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Experimentaleintwicklung Kampfpanzer Keiler (leo 2 EARLY, EARLY prototype)


Want the father of the leo 2 in game? (Only the 1969 proto. Note that the new cutoff date is 1970, any vehicle of that year or after is not accepted, which is why this thread is still open.)  

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  1. 1. Want the father of the leo 2 in game? (Only the 1969 proto. Note that the new cutoff date is 1970, any vehicle of that year or after is not accepted, which is why this thread is still open.)

    • Yes
    • No (explain why, we'd all like to hear.)
    • Maybe, but later when it's absolutely needed
    • I don't care either way.

9 minutes ago, F7UCutlass said:

Yep, Though I think that's a modelers flair :P

Nope, the 20mm autocannon was a thing



Edited by Mercedes4321
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18 hours ago, F7UCutlass said:

Type 87 already has composite armor.


I wonder what sources state that there's composite armor, for I can't find any such sources. And of course it would be absolutely stupid to add composite armor on that thing. Composite inserts are normally bulky if they are to be used for improving armor instead of simply making it lighter.


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6 minutes ago, Nope said:


I wonder what sources state that there's composite armor, for I can't find any such sources. And of course it would be absolutely stupid to add composite armor on that thing. Composite inserts are normally bulky if they are to be used for improving armor instead of simply making it lighter.

Well what the Type 87 has is NERA


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12 minutes ago, Nope said:


I wonder what sources state that there's composite armor, for I can't find any such sources. And of course it would be absolutely stupid to add composite armor on that thing. Composite inserts are normally bulky if they are to be used for improving armor instead of simply making it lighter.


Probably helpful to take a look at @Mai_Waffentrager and the blog she writes about Japanese vehicles.

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1 hour ago, Nope said:


I wonder what sources state that there's composite armor, for I can't find any such sources. And of course it would be absolutely stupid to add composite armor on that thing. Composite inserts are normally bulky if they are to be used for improving armor instead of simply making it lighter.

Mercedes answered, it has NERA which is a composite armor 

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1 hour ago, Mercedes4321 said:

Well what the Type 87 has is NERA


Seems to be some rather basic NERA too, and the angle is far flatter than what is seen on say, MBT composite.


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5 minutes ago, Nope said:


Seems to be some rather basic NERA too, and the angle is far flatter than what is seen on say, MBT composite.

It was designed to only protect against autocannons in the 30mm range, so most certainly not the sort of composite you would expect on a MBT.

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7 hours ago, F7UCutlass said:

But still gets the "muh no composite" argument out of the way :P

Besides, the armor of the Keiler is not enough to defeat what would be fired at it anyways.

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5 hours ago, Rohrkrepiererer said:


Of course it is. Its turret, I could imagine would be difficult to penetrate.

Not really. Only 59mm, and top tier shells have very low chances to bounce against well sloped armor. HEAT-FS has a 0% chance to bounce at 65 degrees, and APFSDS has a 0% chance to bounce at 76 degrees.

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4 minutes ago, F7UCutlass said:

Not really. Only 59mm, and top tier shells have very low chances to bounce against well sloped armor. HEAT-FS has a 0% chance to bounce at 65 degrees, and APFSDS has a 0% chance to bounce at 76 degrees.

Of course not against equally tiered MBTs, but against anything that fires AP rounds and the such ( ZSU, T54, T10M,...)

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5 minutes ago, Rohrkrepiererer said:

Of course not against equally tiered MBTs, but against anything that fires AP rounds and the such ( ZSU, T54, T10M,...)

ZSU can beat it, If it can't pen the tank so be it. 

Though T-54 and T-10M both have HEAT and APDS

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22 minutes ago, F7UCutlass said:

ZSU can beat it, If it can't pen the tank so be it. 

Though T-54 and T-10M both have HEAT and APDS

I know, but from personal experience I know, that a lot of those tankers load an AP shell for the first round and only usw APDS and HEATFS as a "last resort"

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21 minutes ago, Rohrkrepiererer said:

I know, but from personal experience I know, that a lot of those tankers load an AP shell for the first round and only usw APDS and HEATFS as a "last resort"

I never use APHE as default in my T-54, Because the SECOND I load APHE I come across a tank that I cannot easily penetrate with it.

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