this without making real and/or permanent concessions, they will do that without a second thought. Every time in the past that community backlash has managed to accomplish something, Gaijin has continued attempting to make the same hated change anyway again and again.


I don't think you can reasonably say the community is equally at fault here, because Gaijin are the ones who have always had the control panels in front of them while all the community can do is ask nicely or riot. The community has been asking for things nicely for years and they have been consistently ignored and even mocked and gaslit openly by an arrogant and out of touch developer intent on waging war against its player base. All we are seeing now is the players and youtubers attempting to use the real power available to them when all other means have failed.

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19 minutes ago, Predated0@live said:

All I want to know if the game gets pulled from steam for any reason, will I lose all my progress on my account? Never done a Forum post before, but I am really concerned about possibly losing all the stuff I grinded for.

You won't. Gaijin won't remove the game from steam and even if they do your account is saved completely independently of steam

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Both sides aren't equal at all. I appreciate the sentiment of your post, but you have missed the mark. 


Show me where Gaijin has yet to show any humility? Both official responses have been extremely condescending to the players. When their own sponsored Content Creators (CC) are blasting their last update article on YouTube,  there is still a problem. 


Maybe if/when an adult at Gaijin actually makes a humble apology and tells us they understand no small change is good enough and they are going to roll back YEARS of economy nerfs, maybe then we will stop "screaming". 


And I am sorry, but responses like this that act like there isn't a decade of ignored suggestions and reasonable feedback already on this very forum, kinda **** me off. We shouldn't have to say anything now, we've been saying it for 10 years!

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I never said both sides were equal.  I said both sides share the blame.  There's a great book out there about the art of negotiating.  It's called "Getting to Yes."  The first edition is more than 40 years old and the principles in it are as true today as they were then.  I've used it for more than a 20 year legal career where negotiating is the core of my existence.  When both sides are more worried about winning, when both sides are seeing who can scream the loudest, when both sides are airing laundry lists of grievances, you know what happens?  Nothing.  Nothing happens.  It doesn't matter who is right.  It doesn't matter who did the more wrong to who.  Being the bigger victim has ZERO value in a discussion where one side holds a massive power advantage and there is no neutral 3rd party who decides the issue.  The trick in situations like that is to get their attention.  Now we have it.  What now?   Nothing happens unless Gaijin agrees to it.  Period.  Their game, their rules.  Convince them.

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Just now, Pope_Shizzle said:

 I said both sides share the blame.


Being the bigger victim has ZERO value in a discussion where one side holds a massive power advantage and there is no neutral 3rd party who decides the issue.Nothing happens unless Gaijin agrees to it.  Period.  Their game, their rules.


This is illogical.


Gaijin will do whatever it wants to do.  Players have given thousands of posts of feedback, we just now are also offering that feedback in the form of reviews.  If Gaijin wants to continue alienating their playerbase they're free to do so.  


Players want a better economy, Gaijin holds the levers.  Whining about the people tied to the tracks is asinine.

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10 minutes ago, Pope_Shizzle said:

I never said both sides were equal.  I said both sides share the blame.  There's a great book out there about the art of negotiating.  It's called "Getting to Yes."  The first edition is more than 40 years old and the principles in it are as true today as they were then.  I've used it for more than a 20 year legal career where negotiating is the core of my existence.  When both sides are more worried about winning, when both sides are seeing who can scream the loudest, when both sides are airing laundry lists of grievances, you know what happens?  Nothing.  Nothing happens.  It doesn't matter who is right.  It doesn't matter who did the more wrong to who.  Being the bigger victim has ZERO value in a discussion where one side holds a massive power advantage and there is no neutral 3rd party who decides the issue.  The trick in situations like that is to get their attention.  Now we have it.  What now?   Nothing happens unless Gaijin agrees to it.  Period.  Their game, their rules.  Convince them.

