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Object 685 Amphibious Light Tank


What? Could link me confirmation of that?

Somewhere in here, sorry I'm not gonna search for the particular question now, but there is stated something like: ATGMs will be implemented, unlike guided missiles for aircraft, because you can't just lock the ATGM on the enemy, shoot and forget it. Guided missiles would destroy aircraft gameplay.


I hope I've satisfied your curiosity. There are many questions with very interesting answers in that forum topic.

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Somewhere in here, sorry I'm not gonna search for the particular question now, but there is stated something like: ATGMs will be implemented, unlike guided missiles for aircraft, because you can't just lock the ATGM on the enemy, shoot and forget it. Guided missiles would destroy aircraft gameplay.


I hope I've satisfied your curiosity. There are many questions with very interesting answers in that forum topic.

Well that is interesting to say the least. with that said, what do you think about the Object 685 being the end game Light Tank?


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Somewhere in here, sorry I'm not gonna search for the particular question now, but there is stated something like: ATGMs will be implemented, unlike guided missiles for aircraft, because you can't just lock the ATGM on the enemy, shoot and forget it. Guided missiles would destroy aircraft gameplay.


I hope I've satisfied your curiosity. There are many questions with very interesting answers in that forum topic.




That answer seems to be inconclusive, though. If I had to make an interpretation, it would be that they have already (or are currently) experimenting with ATGM combat in Alpha stage.


"ПТУРы первого поколения геймплейно могут быть очень интересными, но это довольно сложная система, пока я не могу однозначно сказать да или нет."

"first generation ATGM gameplay can be very interesting, but it is a rather complicated system, while I can not definitely say yes or no."


Somehow i doubt BVV_D would come out and say it was complicated if they hadn't experienced difficulties with it first-hand. 



Edit: But, what's nice about this is, it shows if the community has enough interest and pushes hard enough for something, Gaijin will show interest too. (Although, they were probably wondering about the viability of ATGM's themselves...)



Edit edit: You do realize that answer is about 15 months prior to right now, right?.... 


Well that is interesting to say the least. with that said, what do you think about the Object 685 being the end game Light Tank?


I think it would be interesting.... basically PT-76 with Hellcat mobility, and T-54 Mod. 1949 gun...

Edited by BlitzkriegWulf
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Just need to find the sekrit dokuments saying it was capable of 60kph in the water with the optional water-jet package.


It was transforming into ekranoplan.

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In theory, it should be fine. As long as you're fine with being a glass-cannon.


There's already plenty of "glass cannons" though...


PT-76, Hellcat, T92, ZSU-37/57-2, etc etc.

ATGMs are confirmed to be implemented in WT, so for example Sheridan is very likely to appear at some point in the future.


Did you find it in that thread? All i found was a "maybe".

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3BM8 - APDS-T: 290 mm @ 0° / 2,000 m - 80 mm @ 60° / 2,000 m  - Soviet penetration standard.

Would there be a specific reason for the penetration being so different from the in game one?



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APDS underperforming as usual. Only Brits have correct penetration with APDS, and only with two cannons IIRC

What's your opinion on the Object 685?


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3BM25 should be off-limits. Other than that, it's basically a D-10 on a BMP. Just fine for War Thunder.

Penetration and muzzle velocity to high for War Thunder?


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Penetration at 60° is a little power-creepy. 

Is it? I wouldn't know its penetration.

Edited by WulfPack

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Is it? I wouldn't know its penetration.


Eh, he's like Frying.... strange ways of knowing lots of info about military weapons.... And being a buisness owner, I would guess Choogle's business is contracted with DoD or he's a big military buff in his spare time.



How close to the money am I, Choogle? :D



Penetration at 60° is a little power-creepy. 

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Is it? I wouldn't know its penetration.


Been a while since I've last dug for it, but it's past the Chieftain's performance at 60°. 



Eh, he's like Frying.... strange ways of knowing lots of info about military weapons.... And being a buisness owner, I would guess Choogle's business is contracted with DoD or he's a big military buff in his spare time.



How close to the money am I, Choogle? :D





Ex-tanker. Now I do property maintenance as something to do, and I quite like military related stuff. I just so happen to specialize in Soviet aircraft and vehicles. 

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Ex-tanker. Now I do property maintenance as something to do, and I quite like military related stuff. I just so happen to specialize in Soviet aircraft and vehicles. 


Eh, wish I spoke russian, but I don't :\


(Well, besides the obvious swears....)

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Eh, wish I spoke russian, but I don't :\


(Well, besides the obvious swears....)

Funny fact: I'm not Russian, I never had a Russian language class at school and I never had the opportunity to try to speak with Russian guy in Russian language, but my native language is one of the Slavic family of languages. Some time ago I started watching documents about Russian military vehicles (mainly tanks and aircraft, but also ships etc.) on the internet in the only language available = Russian. At first I had troubles translating many things, but now, I can watch all the documents about this topic, understanding (almost) everything in them.


However I still can't read the Russian alphabet, although I'd like to learn it at some point in the future and I'd like to see how much of a use would this "knowledge" of mine would be in a real conversation with a Russian speaking guy (or preferably girl ;)s ).

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Searching the RU Google has turned up nothing, regarding its armor layout. I'm starting to think its armor layout was never publicized.


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Funny fact: I'm not Russian, I never had a Russian language class at school and I never had the opportunity to try to speak with Russian guy in Russian language, but my native language is one of the Slavic family of languages. Some time ago I started watching documents about Russian military vehicles (mainly tanks and aircraft, but also ships etc.) on the internet in the only language available = Russian. At first I had troubles translating many things, but now, I can watch all the documents about this topic, understanding (almost) everything in them.


The biggest issue is really just the pronunciation of some of the syllables/sounds. There are certain sounds that aren't "universal" (Probably a bad way to phrase it), and, can be a real challenge for people who didn't grow up learning/speaking both languages.


 in the future and I'd like to see how much of a use would this "knowledge" of mine would be in a real conversation with a Russian speaking guy (or preferably girl ;)s ).


Hah! Yeah, I'd be more interested in dating, but most girls are short.... just about everyone is short when you're 6'8/205cm...

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