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Minor Axis-Nations AF+GF (+warsaw-pact)


Do you want to see the minor axis-member in the italian tree.  

497 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the idea of an axis-tree?

    • yes
    • yes, but ...
    • no, because ...
    • yes, but without Italy (that means we need stuff from the warsaw-pact)





After 1.73 we have now all "big" nations (Russia, Germany, USA, Great Britain, France, Japan and Italy) but what is with all the other smaller nations that fought during the secon world war? In my opinion every noteable Nation of ww2 deserves a regular place (atleast a small one) in the game. To let them end up as premiums would be a huge mistake.

I want to suggest the addition of 6 smaller "Axis"-Nations: Romania, Hungary, Finland, Slovakia (+ czechoslovakia as the postwar part) , Bulgaria and Croatia.

Some notes:

  • Finland wasn´t an axis-member but they get a lot of support from Germany and fought with them against the soviet Union. So you could also call this tree "Allies of Germany-Tree" And with the Ryti–Ribbentrop letter of agreement i think it is ok to call them an ally of Germany. it is better to have finland in an axis tree, than no finland at all. 
  • Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia were no real Axis member or fought more against them than with them together, so i added instead Croatia and Slovakia to get some more interesting vehicles. Czecholovakia was after the war part of the Warsaw-pact so i added them for the Higher tiers again. 
  • An alternative Version with Italy and without the postwar-stuff of the other axis-nations can be found at the bottom of the topic.




The Nations:

23px-Flag_of_First_Slovak_Republic_1939- Slovakia (1939-1945)



Slovakia.pngSlovakia 1942

The (First) Slovak Republic was a client state of Nazi Germany which existed between 14 March 1939 and 4 April 1945. It controlled the majority of the territory of present-day Slovakia, but without its current southern and eastern parts, which had been ceded to Hungary in 1938. The Republic bordered Germany, the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Poland – and subsequently the General Government (German-occupied remnant of Poland) – and Hungary. The Slovak Republic under President Josef Tiso signed the Tripartite Pact on 24 November 1940.

Slovakia had been closely aligned with Germany almost immediately from its declaration of independence from Czechoslovakia on 14 March 1939. Slovakia entered into a treaty of protection with Germany on 23 March 1939.

Slovak troops joined the German invasion of Poland, having interest in Spiš and Orava. Those two regions, along with Cieszyn Silesia, had been disputed between Poland and Czechoslovakia since 1918. The Poles fully annexed them following the Munich Agreement. After the invasion of Poland, Slovakia reclaimed control of those territories.

Slovakia invaded Poland alongside German forces, contributing 50,000 men at this stage of the war.

Slovakia declared war on the Soviet Union in 1941 and signed the revived Anti-Comintern Pact in 1941. Slovak troops fought on Germany's Eastern Front, furnishing Germany with two divisions totaling 80,000 men. Slovakia declared war on the United Kingdom and the United States in 1942


TschechoslowakeiCzechoslovakia (after 1945)


Chzechoclovakei.pngpostwar Czechoslovakia





Romania.pngRomania 1942

When war erupted in Europe in 1939, the Kingdom of Romania was pro-British and allied to the Poles. Following the invasion of Poland by Germany and the Soviet Union, and the German conquest of France and the Low Countries, Romania found itself increasingly isolated; meanwhile, pro-German and pro-Fascist elements began to grow.

The August 1939 Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact between Germany and the Soviet Union contained a secret protocol ceding Bessarabia, and Northern Bukovina to the Soviet Union. On June 28, 1940, the Soviet Union occupied and annexed Bessarabia, as well as part of northern Romaniaand the Hertza region. On 30 August 1940, Germany forced Romania to cede Northern Transylvania to Hungary as a result of the Second Vienna Award. Southern Dobruja was ceded to Bulgaria in September 1940. In an effort to appease the Fascist elements within the country and obtain German protection, King Carol II appointed the General Ion Antonescu as Prime Minister on September 6, 1940.

Two days later, Antonescu forced the king to abdicate and installed the king's young son Michael on the throne, then declared himself Conducător ("Leader") with dictatorial powers. The National Legionary State was proclaimed on 14 September, with the Iron Guard ruling together with Antonescu as the sole legal political movement in Romania. Under King Michael I and the military government of Antonescu, Romania signed the Tripartite Pact on November 23, 1940. 




Finland.pngFinland 1942

Although Finland never signed the Tripartite Pact and legally (de jure) was not a part of the Axis, it was Axis-aligned in its fight against the Soviet Union. Finland signed the revived Anti-Comintern Pact of November 1941. In the opening days of Operation Barbarossa, Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union, Finland permitted German planes returning from mine dropping runs over Kronstadt and Neva River to refuel at Finnish airfields before returning to bases in East Prussia. In retaliation, the Soviet Union launched a major air offensive against Finnish airfields and towns, which resulted in a Finnish declaration of war against the Soviet Union on 25 June 1941. The Finnish conflict with the Soviet Union is generally referred to as the Continuation War.

The Ryti–Ribbentrop letter of agreement (Finnish: Ryti–Ribbentrop-sopimus) of June 26, 1944, was a personal letter from President Risto Ryti of Finland to German Führer Adolf Hitler whereby Ryti agreed not to reach a separate peace in the war with the Soviet Unionwithout approval from Nazi Germany, in order to secure German military aid for Finland to stop the Soviet offensive. This letter marked the closest to an alliance that Finland and Nazi Germany came to during World War II.


23px-Flag_of_Independent_State_of_CroatiCroatia (1941-1945)


Croatia.pngCroatia 1942

The Independent State of Croatia was a World War II fascist puppet state of Germany and Italy. It was established in parts of occupied Yugoslavia on 10 April 1941, after the invasion by the Axis powers. Its territory consisted of most of modern-day Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as some parts of modern-day Serbia and Slovenia, but also excluded many Croat-populated areas in Dalmatia (until late 1943), Istria, and Međimurje regions (which today are part of Croatia). On 10 April 1941, the Independent State of Croatia (Nezavisna Država Hrvatska, or NDH) declared itself a member of the Axis, co-signing the Tripartite Pact. The NDH remained a member of the Axis until the end of Second World War, its forces fighting for Germany even after its territory had been overrun by Yugoslav Partisans. On 16 April 1941, Ante Pavelić, a Croatian nationalist and one of the founders of the Ustaše ("Croatian Liberation Movement"), was proclaimed Poglavnik (leader) of the new regime.




Bulgaria.pngBulgaria 1942

After the failure of the Italian invasion of Greece, Nazi Germany demanded that Bulgaria join the Tripartite pact and permit German forces to pass through Bulgaria to attack Greece in order to help Italy. While the Bulgarian government was reluctant to get involved in the war, the threat of a German invasion, as well as the promise of Greek territories, led Bulgaria to sign the Tripartite Pact on 1 March 1941 and join the Axis.




Hungary.pngHungary 1942

Hungary, ruled by Regent Admiral Miklós Horthy, was the first country apart from Germany, Italy, and Japan to adhere to the Tripartite Pact, signing the agreement on 20 November 1940. Slovakia had been a client state of Germany since 1938.

Political instability plagued the country until Miklós Horthy, a Hungarian nobleman and Austro-Hungarian naval officer, became regent in 1920. Hungarian nationalists desired to recover territories lost through the Trianon Treaty. The country drew closer to Germany and Italy largely because of a shared desire to revise the peace settlements made after World War I.[125] Many people sympathized with the anti-Semitic policy of the Nazi regime. Due to its pro-German stance, Hungary received favourable territorial settlements when Germany annexed Czechoslovakia in 1938–1939 and received Northern Transylvania from Romania via the Vienna Awards of 1940. Hungarians permitted German troops to transit through their territory during the invasion of Yugoslavia, and Hungarian forces took part in the invasion. Parts of Yugoslavia were annexed to Hungary; the United Kingdom immediately broke off diplomatic relations in response.

Although Hungary did not initially participate in the German invasion of the Soviet Union, Hungary declared war on the Soviet Union on 27 June 1941. Over 500,000 soldiers served on the Eastern Front.




 Airforce Release Tree: 



23px-Flag_of_First_Slovak_Republic_1939- Slovakia


Aero A.304 (one was also used by Bulgaria)



- czech bomber

Crew: 3

Length: 13.21 m (43 ft 4 in)

Wingspan: 19.2 m (63 ft 0 in)

Height: 3.4 m (11 ft 2 in)

Wing area: 45.3 m2 (488 sq ft)

Empty weight: 3,006 kg (6,627 lb)

Gross weight: 4,364 kg (9,621 lb)

Powerplant: 2 × Walter Super Castor IMR 9-cyl. air-cooled radial piston engine, 343 kW (460 hp) each

Maximum speed: 322 km/h (200 mph; 174 kn) at 1,750 m (5,741 ft)

Cruise speed: 290 km/h (180 mph; 157 kn)

Range: 1,199 km (745 mi; 647 nmi)

Service ceiling: 5,800 m (19,000 ft)

Rate of climb: 6.75 m/s (1,329 ft/min)

1 × fixed forward-firing 7.92 mm ZB-30 machine gun

1 × 7.92 mm vz30 machine gun in dorsal turret

1 × 7.92 mm vs30 machine gun in rearward firing ventral position

Bombs: Up to 300 kg (660 lb) of bombs

Avia B-34: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/407569-slovakia-avia-b-34-ex-czechoslovakian/





to be honest, the Avia B-34 is not an outstanding plane, the performance of the plane is almost identical to the He-51 who is also a reserve plane in the german tree and maybe the worse reserve plane in the game but it is still doing the job well enough, the Avia B-34 was originally a Czechoslovakian plane built for the the Czech air-force. the plane was designed in the early 30s and was a full metal built. the plane was soon related to the training duty in the Czech air-force until the country surrender to Germany in 1937. in the Czech service, a single plane was lost. 12 was been put into service in the czech army, from them, 8 was captured and used as trainer by the German Luftwaffe. of the last 3 plane still existing, they all saw service in the hand of the Slovak air-force (Slovakia was a puppet state of Germany and a member of the "Minor axis nation"). while no B-34 was confirmed to have saw combat, the plane was considered as very robust and durable, it was the kind of plane that could take some hit and still flying, thanks to the full metal construction. despite to the strong structure of the plane, the aircraft was unpopular amounts the pilots, mostly because of the poor flying performance which is partially caused by the heavy structure. while the flight performance was not really good, the armament wasn't so good either with only two machine gun on the side of the fuselage as the only armament of the plane (which is a bit poor in comparison to the I-15 or Furry who also act as reserve plane)





General characteristics

  • Crew: one pilot
  • Length: 7.25 m (23 ft 9 in)
  • Wingspan: 9.40 m (30 ft 10 in)
  • Wing area: 23.9 m2 (257 ft2)
  • Empty weight: 1,305 kg (2,877 lb)
  • Gross weight: 1,730 kg (3,814 lb)
  • Powerplant: 1 × liquid cooled Avia Vr 36 engine, 552 kW (760 hp)


  • Maximum speed: 315 km/h (196 mph)
  • Range: 600 km (370 miles)
  • Service ceiling: 7,000 m (23,000 ft)
  • Rate of climb: 12 m/s


  • 2 × fixed, forward-firing 7.92 mm vz.28 machine guns

Avia B-534: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/407632-slovakia-avia-b-534-ex-czechoslovakian/



the Avia B-534 is a classic style bi-plane fighter that was mass produced in the second half of the 30s. it was widely used in serial country of the balkan, amounts of the user, Hungary, Slovakia and of course Czechoslovakia was well know to had used a large number of Avia B-534. the plane was based on the Avia B-34 who was a robust plane built in small quantity and mostly used as trainer plane. over the Avia B-34, the B-534 have a lot better flight performance, armament and engine.


the plane was based on the second prototype of Avia B-34 who was fitted with a different engine, the plane was later redesigned as Avia B-534 after the maiden flight in 1933, the plane saw a order of mass production soone after and the delivery of the plane started in 1935. the early production series had four machine gun VZ .28 wich two was on pods on either side of the fuselage like the B-34 and two more was mounted on the wing. but the wing machine gun was troublesome to install and many was installed without it and those who already had it saw it removed. the armament of the second series was improved with now the four machine gun up-graded for the Vz.30 and all was in the pods on either side of the fuselage (two by pod). the pod with the twin machine-gun became the standard for all the further variant of the plane (except the BK-534).




Avia B-534-I




first production series of the Avia B-534. the 98 planes was built under this configuration. the plane was armed with the VZ.28 7.92mm. two was in pods on either side of the fuselage and two other was in the wing, but those in the wing was troublesome and was removed in the second half of the production and also remove from the plane that already had them. the armament was so reduced to two machine-gun once in service. the plane was initially in service in the Czech air-force but the surviving plane was passed to the Slovakian air-force after the German annexation of Czechoslovakia. the plane remained in service until the end of the ww2.


General characteristics

  • Crew: one
  • Length: 8.1[38] m (26 ft 7 in)
  • Wingspan: 9.4 m (30 ft 10 in)
  • Height: 3.15[38] m (10 ft 4 in)
  • Wing area: 23.56 m2 (253.6 sq ft)
  • Empty weight: 1,460 kg (3,219 lb)
  • Gross weight: 2,120 kg (4,674 lb)
  • Max takeoff weight: 1,980[38] kg (4,365 lb)
  • Powerplant: 1 × Hispano-Suiza 12Ydrs liquid-cooled V12 engine, kW (830 hp)


  • Maximum speed: 380 km/h
  • Cruise speed: 345 km/h (214 mph; 186 kn)
  • Range: 600[38] km (373 mi; 324 nmi)
  • Service ceiling: 10,600 m (34,800 ft)
  • Rate of climb: 15.15[38] m/s (2,982 ft/min)
  • Time to altitude: 5,000 m (16,404 ft) in 5 minutes 30 seconds [38]
  • Wing loading: 84[38] kg/m2 (17 lb/sq ft)
  • Power/mass: 0.319 kW/kg (0.197 hp/lb) [40]


  • Guns: 2× 7.92 mm (0.312 in) vz. 28 (Česká zbrojovka Strakonice)[41] machine guns with 250–300 rpg
  • Bombs: 6× 10 kg (22 lb) or 4x 20 kg (44 lb) bombs


an unknown amounts of B-534-I was been used in the Slovak air-force and a large amounst in the German air-forces.


Avia B-534-II




second production series with about 50 planes made. the plane was receiving the new VZ.30 7.92 machine-gun in pod who have now two gun each on either side of the fuselage. the plane remained pretty much all alike the series I in the other aspect.

General characteristics

  • Crew: one
  • Length: 8.1[38] m (26 ft 7 in)
  • Wingspan: 9.4 m (30 ft 10 in)
  • Height: 3.15[38] m (10 ft 4 in)
  • Wing area: 23.56 m2 (253.6 sq ft)
  • Empty weight: 1,460 kg (3,219 lb)
  • Gross weight: 2,120 kg (4,674 lb)
  • Max takeoff weight: 1,980[38] kg (4,365 lb)
  • Powerplant: 1 × Hispano-Suiza 12Ydrs liquid-cooled V12 engine, kW (830 hp)


  • Maximum speed: 380 km/h
  • Cruise speed: 345 km/h (214 mph; 186 kn)
  • Range: 600[38] km (373 mi; 324 nmi)
  • Service ceiling: 10,600 m (34,800 ft)
  • Rate of climb: 15.15[38] m/s (2,982 ft/min)
  • Time to altitude: 5,000 m (16,404 ft) in 5 minutes 30 seconds [38]
  • Wing loading: 84[38] kg/m2 (17 lb/sq ft)
  • Power/mass: 0.319 kW/kg (0.197 hp/lb) [40]


  • Guns: 4× 7.92 mm (0.312 in) vz. 30
  • Bombs: 6× 10 kg (22 lb) or 4x 20 kg (44 lb) bombs


an unknow amounst of the B-534-II saw service in the Slovakian air-forces


Avia B-534-III




the third production series received a few aerodinamycal refinement. a new air-intake for the carburator and new mud-guard for the landing gear. the performance of the plane was slightly improved due to the refinement but it wasn't by much more. the third series saw a production of 25 planes under this configuration


General characteristics

  • Crew: one
  • Length: 8.1[38] m (26 ft 7 in)
  • Wingspan: 9.4 m (30 ft 10 in)
  • Height: 3.15[38] m (10 ft 4 in)
  • Wing area: 23.56 m2 (253.6 sq ft)
  • Empty weight: 1,460 kg (3,219 lb)
  • Gross weight: 2,120 kg (4,674 lb)
  • Max takeoff weight: 1,980[38] kg (4,365 lb)
  • Powerplant: 1 × Hispano-Suiza 12Ydrs liquid-cooled V12 engine, kW (830 hp)


  • Maximum speed: 392 km/h
  • Cruise speed: 345 km/h (214 mph; 186 kn)
  • Range: 600[38] km (373 mi; 324 nmi)
  • Service ceiling: 10,600 m (34,800 ft)
  • Rate of climb: 15.15[38] m/s (2,982 ft/min)
  • Time to altitude: 5,000 m (16,404 ft) in 5 minutes 30 seconds [38]
  • Wing loading: 84[38] kg/m2 (17 lb/sq ft)
  • Power/mass: 0.319 kW/kg (0.197 hp/lb) [40]


  • Guns: 4× 7.92 mm (0.312 in) vz. 30
  • Bombs: 6× 10 kg (22 lb) or 4x 20 kg (44 lb) bombs


at least 14x B-534-III was been deliver to Croatia. a few other was used in Slovakia


Avia B-534-IV




the most important modification of the series IV was the closed canopy, the new cockpit was offering the plane a better air-drag which allowed a better speed and also a better comfort for the pilot in higher altitude. along to the canopy, the plane received newer generation of the 12Ydrs engine who was slightly better with 850hp. this variant was the most produced and widely used with over 150 planes built. this plane was exported in Bulgaria.