Technically true as they hold all cards on the surface except for one tiny thing. We all pay their salaries. Gaijin, and by extension War Thunder, is a business and we, the paying customers, can chose which businesses we support and which we don't. It's not on us to beg gaijin to keep us it's on them to make sure we are happy and spending. There absolutely is a power imbalance here but if the community shares the same concerns, as we do now, it is shifted in our direction. Gaijin needs us a lot more than we need Gaijin 

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33 minutes ago, Vamilad said:


This is illogical.


Gaijin will do whatever it wants to do.  Players have given thousands of posts of feedback, we just now are also offering that feedback in the form of reviews.  If Gaijin wants to continue alienating their playerbase they're free to do so.  


Players want a better economy, Gaijin holds the levers.  Whining about the people tied to the tracks is asinine.


The people tied to the tracks need to understand that they have a role to play aside from screaming at the guy driving the train.  Cursing him out won't make him stop.  You have his attention.  Now make the case.  Or just lay there screaming as you get run over.  


This all assumes Gaijin is willing to listen.  They have certainly heard us.  I have no clue whether they will listen.  I hope they do.  I hope the players give them every reason to listen.  But I can guarantee you one thing.  Continuing to yell and scream once you have their attention will NOT get you the results you want.  Not once in 21 years have I ever seen that work.  Not once.  


Please understand that my sole goal is to keep the game I love going strong.  Part of that strength is the players. Part of that strength is the company.  If nobody is playing, what's the point?  Whether players quit because Gaijin abuses us with a frustration economy or whether the game closes down because its no longer profitable is irrelevant.  It's a fixable problem.  It just requires people to want a solution more than they want to thump their chest about how much of a victim they are.  Or about how much the peons don't understand how gaming businesses work.  

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12 minutes ago, Pope_Shizzle said:

Their game, their rules.  Convince them.


I share most of your thoughts regarding gaijin, but i do not see any necessity for players to convince them. 


The basic message is that players can live without war thunder, but not the other way around.


Things will become much worse if they do not hire a crisis manager and react very fast.


I mean look at the facts, we have a f2p gameplay just to get an easy access to children/minors and the huge market of micro transactions - the alternative to sell a full price game and half price updates is just less profitable. If you then see that some countries assess crates/loot boxes as gambling - proving that the whole gaming industry is based on quick money supported by very sophisticated methods - just shows that this is a highly regulated and supervised market. So offering f2p without giving even paying customers reasonable progress in the game is highly critical.


And on top of that: The game comes from Russia - a lot of people/institutions/media have issues with. Sooner or later a hunt will start, disguised as "save our children/minors" even when it is solely politically motivated. A headline "War Thunder - Russian rooted war game sees massive revolt due to highly questionable business practices" would hit them like a nuke...


So not "convince them" 


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12 minutes ago, Pope_Shizzle said:


The people tied to the tracks need to understand that they have a role to play aside from screaming at the guy driving the train.  Cursing him out won't make him stop.  You have his attention.  Now make the case.  Or just lay there screaming as you get run over.  


This all assumes Gaijin is willing to listen.  They have certainly heard us.  I have no clue whether they will listen.  I hope they do.  I hope the players give them every reason to listen.  But I can guarantee you one thing.  Continuing to yell and scream once you have their attention will NOT get you the results you want.  Not once in 21 years have I ever seen that work.  Not once.  


Please understand that my sole goal is to keep the game I love going strong.  Part of that strength is the players. Part of that strength is the company.  If nobody is playing, what's the point?  Whether players quit because Gaijin abuses us with a frustration economy or whether the game closes down because its no longer profitable is irrelevant.  It's a fixable problem.  It just requires people to want a solution more than they want to thump their chest about how much of a victim they are.  Or about how much the peons don't understand how gaming businesses work.  


This is hilarious because your phrasing suggests the community has any relevance in this debate whatsoever, time and time again gaijin wants to implement a change, the player base disagrees... change goes ahead more or less in its entirety anyway. There is no debate, it doesn't matter if the community is childish as the game would remain the same regardless of what form its talking points take. You being mad at players is hilarious. The game developer holds all the cards so this debate is mute, review bombing is literally the only real voice anyone has and all that does is slightly attempt to deter others from trying the game.

