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Graphics Settings Guide


There is a "supersampling" now in advanced settings?  ideas?  nvm that one found it


also how would we sharpen or improve the visibility of the bomb site used in dive bombings or is that something we can alter in graphic settings? (TPS maybe)  Since several planes apparentlycan't use f7 anymore that question becomes all the more relevant 


Very helpful post, thanks :)

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There is no way to change the third person bomb crosshairs. For dive bombers, you need to dive and it becomes more opaque. A lot of people complain about it, but I've never had an issue with the visibility.


Sharpen is the opposite of blurring so has nothing to do with visibility in this case; the crosshair is not blurry.


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When i move the camera quickly i receive a strange blurring effect. Not sure if this is working as intended or if one of the settings (possible fxaa?) is affecting this?

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My specs

ATI 6850M

i7 quad core processor

8g RAM

I am forced to play with the old graphics card support option.. During the closed beta I was able to play Low-Med settings. Can anyone tell me what happened? My computers performance in other games hasn't changed.

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AA really hits hard on the FPS, I turned it off (but kept FXAA) and gained 20FPS at average, without real graphical loss imo.

I tried turning down AA and keep FXAA, and it does improve.

Just wish that they would implement something to stop all the screen shaking.

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I'm amazed how smooth this game runs at 1920*1080 at nearly full detail on my Phenom (1) 2.3 quad core with a Nvidia GTS450. The only thing I haven't changed is the individual sliders for detail are on the initial (middle) settings. Everything else is as as high as it goes, just no anti aliasing. I've never seen fps drop below 40!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't like that bloom effect which starts at low settings. I have checked the old video cards support and the game looks more realistic now. I can see everything on the map, unlike on low/med/high where I can't see anything due to that blur and other non realistic effects that affect my visibility.

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"mouse smoothing" in controls seems like a new option.  I googled it and since I use a corded optical mouse, I don't see this being something I need but would like your input in case I've got it wrong or others have the same question.  Thanks

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This is a graphics settings thread and mouse smoothing has nothing to do with graphics but I will tell you to just keep it off and it is not new.


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[quote name="Cyan_PL" post="240727" timestamp="1363649730"]I have posted this in the 'Graphics' section, but would like to put it here too as it seems to be a problem not only for me - perhaps someone knows a solution to this. 'Same problem (with stuttering) here. I've noticed I am usually all fine untill the FPS drops below 60. Normally my FPS is in upper 70's (with detail settings at high), but after few moments into the game, when enemy planes start to appear (and the FPS starts to drop), the stuttering begins. My ping is 30-40. I've tried the absolutely lowest settings (old card support), FPS peaked at 176, but occasionally tended to drop below 60, especially in crowded areas, and the stuttering still persisted.   Phenom II, HD5800 1GB, 8 GB RAM'[/quote] I stopped playing for about three weeks (holiday, and afterwards a PSU burnout & replace) Not sure what did it, but after I was done with patching the stutter was gone. I can comfortably run the game on 'high' with FPS in the high 80's. I'm actually compelled to try yet more demanding settings.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there any way to get additional quality out of this engine with a .ini tweak? I've got the game on Movie quality with everything in-game and launcher maxed out. Still pushing about 120FPS during battles. Was hoping, there was a way to squeeze out more from the engine..lol Realize most folks are trying to get more FPS..But I'd like more goodies to lower mine..haha

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Movie quality is not maxed and in game options don't really have anything to do with "better" graphics. I hope you have fxaa off since this will "decrease" quality. I feel like you didn't even read the guide. The config file was discussed earlier in the thread (as well as being mentioned in the guide). There are extra features but "enabling" them in the file doesn't do anything. It just suggests they are going to add more eye candy later. In CCC or nvidia control panel, there are extra options you can tweak for any game although some may not work.


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Great post kaewon!  Some things I know, some I didn't know, and some I have forgotten to check. I haven't had any real issues with graphics but it's not only good information that you presented but it's a good way for us to review our settings and make possible improvements.


Nice work!




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The tree rendering distance is ridiculous,detailed trees should be visible from 1km.And the textures of the ships are really bad.And they should ad better shadows to errywhere.I get 100-200 fps with all settings manually maxed 1080p :(.I just want to use my pc´s power in my favorite game...

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For the guys who want to get some use out of their 2nd card with nvidia SLI
This is a 32x AA profile for anyone with a pair of good Nvidia Cards. It uses the 2nd card for the AA. You need to download and install Invidia Inspector to use this profile.

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Hi everyone,


i recently got a nice new laptop. Components: i7 3720QM (http://www.notebookcheck.net/Intel-Core-i7-3720QM-Notebook-Processor.73455.0.html), GTX675MX (http://www.notebookcheck.net/NVIDIA-GeForce-GTX-675MX.82580.0.html) and 8GB of Corsair vengance ram or something. Im getting 25-45 fps when i play the game on high setttings. This is with shadows on medium and AA on 4x. Some other things like background resolution and cloud resolution are also lowered a bit but by my fps is still low. 


I understand that this is a laptop so it will always be a bit slower than a desktop but im getting better fps (45-65) using my desktop which has an i5 760 and a GTX 460 1GB....  Im reasonably sure that the components in my laptop are significantly faster than my desktop so why is my laptop so much worse at running the game. I mean my gtx 675mx has like 900 cores according to nvidias autodetection and my gtx 460 has just over 300.


Any ideas how i can fix this?


EDIT: passmark details [spoiler] http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i5+760+%40+2.80GHz http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i7-3720QM+%40+2.60GHz http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=GeForce+GTX+460&id=31 http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=GeForce+GTX+675MX&id=2349 [/spoiler]

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  • 1 month later...

The launcher was updated. They moved the cloud res to a selection option instead of a slider, supersampling was removed, and they added an oculus rift checkbox. But I will not be updating this anymore since it is essentially in the wiki.


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i am experiencing very blurry edges on mountains and planes.. mostly in a fog environment.


Is there any one with the same problems?


My pc is top and it could run max settings with 100fps prior to 1.31... please help!

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Are you still running max settings? Double-check and make sure nothing reset.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi, digging this thread up, as it kinda seems most appropriate to ask.

I have a question:


Normally, when I play the game on the lowest settings (with the "old videocards support" option checked) I can easily reach up to 70 fps, and in normal situations around 50-60.

If I deselect that button, and turn everything to low, it stays around 30-40 fps, and it can get as low as 20 on some maps


Is it possible to change the settings in a config file? I would like to increase the texture quality, clouds resolution, ground resolution, while keeping that setting checked.


Kaewon u stated that

You can get get high res clouds, textures, and AF x16 but everything else is still overridden to min even though the config says they are on. Some ground textures are still ultra low. 


So i do understand it right, that I can not set "old graphics support" and at the same time raise the "sliders" for ground textures, distance view, shadows via the config file?

Especially my own shadow would be a good thing to have for landing.


I can add 2x / 4x AA via CCC, but this doesnt really help seeing a turned off shadow, or ground target during high altitude bombing.


Some clarification would be nice.

Thank you

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