General characteristics

  • Crew: one
  • Length: 8.1[38] m (26 ft 7 in)
  • Wingspan: 9.4 m (30 ft 10 in)
  • Height: 3.15[38] m (10 ft 4 in)
  • Wing area: 23.56 m2 (253.6 sq ft)
  • Empty weight: 1,460 kg (3,219 lb)
  • Gross weight: 2,120 kg (4,674 lb)
  • Max takeoff weight: 1,980[38] kg (4,365 lb)
  • Powerplant: 1 × Hispano-Suiza 12Ydrs liquid-cooled V12 engine, 632.5[39] kW (848.2 hp)


  • Maximum speed: 405 km/h
  • Cruise speed: 345 km/h (214 mph; 186 kn)
  • Range: 600[38] km (373 mi; 324 nmi)
  • Service ceiling: 10,600 m (34,800 ft)
  • Rate of climb: 15.15[38] m/s (2,982 ft/min)
  • Time to altitude: 5,000 m (16,404 ft) in 5 minutes 30 seconds [38]
  • Wing loading: 84[38] kg/m2 (17 lb/sq ft)
  • Power/mass: 0.319 kW/kg (0.197 hp/lb) [40]


  • Guns: 4× 7.92 mm (0.312 in) vz. 30
  • Bombs: 6× 10 kg (22 lb) or 4x 20 kg (44 lb) bombs


many planes of the series IV was been used in Slovakia


Avia BK-534




the most powerful avia B-534. this variant was built in 1937 when the tension with germany because a serious treat. the plane received a 20mm Oerlikon FFS-20 cannon firing through the nose but the machine-gun in the pod was reduced to a single gun on each side of the fuselage. the was based on the serie IV with the closed canopy. 120 planes was built in this configuration.


General characteristics

  • Crew: one
  • Length: 8.1[38] m (26 ft 7 in)
  • Wingspan: 9.4 m (30 ft 10 in)
  • Height: 3.15[38] m (10 ft 4 in)
  • Wing area: 23.56 m2 (253.6 sq ft)
  • Empty weight: 1,460 kg (3,219 lb)
  • Gross weight: 2,120 kg (4,674 lb)
  • Max takeoff weight: 1,980[38] kg (4,365 lb)
  • Powerplant: 1 × Hispano-Suiza 12Ydrs liquid-cooled V12 engine, 632.5[39] kW (848.2 hp)


  • Maximum speed: 405 km/h
  • Cruise speed: 345 km/h (214 mph; 186 kn)
  • Range: 600[38] km (373 mi; 324 nmi)
  • Service ceiling: 10,600 m (34,800 ft)
  • Rate of climb: 15.15[38] m/s (2,982 ft/min)
  • Time to altitude: 5,000 m (16,404 ft) in 5 minutes 30 seconds [38]
  • Wing loading: 84[38] kg/m2 (17 lb/sq ft)
  • Power/mass: 0.319 kW/kg (0.197 hp/lb) [40]


  • Guns: 2× 7.92 mm (0.312 in) vz. 30
  • Cannon: 1x 20 mm FF-20 oerlikon
  • Bombs: 6× 10 kg (22 lb) or 4x 20 kg (44 lb) bombs


at least 12x BK-534 was been used in the Slovakian air-forces

the plane received serial minor sub-variant, one of the most common is the addition or the remove of the mud guard on the wheel or the replacement of the tail sky for a tail wheel to make the landing and take off easier.


after the occupation of Czechoslovakia, the Germany used many captured B-534 as trainer plane but also gave many captured plane to their allied country and puppet states such as Croatia and Romania. at the formation of Slovakia as a puppet state of Germany, the Slovakian air-forces received most of the plane remained in Czechoslovakia and formed their fighter squadron with them. Bulgaria imported an uncertain number (probably 78 planes) who was used as fighter in the Bulgarian air-forces. in the early war, the Slovakian reinforces used their squadron of B-534s to escort the German Ju-87 over Poland as active participation to the invasion of poland. while the plane was massively used in the Balkan, it saw little action during the WW2 himself under the banner of the Axis. even if the plane had a good maneuverability and pretty robust, it was pretty slow compared to the BF-109 who was also provided to those country. the B-534s was usually use in domestic control of the airspace where it saw a bit of action at the end of the war.




TschechoslowakeiCzechoslovakia (after 1945)


Avia B-33













IAR 37-family: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/407320-romania-iar-37-family/




the IAR 37 was built by the Romanian under the official requirement of reconnaissance plane and tactical bomber (equivalent to a dive bomber). the prototype was based on the french Potez 25. the prototype was offering to the plane an better defense, a glassed canopy and more powerful engine than the french ancestor. the project start in 1936 and planed to fit a IAR 14K (a French Gnome-Rhone sublicensed engine) in the new plane. the prototype, the IAR 37-1 flow for the first time in spring 1937. the good performance of the plane which resulted with a contract with the ministry of Army and Navy. 50 IAR 37 was deliver before the end of 1937. more plane was needed and the IAR 37 was an exelent plane at this time (for reconaissance and light bomber) but the IAR 14k of 870hp production suffer of many delay. an alternative was offer to fit to the plane the BMW-132 engine who was a bit weaker but available. the new plane was named the IAR 38 and suffer of a lot of performance lose. the IAR 38 was relayed on the reconaissance and observation role only due to the weakness of the engine making the plane too underpowered to carry a decent number of bombs. in novermber 1938, the new IAR 14K IIC-32 was now available and the engine was soon put into the plane that was in the production line as replacement to the BMW engine. the production went into a few strutural technical problem which was soon corrected but resulted to a new plane named the IAR 39. due to those probleme, the IAR 39 didn't flew before 1940 but show decent flight performence even for that time. 95 plane was produced before of the end of the year. a new engine was later introduced in 1942. the more powerful IAR 14K IV C was fitted in the plane by SET compagny after the production was been transfer. the new produced plane received the name of IAR 39a and received a production of 160 planes.




IAR 37




the IAR 37 was the first plane of the series. it had a exelent performance for his time and received a production of 50 planes in 1937. the production of the plane was converted in 1938 to the IAR 38 due to the availability of the IAR 14K engine that the IAR 37 used. the plane was armed with a total of four machine gun. two was fixed on the front, on the upper wing and was used for the offensive. one was at the rear of the canopy and used by the rear gunner/observer for the defense of the plane. a last machine gun was usually in the floor of the plane to be used by the observer and bomb aimer. this last machine gun was usually facing a bit backward. the plane could carry a load of 600kg of bomb, usually it was either 12 bombs of 50kg or 6 bombs of 100kg. the speed of the plane was good for a reconnaissance plane of his time with 335km/h



General characteristics

  • Crew: 4
  • Length: 9.50 m
  • Wingspan: 12.22 m
  • Height: 4.09 m
  • Wing area: 40.30 m2 (433.80 ft2)
  • Empty weight: 2219 kg
  • Gross weight: 3435 kg (bomber mission)
  • Powerplant: 1 × IAR 14K II c32 870 HP


  • Maximum speed: 335 km/h (206 mph) @ 3200m
  • Range: 650 km
  • Climbing rate: 8min 30sec to 4000m
  • Service ceiling: 8000 m (26,245 ft)


  • 4 x 7.92 mm Browning PWU
  • 600kg of bombs


IAR 38




due to production delay of the IAR 14K engine. the IAR 38 was created with the BMW 132A 700cp. the machine gun armament remained unchanged and almost everything on the plane was the same except for serial modification on the nose and the size of the tail. the plane was a bit underpowered and wasn't used for bombing mission due to the incapacity of the plane to carry sufficient bomb. 75 planes was odered but 50 planes was built and used as reconnaissance and observation plane only. the 25 planes left to produced was converted to IAR 39



General characteristics

  • Crew: 4
  • Length: 9.52 m
  • Wingspan: 12.22 m
  • Height: 4.09 m
  • Wing area: 40.30 m2 (433.80 ft2)
  • Empty weight: 2219 kg
  • Gross weight: 3060 kg
  • Powerplant: BMW 132A 700hp


  • Maximum speed: 220 km/h @ 3200m
  • Range: 680 km
  • Climbing rate: 8min 30sec to 4000m
  • Service ceiling: 7000 m (26,245 ft)


  • 4 x 7.92 mm Browning PWU


due to the poor performance and the incapacity to carry bomb, i would prefer to not see this plane in the game as it would make a poor fighter and can only be used as one.


IAR 39




as the production of the IAR 38 was undergoing, the new IAR 14K C34 engine was available in 1939 and the plane was tested in 1940 after a few modification. the plane was put into production as remplacement to the IAR 38 in the production line as the plane was performing better to any aspect. the plane was put into service in the Romanian forces and was used until the end of the war. 96 IAR 39 was built by either IAR or SET.




General characteristics

  • Crew: 4
  • Length: 9.6 m
  • Wingspan: 13.10 m
  • Height: 4.09 m
  • Wing area: 40.30 m2 (433.80 ft2)
  • Empty weight: 2177 kg
  • Gross weight: 3085 kg (bomber)
  • Powerplant: IAR 14K II c34 930 HP


  • Maximum speed: 330 km/h @ 3200m
  • Range: 680 km
  • Climbing rate: 7min 50sec to 4000m
  • Service ceiling: 8000 m (26,245 ft)


  • 4 x 7.92 mm Browning PWU
  • 288kg of bombs or 144 air-grenades


IAR 39a




the IAR 39a was the last variant of the IAR 37 family. it was developed in 1942 with the new IAR 14K C36 engine. the new engine was more powerful than the previous one and required nearly no modification to the planes to install. the IAR 39a took over the IAR 39 in the production line. however, the production was moved from the IAR factory to the SET factory near Bucarest. the IAR 39a was produced until the end of the war with 160 planes built.




General characteristics

  • Crew: 3
  • Length: 9.6 m
  • Wingspan: 13.10 m
  • Height: 4.09 m
  • Wing area: 40.30 m2 (433.80 ft2)
  • Empty weight: 2177 kg
  • Gross weight: 3085 kg (bomber)
  • Powerplant: IAR 14K IV c36 960 HP


  • Maximum speed: 335 km/h @ 3200m
  • Range: 680 km
  • Climbing rate: 7min 18sec to 4000m
  • Service ceiling: 8000 m (26,245 ft)


  • 3 x 7.92 mm Browning PWU
  • 288kg of bombs or 144 air-grenades


additional picture










IAR-471: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/407324-romania-iar-471/




the IAR 471 was designed in 1942. as Romania was deep in war and having real dificulties against russia, they needed to have real dive bomber able to perform accurate and effective ground attack against the russian tanks and defense. the German lend many Ju87 to the Romanian army but refused to sell any of them. the improvised modification of the IAR 80 into dive bomber proven to be desapointing. the IAR compagny soon started to work on their own stukas to be produce in Romania and been independant to the German army. the IAR 471 was born from this project and was fitted with the DB 605 engine. the plane was designed to be more performent than the Stukas. the plane was built to carry less bomb load but with retractive undercarriage to make the plane faster. the plane could also carry the 37mm gun pod under the wind and had a 20mm in the engine hub. a pair of machine-gun was mounted in the wing and another pair was mounted in the rear of the canopy for the defense of the plane. the plane was design to carry a 500kg bomb under the fuselage and two 100kg bombs under the wing.


in 1944, an order of 100 IAR 471 was made with 136 engine and the stukas gun pod. the plane was considered as an great asset to the Romanian aviation but the situation in romania was already turning into a catastrophe. the IAR factory was already very busy with the production of the hightly needed BF 109 and declared himself simply incapable to produce the plane in the current situation. the situation never got any better before the end of the war and the production ultimatly never started. a single IAR 471 was comfirmed to had been built and possibly a few other may had been built without comfirmation. no clear record of the test flight was been comfirmed but as the prototype was been comfirmed to had been finished and an order was been made, the plane probably flew. the fate of the prototype is unknow as the Russian took over all romania and the trace of the plane, like most of the record was lost in the chaos of the war.


General characteristics

  • Crew: 2
  • Length: 11 m (36 ft 1 in)
  • Wingspan: 14 m (45 ft 10 in)
  • Height: 3.2 m (10 ft 6 in)
  • Wing area: 29 m2 (312 ft2)
  • Gross weight: 4300 kg without bomb load kg (9,479 lb)
  • Powerplant: 1 × IAR DB 605, 1,100kW kW (1,475 hp)


  • Maximum speed: 490 km/h (304 mph)
  • Service ceiling: 8000 m (26,245 ft)


  • 1 x 20mm MG151 cannon firing through the airscrew spinner
  • 2 x 7.92mm Rheinmetall wing mounted
  • 2 x 37mm BK 37 Rheinmetall under wing
  • 2 x 7.92mm Rheinmetall MG for rear gunner
  • 500 kg (1,100lb) bomb under fuselage
  • 2 x 100 kg (220lb) bombs







Length: 8.9 m.

Scale: 10.7 m.

Height: 3.6 m.

Bearing surface: 16 m².

Mass (empty): 1780 kg.

Mass (max) 2550 kg.

Motor: K14-III IAR 36, 930 hp (690 kW) 1 -20 series, IV AND K14-C32, 960 hp (716 kW) series 21-50.


Speed: 514 km / h to 4,000 m, 560 km / h to 7000 m.

Range: 940 km at a speed of 330 km / h.

Ceiling: 10500 m (34,500 ft).

1000 m ascent time: 1 min 20 s at 4500 m: 5 min 40 s.


4 × FN (Browning) 7.92 mm with a supply of cartridges 2000 (4 × 500).




Length: 9.22 m.

Wingspan: 9.09 m.

Height: 3.82 m.

Wing area: 17 m².

Mass (empty equipped) 2095 kg.

Mass (max): 2720 kg.

Motor: × IAR K14-1000A, 1025 hp (764 kW).


Top speed: 540 km / h.

Range: 1150 km.

Ceiling: 10500 m.

The load of the wing: 132.35 kg / m².


6 × FN (Browning) 7.92 mm with a supply of cartridges 2400 (6 × 400).



Length: 9.22 m.

Wingspan: 11 m.

Height: 3.82 m.

Wing area: 17 m².

Mass (empty equipped): 2135 kg.

Mass (max) 2810 kg (2960 kg with additional tanks).

Motor: × IAR K14-1000A, 1025 hp (764 kW).


Speed: 470 km / h to 4,500 m.

Range: 1030 km to 4500 m.


2 × FN (Browning) 13.2 mm with a supply of cartridges 300 (2 × 150).

4 × FN (Browning) 7.92 mm with a supply of cartridges 1600 (4 × 400).







Basic version: IAR 80A.

Mass (max): 3070 kg.

With 3 Bombs speed: 470 km / h at 4500 m.

Cruising speed (at the same altitude): 400 km / h (engine under 70% of rated power).

version with Version with 6x 7,92mm MGs and the possibility to carry 1x 225kg bomb and 4x 50kg under the wings




Basic version: IAR 80B.

Mass (max): 3250 kg.

 speed with bomb attached 455 km / h to 4,500 m and 370 km / h at sea level.

2 × FN (Browning) 13.2 mm with a supply of cartridges 350 (2 × 175).

4 × FN (Browning) 7.92 mm with a supply of cartridges 1600 (4 × 400).

1 bomb of 250 kg.



Basic version: IAR 81A.

Table bomb and additional tanks (max): 3260 kg.

speed with bomb attached 455 km / h to 4,500 m and 370 km / h at sea level.

Ascent time to 5000 m without bomb: 7 min 30 s.

Ikaria 2 × 20 mm cannon with a reserve of 120 shots (2 × 60).