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16 minutes ago, Pope_Shizzle said:


It just requires people to want a solution


54 minutes ago, Vamilad said:

Players have given thousands of posts of feedback.

If Gaijin wants to continue alienating their playerbase they're free to do so.  


This thread is pointless.

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3 hours ago, Predated0@live said:

All I want to know if the game gets pulled from steam for any reason, will I lose all my progress on my account? Never done a Forum post before, but I am really concerned about possibly losing all the stuff I grinded for.

Your War Thudner account will keep it's progress, regardless of Steam.      You will just need to download the launcher from the Website, rather then Steam.

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I agree with you that a more mature discussion is the desirable way to solve this however taking gaijin's history with feedback i highly doubt that any meaningful change would be achieved. After all these years of complaining about the economy the tought that they dont know what we want dont even cross my mind.

1 hour ago, Pope_Shizzle said:

When both sides are more worried about winning, when both sides are seeing who can scream the loudest, when both sides are airing laundry lists of grievances, you know what happens?  Nothing.  Nothing happens. 

I'm sure, seeing that you have more than 2500 forum posts, that you know that tis wasnt always the case. People did, and to this day some still do, leave detailed feedback on changes, map design, repair costs etc but you do this so many times until you realize that almost all you write is ignored. Of course there will always be some that will complain no matter what but those are always a minority.


Now when you add it with all the other 'gaijn moments' like the cl-13 incident, the play4peace incident, the changes to battle activity (where they said for like a week that it didnt affect rewards, even when people showed proofs, when it did) and so many others incidents people will change how they act towards gaijin, and I really cant blame them.

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46 minutes ago, Vamilad said:

This thread is pointless.

Players left feedback on OFFICIAL Feedback threads.

DETAILED Feedback. With reasoning and proposed BRs/Repair Costs/Suggestions.


Gets IGNORED time and time again. For YEARS. Not even a reply on WHY our suggestions are feasible or not.


So, if leaving constructive feedback and suggestions on the forums does nothing, and Gaijin continues to do the exact opposite and continually nerf the economy, assists and points earned.


What do you suggest we do Pope_Shizzle?

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3 hours ago, Predated0@live said:

All I want to know if the game gets pulled from steam for any reason, will I lose all my progress on my account? Never done a Forum post before, but I am really concerned about possibly losing all the stuff I grinded for.


No, you will not lose anything... everything is saved on the Gaijin servers, no matter what platform you have used to log in from

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Sorry OP - but Gaijin pretty much set this situation up all by themselves. Blaming the players is one of the reasons it has blown up in the way it has.


Almost like someone thinking it a great idea to go about teasing, provoking and mocking a dog. If it eventually tires and decides to bite you - well that's entirely on you! No good pulling out the 'I'm a victim card' at that point, it doesn't work. 

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4 hours ago, Pope_Shizzle said:

Where have all the adults gone?  


Adults left once Gaijin started to use their playerbase as milking cow and expected everyone will just stay quite. Devs been pushing playerbase along and just watched how much they can get away without consequences and playercount drop. 



Try https://forum.warthunder.com.ru/ ... Not a word there about this, like nothing is happening. Heavily moderated

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4 hours ago, Pope_Shizzle said:

There was no matchmaker.  Whoever was in queue, no matter what level they were, was who got put into the game.  I vividly remember my P-40 getting boom and zoomed by an Me-262.

And very soon there was one that was spanning a range of today 1.0 BRs and that was able to open up to 1.7 BRs, if I remember that one right from my time.


4 hours ago, Pope_Shizzle said:

There were two starter packs.  The US and the Japanese Pacific Campaigns.  There was a premium vehicle, some GE, premium time.  At a very reasonable price.

Still there, 15 bugs each.


4 hours ago, Pope_Shizzle said:

Premium vehicles cost a few hundred GE.  I think the most expensive premium back then was the La-5FN and it was like 1200 GE.

Still there, even for what was back then Higher Tier.

Just not anymore for todays High Tier.

