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[GF] USSR T-44-100



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  1. 1. Do you wish to see the T-44-100 In Game?

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Your problem, i am not your nanny.

Politely asking for a source isn't making you my nanny. 


Now i'm inclined to believe that you're stating that with no source/evidence to back it up, and your comment really doesn't add anything at all now...

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Plz dont start a flame war between each other, dont want this topic locked

Guys please, I agree with HeartBreak1.


Just to clarify the T-44-122 was not mass produced due to the crews only able to fire 2-3 rounds per minute, this was not accepted as a Medium tanks required rate of fire and it was abbandoned. Now please move on and keep on topic. :salute:

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Guys please, I agree with HeartBreak1.


Just to clarify the T-44-122 was not mass produced due to the crews only able to fire 2-3 rounds per minute, this was not accepted as a Medium tanks required rate of fire and it was abandoned. Now please move on and keep on topic. 


My intention of a flame war is unintended; I was simply (and politely) asking for a source that said one way or the other. 


As far as I knew, the T-44-122 was abandoned for two reasons: It had very limited ammunition capacity for a medium tank, and, as you said, an extremely low rate of fire for a medium tank. I had heard -nothing- about turret malfunctions or that the tank was incapable of mounting such a powerful gun (Similar to the super-hellcat, where it couldn't fire the 90mm gun without being thrown around like a 10 year old shooting a 12 ga.).


T-44-100, yes please. I'd be interested to know the difference between the several different 100mm guns though. I believe there was a LB-1, D10T, and there was a third... Forgot the name. 


T-44-122, Might be cool as a premium. My biggest complaint about the Russian 122mm(D25) tanks is that their profiles are a little weird, their maneuverability is often poor, and that currently I believe all russia currently has is the Su-122P, which is more or less in the same position the T-44-122 would be, in addition to the Russian tree lacking a T4 turreted premium.

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I had heard -nothing- about turret malfunctions or that the tank was incapable of mounting such a powerful gun .

That was the T-44-100, I will also add that the T-44-122 was a designed prototype before the T-44-100.

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Stupid failure of a tank.


You should be suggesting the T-54 mod. 1945, not this.




If you want a glass cannon, suggest the T-34 with the LB-1 100mm. Was reported to be better than the D-10T. 


And for BlitzkriegWulf, here are all 4 100mms that I know about [there may be more] [WW2 only. I know the D-54S exists but it's not WW2].


LB-1 100mm.


D-10 100mm.


ZiS-100 100mm.


BS-3 100mm. [<--- Artillery gun, mounted on a T-34-85 by Egyptians in the late 60's, 70's, artillery gun made in 1944]

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The waiting times in RB for tier 5 tanks is mad, but love the 100mm on the T-54,  Get this T-44 into game so we can have a 100mm medium at tier 4 with shorter queue times :D

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The waiting times in RB for tier 5 tanks is mad, but love the 100mm on the T-54,  Get this T-44 into game so we can have a 100mm medium at tier 4 with shorter queue times :D

100mm at tier IV is called Su100! :3 But yeah a medium with good armament would be something!

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100mm at tier IV is called Su100! :3 But yeah a medium with good armament would be something!


Im not a fan of TDs. Mainly because i always mess up and someone gets behind me.


I love medium tanks over everything else, so yeah. T-44-100 pl0x

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But as mentioned, other protos have been modelled without any issues that were encountered in testing.


Its Purely for a stop gap filling between the T-44 at 6.7 and T-54 at 8.0

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Prevent it Fighting aganist WW2 German Tanks and it will be a Awesome addition as Both Prem / Standart MT


Why prevent it? It has the same gun/ammo as the Su-100 at BR 6.7 which is a good enemy for the Kingtigers, while the T-44 is a rather lackluster tank with the old 85mm gun. So move the T-44 to a BR of 6.0 or 6.3 and add the T-44-100 at the BR of 6.7 to counterbalance that problem. Would be fair imo. The T-44 is not at all hard to kill with the long 88 or the 75mm cannon and would bet an added bit of bite against those Tiger IIs...

Edited by Markenzwieback
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The more vechcles then better, cuz its better to have some choise than grind the same tank with number changes. People dont like early german tree cuz there is like 10 pz.IIIs and IVs with no changes at all, you know how it is to grind same machine for 3 tiers so... I want paper tanks, experimental, prototypes. Like it or not, but they will be in the game:)
And ofc I want that T-44-100 and even t-44-122 on tier V :)

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Please elaborate on how having 3 nations with P-47Ds is fun.

EDIT: I get it, you only play arcade, I understand that it might be interesting for you to have the same planes in multiple nations, but for a lot of us, it completely breaks immersion and balance.

Don't see how that would be the case for your immersion, but I'll take your word for it.

Balance is a non-issue. If a plane is balanced in one nation, it won't be any different in any other nation.

I just like to play them and yes I have got the P47D in all nations, just like I have purchased several prototypes. I like it, now why are people so uptight about this?

I just don't get how you can be bothered by what other people own. Don't you want them to fly what they enjoy flying? Don't you want them supporting the game financially? It is keeping the servers up and food on the table for the devs so I am afraid (for you, not for me as I like it) they won't change this any time soon. Now, you could argue that it shouldn't be available in RB/SB but then I would argue that I purchased my planes with the express intent to play them whereever I like and should I venture out into either of those, then I should be able to use my real money purchase there too.

Like with my paid crew slots, I totally hate it that I can't use all of them for ground forces. Same with RB, only one plane? Let me use what I paid for.

Now, don't get me wrong, I really think it is a shame you experience the presence of those as detrimental but why be annoyed with it, why not enjoy it? The models are gorgeous and it is not like any of them are overpowered. I just don't get how you could be against this wonderful feature that keeps this game going. Edited by Warlord1981NL
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I will remind you that this is a thread about a tank, not aircraft. :salute:


As mentioned above by Chaos.


Plz dont derail the suggestion / start a flame war. Dont want to have this locked ;-;

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I will remind you that this is a thread about a tank, not aircraft. :salute:


The aircraft merely served as an example, we were talking more generally about prototype and captured vehicles, regardless of tanks or planes. But sorry for inconveniencing you.

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seeing as how the real one literally broke its turret ring after firing one shell out of the cannon i am going to go with no.


I'd ask for a source, but seeing how that went last time I think i'm just better off trying to find the info for myself....

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