4 × FN (Browning) 7.92 mm with a supply of cartridges 1600 (4 × 400).

1 bomb of 250 kg.




Length: 9.22 m.

Wingspan: 9.09 m.

Height: 3.82 m.

Bearing surface: 17 m².

Mass (empty) 2200 kg.

Mass (maximum): 2980 kg.

Engine: IAR K14-1000A, 1025 HP (764 kW).

Maximum speed: 560 km / h to 7000 m.

Autonomy: 730 km.

Ceiling: 10000 m.

The load of the wing: 132.35 kg / m².

2 × MG 151/20 cannon with a reserve of 350 shots (2 × 175).

4 × FN (Browning) 7.92 mm with a supply of cartridges 1600 (4 × 400).

2 WGr 21 rockets



Prototype equipped with a german DB engine

IAR-81  Gnome-Rhone


- Prototype equipped with a french  Gnome-Rhone engine






a romanian built S.M. 79B but with 2xJumo 211Da engines (1200hp)



insteadt of the 211Da. 2xJumo211F engines (1400hp)






VL D.XXI: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/408982-finland-vl-dxxi/




the planes was originally produced by the dutch Fokker company who designed the plane but in 1938, the planes was been exported to Finland and locally produced by Luchtvaartafdeling. amounts of around 150 D.XXI, 97 was used by Finland and the majority of them was locally built in Finland with variants that couldn't be found anywhere else. those variants was designed in Finland by Luchtvaartafdeling and make that plane exclusive. those variants produced in Finland can be refereed as VL D.XXI instant of Fokker D.XXI.


the first variant produced by Luchtvaartafdeling was the D.XXI-3 which was a nearly identical copy of the Fokker D.XXI-2 used in Netherlands. a very few notable modification was made wich included the armament who was the four 7,92 mm FN-Browning M.36 on the Fokker D.XXI-2 used in Netherlander; those machine-gun was replaced by four 7.7mm vickers machine-gun on the D.XXI-3 used in Finland. in other change, the engine was produced in Poland and imported through Sweden. the Polish engine was Tampella Mercury VII radial engine which is the same engine built under license for the Polish army. the planes wasn't carrying any bomb load. the machine-guns of the was placed in 2 different place. two gun was placed in the upper nose with 500rnds each and two other was placed in the wing with 300rnds each. the total amounts of bullet was 1600 rounds with 1000 rounds near the nose (which is easier to aim). the performance of the plane are decent for a pre-war planes. the D.XXI have a top speed of 460km/h. the climbing rate is about 13.3 m/sec and the plane was decently maneuverable. this plane could found is equivalent in the early P-36 or Hawk 75.

later, the planes was modified in finland. the canopy was modified, the engine was different, the vertical tail was bigger, the engine wasn't allowing any armament in the nose so the two vickers machine gun was moved to the wing with the two other. the overall performance was decreased a bit due to the slightly weaker engine. despite to been a bit less performing, the new variant was the most produced D.XXI planes because it was needed and possible to produced.










the original version of the D.XXI produced by Luchtvaartafdeling which was a nearly identical copy of the version produced by Fokker and used in Netherlands. the D.XXI-3 was armed with 7.7mm machine-gun, two of them was in the upper nose and two other in the wing. those int the wing could be replaced by 20mm cannons with 60 rounds. but this configuration was uncommon in finland as the guns was reducing the agility of the planes and it was hard to find the ammunition for the 20mm. 38 planes was built in Finland.


General characteristics

  • Crew: one
  • Length: 8.2 m (26 ft 11 in)
  • Wingspan: 11 m (36 ft 1 in)
  • Height: 2.92 m (9 ft 7 in)
  • Wing area: 16.2 m2 (174 sq ft)
  • Empty weight: 1,594 kg (3,514 lb)
  • Gross weight: 1,970 kg (4,343 lb)
  • Powerplant: 1 × Bristol Mercury VIII 9-cyl. air-cooled radial piston engine, 620 kW (830 hp)


  • Maximum speed: 460 km/h (286 mph; 248 kn)
  • Cruise speed: 429 km/h (267 mph; 232 kn)
  • Never exceed speed: 700 km/h (435 mph; 378 kn)
  • Range: 930 km (578 mi; 502 nmi)
  • Service ceiling: 11,350 m (37,240 ft) service ceiling
  • Time to altitude: 6,000 m (19,685 ft 0 in) in 7 min 30 sec (13m/sec)
  • Power/mass: 0.309 kW/kg (0.188 hp/lb)







the most produced variant of the D.XXI by Luchtvaartafdeling was the D.XXI-4. the planes was really different than the other variants of the D.XXI. the armament was all moved to the wing as the engine was changed and unable to have the nose-armament. the vertical tail was having a bigger surface and the canopy was modified to have a better visibility for the pilot. the performance was reduced a bit due to the engine who was a bit weaker. this plane was produced at 50 planes and all used exclusively in Finland.


General characteristics

  • Crew: one
  • Length: 8.2 m (26 ft 11 in)
  • Wingspan: 11 m (36 ft 1 in)
  • Height: 2.92 m (9 ft 7 in)
  • Wing area: 16.2 m2 (174 sq ft)
  • Empty weight: 1.535 kg (3,384 lb)
  • Gross weight: 2.185 kg ( 4,817 lb )
  • Powerplant: 1 × R-1535-SB4C-G Twin Wasp Junior engines, rated at 825 hp (615 kW)


  • Maximum speed: 435 km/h ( 270 mph )
  • Cruise speed: 355 km/h ( 220.5 mph )
  • Never exceed speed: 700 km/h (435 mph; 378 kn)
  • Range: 930 km (578 mi; 502 nmi)
  • Service ceiling: 9,500 m ( 31,990 ft ) service ceiling
  • Time to altitude: 3,000 m ( 9,845 ft ) in 4 min 30 sec (11m/sec)



D.XXI FR-167




The D.XXI-4 serial FR-167 was modified as experimental improvement to the planes. the modification occured in winter war in the hope to improve the performance of the plane by installing the retracting gear. the top speed of the plane now reached 510km/h but wasn't sufficient to really give a second life to the planes. the modification never pass the experimental stage as it was costly to do and the planes was simply obsolete at that moment.


General characteristics

  • Crew: one
  • Length: 8.2 m (26 ft 11 in)
  • Wingspan: 11 m (36 ft 1 in)
  • Height: 2.92 m (9 ft 7 in)
  • Wing area: 16.2 m2 (174 sq ft)
  • Empty weight: 1.535 kg (3,384 lb)
  • Gross weight: 2.185 kg ( 4,817 lb )
  • Powerplant: 1 × R-1535-SB4C-G Twin Wasp Junior engines, rated at 825 hp (615 kW)


  • Maximum speed: 510 km/h
  • Never exceed speed: 700 km/h (435 mph; 378 kn)
  • Range: 930 km (578 mi; 502 nmi)
  • Service ceiling: 9,500 m ( 31,990 ft ) service ceiling
  • Time to altitude: 3,000 m ( 9,845 ft ) in 4 min 30 sec (11m/sec)



Mörkö Morane


Morane-Saulnier MS.406 modified with russian Klimow-M-105P-engine (1100hp)



modified version of the  Brewster F2A

VL Myrsky II



Crew: One

Length: 8.35 m (27 ft 5 in)

Wingspan: 11.00 m (36 ft 1 in)

Height: 3.00 m (9 ft 10 in)

Wing area: 18.00 m2 (193.7 ft2)

Empty weight: 2,337 kg (5,152 lbs)

Max. takeoff weight: 3,213 kg (7,080 lbs)

Powerplant: 1 × Pratt & Whitney R-1830-SC3-GTwin Wasp 14-cyl., 749 kW (1,065 hp (metric))1,050 hp (imperial)

Maximum speed: 535 km/h (332 mph)

Range: 500 Km (311 miles)

Service ceiling: 9,500 m (31,168 ft)

Rate of climb: 15 m/s (2953 ft/min)

Power/mass: 3.0 kg/hp (6.6 lb/hp)

4× VKT 12,70 mm LKk/42 machine guns (un-licensed copy of AN/M2)

2× 100 kg bombs



VL Humu




as the USA declare war against the Germany and indirectly to Finland, the supply of the B-239 ordered from USA was cut-off. the Finish government tried to create a fighter based on the B-239 with local modification. fitting a captured Soviet-made M-63 engines. In connection with the shortage of aluminum alloys, the wooden structure prevailed in the design of the aircraft. To compensate for the reduction in engine power, it was decided to reduce the number of machine guns to two. while the performance was a bit low for the expectation due to underestimated weight, the aircraft show good characteristic. the only plane made was put into storage after 20h due to the lose of interest of the government about this plane (because of the recent arrival of Bf.109 from germany and other more modern plane.)


Crew: One

Length:  8.03 m (26 ft 4 in)

Wingspan:  10.67 m (35 ft 0 in)

Height:  3.66 m (12 ft 0 in)

Wing area:  19.40 m2 (208.8 ft2)

Max. takeoff weight:  2,895 kg (6,380 lbs)

Powerplant: 1 × Shvetsov M-63 9cyl., 746 kW (1,000 hp)

Maximum speed:  430 km/h (267 mi/h)

Service ceiling:  8,000 m (26,250 ft)

Rate of climb:  13.3 m/s (43.6 ft/s)

2x 12.7- VKT LKk/42


1 built, armed and fully tested


Vl Myrsky (Prototype My-1)



Crew: One

Length: 8.35 m (27 ft 5 in)

Wingspan: 11.00 m (36 ft 1 in)

Height: 3.00 m (9 ft 10 in)

Wing area: 18.00 m2 (193.7 ft2)

Empty weight: 2,337 kg (5,152 lbs)

Max. takeoff weight: 3,213 kg (7,080 lbs)

Powerplant: 1 × Pratt & Whitney R-1830-SC3-GTwin Wasp 14-cyl., 749 kW (1,065 hp (metric))1,050 hp (imperial)

Maximum speed: 535 km/h (332 mph)

Range: 500 Km (311 miles)

Service ceiling: 9,500 m (31,168 ft)

Rate of climb: 15 m/s (2953 ft/min)

Power/mass: 3.0 kg/hp (6.6 lb/hp)

4x 7.7-mm and 2x 12.7- VKT LKk/42


prototype plane based on the Dutch fighter Fokker D-XXI with American engine and local armament.

1 Built, not know to have ever fit any bomb

VL Myrsky I (Pre-production My-2 My-3)



Crew: One

Length: 8.35 m (27 ft 5 in)

Wingspan: 11.00 m (36 ft 1 in)

Height: 3.00 m (9 ft 10 in)

Wing area: 18.00 m2 (193.7 ft2)

Empty weight: 2,337 kg (5,152 lbs)

Max. takeoff weight: 3,213 kg (7,080 lbs)

Powerplant: 1 × Pratt & Whitney R-1830-SC3-GTwin Wasp 14-cyl., 749 kW (1,065 hp (metric))1,050 hp (imperial)

Maximum speed: 535 km/h (332 mph)

Range: 500 Km (311 miles)

Service ceiling: 9,500 m (31,168 ft)

Rate of climb: 15 m/s (2953 ft/min)

Power/mass: 3.0 kg/hp (6.6 lb/hp)

3x 12.7- VKT LKk/42 machine guns


continuation of the test into a pre-serie of the Myrsky with different armament. the 7.7mm was replaced by a single 12.7mm on the nose. not know to had ever carried any bomb

2 built with that 3mg configuration. later damaged in hard landing


VL Myrsky I (Pre-production My-4)




Crew: One

Length: 8.35 m (27 ft 5 in)

Wingspan: 11.00 m (36 ft 1 in)

Height: 3.00 m (9 ft 10 in)

Wing area: 18.00 m2 (193.7 ft2)

Empty weight: 2,337 kg (5,152 lbs)

Max. takeoff weight: 3,213 kg (7,080 lbs)

Powerplant: 1 × Pratt & Whitney R-1830-SC3-GTwin Wasp 14-cyl., 749 kW (1,065 hp (metric))1,050 hp (imperial)

Maximum speed: 535 km/h (332 mph)

Range: 500 Km (311 miles)

Service ceiling: 9,500 m (31,168 ft)

Rate of climb: 15 m/s (2953 ft/min)

Power/mass: 3.0 kg/hp (6.6 lb/hp)

4x 12.7- VKT LKk/42 machine guns


other configuration of the test into a pre-serie of the Myrsky with different armament. the 7.7mm was replaced by a pair of 12.7mm on the nose. not know to had ever carried any bomb

1 built with that 4mg configuration was selected for the production





a Finnish modification of the out-dated M.S.406 their receive from France in 1940 and later from Germany as a gift. the engine was changed for a Klimov M-105P of of 820.3 kW (1,100 hp), modified nose, the armament was change for a 20mm MG 151/20 in the propeller and a pair of captured russian Berezin UBS of 12.7mm in replacement of the 7.5mm. the plane was 64km/h faster and could fly 2000m higher than the original french plane.


Crew: One

Length: 10.62m

Wingspan: 8.28m

Height: 2.80

Wing area: 16.00 m2

Empty weight: 2055 kg

Max. takeoff weight: 2625kg

Powerplant: 1 × Klimov M-105P of of 820.3 kW (1,100 hp)

Maximum speed: 525 km/h

cruising speed: 435 km/h

Range: 780 km

Service ceiling: 12,000 m

Rate of climb: 25 m/s !!!

1x 20mm Mg 151/20 and 2x 12.7mm Berezin UBS



3 plane converted from the french MS 406/410, over 40 was planned to be converted but the end of the war put a end to this plan


VL Pyörremyrsky



the Pyörremyrsky was a Finish plane built to match the German BF.109 in the performance while been a bit upgraded. the to be armed with a pair of 12.7- VKT LKk/42 machine guns over the nose and a single 20mm Mg.151/20 in the propeller. the landing gear was a bit larger and facing the inside of the plane giving the plane a better landing stability.


Crew: One

Length: 9.13 m (29 ft 11 in)

Wingspan: 10.38 m (34 ft 1 in)

Height: 3.89 m (12 ft 9 in)

Wing area: 19.00 m² (204.5 ft²)

Empty weight: 2,619 kg (5,774 lb)

Loaded weight: 3,310 kg (7,297 lb)

Max. takeoff weight: 3,310 kg (7,300 lb)

Powerplant: 1 × Daimler-Benz DB 605AC V-12, 1,100 kW (1,475 hp)

Maximum speed: 620 km/h (385 mph)

Service ceiling: 11,250 m (36,900 ft)

Rate of climb: 18.5 m/s (3,640 ft/min)

Wing loading: 174 kg/ m² (35.7 lb sq ft)

1x 20mm Mg 151/20 and 2x 12.7- VKT LKk/42




as the prototype came late and the lack of fund, the prototype flew and consider ready to produce but the war ended and no production was made.

