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War Thunder "La Royale" - Changelog


The changes are good don't get me wrong but there is a big BUT.


Why does every Crew now only have one kill Voice Line? For example the US Voice: Target hit ! (with different pitches ) over and over again.

And besides that the crew sounds are rather disappointing. Especially the Swedish ones.

All Crews sounded good before the update but now you can't even listen to them.

I hope something changes in the next weeks. 


Have a nice day and happy hunting o7 


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Well I like these new crew voice lines especially when they are in their native language. Although I would like to suggest some changes in Finnish voice lines:


  1. In the start of the battle every crew member says its readiness status like this "Ampuja valmis"/"Gunner ready". I suggest if its just possible to change that every crew member just says its role without word "ready" for example "Ampuja"/"Gunner" etc.
  2. When driving forwards we can hear command "Aja eteenpäin"/"Drive forwards" can be changed into "Vaunu mars"/"Tank march" and if needed more speed command "Nopeammin"/"Faster" could be changed into "Vaunu mars mars"/"Tank march march". If in need in reverse command should be "Vaunu taakse mars"/"Tank reverse march" or "Tank reverse march march".
  3. After machine gun is reloaded we can hear "MG valmis"/"MG ready" can be changed into "KOOKOO valmis/ladattu (kookoo is military slang for word konekivääri)"/"KOOKOO ready/reloaded" no one says "MG" its much harder to say it faster than "KOOKOO"
  4. When target is hit or even destroyed gunner always says "Kohteeseen osui"/"Target is hit" this one is correct but it sounds stupid when target literally explodes. If target is destroyed word "osui"/"hit" should be changed into "tuhottu"/"destroyed". If target is just hit then there could be word "Osuma"/"Hit" after that there can be added command "Ammu uudestaan"/"Shoot again".


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I have a question. What happens with LAV-AD? Why its nerfed?, its even not mentioned in changelog! Im talking about his penetration, its moved from 91/85/64mm to 66/56/31mm. At now LAV cant stand against his main opponents(soviets) because cant kill them even in side with gun.

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Been playing the SU-25T/TM recently and it's lowkey bad for air battles which was expected. I'd like to see the SU-39 vehicle get the R-73 and R-77 when those missiles get added to the game!

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again totally russia focused, due to the missile change many vehicles e.g. the german are nerfed to death, the russian tank and the aircraft tree have been expanded by a lot according to the motto "russia first", the new american tank is cool but even there other nations need it more, how about new vehicles in the israel tree or the japanese? and where are the stabiolisators of the german ww 2 tanks? and how about german tanks with ERA? or are you just going by russian propaganda?

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The sound localization of the vehicles is extremely poor, everything you hear in your environment is very blurred and localization is almost impossible
your own engine is extremely reflected from nearby buildings or rocks and hills with a constant volume and sound,

although a wooded hill certainly has a different sound characteristic than a rock or a building.
This sound localization was already much better by far in the past,

i don't understand why there are changes or even a step back in quality with every patch here.


The new language files of the crew should be able to be switched on/off.
I personally find this very disturbing in my immersion with the game,
because in most cases it does not fit to the current situation and also the quality of the sayings are not so good.

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So why are rank VIII aircraft now locked behind additional rank VII vehicle requirements? I already have the F-14A, why do I need to grind out another tree to unlock the F-14B or the F-16ADF when its at the same rank?? This just seems unnecessary given that I thought the general intent of the developers was to reduce the grind and punishment going forward.



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the RakJPz 2 (HOT) is pretty close to useless now.  Really difficult to hit close range, and anything over 2km the missile over-corrects too much and develops a weave that makes it nearly impossible to hit something accurately.  Especially noticeable when trying to hit helicopters or fast tanks at distance.

Edited by Mage_Epic
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Raketenautomat vanilla going 25 km/h max and accelerates superslow on flat grassland like on Poland map. Drives similar to a Tiger II. Statcard says 55 km/h...



Edited by Thodin
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I like the idea of oil leaks and soot from muzzle gases as a visual effect, but its appearance is not good because it seems so unrealistic. I think the soot is too short and then too wide horizontally. And the colour of the soot is too dark. This is evident on dark coloured areas of the aircraft. It looks like black ink or something has been accidentally spilled. 

