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Crazy Bravado Battlepass task


3 hours ago, Bruce_R1 said:

As with all the "Professional" type tasks, the "without losing your own" is meaningless. This leaves two separate obligations for a match to qualify.

1) "destroy 3+ player vehicles."

2) "use a rank 3+ strike aircraft".


Two separate and independent criteria. 


So, I dunno. Did not work for me just now. Took out a 4.3BR Russian lineup into Air AB. Actually got two kills with my Su-6 (the strike aircraft component) before getting downed. Then took out my ITP (M-1) and got 4 kills before I got jumped by 4 other planes. Then took out my P-63A-5, got an assist, then game was over. Our team won, I finished first on our team. 10-15 mins after the match it's still showing this BP challenge as 0/10 for me. Are the challenge progress updates *that* delayed? Or did something get fixed?



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9 minutes ago, Waelse said:

Can be you must make at least one 3 kills without death before the other kills can add to the score.


Perhaps? Maybe next time I'll get the kills first (easy enough) and then take out the Su-6.


But it's really frustrating that Gaijin can't seem to communicate the *actual* requirements and instead leaves it to the players to somehow figure out the mechanics of something like this.

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Sorry, I did some testing and it turns out I wasn't quite accurate above.

The way they've set it up is only Rank III+ strike aircraft count. The good news is the "without dying" line is still irrelevant. It's just the total number of player kills you get with your rank III+ strike aircraft in a game. It can be over multiple aircraft, including backups. If you get 3 it's one point, 4 it's two points towards the 10 you need and so on, just like other "Professional" type tasks. I got 4 points against it in a game just now for 6 kills split across 2 aircraft.

Air AB is the obvious mode to do this in, so you can have a whole lineup of strike aircraft for some countries. Good mid-tier countries for this are:
Germany (BR 2.7-4.7)
USSR (BR 3-3.3)
UK (BR 3-4.3)

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2 hours ago, ptrthgr8 said:




But it's really frustrating that Gaijin can't seem to communicate the *actual* requirements and instead leaves it to the players to somehow figure out the mechanics of something like this.

This! So.much.this!
Gaijin, please hire a native English speaker for text within the game. It's incredibly frustrating to read convoluted sentences/phrases that don't properly communicate the point. 

So...about this  battlepass task, is it possible to choose a strike aircraft in AB? It always seems like it puts me in random planes.

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15 hours ago, Bruce_R1 said:

Sorry, I did some testing and it turns out I wasn't quite accurate above.

The way they've set it up is only Rank III+ strike aircraft count. The good news is the "without dying" line is still irrelevant. It's just the total number of player kills you get with your rank III+ strike aircraft in a game. It can be over multiple aircraft, including backups. If you get 3 it's one point, 4 it's two points towards the 10 you need and so on, just like other "Professional" type tasks. I got 4 points against it in a game just now for 6 kills split across 2 aircraft.

Air AB is the obvious mode to do this in, so you can have a whole lineup of strike aircraft for some countries. Good mid-tier countries for this are:
Germany (BR 2.7-4.7)
USSR (BR 3-3.3)
UK (BR 3-4.3)


I guess Gaijin has different outcomes for different players. I just did this again, same planes as above in my prior post, again in Air AB, but I took out the ITM (M-1) first, got 6 kills, then as the map was winding down, I jumped into my Su-6, got a kill, then ran away from the fracas to keep the plane alive for the next 20 seconds, and the match was over.  And, yeah, I'm still at 0/10 for this challenge. So, please tell me who you've bribed at Snail HQ to get this to work so well for you. ?


EDIT: Okay, 10  mins later I took out a Russian lineup with nothing but strike aircraft. TIS MA, Su-6, and IL-2m type 3. Got 6 kills, died twice or whatever. And now my challenge progress is 4/10. So, okay, I get it now... use only strike aircraft and this is easy-peasy!


EDIT 2: Annnnd... two matches later I've completed it. Thanks to @Bruce_R1 for making me hip to the skinny! Take out only strike aircraft and you can do this in 3 matches. Cheers! 



Edited by ptrthgr8
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14 hours ago, HiFlyGuy said:

So...about this  battlepass task, is it possible to choose a strike aircraft in AB? It always seems like it puts me in random planes.


Yes, you can take out multiple aircraft of your own choosing if you play Air Arcade Battles. In Air AB, you can take whatever lineup you want. Just take out however many Rank III strike aircraft you have, maybe some backups if you want, and get 'er done. :)

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I completed this one with the Fw 190 F-8 in ARB.  Most of my games were full uptiers to Ju 288 Land though.


F-8 could also be a good option for GRB.

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For a casual player like me is hard as Hell do, i hate when iam forced to play modes that i dont wanna play because gaijin can't think in simple missions like: kill 200 players, do 300 assist, play 100 match killing at last 1/2/3/4 player, capture bases,  win battles, lose battles, farm Points, play X battles, Play X time ETC...


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