1 built and fully tested




23px-Flag_of_Independent_State_of_CroatiCroatia (1941-1945)


Ikarus Ik-2




good armament but this plane is only fit for the high tier 1


Crew: 1

Length: 7.88 m (25 ft 10 in)

Wingspan: 11.4 m (37 ft 5 in)

Height: 3.84 m (12 ft 7 in)

Wing area: 18 m2 (190 sq ft)

Empty weight: 1,502 kg (3,311 lb)

Gross weight: 1,857 kg (4,094 lb)

Fuel capacity: 250 kg (550 lb)

Powerplant: 1 × Hispano-Suiza 12Ycrs liquid-cooled V-12 piston engine, 640 kW (860 shp)

Propellers: 3-bladed adjustable pitch


Maximum speed: 435 km/h (270 mph; 235 kn) at 5,000 m (16,404 ft)

Cruise speed: 250 km/h (155 mph; 135 kn)

Range: 700 km (435 mi; 378 nmi)

Service ceiling: 12,000 m (39,000 ft)

Time to altitude: 5 minutes 25 seconds to 5,000 m (16,000 ft)

Wing loading: 103 kg/m2 (21 lb/sq ft)


1 × 20 mm Hispano-Suiza HS.404 cannon with 60 rounds in a spiral drum

2 × 7.92 mm Browning/FN machine guns with 250 rounds per gun


Rogožarski R-100


Bildergebnis für Rogožarski R-100

Crew: 1

Length: 7.35 m (24 ft 1 in)

Wingspan: 10.20 m (33 ft 6 in)

Height: 3.00 m (9 ft 10 in)

Wing area: 20.56 m2 (221.3 sq ft)

Empty weight: 1,024 kg (2,258 lb)

Gross weight: 1,326 kg (2,923 lb)

Powerplant: 1 × Gnome-Rhône 7K 7-cylinder radial, 313 kW (420 hp)

Propellers: 2-bladed

Maximum speed: 260 km/h (162 mph; 140 kn) 251 at sea level

Range: 473 km (294 mi; 255 nmi)

Service ceiling: 7,750 m (25,430 ft)

Rate of climb: 5.42 m/s (1,067 ft/min)

guns: 1 x 7,7 mm Darne

bombs: 1 x 100 kg



a german Do17 equipped with french Gnome-Rhône Mistral Major. Some with italian propeller and belgian FN 7,9,, guns. After the war against yugoslavia Croatia used still used them





Kaproni Bulgarski KB-11




actually a liaison plane that could be used  as light bomber



General characteristics

Crew: 2 (pilot, observer/gunner)

Length: 10.06 m (33 ft 0 in)

Wingspan: 13.3 m (43 ft 8 in)

Height: 4.2 m (13 ft 9 in)

Wing area: 25.2 m2 (271 sq ft)

Empty weight: 2,310 kg (5,093 lb)

Max takeoff weight: 3,160 kg (6,967 lb)

Powerplant: 1 × PZL Pegasus XXI radial, 835 kW (1,120 hp)

Propellers: 2-bladed


Maximum speed: 275 km/h (171 mph; 148 kn)

Range: 620 km (385 mi; 335 nmi)

Service ceiling: 6,096 m (20,000 ft)


Guns: 2 × 7.92mm Zbrojovka M-30 machine guns in nose and two at observer's station

Hardpoints: 6

Bombs: 2 × 100kg bombs, 4x50kg bombs, or 6x25kg bombs

Dar 10A





General characteristics

Crew: two

Length: 31.3 feet (9.54 m)

Wingspan: 40.0 feet (12.20 m)

Height: 10.8 feet (3.3 m)

Wing area: 239 ft² (22.2 m²)

Empty weight: 4,063 lb (1,843 kg)

Loaded weight: 5,666 lb (2,570 kg)

Powerplant: 1× Alfa Romeo 128 R.C.21, 950 hp (708 kW)


Maximum speed: 255 mph (410 km/h)

Range: 727 miles (1,170 km)

Service ceiling: 23,785 feet (7,250 m)


2x 7.92 mm fixed in wings

2x 7.7 mm in rear upper station

1x 20 mm gun in nose (?)

500 kg bombs (5x 100kg)

Dar 10F




Upgraded Dar 10, with a heavier construction, air-brake, havier bomb load and all that for a faster plane


General characteristics

Crew: two

Length: 31.3 feet (9.54 m)

Wingspan: 40.0 feet (12.20 m)

Height: 10.8 feet (3.3 m)

Wing area: 239 ft² (22.2 m²)

Empty weight: 4,063 lb (1,843 kg)

Loaded weight: 5,666 lb (2,570 kg)

Powerplant: 1×  Fiat A 74 R.C.38 14-cylinder radial engine rated at 870 hp (649 kW).


Maximum speed: 454 km/h (282 mph)

Range: 727 miles (1,170 km)

Service ceiling: 23,785 feet (7,250 m)


2x 7.92 mm fixed in wings

2x 7.7 mm in rear upper station

1x 20 mm gun in nose (?)

900 kg bombs (1x 500kg 4x 100kg)

Avia B-135




a fighter plane built by the czech Avia but mainly used by Bulgaria

Crew: one

Length: 8.5 m (27 ft 11 in)

Wingspan: 10.85 m (35 ft 7 in)

Height: 1.6 m (5 ft 3 in)

Wing area: 17 m2 (180 sq ft)

Empty weight: 2,063 kg (4,548 lb)

Max takeoff weight: 2,547 kg (5,615 lb)

Powerplant: 1 × Avia (Hispano-Suiza) 12Ycrs V-12 liquid-cooled piston engine, 641 kW (860 hp)

Propellers: 2-bladed wooden fixed pitch propeller

Maximum speed: 535 km/h (332 mph; 289 kn) at 4,000 m (13,000 ft)

Cruise speed: 460 km/h (286 mph; 248 kn)

Range: 550 km (342 mi; 297 nmi)

Service ceiling: 8,500 m (27,900 ft)

Rate of climb: 13.5 m/s (2,660 ft/min)

1 × 20 mm (0.79 in) MG FF cannon

2 × 7.92 mm (0.312 in) vz. 30 (Česká zbrojovka Strakonice) machine guns






Heja I


Crew: 1

Length: 8.39 m (27 feet 6 inches)

Wingspan: 11.00 m (36 feet 1 inch)

Height: 3.10 m (10 feet 2 inches)

Empty weight: 2,070 kg (4,563 pounds)

Loaded weight: 2,520 kg (5,555 pounds)

Powerplant: 1 × Gnome-Rhône (Manfred-Weiss) 14kfs Mistral-Major, 14-cylinder, air-cooled radial piston engine, 694 kW (1030 hp)

Maximum speed: 485 km/h at 4,200 m (301 mph at 13,780 feet)

Range: 900 km (560 miles)

Service ceiling: 8,138 m (26,700 feet)

Guns: Two fixed forward-firing 12.7 mm (0.50 inch) Gebauer motor-driven machine guns in the fuselage nose

Heja II


Repülőtér, 1944. április 13. Kass Ferenc őrmester légiharcban megsérült MÁVAG Héja II. vadászrepülőgépe. Fortepan 9233.jpg

2x 12,7mm Gebauer motor-driven MGs (300 rounds), 485km/h fast, entirely Hungarian with locally produced airframes, engines and armament.

Weiss WM-21 Sólyom



Crew: 2

Length: 9.64 m (31 ft 8 in)

Upper wingspan: 12.90 m (42 ft 4 in)

Lower wingspan: 9.40 m (30 ft 10 in)

Height: 3.5 m (11 ft 6 in)

Empty weight: 2,300 kg (5,071 lb)

Gross weight: 3,400 kg (7,496 lb)

Powerplant: 1 × Weiss WM-K-14A radial, 650 kW (870 hp)

Maximum speed: 320 km/h (199 mph; 173 kn)

Range: 750 km (466 mi; 405 nmi)

Guns: 3 x 7.9mm (0.31in) Gebauer machine-guns

Bombs: 12 x 10kg (22lb) Anti-personnel bombs or 60 x 1kg (2.2 lb) incendiary bombs

Me210 Ca-1


Bildergebnis für Me210ca-1

a hungarian Me210 version

wing span: 16,34m

length. 12,56m

engine. 2x DB 605B instead of DB 601F

weapons: 2x 20mm MG 151/20

                2x 7,92mm MG 17

                2x 13mm MG 131 (defensiv)

Me210 with 4cm Bofors  Bofors 39M and 3 15-cm-Raketenwerfer WGR 15



This Me 210 from hungarian production war armed with a 40 mm
Bofors 39M cannon (Swedish license), as well as a
three-bundles of the 15-cm rocket launcher WGR under the
wings. Of this Version only four copies were built.

WM-23 Ezüst Nyil  (prototype)




this plane was a prototype of Hungarian plane tested in 1940. the plane was armed with a pair of 12.7mm Danuvia (Gebauer) GEP machine guns and another pair of 8-mm Danuvia (Gebauer) GAP machine guns. the only plane built crashed in test. the production was planned but never started because of the local production of Bf.109


Crew: 1

Length: 9.60m

Wingspan: 9.10m

Height: 3.10m

Wing area: 23.5 m2

Empty weight: 2,100kg

Gross weight: 3.290kg

Powerplant: 1 × Weiss Manfred WM K-14/B of 1020 hp

Maximum speed: 530 km/h

Cruise speed: 472 km/h

Range: 600km

Service ceiling: 9,000m

rate of climbing: 16.6m/sec

2x 12.7-mm Danuvia (Gebauer) GEP machine gun and 2x 8-mm machine gun Danuvia (Gebauer) GAP.
light bombs (10-, 20-kg)


WM-23 Ezüst Nyil (production)




the production version was identical of the prototype expept the 12.7mm was to be replaced by 20mm Mauser.


Crew: 1

Length: 9.60m

Wingspan: 9.10m

Height: 3.10m

Wing area: 23.5 m2

Empty weight: 2,100kg

Gross weight: 3.290kg

Powerplant: 1 × Weiss Manfred WM K-14/B of 1020 hp

Maximum speed: 530 km/h

Cruise speed: 472 km/h

Range: 600km

Service ceiling: 9,000m

rate of climbing: 16.6m/sec

2x 20mm mauseur cannon and 2x 8-mm machine gun Danuvia (Gebauer) GAP.
light bombs (10-, 20-kg)

Marton X/V




this project was having for goal to decvelop a new fighter for replacing the obsolete Weiss Manfred WM-23. a prototype was built in 1943, it was powered by two Daimler-Benz DB-605 engines (1475 hp) and armed by a pair of 20mm and another pair of 12.7mm. the aircraft was been destroy by a American raid in 1944


Crew: 1

Length: 10.20m

Wingspan: 11.80m

Powerplant: 2 × Daimler-Benz DB-605 engines (1475 hp)

Maximum speed: 580 km/h

Cruise speed: 510 km/h

2 × 20mm and 2x 12.7mm





Groundforces Release Tree: 



23px-Flag_of_First_Slovak_Republic_1939- Slovakia


Lt vz. 34



Weight: 7.5 tonnes (7.4 long tons; 8.3 short tons)

Length: 4.6 metres (15 ft)

Width: 2.1 metres (6.9 ft)

Height: 2.22 metres (7.3 ft)

Crew: 3

Armor: 8–15 millimetres (0.31–0.59 in)

Main armament: 37.2 mm (1.46 in) ÚV vz. 34 gun

Secondary armament: 2 x 7.92 mm ZB vz. 35 machine guns

Engine: 4-cylinder, water-cooled Praga 62.5 horsepower (46.6 kW)

Transmission: 4 x 1

Suspension: leaf spring

Fuel capacity: 129 litres (34 US gal)

Operational range: 160 kilometres (99 mi)

Speed: 30 kilometres per hour (19 mph)

Lt vz. 35


-Slovaks acquired 52 when they declared independence from Czechoslovakia

-already ingame: Panzer 35(t)

Lt vz. 38


already ingame Panzer 38(t)

Lt  40



Czechoslovakian companies have had a number of orders for arms supplies abroad since the 1930s, including contracts for the supply of tanks exported by Škoda and ČKD. 

At the end of the 1930s, Lithuania decided to buy czechoslovakian arms from CKD. The delivery of these machines was to take place in 1940, but in the meantime the USSR occupied Lithuania. However, a new customer was found, and thus was the separate slovakian state. 

ČKD offered Slovakia these tanks on July 6, 1940. Slovakia, which was already very interested in  LT vz. 38 was very fascinated to acquire this tank with a very similar design. Since August 2, 1940, the tank has been tried by the Slovak Commission and recommended its introduction into the armament of the army.

Even in 1940, 21 pieces of these machines were delivered to Slovakia without cannons, machine guns, radios and optics. The tank participated in the campaign of the Slovak Army in Russia. During the Battle of Lipovec one machine was destroyed. Thereafter, the other machines were rearmed with the 37 mm Skoda A7 (same gun as the Panzer 38(t)-already ingame). The tanks served in the security sections, while the attack on the Caucasus was deployed, with all the machines (except one) lost. 




Weight 8,8t
Length 4.51m
Width 2.08m
Height 2.24m
Crew 3

Armour 8-25mm
37mm Skoda A7 gun

Praga TNH; water-cooled

six-cylinder engine with a

7 750 cm³ capacity and 126hp

200km (road)
Speed 47km/h



TschechoslowakeiCzechoslovakia (after 1945)


OT-65A: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/401907-czechoslovakia-fug-ot-65a-vydra/




the OT-65 was a Czechoslovakia production of the Hungarian D-442 FUG. while sharing a lot of similarity with the BRDM-1, the D-442 FUG was a design on his own. the concept behind the development of the D-442 was to create a cheap amphibious reconnaissance vehicles. after WW2, Hungarian didn't had any wheeled reconnaissance vehicles and while it was suppose to acquired a large number of old soviet BA-64, the Hungarian had nothing as such between 1945 to 1960. the poor production of the Soviet armored car from the early cold war encouraged the Hungarian to develop their own reconnaissance armored car. to make the production cheaper and faster to develop, the Hungarian simply create their new vehicles mostly made with existing part from civilian car and also ship. the D-442 FUG was nothing less than en example of a bunch of company working together to create a vehicles that was very unlikely to work well but do work well. the hull was built by Danude Shipyard, the engine was from Csepel, the Suspension from Ikarus and the tranfer system from Raba. the D-442 was produced and put into service from 1964 and since that day, many variant and upgraded version are still in service nowadays.


the FUG was ordered in Czechoslovakia in 1965 in a fairly large number of 275 vehicles (take in consideration of the small country) they received the armored car in 1968 where it was designated as the OT-65 and went into a series of upgrade on their own. one of the upgrade was the OT-65A "Vydra" which came pretty soon after receiving the D-442 FUG. this upgrade was just adding a new turret from the Ot-62 Tapaz and armed that turret with the 82mm T-21 recoiless gun. while the gun seem to be a bit light for the game, do let the size fool you, that gun have a penetration of over 220mm with HEAT shells. that little thing is a real treat for almost every vehicles in the game, including the highest rank. while the power of the gun is somewhat scary, the range is not good at all, this gun is not made to engage in a long distance, the shell in a first place is pretty slow, 380 m/sec for the basic one. also the tank cannot carry a lot of them, only 8 shells which mean the tank will run out of ammo pretty soon. this is a vehicles that really need to do good shot or you are useless. the armor is also pretty weak, only 13mm at the strongest part. this vehicles is vulnerable to everything including the airplane. but for his strong points, the vehicles could reach 87km/h on road and 45km/h off-road which will be his best advantage for flanking and ambushing. it is also a good amphibious vehicles with 8-10km/h which will give a decent mobility advantage in some situation.


Details on the T-21 recoiless gun



The Škoda Tarasnice or Type T-21 is a Czechoslovakian 82 mm smooth-bore recoilless gun firing shaped-charge fin-stabilized projectiles, which is breech-loaded, and fired electrically. It was designed to destroy armored targets, enemy fortifications and shelters.



Caliber: 82 mm.
Length: 1475 mm.
Weight w/o wheels): 17.2 kg.
Weight of the machine (with wheels): 20 kg.
Projectile Length: 628 mm.
Projectile Caliber: 82 mm.


Projectile 82mm NB-T-21 HEAT

Type: HEAT

Velocity: 380 m/sec
Penetration: 228mm at any distance


Projectile 82mm NB-NH-T-21 HEAT

Type: HEAT

Velocity: 480 m/sec
Penetration: 240mm at any distance


note that the second projectile is faster, more powerful and accurate than the other one. this 2nd shell will be to unlock with the modification of the vehicles and will simply be superior to the first one and allow a longer range and a better efficiency.




details on the chassis




Weight 6.5 t
Length 5.79 m (19 ft 0 in)
Width 2.5 m (8 ft 2 in)
Height 1.91 m (6 ft 3 in)
Crew 3 (driver, gunner and commander)

Armor welded steel
13 mm maximum
sides 7 mm
7.62 mm Vz. 59T
82 mm T-21 recoiless gun (8 rounds)
Engine Csepel D414.44 in-line 4-cylinder OHV 5.5 liter diesel
101 hp (75 kW)
Power/weight 16 hp/tonne
Suspension Wheeled 4x4 (+ 4 auxiliary wheels), leaf springs with hydraulic shock absorbers
Ground clearance 340 mm
Fuel capacity 200 l or 2x75 l
600 km
Speed 87 km/h (road)
45 km/h (cross country)
9 km/h (water)

OT-62: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/401912-czechoslovakia-ot-62/






this variant came pretty early after the tank entered in service in 1965. the main upgrade was the new turret that was armed with a 7.62 mm Vz. 59T MG and a 82mm T-21 recoilless gun. while the armament could seem to be light at the frist glance, do not let it fool you, the T-21 can penetrate 228mm or armor at any distance and have a pretty decent rate of fire. the tank was officially only carrying 18 shells for the 82mm gun but could technically carry a lot more if we take to account the empty passenger space in the rear.


details on the gun



The Škoda Tarasnice or Type T-21 is a Czechoslovakian 82 mm smooth-bore recoilless gun firing shaped-charge fin-stabilized projectiles, which is breech-loaded, and fired electrically. It was designed to destroy armored targets, enemy fortifications and shelters.



Caliber: 82 mm.
Length: 1475 mm.
Weight w/o wheels): 17.2 kg.
Weight of the machine (with wheels): 20 kg.
Projectile Length: 628 mm.
Projectile Caliber: 82 mm.