And furthermore, the soot from the muzzle gases is already present on many planes as a texture.

Anyway, I would like to see these effects improved more or the ability to switch between displaying these effects or not as a graphic option.



Edited by Kawashima_Momo
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PLEASE revert the hit indicators the way they were 2-3 updates ago! the new ones make the game feel more "arcade" like, and one dont want that!


PLEASE revert the "press 6 for extinguish fire" text white again, the way it was before or at least make it a option in settings


PLEASE revert the new "techno" digital sounds you get at the end of the battle, when the awards are shown and calculated....



other than those small but really important things, the update is very good!

Edited by Til_Dovre_Faller
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8 hours ago, Hydro6104@live said:

the new 20mm Gatling sounds are awful, they should be reverted back to how they were before this update.

The sound is now more closer to reality than that vacuum cleaner sound we had before.
Now let´s hope that they will actually correct the fact that the weapon fires immediately after pushing the trigger, it does not need to spin first.

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They have really mucked up the sounds this patch. As a player with bad eyes, I’ve learned to play this game strongly off sound..Now all the sounds are tinny, tanks like the Tiger H1 make this repeating roar rev up every time you hit the button. T34’s now sound like the previous Tiger. I can’t tell who is who anymore and now you hear tanks so far away, I don’t know if it’s me, an enemy or how far away they are now. I am having a very very difficult time trying to adjust. There is no bass anymore either. My haptic headset now only triggers on arty bombs and loud explosions. No bass sound in the tank sounds anymore. They royally jacked this patch up. PLEASE Please revert the sound back to like it was. It is near unplayable. I sat facing a wall in a match thinking a tank was on the other side. I didn't know if you turn left or right. He was moving but I couldn't localize it. I finally move to see what this guy was trying to do. I found him moving away from my location, 50 yards away and to my left. The whole time, even still, it sounded like it was on the other side of the wall. The sound localization is as bad as a 1995 video game now. Please fix!

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9 hours ago, wintah said:

The sound localization of the vehicles is extremely poor, everything you hear in your environment is very blurred and localization is almost impossible
your own engine is extremely reflected from nearby buildings or rocks and hills with a constant volume and sound,

although a wooded hill certainly has a different sound characteristic than a rock or a building.
This sound localization was already much better by far in the past,

i don't understand why there are changes or even a step back in quality with every patch here.


The new language files of the crew should be able to be switched on/off.
I personally find this very disturbing in my immersion with the game,
because in most cases it does not fit to the current situation and also the quality of the sayings are not so good.

Agreed. It's impossible in ground RB to determine where anything is, it's just one big muffled noise. Sure it might replicate what real world is but this is a game.


Also your prop driven planes are still terrible. Maybe the sound department needs to go to an air show and listen to what radials, merlins or inline engines actually sound like. Currently they are way to quiet and sound like Cessna's at operating out of my local airport.

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Yeh im just here to give you feedback on the Roland's, this update is extremely bad in terms of their flight performance, something needs to be done about them in the coming updates because they are essentially useless. This affects usa, Germany and France's spaa capabilities, i personally wouldn't even bother spawning them they're so ineffective now. I think I'll come back to the game in September when i don't lose SL trying to constantly combat cas. 

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I find some things on your roadmap very positive and am curious how you implement it, yet I'm not quite convinced, especially since I ask myself among other things the following question...


Now we have proof that the missiles on various tanks are cable-controlled why are they still repelled by the ircm?

apart from the fact that most missile tanks are useless because of this (Wiesel and co.).


I also find it a pity that you do not respond to questions related to Russian bias or their fantasy tanks or unrealistic properties....

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Freccia will drown in shallow water, without damage (38th Paralell - south of B Cap):



Anyone experienced something similar on other locations?

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@Smin1080p currently bothe the Su-25T and Su-39 are quiet competent in ground RB but seems to suffer immensely in air RB and don't seem to have a realistic chance of fighting back. I understand it's only the first week, but I'm curious if the devs are open to potential weaponry being added too these aircraft to help them at their current BR? 


I feel it would be much better too give these aircraft something like R-73's or even R-27's for the Su-39 to help them at their current BR rather than lower then too 11.0 or 10.7 where they would be even more efficient in ground RB.

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