I mean, Tier 1 prem is like 250GE and somewhere between Tier 2 and Tier 3 you will jump the 1000GE mark.

After that it is getting expensive though.



What is still there too is

4 hours ago, Pope_Shizzle said:

Whaaa, Gaijin didn't implement my favorite vehicle.  OMFG, this tank is 0.3 BR too low, the game is unplayable!!!  Boo hoo, I can't just fail my way to top tier because there is actually a progression check in the form of the economy.  

I mean, I can remember such stuff from the 20 Tier time.

XYZ is at a to high tier - UNPLAYABLE (funny enough often already undertired US planes...).

And that a PvP game requires your own skill to be successfull was a always a sin.


I mean, when only 25% of the players of a match at BR 7 is able to get a K/D above 1 and those people start to blame the game for their financial struggle...



And about 

4 hours ago, Pope_Shizzle said:

This community was everything that Wargaming's wasn't.  It was friendly and fun.

I can remember a discussion when tanks started to evade when being bombed from high altitude.

Yeah, we had very demanding to toxic players even back then.




Is Gaijin lacking communication?
To be honest, not more then most other online game companies I know.

And I wouldn't interact with that communities either.


Did they made some stupid decisions?
Most likely yes.


But it is always hilarious, when Gaijin is implementing stuff the community "wanted". I can't remember what it was, but they where implementing 2 wishes strapped together because it had to be balanced out.

People who wanted the one thing went on Gaijins throat, people who wanted only the other thing went on Gaijin throat.

Bost groups got what they wanted, a little altered. And they got mad about that they got what they wanted. In fact, we often got "community" (read the small loud group that speaks out loudly) demands. 

Most often the same people were very vocal, when they finally got what they wanted - not in the good way though.

And how good those changes where for the silent majority...


I mean, we got 150k peak DAUs. This does mean we can be at a million of WAUs very easily. Not to speak about MAUs.

Some thousand of bad reviews on Steam and some hundred posts in the forum?
Did we reach the 1% mark already? 


And it would be the same if Gaijin would follow the current advices too.

I mean, faster research and more money for everyone?

The game is already close to a stroke because of incompetent players who can't do **** at all BRs. With them meteoring into high tier at much higher numbers? Now without buying a prem (that is at last some border) but still with lacking skill, lacking setups (not upgraded and high BR jumps) but ultra high confidence in their own skills (remember, if you fail it is always the game or a cheater).

Isn't that what players already complain about? About bad players everywhere?

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3 minutes ago, anyuser said:

I mean, we got 150k peak DAUs. This does mean we can be at a million of WAUs very easily. Not to speak about MAUs.

Some thousand of bad reviews on Steam and some hundred posts in the forum?
Did we reach the 1% mark already? 


Most players can't be bothered to speak out or express their opinion about game they are playing and that is normal for every game. But everything will be like old days once new update drops, people will grind their new toys and be happy panda again

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3 hours ago, Pope_Shizzle said:

I never said both sides were equal.  I said both sides share the blame.  There's a great book out there about the art of negotiating.  It's called "Getting to Yes."  The first edition is more than 40 years old and the principles in it are as true today as they were then.  I've used it for more than a 20 year legal career where negotiating is the core of my existence.  When both sides are more worried about winning, when both sides are seeing who can scream the loudest, when both sides are airing laundry lists of grievances, you know what happens?  Nothing.  Nothing happens.  It doesn't matter who is right.  It doesn't matter who did the more wrong to who.  Being the bigger victim has ZERO value in a discussion where one side holds a massive power advantage and there is no neutral 3rd party who decides the issue.  The trick in situations like that is to get their attention.  Now we have it.  What now?   Nothing happens unless Gaijin agrees to it.  Period.  Their game, their rules.  Convince them.


Who do you think holds the real power here? This isn't a legal dispute, this is a business that just pissed off a chunk of it's customer base. Again.

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6 hours ago, Pope_Shizzle said:

The people tied to the tracks need to understand that they have a role to play aside from screaming at the guy driving the train.  Cursing him out won't make him stop.  You have his attention.  Now make the case.  Or just lay there screaming as you get run over.  