Projectile 82mm NB-T-21 HEAT

Type: HEAT

Velocity: 380 m/sec
Penetration: 228mm at any distance


Projectile 82mm NB-NH-T-21 HEAT

Type: HEAT

Velocity: 480 m/sec
Penetration: 240mm at any distance


note that the second projectile is faster, more powerful and accurate than the other one. this 2nd shell will be to unlock with the modification of the vehicles and will simply be superior to the first one and allow a longer range and a better efficiency.



Weight 13 tonnes
15 tonnes with combat equipment[1]
Length 7.1 m[1]
Width 3,14 m[1]
Height 2,1 m
Crew 3 (driver, gunner and commander)

Armor Welded, rolled steel
17 mm thick
Engine PV-6 6-cylinder, in line diesel
300 hp (224 kW) at 1,800 rpm
Suspension Torsion bar
Ground clearance 410 mm
Fuel capacity 407 l
450 km – 550 km (road)
150 km (water)
Speed 60 km/h (road)[1]
10,8 km/h (water)





not enough fire power on the OT-62B? not a problem, the OT-62D is there for your thirst of power. the OT-62 is simply an upgrade of the OT-62 with the addition of a 82mm bezzákluzový kanon vzor 59  in the rear deck. the new gun have a lot more firepower than the 82mm on the turret (wich is also there) the new gun have a penetration of 220mm at 30° and a lot superior velocity, accuracy and range. this 2nd gun will actually penetrate anything including the Maus if it can hit it well enough. since the deck gun was carrying the ammunition externally, the stored shells are practically unlimited and would simply be added in boxes on the deck on in the passenger compartment.


Weight 13 tonnes
15 tonnes with combat equipment[1]
Length 7.1 m[1]
Width 3,14 m[1]
Height 2,1 m
Crew 5 (driver, gunner, commander in the tank, 2 gunner for the deck gun)

Armor Welded, rolled steel
17 mm thick
Engine PV-6 6-cylinder, in line diesel
300 hp (224 kW) at 1,800 rpm
Suspension Torsion bar
Ground clearance 410 mm
Fuel capacity 407 l
450 km – 550 km (road)
150 km (water)
Speed 60 km/h (road)[1]
10,8 km/h (water)






Ford G917T (with AA gun): related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/401480-romania-ford-g917t-with-aa-gun/


Ford G917T 13,2mm Hotchkiss




i wouldn't propose that truck without at least a clear evidence that the truck was really built. here is a picture of the Romanian built Ford G917T who was mouthing the twin 13.2mm Hotchkiss MG in the rear. we can clearly identify 2 of them on parade in the late 30s. the Romanian was a great customer of French anti-aircraft static guns. which including the 13.2mm hotchkiss M1931. the gun is not that good compared to the 12.7mm used in the allied side but is doing the work well. the gun can penetrate 23mm at 100m with regular AP shell. the gun is already ingame on the P4T AA in the french tree. at the opposite to the French tractor, the Romanian truck have a high month for the gun (likely a ship mount). the high month allow a frontal depression which allow it to attack the enemy while facing them (which often lack on the SPAA truck). while been having half of the gun of the P4T AA', the G917T have two loader which allow a nearly immediate reload.




Production history
Manufacturer Atelierele Ford Bucuresti
Produced 1939–1941
No. built 400 (all variants)
Weight 5,830  kg
Length 6.390 mm
Width 2,080 mm
Height 2.175 mm
Crew 4

Engine Ford 3.6 Liter / V-8 / 90hp
2x 13.2mm Hotchkiss Model 1931
Speed 80-85 km/h

Ford G917T 25mm Hotchkiss




This second variant is a lot more interesting to my eyes. as the 13.2mm is not very good against ground target, a bigger gun would had been welcome and there was one. the 25mm Hotchkiss anti-aircraft gun was also mounted on the Ford G917T. the 25mm gun was mostly exported to Romania in the 30s and the gun was a lot better than the 13.2mm for his firepower. the gun was using HE and AP shell. the AP shell had a penetration of 35mm at 500m (slightly better than the German 2cm Flak 38) as we can see, the truck was carrying the twin gun on the original french month. the this month had a elevation of -5/+110 (yes, it could elevate 20mm backward). the mounth was usually operated by 2 men while on the picture we see 6 men on the truck (probably a team to operate the gun if it's dismounted from the truck). the Romanian army was using the 25mm model 1939 wich was using a 15rnd magazine and had a fire rate of 250-300 rnd/min the tow men crew to operate the gun allow a really fast reload that could be comparable to the other guns in ported (1 to 2sec reload) at least 2 G917T was been presented on parade in the early 40s in bucarest. while there is not much documentation on that truck, the photo evidence should be more then enough to identify the armament and the truck. we are allow to assume that there was a lot of ammo box to carry enough bullet to feed the gun well (most likely about 600rnds or 20 reload)




Production history
Manufacturer Atelierele Ford Bucuresti
Produced 1939–1941
No. built 400 (all variants)
Weight 5,830  kg
Length 6.390 mm
Width 2,080 mm
Height 2.175 mm
Crew 4

Engine Ford 3.6 Liter / V-8 / 90hp
2x 25mm Hotchkiss Model 1931
Speed 80-85 km/h


TACAM R-2: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/400042-romania-tacam-r-2/


 TACAM R-2 prototype


Prototype - Prototype was produced from July to September of 1943.Prototype was ready on October 24th of 1943 and was tested at testing grounds at Suditi. 1 build




The stringent need for modernising the Romanian armoured force made the specialists of the Ministry of Army Endowment and War Production to study the possibility of upgrading the R-2 tank in early 1943. As the conclusions for supplementing the armour and changing the main gun were not favourable, it was accepted to convert the vehicle into a self-propelled gun by using the captured 76.2mm artillery pieces and armour plates of the captured T-26 and T-60 tanks. In spring 1943 the War Minister, General Constantin Pantazi, ordered the production of a prototype designated Tun Anticar pe Afet Mobil R-2 or TACAM R-2. The project was entrusted to a team led by Lieutenant-Colonel Constantin Ghiulai, the same that conceived the TACAM T-60. The prototype of TACAM R-2 was built at Leonida Works in Bucharest between July and September 1943. Following the trials that took place at Suditi, the testing committee concluded that even if the new vehicle had the drawback of a very high profile, it was more valuable than the R-2 tank. On 12 February 1944 the military officials decided that forty R-2 tanks to be converted in TACAMs. The only modification made to the prototype's blueprint was the mounting of the Soviet 76.2mm ZIS-3 gun model 1942 instead of the F-22 gun. Twenty R-2 tanks were withdrawn from service and were modified at Leonida Works between February and June 1944. In July, a number of 7 TACAMs were tested at Dadilov.


The optics were German and adapted to the gun, and the gun sights and fixations were Romanian. Firing tests against a captured T-34 revealed a gun effectiveness within 500 meters using Costinescu armour-piercing rounds. 


Leonida started tooling up for the conversion in February 1944 and was ready in June, with a first batch of 20. However, at that time, the TACAM proved useless against the new IS-1 and 2, and further conversions were cancelled. At least two up-gunning attempts were made, one with the Romanian Reşiţa Model 1943 anti-tank gun and one with an 88 mm (3.46 in). Ten were assigned to the 63rd TACAM Company in July 1944 for training, with the 1st Armored Training Division, and never saw action before Romania’s defection to the Allies.

A company of twelve, the Niculescu Detachment, was posted in Transylvania to face an Axis counter-attack from Hungary in September 1944. The unit, ad-hoc Armored Group comprised 16 TACAM R-2s as of 29 September and successfully repelled the German counter-attack. It was disbanded later. Twelve were then re-assigned to the 2nd Armored Regiment and sent to Czechoslovakia in February 1945. All but two were seized by the Russians in exchange for German tanks, although the remainder fought on until April. Only one surviving example is displayed at the Bucharest museum today.

TACAM R-2 (7.5 cm Reșița M1943)


7.5 cm Reșița M1943 - Further upgrade for the TACAM R-2 with the Romanian Reșița M1943 gun. At least 1 build.

TACAM R-2 (8.8 cm)


8.8 cm - Further upgrade for the TACAM R-2 with the German 8.8 mm gun. Some sources states at least 1 build.


TACAM T-60 (Tank Destroyer)



- a romainan „Marder“. 34 captured russian T-60 were modified with russian 76,2mm M-1936 F-22 guns  

Mareșal Tank Hunter: related suggestion:  https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/400374-romania-mareșal-tank-hunter-m-00-to-m-06/


Mareșal M-00


First prototype armed with the 122 mm gun

Mareșal M-01


Second prototype, was based on a reinforced T-60 chassis, same armament.

Mareșal M-02


The M-02 was based on a reinforced and slightly larger T-60 chassis, same armament.

Mareșal M-03


The M-03 had a larger chassis, welded armour plates and a reinforced inner structure.

Mareșal M-04



This tank still used the T-60 suspension and T-60 tracks. It had a ground pressure of 0.6.

20 mm of armor front and sides. 10 mm bottom and top.

Mareșal M-05



Like I said this was the major prototype. Tests began in February 1944 at the test site in Suditi and were conducted in the presence of representatives of the OKH (German High Command), with the participation of engineers from Alkett Vomag during March-May 1944, two more experimental self-propelled guns were built with the M-05 and M-06 indices, which were a unique symbiosis: the chassis was Soviet, the body was Romanian, the engine was French (from H-39), the gearbox and trucks - Czechoslovak (CKD), radio station and optics - German. On comparative tests with StuG III , held from July 21 to August 23, 1944, the Romanian self-propelled gun showed superiority in mobility with similar weapons and a low silhouette, losing only in the reservation and overall security.

As from the Report on the Maresal from 11.1.1944, the suggestions on the Maresal are probably on the M-04 or M-05 as we know the tests on the M-04 lasted till January 1944 we can clearly say it is the M-04 but there may be some doubts. The modifications on the M-05 are clearly big in comparison with the M-04. From the report it's seems like the M-05 and M-06 would have 30 mm of armor in the front and probably sides as they wanted it to be uniform, as the weight of the tank in the report is 7.5 tons so it does add ups the 2.5 tons. 

Mareșal M-06


This was the final version, not much is known, it had 3 crew members, probably for the further variants of it with the 122/150 mm guns or to ease the job of the 2 crew members. The armor would be the same, 30 mm as from the start they only considered 30 mm as being enough for a fast ambush tank destroyer and should not be used a breakthrough tank. 

Here are some fake blueprints of it but it would be probably right in some cases for the transmission, engine and crew member but not length.





Both M-05 and M-06 would later receive the 160 HP Praga engine as they would run out of the H39 engine, already been ordered and a license to build it in the country was given.

Specifications M-05 and M-06


Weight:10 tonnes 

Length:5.8 m (19 ft 0 in)

Width:2.44 m (8 ft 0 in)

Height:1.54 m (5 ft 1 in)

Crew:2 (3 for M-06)

Armor:20–30 mm

Front plate angle was 25* from Sine (angle from horizontal) -> aprox a relative thickness of 70.99 mm (30 mm plate)

Main armament:

1 x 75 mm DT-UDR (122 mm howitzer M1910/30 for early prototypes)

Ammunition of the gun: 44 rds.

Secondary armament:

1 x 7.92 mm ZB-53 machine gun

Engine: Hotchkiss H-39 120 horsepower (89 kW) or the Praga 160 HP engine.


On road: 45 km/h (28 mph)
Off road: 25 km/h (16 mph)

Suspension type: Torsion

Overcoming ford: 0.6 m


"XXX în acest an sunt probabilități de a avea cele 1000 motoare comandate și numai circa 500 tunuri anticar, va urma să se decidă pe timpul fabricației ce destinație vor primi șasiurile disponibile. Primesc: -un alt tun anticar german de exemplu -tunul Vickers de 75 mm.antiaerian adaptat ca tun a.c. -obuziere de 122 sau 150 mm." This is from 1 January, the engines would be later replaced by the 160 hp ones.

How in this year there are probabilities to have the 1000 engines ordered and only 500 anti tank guns, it will be decided during the fabrication what destination will receive the available chassis. It will receive: - another german anti tank cannon, the Vickers 75 mm 1936 anti air cannon adapted as a anti tank one. Howitzers of 122 or 150 mm.  


Vânătorul de care R-35 (Tank Destroyer)



33 romanian R-35 (french tanks) were modified with the 45 mm 20K mod. 1932/34 (same gun as the T-26), weight: 11,7t, armour: 14-44mm.

MLI-84 IFV: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/410093-romania-mli-84-ifv/




the MLI-84 was a locally built, first line armored infantry vehicles. the tank was deceloped from a license of the BMP-1 bought in 1982 to produced 178 improved vehicles. the production started from 1984 with a new tank, complexity up-graded from the BMP-1. the new tank was designed as the MLI-84 and entered in services in 1985. as difference to the BMP-1, the MLI-84 was a bit larger and the most obvious difference was the 12.7mm DHSK in an auxiliary turret to the rear (not always intalled). the main turret reamained the same as the BMP-1 with the same amounst of munition and the capacity to use ATGM. the tanks was equiped with NBC and infrared detector.

in 1998, a upgrade programe to the MLI-84 was created to rebuilt the tank under the configuretion of MLI-84M wich featured grenade-launcher on both side of the hull, new engine and a new turret armed with a 25mm Oerlikon cannon.








this variant is nearly identical to the Russian BMP-1, the 1 man turret armed with the 73mm Grom launcher was also fitted with 9S415 ATGM missile. the ammunition that was carried was the same as the BMP-1. in addition, as a main difference what could affect the gameplay, was the axiliary turret that was usually fitted on the tank. this additional turret was in the left rear conner of the tank and was able to rotated at 360 degree. the armament of the 2nd turret was a 12.7mm DSHK 1938/46 HMG who carried 500 rounds. 178 tanks was produced and put into service in the Romanian army from 1985.


Weight 17.6 tonnes
Length 7.335 m
Width 3.3 m[3]
Height 2.942 m[3]
Crew 3+1 (commander, driver and gunner + additional AA gunner) + 8 troops[3]

Armor most likely unchanged from the BMP-1
73 mm 2A28 Grom cannon
9S415 ATGM launcher[1]
1 × 12.7×108mm DShK1938/46 Heavy machine gun
Engine Romanian 8-cylinder-1240-DT-S
355 hp (265 kW)rpm
Power/weight 23.4 hp/tonne (16.8 kW/tonne)
Suspension individual torsion bar with hydraulic shock absorbers on the 1st and 6th road wheels
Ground clearance 400 mm[3]
Fuel capacity 620 l
550–600 km
Speed 65 km/h






the MLI-84M was a modernization of the MLI-84. the new configuration featured a new main turret armed with a 25mm Oerlikon cannon and ATGM launcher on the side. the new turret have a elevation of -11/ +65 degree which allow a good anti-aircraft close support against the helicopter. as the main turret is providing about all the anti-air defense armament needed, the 12.7mm AA gun in the auxiliary turret are usually removed (but can be put back if needed). the main gun carry 200 rounds ready to use in the cannon and 450 rounds in reserve for a total of 650 rounds. the ATGM are now reduced to 2 missile who are both ready to use in the left side of the turret.


the main cannon use a lot shell in the ammo belt wich include the armour piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot tracer, frangible armour-piercing discarding sabot tracer, high explosive incendiary tracer, semi-armour piercing high explosive incendiary tracer and training natures. for comparaison, the effectiveness of the rounds are required to be 25mm of penetration at 60 degree at 2000m which is the standard for the frangible armour-piercing discarding sabot tracer. the armour piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot tracer are possibly 31 mm of armour plate at 60° obliquity at 2000m.



Weight 17.6 tonnes
Length 7.335 m
Width 3.3 m[3]
Height 2.942 m[3]
Crew 3 (commander, driver and gunner) + 8 troops[3]

Armor Protects against 12.7 mm caliber heavy machine gun fire
25 mm Oerlikon KBAautocannon

1 × 12.7×108mm DShK1938/46 Heavy machine gun
2x 9M14-2T "Maljutka-2T" or Spike ATGM
Engine Caterpillar C9400 hp at 2,200 rpm
Power/weight 23.4 hp/tonne (16.8 kW/tonne)
Suspension individual torsion bar with hydraulic shock absorbers on the 1st and 6th road wheels
Ground clearance 400 mm[3]
Fuel capacity 620 l
550–600 km
Speed 65 km/h



*as the auxiliarry turret aren't always there, i think it could be a ressearchable modification to the tank that will give the additional turret and a new crew member for manning it.


TR-77 MBT serie: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/402132-romania-tr-77-mbt-series/



human add-on armor aren't included


the development of the TR-77 started in 1974 after a rift between the Romanian and Russian inside of the soviet union. Romania wanted to produce the tank that was to be used as a replacement of the out-dated T-34/85 (even if they was up-graded serial times). the industry went into a militarization and modernization from 1972 and in 1974, the first design of Romanian MBT started. the tank was grandly based on the Soviet T-55 but with serial modification. the first was the longer hull with a 6th road wheel. the longer hull was designed to host the 800hp engine from the Leopard I but the agreement on the importation and production of this engine failled to make it in time so a first tank was made with a underpowered 500hp engine. the tank was supposly a upgrade of the T-55 but the prototype turned out to be more heavy and underpowered. the armor was one of the main reason of the weight of the tank, the hull was very armored with two plate of 100mm or steel one over the other and 320mm of armor on the front of the turret. that heavy armor was offering a very effective armor to the front wich was one of the greatest asset of the tank. the side of the tank was also decent with never less than 60mm (even in the rear). the first tank was built in 1976 and tested in 1977 and officially received the designation of TR-77 ( Tanque Romanesc  modelo 77) the prototype went into a preseries of 10 tanks before the production model was ready. the production tank featured the 12 cylinder 580hp engine that was found on the original T-55 tank (the leopard engine was still in negotiation). while the tank was technically a MBT, the underpower and heavy armor could make it classed as heavy tank in the game. but the story of this tank didn't stop in a simple production, the tank went under serial modification over the time and finally go the 800hp leopard engine a the very end of the production of the tank. the 800hp engine in the TR-77 never went standarized as the prototype was used to develop a new tank of the same family. the TR-85 (it will be in another suggestion)


the A-308 gun




The A-308 gun was a tank version of the A-307 as show above. the tank is know to fire 3 kind of shell. the AP, the HE and the APFSDS-T. the APFSDS-T  was used on the later model of the TR-77 and early model of TR-85. inside of the tank, the gun have a rate of fire of 7 round by minute and is limited by the loader. the gun himself could go up to 15 rounds minutes in the best condition.

PBR 412B (AP) - this shell is a armor-piercing shell with tracer. it fly at 900m/sec and can penetrate up to 264mm of armor

OF 412 (HE) - this shell is a 16kg explosive/incendiary shell that have 1.4kg of explosive inside. the shell is currently used on the T-55 in-game

BM 412Sg (APFSDS) - this shell was used later in those tanks. it is a sub-caliber shell with very high velocity. it fly at 1400m/sec and in theory have a penetration of over 450mm of armor.



TR-77 preseries




the TR-77 was the first tank of the series. it went into a pre-production of 10 tanks for test. the tank was originally supposed to have the 800hp engine of the Leopard but as the negotiation for the engine was delaying the importation of the engine, the tank was refitted with a local 500hp engine which is possibly a Romanian copy of the V-55 found in the T-55, the lower power was explained by a bad compression of the copy. the tanks was later up-graded to TR-580M with the normal 580engine. to balance the under-powered engine, the weight of the tank was reduced by not installing the second layer of 100mm of armor on the front of the hull.


Weight 43 tonnes
Length 9,25 m
Width 3.3 m
Height 2.4 m
Crew 4 (commander, driver, gunner, loader)


turret front: 320mm

turret side: 160mm

turret rear: 70mm
hull front: 100 mm

hull side: 90mm

hull rear: 60mm

100 mm gun A-308
41 rounds
7.62 mm coaxial PKT machine gun
4500-5000 rounds
12.7 mm DShK AA machine gun
750 rounds
Engine 500hp engine (possibly a copy of the V-55 with a bad compression)
Power/weight 11.6 hp/tonne
Suspension Torsion bar
400 km (250 mi)
Speed 45-50 km/h





Main production model. the tank was having the real V-55 engine from the T-55 which allowed the tank to receive the second layer of frontal hull armor and in addition, a removal side skirt was added. between 200 and 400 tanks was produced under this variant and the production went on from 1979 to 1985 when it was halted in favor of the new TR-85


Weight 46 tonnes
Length 9,25 m
Width 3.3 m
Height 2.4 m
Crew 4 (commander, driver, gunner, loader)


turret front: 320mm

turret side: 160mm

turret rear: 70mm
hull front: 200 mm

hull side: 90mm +10

hull rear: 60mm

100 mm gun A-308
41 rounds
7.62 mm coaxial PKT machine gun
4500-5000 rounds
12.7 mm DShK AA machine gun
750 rounds
Engine 12 cylinder V-55 diesel engine of 580hp
Power/weight 12.6 hp/tonne
Suspension Torsion bar
400 km (250 mi)
Speed 50 km/h






the TR-580M was a first modernization of the TR-580 made in the early 80s. this upgrade became the standard of this tank. it was featuring a laser range finder and a ballistic computer to assist the crew in acquiring the target. nearly all the TR-77 was upgraded to this variant and the new tank was built with this equipment


Weight 46 tonnes
Length 9,25 m
Width 3.3 m
Height 2.4 m
Crew 4 (commander, driver, gunner, loader)


turret front: 320mm +20

turret side: 160mm

turret rear: 70mm
hull front: 200 mm

hull side: 90mm +10

hull rear: 60mm

100 mm gun A-308
41 rounds
7.62 mm coaxial PKT machine gun
4500-5000 rounds
12.7 mm DShK AA machine gun
750 rounds
Engine 12 cylinder V-55 diesel engine of 580hp
Power/weight 12.6 hp/tonne
Suspension Torsion bar
400 km (250 mi)
Speed 50 km/h






the TR-580M1 was a rare tank who had a very few tank produced (likely less than 10). the tank was a pretty good up-grade tested in 1979 who was featuring the elongated turret that give more space for the crew to work and increase the rate of fire to 9 rounds per minutes. the up-grade wasn't finish to be tested when it was approved, however, this up-grade was never a standard as the long delayed Leopard engine was going into test and took the priority. the TR-580M1 was also refitted with the 830hp engine of the leopard I the test that fallow created a new turret for the TR-85 which was standardized on all TR-85.


Weight 46 tonnes
Length 9,25 m
Width 3.3 m
Height 2.4 m
Crew 4 (commander, driver, gunner, loader)


turret front: 320mm

turret side: 160mm

turret rear: 70mm
hull front: 100 mm

hull side: 90mm +10

hull rear: 60mm

100 mm gun A-308
41 rounds
7.62 mm coaxial PKT machine gun
4500-5000 rounds
12.7 mm DShK AA machine gun
750 rounds
Engine 12 cylinder V-55 diesel engine of 580hp
Power/weight 12.6 hp/tonne
Suspension Torsion bar
400 km (250 mi)
Speed 50 km/h






The TR-77-800 was the last TR-77 variant ever developed and came a bit late. it was actually intended to be the standard model all along but the engine couldn't be imported. the tank went into test in the early 80s and went into serial modification on the suspension and other additional modification which leaded to a development of a new tank, the TR-85. the TR-77-800 was in fact a prototype of the TR-85. the up-grade of the existing TR-77-580 was very costly and the TR-85 simply took over in the production line.


Weight 46 tonnes
Length 9,25 m
Width 3.3 m
Height 2.4 m
Crew 4 (commander, driver, gunner, loader)


turret front: 320mm +20

turret side: 160mm

turret rear: 70mm
hull front: 100 mm

hull side: 90mm +10

hull rear: 60mm

100 mm gun A-308
41 rounds
7.62 mm coaxial PKT machine gun
4500-5000 rounds
12.7 mm DShK AA machine gun
750 rounds

MTU MB 838 CaM 500, 10-cylinder, 37.4 litres, multi-fuel engine
830 PS

Power/weight 13 hp/tonne
Suspension Torsion bar
400 km (250 mi)
Speed 55 km/h


TR-85 MBT serie: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/402136-romania-tr-85-mbt-series/




the TR-85-800 was designed as soon as 1978 but long delayed with the importation of the engine from Germany. the tank was not the same as the TR-77 but is an high improvement of the TR-77 with the better engine and a lot of amelioration around the transmission. the tank can be tell appart fromt he TR-77 from the position of the road wheel. the tank protection was relatively the same but with the possibility to up-grade the armor of the turret like the later variant of the TR-77. the tank was presented in 1984 and was originally featuring the same turret as the TR-77 but later the tank adopted a new elongated turret. the tank entered in service in 1985 as the TR-85-800 but is usually called the TR-85.


the A-308 gun




The A-308 gun was a tank version of the A-307 as show above. the tank is know to fire 3 kind of shell. the AP, the HE and the APFSDS-T. the APFSDS-T  was used on the later model of the TR-77 and early model of TR-85. inside of the tank, the gun have a rate of fire of 7 round by minute and is limited by the loader. the gun himself could go up to 15 rounds minutes in the best condition.

PBR 412B (AP) - this shell is a armor-piercing shell with tracer. it fly at 900m/sec and can penetrate up to 264mm of armor

OF 412 (HE) - this shell is a 16kg explosive/incendiary shell that have 1.4kg of explosive inside. the shell is currently used on the T-55 in-game

BM 412Sg (APFSDS) - this shell was used later in those tanks. it is a sub-caliber shell with very high velocity. it fly at 1400m/sec and in theory have a penetration of over 450mm of armor.








this was the original variant of the tank which was mostly featuring the new engine, new transmission and a thermal camera over the gun. the tank was in overall a lot better than the TR-77 due to the better mobility.


Weight 48 ton
Length 9.96 m (32.7 ft) (with gun forward)
Width 3.435 m (11.27 ft)
Height 3.10 m (10.2 ft)
Crew 4 (commander, driver, gunner, loader)

Armor turret: 320 + 20 mm add-on
hull: 200 mm in layers
100 mm gun A-308
41 rounds
7.62 mm coaxial PKT machine gun
4500-5000 rounds
12.7 mm DShK AA machine gun
750 rounds
Engine Model 8VS-A2T2M, 8-cyl., turbo charged direct injection diesel
860 hp (640 kW) at 2300 rpm
Power/weight 17.2 hp/tonne
Transmission THM-5800 hydromechanic (4 fwd, 2 rev gears)
Suspension Torsion bar with eight telescopic hydro-gas shock absorbers
400 km (250 mi)
Speed 60 km/h (37 mph)






this version was developed in 1988 an featured the replacement of the thermal camera over the gun by 4x smoke grenade launcher and 8 other grenade launcher was placed on each side of the turret (total of 20), additional composite armor who was possibly made of Tungsten was added on the front of the turret. the turret was the elongated turret of the TR-77-580M1 who offered a better loading of the gun and a bigger storing for the ammo. the tank also received a lot of new high tech device copied from the Nato country like new thermal and night vision, new compute, new range-finder ect. this version was only used on the earliest TR-85M


Weight 50 ton
Length 9.96 m (32.7 ft) (with gun forward)
Width 3.435 m (11.27 ft)
Height 3.10 m (10.2 ft)
Crew 4 (commander, driver, gunner, loader)

Armor turret: 320 + 20 mm add-on
hull: 200 mm in layers
100 mm gun A-308
41 rounds
7.62 mm coaxial PKT machine gun
4500-5000 rounds
12.7 mm DShK AA machine gun
750 rounds
Engine Model 8VS-A2T2M, 8-cyl., turbo charged direct injection diesel
860 hp (640 kW) at 2300 rpm
Power/weight 17.2 hp/tonne
Transmission THM-5800 hydromechanic (4 fwd, 2 rev gears)
Suspension Torsion bar with eight telescopic hydro-gas shock absorbers
400 km (250 mi)
Speed 60 km/h (37 mph)






this version was the most common TR-85 variant. it was featuring the same up-grade as the TR-85M1a but with the Mantis thermal camera over the gun instant of the grenade launcher. the four grenade launcher that was over the gun was relocated on the side after the composite armor. this tank is also featuring a stabilizatior. this tank is currently in used in Romania and is equivalent of the modern tanks.


Weight 50 ton
Length 9.96 m (32.7 ft) (with gun forward)
Width 3.435 m (11.27 ft)
Height 3.10 m (10.2 ft)
Crew 4 (commander, driver, gunner, loader)

Armor turret: 320 + 20 mm add-on
hull: 200 mm in layers
100 mm gun A-308
41 rounds
7.62 mm coaxial PKT machine gun
4500-5000 rounds
12.7 mm DShK AA machine gun
750 rounds
Engine Model 8VS-A2T2M, 8-cyl., turbo charged direct injection diesel
860 hp (640 kW) at 2300 rpm
Power/weight 17.2 hp/tonne
Transmission THM-5800 hydromechanic (4 fwd, 2 rev gears)
Suspension Torsion bar with eight telescopic hydro-gas shock absorbers
400 km (250 mi)
Speed 60 km/h (37 mph)


TR-125: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/402140-romania-tr-125/




This tank was a fallowing project of Romanian tank of the mid 80s. the tank was built to be the equivalent of the T-72 in Romania. with a failure of obtaining a license for the production of the T-72 in Romania and the confidence gained with the TR-77, Romania started to design a new tank who would be better armed than the TR-77 to be a competitor to the T-72. just like the TR-77 on the T-55, the TR-125 was highly based on the T-72. the tank was however longer and taller. with nearly 1m longer, the tank was hosting a 8VSA3 diesel engine of 900 hp. to balance the size of the tank, the TR-125 had a 7th road wheel. the armor was also upgraded and the tank was featuring a 125 mm A555 smoothbore. 


The armor was a composite steel who was harder than regular steel, it was possibly including the Tungsten which Romania was producing in a fairly large quantity. the thickness of the armor was as fallowing


Turret front = 400mm

turret side = 320 to 100mm

turret rear = 55mm

turret top = 45 to 30mm


Hull front (upper plate) = 200mm

hull front (lower plate) = 80mm

hull side = 55mm + side skirt

hull rear = 45mm

hull bottom = 20mm


the tank was about as mobile as the TR-85 and offered more firepower and more frontal protection, however, the tank was less armored on the side and rear compared to the TR-85. the gun was tested in comparison of the 125mm used on the T-72M and was said better but it's unclear in which way it was better and how much.


in final, there was between 5 and 10 TR-125 built and tested from 1991 but due to the economical situation of the country and the fall of USSR, an order from the army for this tank never came.



Production 1984-1991
Weight 50 t
Crew 3 military
Cannon 125 mm, 8 shots per minute
Machine gun A.A. 1 x 12.7 mm
Machine gun dual purpose 1 x 7.62 mm
grenade Launcher 4-6 tubes 81 mm
Engine 8 VS. A3 diesel, 8-cylinder, 4-stroke overhead
Engine power 900 HP
Specific Power 18.75 CP/t
Automatic Transmission hidromecanica,
pressure on the ground 0,875 Dan/cm2
Longitudinal Slope 32 °
Maximum speed 60 km/h
Autonomy (without additional barrels)-400 km
  • 39 rounds 125 mm,
  • 2,000 cartridges 7.62 mm
  • 300 12.7 mm cartridges
  • 20 smoke grenades
Fire control System Hydraulic turret/tun stabilized in two planes, with integrated laser rangefinder and SCF
range 200 to 5 000 m
Direct range 4000 m APFSD
Armor protection
  • turret - 400 mm with extra armor
  • Chassis - 200 mm laminated





ItPsv 41 (Landsverk L-60 Anti II): related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/400600-finland-itpsv-41-landsverk-l-62-anti-ii/




the ItPsv 41 was developed in the late 30s by the Swedish to export specifically to Finland. the tank was based on the swedish L-60 light tank and was armed by a 40mm L/60 Bofors cannon that was considered as good as anti-tank weapon as it was for the aircraft. the swedish designation was Luftvärnskanonvagn L-62 Anti II (anti-tank/anti-aircraft). the swedish knew that Finland was a small market and the development of a complet new tank was expensive. it would had been hard to make the tank a comercial success and so the Swedish looked to other customer to export the tank wich they found in Hungary. the Hungarian army ordered a single prototype of the L-62 tank that was unarmed. the tank was locally modified in hungary and they ordered the license for the L-62 and produced it as the 40M Nimrod. the comercial success while the tank was still a prototype allowed the development in parrallel to the Hungarian variant of the L-62. 


L-62 prototype as it was given to Hungary (have a dummy gun)


the ItPsv 41 order was mad in 1941 and deliver in 1942. the ItPsv 41 was the final development of the L-62 and feature a lightly armored chassis very similar to the Hungarian Nimrod and a smaller turret who was a bit more weakly armored. the tank was also a bit slower with a 110hp engine. the tank was reaching 40km/h flat ground but could go as fast as 50km/h if the ground was going down. the turret was a 3 men crew and armored of only 20mm thick of steel but featured a gun-sheild that could rise with the gun. the armament was a L/60 40mm bofors cannon that was also used on serial other SPAA like the duster or the Crussader AA Mk.I (it was not the same gun used on the AMX 13 DCA 40), the FInnish army used the tank in the continuation war. only 6 tPsv 41 was ordered by the Finnish army (who had at that moment about 40 tanks which nearly half was captured). the tPsv 41 saw combat during the continuation war as anti-aircraft tank while the tank was also considered a tank destroyer. the tPsv 41 recorded 11 enemy aircraft shotdown without any lost. the 6 tPsv 41 served in the finish army until as late as 1966.