WHAT? That has to be the most delusional thing I have read on these forums... and that's saying something.


Blaming a TRAIN ACCIDENT VICTIM for not negotiating in time with the driver of the TRAIN... I mean, think about how that would work, seriously.


If you want to reject the analogy, because players in no way really resemble people stuck on a train track, that's fine. But if you're going to argue within its framing, as you've done here, that's some next-level victim blaming.

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How content moderation is handled since this **** broke lose his enough for me to just give up on trying to provide constructive feedback.


When half your posts get removed and comments deleted, now without even getting a notification about it.... The other half is moved into the black hole of the sub, sub, sub forum...

Nah. I don't see the point, why I, as the paying customer, have to do my upmost best to provide feedback to a game studio that is tone-deaf since years about everything that could reduce profits. 


(BUT NOW WE LISTEN, BECAUSE well, ehh ye, not because of the review bombing, that's for sure, so anyway,  GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK, WE ALWAYS WANTED IT!!!!)



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3.8. It is not allowed to discuss threads closed by the Administration or Website Managers or any Users’ posts deleted by them, challenge or discuss corresponding actions of Administration, Moderators (and/or Global Moderators), Community Managers, Coordinators, and Game Masters in any form.

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10 hours ago, anyuser said:


And very soon there was one that was spanning a range of today 1.0 BRs and that was able to open up to 1.7 BRs, if I remember that one right from my time.


Still there, 15 bugs each.


Still there, even for what was back then Higher Tier.

Just not anymore for todays High Tier.

I mean, Tier 1 prem is like 250GE and somewhere between Tier 2 and Tier 3 you will jump the 1000GE mark.

After that it is getting expensive though.



What is still there too is

I mean, I can remember such stuff from the 20 Tier time.

XYZ is at a to high tier - UNPLAYABLE (funny enough often already undertired US planes...).

And that a PvP game requires your own skill to be successfull was a always a sin.


I mean, when only 25% of the players of a match at BR 7 is able to get a K/D above 1 and those people start to blame the game for their financial struggle...



And about 

I can remember a discussion when tanks started to evade when being bombed from high altitude.

Yeah, we had very demanding to toxic players even back then.




Is Gaijin lacking communication?
To be honest, not more then most other online game companies I know.

And I wouldn't interact with that communities either.


Did they made some stupid decisions?
Most likely yes.


But it is always hilarious, when Gaijin is implementing stuff the community "wanted". I can't remember what it was, but they where implementing 2 wishes strapped together because it had to be balanced out.

People who wanted the one thing went on Gaijins throat, people who wanted only the other thing went on Gaijin throat.

Bost groups got what they wanted, a little altered. And they got mad about that they got what they wanted. In fact, we often got "community" (read the small loud group that speaks out loudly) demands. 

Most often the same people were very vocal, when they finally got what they wanted - not in the good way though.

And how good those changes where for the silent majority...


I mean, we got 150k peak DAUs. This does mean we can be at a million of WAUs very easily. Not to speak about MAUs.

Some thousand of bad reviews on Steam and some hundred posts in the forum?
Did we reach the 1% mark already? 


And it would be the same if Gaijin would follow the current advices too.

I mean, faster research and more money for everyone?

The game is already close to a stroke because of incompetent players who can't do **** at all BRs. With them meteoring into high tier at much higher numbers? Now without buying a prem (that is at last some border) but still with lacking skill, lacking setups (not upgraded and high BR jumps) but ultra high confidence in their own skills (remember, if you fail it is always the game or a cheater).

Isn't that what players already complain about? About bad players everywhere?

I’m sorry but you trying to point the economy problem everyone complaining about as  a skill issue is honestly hilarious and so wrong I don’t even want to dive into that Rn


The point of bad reviews on steam is to deter new players from jumping in, which in regards to steam is quite effective, people are a lot more likely to be skeptical or just skip games with mixed reviews(which is also why they responded so quickly lmao) I can also guarantee quite a significant portion of those daily active players come from steam

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