Weight 9.5 ton
Length 5.32 m (17 ft 5 in)
Width 2.30 m (7 ft 7 in)
Height 2.30 m (7 ft 7 in)
Crew 5

Armor 6–20 mm (0.24–0.79 in)
40 mm Bofors L/50 anti-aircraft gun
Engine L8V / 36 T Scania 1664 cc
Speed 40 km/h (25 mph)



Vickers 6ton (locally modifed): related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/399849-finland-vickers-6ton-locally-modifed/


Vicker 6ton 37 Psv.K/18



as the Original 47mm 3pdr short barrelled gun proposed on the Vicker 6ton Mark E type B was not considered as good enough against tank or accurate enough in longer range, the gun was immediately replaced for the war game in 1939 by the 37 Psv.K/18 (a local designation for the French SA-18 gun) who wasn't much an improvement but had the little advantage to be already used in the Finnish army which made it a good alternative. the conversion was soon made once they received the Vicker 6ton from 1937 to 1939 and was using the same ammunition as the Russian 37-mm trench gun M1915 who was having very similar performance as the French SA-18. the gun was not considered as good and was one of the reason why they wanted to replace the Renault FT (along side of the low speed of the Renault FT) but at the opposite of the Renault FT, the Vicker 6ton had a 4 men crew (the double of the Renault FT) wich allowed at least a better fire rate due to the reload was operated by a loader instant of been done by the gunner/commander. the machine gun was also changed because of the original 303 wasn't standardized in Finland. the Finnish army designed a sub-machine especially to be fitted in the Vickers 6ton, this gun was the  Suomi M/31 9mm and was been fitted in the hull  and the 7.62 mm M/09-31 in the turret. 


Weight 8.6 tons
Length 4.54 meters
Width 2.40 meters
Height 2.10 meters
Crew 4


upper Front & side = 17.5 mm

lower front & side = 10 mm

rear = 10mm

top & bottom = 5 mm

turret front and side = 13.5 mm

37 mm Psv.K/18
50 rounds

1x 7.62 mm M/09-31 (turret) 3,075 rnd

9 mm Suomi M/31 (hull) 1,444 rnd

Engine 92 hp Armstrong-Siddeley Puma 4-cylinder gasoline engine
Power/weight 13 hp/t (9.7 kW/t)
Suspension leaf spring bogie
165 km
Speed 35 km/h

Vicker 6ton 37 Psv.K/36



when the Finnish ordered the Vicker 6ton, the gun was obvious not satisfactory to the Finnish army. as there was more Vickers than there was SA-18 gun in the Finnish army and the SA-18 also not good enough, the Finnish army had ordered the armament to be upgraded for the 37mm Bofors anti-tank gun M/36 to be installed in the tanks, the gun was originally from Sweden but was locally built under license by VTT under the designation of Psv.K/36 for fitting it on the Vickers 6tons, when the winter war started, only 16 tanks was equipped with that gun and the remain tank wasn't yet armed.


the gun was using the APT shell, the HE and the incendiary shell with a decent penetration of 40mm at 274m with an agle of 60 degree

Penetration (AP shell, meet angle 60 degrees):

  • 300 yards: 40 mm
  • 457 yards: 33 mm
  • 600 yards: 30 mm
  • 900 yards: 20 mm
  • 1,200 yards: 15 mm


Weight 8.6 tons
Length 4.54 meters
Width 2.40 meters
Height 2.10 meters
Crew 4


upper Front & side = 17.5 mm

lower front & side = 10 mm

rear = 10mm

top & bottom = 5 mm

turret front and side = 13.5 mm

37 mm Psv.K/36
50 rounds

1x 7.62 mm M/09-31 (turret) 3,075 rnd

9 mm Suomi M/31 (hull) 1,444 rnd

Engine 92 hp Armstrong-Siddeley Puma 4-cylinder gasoline engine
Power/weight 13 hp/t (9.7 kW/t)
Suspension leaf spring bogie
165 km
Speed 35 km/h

Vicker 6ton 45mm 20k



Often describe as Vicker T-26E, a vickers 6tons mounted by a T-26 mod 1935 turret, this is actually misleading information, the Vicker 6ton was never know to have been fitted with a T-26 turret. however, the Vickerd did received armament from the T-26. the turret of the Vicker 6ton in Finland was modified to receive the 20K 45mm anti-tank gun used by the Soviet army and who was supperior to the 37mm Psv.K/36 that the Vickers 6ton was supposed to received. the front of the turret was adpated to have the entire gun mantle of the T-26 but without touching the rest of the turret or the rest of the tank. those modification was done on the remained Vicker 6ton that wasn't yet armed with the 37mm Psv.K/36 gun and was press into service as soon the gun was installed.


the model of the gun that was documented to had been installed was the 20k M/32, M/34 and M/38 and have local designation

- 45 Psv.K/32 (45 mm tank gun M/32)

- 45 Psv.K/34 (45 mm tank gun M/34)

- 45 Psv.K/38 (45 mm tank gun M/38)


Weight 8.8 tons
Length 4.54 meters
Width 2.40 meters
Height 2.10 meters
Crew 4


upper Front & side = 17.5 mm

lower front & side = 10 mm

rear = 10mm

top & bottom = 5 mm

turret front and side = 13.5 mm

45 mm 20K
50 rounds (not certain but probably a bit less)

1x 7.62 mm DT (turret) 2,520 rnds

1x 9 mm Suomi M/31 (hull) 1,444 rnds

Engine 92 hp Armstrong-Siddeley Puma 4-cylinder gasoline engine
Power/weight 13 hp/t (9.7 kW/t)
Suspension leaf spring bogie
165 km
Speed 35 km/h





- Finland captured about 56 Bt-7 in the Winter War. 18 were modiefied with a british 4.5-inch howitzer and a new taller turret. The design was inspired by the KV-2 and several BT-infantry-support-tanks.

Amour: 6-13mm

Crew: 3

Speed: 53 km/h

Range: 375 km

StuG III Aus. G "Sturmi"


Surviving German StuG III Sturmgeschutz Ausf. G at the Tank Museum, Bovington, England

StuG III Ausf. G "Sturmi" (Mod. 43-early 44)

-MG 34 -> russian DT tank machine gun

-no "Schurzen" anymore

-the spare roadwheels were moved from the rear to the side of the the fighting compartment

-large wooden stowage box was put on the rear of the tank where the sparewheels used to be



StuG III Ausf. G "Sturmi" (Mod. Summer 44)

-The celluloid covers for the periscopes in the commander's cupola were to be removed.

-Extra-protection logs were to be attached to the sides of the fighting-compartment.5)

-The stowage box were to be lowered.

-Extra track-links were to be added to the lower front armour.

-Concrete reinforcements were to be put beside the main gun, on top of the front of the fighting-compartment.



23px-Flag_of_Independent_State_of_CroatiCroatia (1941-1945)




Bildergebnis für M15 with a 38 turret

the M15/Pz38(t) is a modified M15 with the Turret of a Panzer38(t)

the U.O marking means most likely "Ustasha Obarna". It was a unit created in 1942 and was a rapid intervention unit, operatively employed in different areas of Croatia. From 1944 it was placed under the 1° brigade Ustasha and was equipped with with L3 (all series), L6/40 and this M15/42 with a Panzer38(t) turret. Some Sources says that over 10-15 were built but there are also sources who says that the A7 gun was replaced by the original 47mm gun of the M15. Most likely there were around 10 M15/Pz38(t) tanks, some with the A7 gun and others with the 47mm gun 


The Symbol on the Front of the Tank is the 


It is U from Utascha with a grenade and the croatian coat of arms.


Weight ~15t]
Length 4.92m
Width 2.20m
Height 2.40m
Crew 4

Armor 42-50mm
37mm Skoda A7 gun

2 × 8mm Breda 38 Mg

1 × 7,92-mm-MG ZB vz. 37 (turret)

Engine FIAT SPA 15TB M42 petrol V8 water cooled
192 hp/2,400 rpm
Speed 38km/h





Skoda T-11: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/400679-bulgaria-skoda-t-11-modified-pz35t/




In.1939, Adolf Hitler made the decision for the delivery of armament to politically important countries, putting Bulgaria at first place. In the end of the same year, with the war already going on, a contract was made between Bulgaria and the german "Ausfuhrgeselschaft fur Kriegsgerat GmbH"-Berlin for the delivery of 36 former czech military vehicles.

In 1940, the first 26 Panzer 35(t) arrived in Bulgaria from the reserves of the german Army. The vehicles of the second shipment arrived in the period from August to October of 1940 and consisted of 10 machines of the same type, but completly new, directly from the "Skoda-Werke". The history of those last 10 tank began in 1938, when Afghanistan ordered them from Skoda, but armed with the better 37 mm L/47.8 gun of the Lt vz. 38 (Panzer 38(t), with factory name A-7, instead of the standard 37mm A-3 L/40 gun. The German occupation of Czechoslovakia in the same year stopped this deal. These tanks, were purchased by Bulgaria for 945.000 Reichsmarks.

Till October of 1940, all the 36 Skoda LT vz. 35 tanks were delivered, with the needed equipment, instruments and basic spare parts. In the bulgarian army these tanks were given the name combat car "Skoda". In some documents from the period before the end of 1942, can be seen the name combat cars ‘Skoda’ T-11 – to make difference between the machines, armed with the A-7 gun, and the ones with the standard A-3 gun.


Bulgarian T11Czech LT Vz 35, 1937

T-11                                                                                                         normal Škoda-CKD LT vz. 35



Notice that the first 3 tanks on the picture have the A-7 gun



Weight 10,5t


Width  2,06m
Height 2,37m
Crew 3-4

Armor 15-25mm
37mm Skoda A7 gun
2× 7.92 mm ZB-53 machine guns
Engine Praga Typ TNHPS/II
water-cooled, 6-cylinder gasoline engine
Power/weight 13.15 hp/ton

250 km (road)

100 km (cross-country)


42 km/h (road)

15 km/h (off-road)





39M Csaba: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/400204-hungary-39m-csaba/


The Car itselfs was deseigned by the hungarian-born Miklós Straussler, who already developed several designs before. 

After Great Britain rejected the Design an agreement was signed with the Weiss Manfred factory (hungary) to produce it in Hungary. The four-wheeled Car had an independet suspension with a conventional framework. The 9mm riveted armor plates offered only enough protection against small fire-arms, but the main-task was anyways reconnaissance. A crew of at least three men was required. 





It was armed with a 20mm Solothurn autocannon (same was used by the early Toldi tanks). The gun was comparable to the german 2cm kwk (Panzer II) and two additional 8 mm 38M Gebauer machine-gun as secondary armament.

With the hungarian APHE-T the main gun was able to penetrate 20mm at 60° at 100m, 14mm at 300m and 16mm at 500m.



It had a german Ford 8cyl engine with 90hp, 3560cc and a 5 forward and 5 reverse Gearbox. Th engine itselfs was able to carry 135l of gasoline. With that the Csaba was able to drive around 65km/h and the operational range was limited to around 150km. It was also able to climb a 30 degree slope and 1 meter and had a 50cm maximum fording depth.It also had two driving positions - one at the front as normal, and an additional one at the rear.For that a fourth Crew-Member was needed. 




61 Vehicles were ordered by Hungary after succesful trials and were introduced in 1939 (thats also whyit was calles 39M). The Csabas equipped the 1st and 2nd mechanized brigades, the 1st and 2nd Armored Divisions and the First Mountain Brigade. Another 40 were ordered in 1940 (araound 20 of them was later converted to the command versio 40M: instead of the 20mm Gun -> a R-4T long-range radiio). A planned restart of the production in 1944 never happened because of the current war-situation.


Weight 5.95 t
Length 4.52 m 
Width 2.1 m 
Height 2.27 m 
Crew 3-4



20 mm 36M cannon
1-2x 8 mm Gebauer MG
Engine Ford, 8-cylinder
150 km
Speed 65 km/h 

38M Toldi: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/399963-hungary-38m-toldi-i-ii-iii/


Toldi I



the toldi I is the very basic variant of the series Toldi, the chassis was mostly identical tot he L-60 and was incorporating many part built in Germany. the main difference on the chassis over the L-16 was the improved suspenssion. the turret however was a completly original Hungarian design featuring a 20mm of armor all around and a 20mm Solothurn auto-cannon with 4 rounds magazine. the Solothurn gun was a Swiss anti-tank infantry riffle with a penetration of 20mm at a 60-degree angle at 100-metre distance, decreasing to 16mm at 500 meters.

Weight 8.7 t
Length 4.75 m (15 ft 7 in)
Width 2.14 m (7 ft 0 in)
Height 1.87 m (6 ft 2 in)
Crew 3


13mm in front and side of the hull

20mm in the front of the turret

20 mm gun 20mm Solothurn auto-cannon (4 rounds magazine)
1x 8 mm Gebauer MG
Engine Büssing-NAG V8 7.9 litres
155 bhp
200 km (120 mi)
Speed 50 km/h (29 mph) on road
clutch braking (all variants)

Toldi II



the toldi II is a slightly improved tanks featuring the new radion and no part built outside the Hungary. the armor was stilgly improved to 20mm of armor in the front of the hull. most noticable difference of this tank was the external box for the radio in the rear of the turret.


Weight 9.35 t
Length 4.75 m (15 ft 7 in)
Width 2.14 m (7 ft 0 in)
Height 1.87 m (6 ft 2 in)
Crew 3


13mm in of the hull

13mm in the side of the hull

20mm in the front of the turret

20 mm gun 20mm Solothurn auto-cannon (4 rounds magazine)
1x 8 mm Gebauer MG
Engine Büssing-NAG V8 7.9 litres
155 bhp
200 km (120 mi)
Speed 48 km/h (29 mph) on road
clutch braking (all variants)

Toldi IIa



the toldi IIa was a new up-grade for the Toldi tanks, the main feature was a review protection for the hull to cover serial weakness and the 37M 40mm who was a hungarian version of the license built 40mm bofors cannon. It was a 40mm L/45 with muzzle velocity of 800 m/s and the rate of fire 16 rounds per minute. The shell (originally meant for the Bofors AA guns) could penetrate 64mm of armor (30 deg slope) at 100 meters (in WoT terms it’s 74mm PEN) and 30mm of armor (same slope) at 1000m.


Weight 9.35 t
Length 4.75 m (15 ft 7 in)
Width 2.14 m (7 ft 0 in)
Height 1.87 m (6 ft 2 in)
Crew 3


20mm in of the hull

13mm in the side of the hull

30mm in the front of the turret

37M 40mm
1x 8 mm Gebauer MG
Engine Büssing-NAG V8 7.9 litres
155 bhp
200 km (120 mi)
Speed 48 km/h (29 mph) on road
clutch braking (all variants)

Toldi IIa Late



this little upgrade of the Toldi IIa was very small, the gun was simply changed by the 42M 40mm anti-tank gun who was a improved version of the 37M 40mm anti-tank gun like those used on the Toldi IIa. the difference of the gun was simply an increased accuracy. vary few tank had that gun as the production of that gun was not well established.


Weight 9.35 t
Length 4.75 m (15 ft 7 in)
Width 2.14 m (7 ft 0 in)
Height 1.87 m (6 ft 2 in)
Crew 3


20mm in of the hull

13mm in the side of the hull

30mm in the front of the turret

42M 40mm
1x 8 mm Gebauer MG
Engine Büssing-NAG V8 7.9 litres
155 bhp
200 km (120 mi)
Speed 48 km/h (29 mph) on road
clutch braking (all variants)

Toldi III



Final variant of the Toldi, the Toldi II was featuring a 35mm of frontal armor and 25mm on the side of the turret and 20mm on the side of the hull. in addition, the tank was design to allow the addition of spaced armor on the side of the hull and the turret. at least 3 Toldi III was documented to had been built while there is a possibility that up to 12 tank was finished but there is no record of them having saw any combat.

Weight 9.45 t
Length 4.75 m (15 ft 7 in)
Width 2.14 m (7 ft 0 in)
Height 1.87 m (6 ft 2 in)
Crew 3


35mm in of the hull

20mm in the side of the hull

35mm in the front of the turret

25mm in the side of the turret

42M 40mm
1x 8 mm Gebauer MG
Engine Büssing-NAG V8 7.9 litres
155 bhp
200 km (120 mi)
Speed 46 km/h (29 mph) on road
clutch braking (all variants)


Toldi páncélvadász: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/401444-hungary-toldi-páncélvadász/



this picture is showing a down scaled replica


The Toldi páncélvadász was a emergency project started in the end of 1943 to design a tank destroyer with the firepower sufficient to take out the Soviet armor. the tank was a conversion of the Toldi I. as the Toldi I's structure was too weak to carry a heavier weapon in the turret, the turret was been removed to fit a open fighting compartment with a single Pak 40 L/46 75mm gun. the tank was widely inspired by the German Marder II. the turret was been removed to leave place to a gun shield and a ammunition box was placed to the rear of the chassis to store up to 21 shells. a single prototype was confirm to have been built. no mass production was been recorded. the project was cancelled as the tank was considered as too weakly armored and high profile to face the Soviet armor. while the tank was indeed very lightly armored, it was also fast with a speed of 50km/h. the fate of the prototype is unknown as most of the document about the tank was been destroyed before the occupation of the Soviet army. the fate of the only know prototype is unknown. the tank may had been used in combat and destroyed there or been dismantled before or after the soviet army entered in Hungary.



here is the unique piture found about the Toldi páncélvadász in 1983 in the Hungarian archive alone with a few document explaining the nature of the prototype.


while the Toldi páncélvadász by himself have a lot of missing information, we do know enough about the Toldi I on who the tank was buil, the Pak 40 who was used on the tank and the Picture also provide a lot of information about the configuration of the tank. the ammunition box and the gun sheild is clearly visible wich allow a developer to built an very close model of this tank ingame. the Toldi páncélvadász would fit really well in tier 2 in the Minor Axis Nation as SPG but since the tank was a prototype and we also have the Tacam R-2 and T-60 in the same tier, we think that the Toldi páncélvadász is a perfect Premium tank.



approximation blueprinte


Name: Toldi páncélvadász
Year: 1943-44
Manufacturer, development: Ganz, HTI
Crew: unknown, probably 4 (driver, commander, gunner, loader)
Combat weight: 10,5 t
Ground pressure: 0,63 kp/cm2

Engine: Büssing NAG type L8 V/36 TR, 8 cylinders, 155 hp on 2700 r/min, 7913 cm3, petrol
Power to weight ratio: 14,8 hp/t
Max. speed forward: 45-50 km/h

Dimensions in mm:
- Full lenght without barrel: 4750
- Full lenght with barrel: 5640
- Full width: 2140
- Height: 2230
- Ground clearance: 350

Armour: welded, sloped
- front: 13 mm in 30°
- frontal vertical armor, driver’s hatch: 23 mm
- gun shield: 6 mm
- side: 13 mm
- rear: 7 mm
- top, bottom: 6 mm

- 7,5 cm Pak 40/2 L/46 (40 M. 75mm anti-tank gun in Hungarian service)
ammunition: 21 rounds

40M Turan: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/400511-hungary-4041m-turan-i-ii-iii/


T-21 (Hungarian modification)




the T-21 was modified in Hungary before been modified again and renamed Turán. this modification can be considered as the first Hungarian prototype of the Turán. the modification happened in 1940 while the German was working on their own on a improvement of the T-21, the Hungarian when simple. instant of creating a complete new tank based on the T-21, they rather simply improved the few thing on the T-21 they didn't liked. the first was the Hungarianization of the armament. the frontal plate of the turret was removed to replace it with a new one made to have the Hungarian built 40mm 38M gun (license built bofors 40mm) and the Machine-gun was removed for replacing it with the 8mm Gebauer MG. the protection was slightly better with 35mm of armor. the new tank didn't receive any new designation and went into trial again. the tank was later modified again with a new turret and better armor and those modification was chosen to be the production version under the designation of 40M Turán. but let's stick on the modification prior of the Turán standard to propose a Premium tank.


Weight 16.7 tonnes
Length 5.55 m
Width 2.44 m
Height 2.39 m
Crew 4

Armor max 35mm
40 mm 38M
2× 8 mm Gebauer 34/40.M machine guns
Engine Škoda V8, 13,8 liter, 240hp
Power/weight 14 hp/tonne
Suspension leaf-spring bogie
165 km
Speed 50 km/h

40M Turán I




the 40M Turán or sometime also called the 40M Turán I is first Medium class tank produced in Hungaria. with a fair number of 285 tanks produced, the Turán I was the back bone of the Hungarian armored forces. while having about the same fire-power that the Toldi have, the Turán I was better armored and just as fast. the Turán I was produced after the 2nd improvement of the T-21 in hungaria. the modification was including a bigger turret who had a 3 men crew and a thicker armor. the tank however was slightly slower than the T-21 but not by much. the tank was soon produced in Hungaria and soon emplyed in the WW2 as the main Hungarian armored forces in Russia. but the tank wasn't very effective against the mighty russian tank such as the KVs, (that wasn't much different compared to the German tank in 1940 but by 1941, the German was quick learner and was already a step ahead)




Weight 18.2 tonnes
Length 5.55 m
Width 2.44 m
Height 2.39 m
Crew 5

Armor max. 50 mm
40 mm 41M L/51
2× 8 mm Gebauer 34/40.M machine guns
Engine gasoline Weiss Manfréd Z-V8H-4
260 hp (195 kW)
Power/weight 14 hp/tonne
Suspension leaf-spring bogie
165 km
Speed 47 km/h

40M Turán I Mod. 1944



Weight 18.5 tonnes
Length 5.55 m
Width 3.44 m
Height 2.39 m
Crew 5

Armor max. 50 mm
40 mm 41M L/51
2× 8 mm Gebauer 34/40.M machine guns
Engine gasoline Weiss Manfréd Z-V8H-4
260 hp (195 kW)
Power/weight 14 hp/tonne
Suspension leaf-spring bogie
165 km
Speed 47 km/h

41M Turán II



Weight 18.2 tonnes
Length 5.55 m
Width 2.44 m
Height 2.39 m
Crew 5

Armor max. 50 mm
75 mm 41M L/25
2× 8 mm Gebauer 34/40.M machine guns
Engine gasoline Weiss Manfréd Z-V8H-4
260 hp (195 kW)
Power/weight 14 hp/tonne
Suspension leaf-spring bogie
165 km
Speed 47 km/h

41M Turán II Mod. 1944




with the heavy lose of the Hungarian armor in the easter front of Europe, the Hungarian Institute of Military Science (HTI) started to study a solution to the protection of the Turán II. the Turán tanks was lightly armored with only 25mm on the side. the solution choose was to add a additional protection like the German was installing on the out-dated tank they was still using like the Panzer III and IV. the additional spaced protection "called Side-Skirt" was giving an additional protection to the turret and hull against the HE round, Anti-tank rifles and even against the regular shell. the side-skirt also have the advantage to be relatively light and didn't affect much the performance of the tank. it was 8mm thick and spaced at 250mm for the tank body. as the priority of this upgrade was given to the Zrínyi, only a few 41M Turán II was upgraded to this protection and was used in combat but wasn't good enough to save the tanks from the new Russian tanks (t-34/85 and IS-2)


Weight 18.5 tonnes
Length 5.55 m
Width 3.44 m
Height 2.39 m
Crew 5

Armor max. 50 mm
75 mm 41M L/25
2× 8 mm Gebauer 34/40.M machine guns
Engine gasoline Weiss Manfréd Z-V8H-4
260 hp (195 kW)
Power/weight 14 hp/tonne
Suspension leaf-spring bogie
165 km
Speed 47 km/h

43M Turán III




with the 41M Turán II in production and fighting against the Russian tanks, the Hungarian knew that the soviet army still had the superiority of the armored force and that armored forces was keep improving. the Hungarian didn't have other choice but to develop a new tanks that would have the firepower to destroy the latest Soviet tanks. the 43M Turán III was offering a new turret and armed with the 75 mm 43M tank gun which was a hungarian development of the German Pak 40. the gun was able to fire either the Pak 40 shell or Hungarian special shell. the tank was coming with spaced armor and sideskirt to improve the tank protection. however, the mass production of this tank never started because of the massive arrival of German Panzer IV in the Hungarian army (the late pazer IV model was about as good or better than the 43M Turán III)


Weight 23 tonnes
Length 5.55 m
Width 2.44 m
Height 2.65 m
Crew 5

Armor 75mm max with 8mm of spaced armor
75 mm 43M 75/43
(32 rounds)
2× 8 mm Gebauer 34/40.M machine guns
Engine gasoline Weiss Manfréd Z-V8H-4
260 hp (195 kW)
Power/weight 14 hp/tonne
Suspension leaf-spring bogie
165 km
Speed 40 km/h


44M Tas: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/400648-hungary-44m-tas/




by 1943, the Hungarian engaged in war in the Eastern front was getting litterally wiped out of the battle field. the indigenous Hungarian tank was not as effective against the russian tanks as it was expected to be. the Soviet army was always creating new tanks and producing more and more t-34/85 and IS-2. at this moment of the war, Germany was still at their best but the Russian was earning more and more ground at the cost of heavy lost. the hungarian armored forces was in need of more tanks to replace their lost, the Turan and Toldi was just powerless against the russian. in may 1943, the Hungarian entered in a negociation to produce locally the lastest model of Panzer IVs to reinforce the Hungarian armored forces. but the negociation with the German came in a dead-end because the german wanted that a part of those panzer would be built in germany. the Hungarian had serial bad experience with such partnership with germany as the early toldi and Turan and also Nimrod was partially built in germany and those part went into a shortage and highly delayed the production of the critically needed tanks. the Hungarian wanted nothing less than a complet indigenous production of tanks that would be out performing any tanks in Hungary. The Hungarian was very impressed by the production of the new German tanks, the Tiger and Panther tanks was into mass production and this production was just starting. the Hungarian imediatly wanted to set a production of those last generation of tanks in Hungary but those vehicles was just too sophisticate for the Hungarian factories.

after the failiure of the negociation, the Hungarian Ministry of Defense decided to turn to the Weiss Manfréd company to develop a new tank that could match the German Panther or the Russian T-34/85. the new tank was designed in the second half of 1943 and by august 1943, the premilary blueprint was already finished. the New tank received the designation of 44M Tas in honor of a Hungarian Warlord. the tank was highly based on the Turan Production and shared many comportment in common. as the Hungarian didn't had any engine strong enough to decently power the tank, it was decided to fit two 260 HP gasoline Manfred Weiss-Z engines (same engine as it was used in the Turan) the armor of the tank was a real improvement over the Turan with 100 to 120mm of armor in the front of the tank. the tank weighted 38tons wich made it a heavy tank in the Hungarian classification. a prototype was partially completed in Weiss Manfréd factory made of Mild steel. only the turret was mission and still to be assembled. the turret of this prototype was to be armed with the 75mm 43M anti-tank gun who was similar in performance to the Kwk 42 used on the german Panther. this prototype was to be feild tested really soon when the 27th July 1944, an american bomb raid destroyed the factory and the prototype.





44M Tas Prototype



43M Tas 75mm factory mock-up


the 44M Prototype was the only variant who was built, at least partially completed. the prototype was missing the turret and other minor part before been ready to be tested when a bomb raid destroyed the factory and the tank in it. the Tas prototype was to be armed with a Hungarian built 43M 75mm L/43 gun. Plan to fit the German 75mm Kwk 42 gun in this tank was also made but never went into more than a proposition to the Hungarian as they wanted the tank to be a complet indigenous tank to avoid the shortage problem that often occurs in Germany.


Weight 38 tonnes (37 long tons; 42 short tons) [1]
Length 9.2 metres (30 ft 2 in) gun forward[1]
Width 3.5 metres (11 ft 6 in)[1]
Height 3 metres (9 ft 10 in)[1]
Crew 5[1]

Armor 50–120 mm (2.0–4.7 in)
1 × 7.5 cm KwK 42 L/70 [1]
2 × 34/40A M 8 mm machine gun
Engine 2 x gasoline Manfred Weiss-Z[1]
520 hp (390 kW)
2 x 260 hp (2 x 195 kW)[1]
Power/weight 13.68 hp/ton
200 km (120 mi)
Speed 45 km/h (28 mph)


44M Tas Production



factory mock-up found in the Czech archive in 1990.


The 43M tas intended to be produced wasn't armed with the 75mm gun as the gun was considered as not strong enough for the IS-2. the production varriant was to be fitted with a 29/44M. 80 mm Bofors/DIMÁVAG L/58 anti-tank gun. the gun was nothing less than the 29/44M. 80 mm L/58 anti-aircraft gun converted into a tank gun. as the gun was in development, the gun wouldn't be ready before the tank so the prototype was to be fitted with the 75mm gun. the 80mm anti-aircraft gun was sometime used against the russian tank in the fashion of the 88mm Flak was sometime used. the high velocity of the 80mm gun proven to be sufficient to destroy the Russian tanks.


Weight 38 tonnes (37 long tons; 42 short tons) [1]
Length 9.2 metres (30 ft 2 in) gun forward[1]
Width 3.5 metres (11 ft 6 in)[1]
Height 3 metres (9 ft 10 in)[1]
Crew 5[1]

Armor 50–120 mm (2.0–4.7 in)
29/44M. 80 mm Bofors/DIMÁVAG L/58
2 × 34/40A M 8 mm machine gun
Engine 2 x gasoline Manfred Weiss-Z[1]
520 hp (390 kW)
2 x 260 hp (2 x 195 kW)[1]
Power/weight 13.68 hp/ton
200 km (120 mi)
Speed 45 km/h (28 mph)


Tas Rohamlöveg




to be clear, the Tas Rohamlöveg wasn't in development, it was simply a proposed option to produce an tank-destroyer using the Tas hull as platform. the Tas Rohamlöveg was neither draw or any mock-up was built in WW2. the picture above was a artistic mock-up made by P. Korbuly in the early 1980 for a magazine. the concept of the tank destroyer version of the Tas was just an eventuality and since the Hull remained untested, the development of the Tas Rohamlöveg would have been a very risky investment since the prototype was subject to various change before getting to the production version. the development of the Tas Rohamlöveg wouldn't start before the later stage of the prototype's test. since the Tas Rohamlöveg is just a idea, i consider it as unfit to the game and will not be included to this suggestion.


43M Zrinyi: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/400729-hungary-43m-zrinyi-family/




The tank destroyer project in Hungarian started with the wake up call of the heavy lose that the Hungarian armored forces encounter in Russia, the Toldi and Turan tanks was nearly as useless in battle than a 12 gauge shotgun against the airplanes. the Hungarian forces needed more firepower to have a chance to face the mighty Russian tanks. the Hungarian turned to their best partner and probably the most advance nation of the times, the Germany. Hungarian Ministry of Defense was hoping to have have a good number of the significant number of Sturmgeschütz III to form a anti-tanks forces. however, in 1942, German government refused to spread the latest military technology, even to a allied country. the failure of the negotiation forces the Hungarian Ministry of Defense to start the development of a complete new Hungarian tank to became because the main Hungarian tank-destroyer.


Two variant of tank destroyer was design together. both largely inspired from the Sturmgeschütz III. the both was designed in 1942 and the biggest difference was the different armament. both vehicles was based on with the most simplified and logical way the Hungarian could imagine, they simply used the Turan chassis as based of their new tank. the Chassis of the Turan was already widely produced in Hungary and while the armament was insufficient, the mobility of the tank was without complain. the turret was simply too small to receive heavier armament, the solution was simply to get rip of the turret, enlarge the hull to accommodate a new directly in the hull. the first was to be armed with a gun derived from the German Pak 40, the 43M 75mm long barrel high velocity gun. the armament would be a make the first Zrinyi a vehicles with performance about similar to the Stug III G. the development of this first variant was often delayed due to the high vibration of the gun recoil. a second variant was built with the another unsuccessful towed gun, the 105 mm MÁVAG 40/43M L20.5 howitzer. the 105mm gun wasn't a bad gun at all, the little success came for a bad design of the suspension on the towing frame that came with it who didn't allow the gun to be towed really easily without breaking. the 60 105mm produced was just useless in the Hungarian arsenal. the installation of this new gun on the Zrinyi was allowing a faster development and also allow a significant save of resources.




44M Zrinyi I




the first variant of the Zrinyi was armed with the 75mm 43M gun, the gun was a development of the German Pak 40 as it was used on the Stug III G. the development of this variant was delayed a lot due to the high vibration of the gun, the tank was just too lightly built to stand the recoil of the gun without breaking after serial use. the critically needed tank destroyer. the development of th Zrinyi I ended in 1943 and was ordered into production in 1944 as the 44M Zrinyi I. but no other tank was built on time before the Russian reached the Hungary. In the intitial plan, the 200 44M zrinyi I was to be built compared to 90 43M Zrinyi II


Weight 22 t
Length 5.68 m (18 ft 8 in)
Width 2.99 m (9 ft 10 in)
Height 2.33 m (7 ft 8 in)
Crew 4

Armour 13–75 mm (0.51–2.95 in)
75mm 43M gun
Engine Manfred Weiss V8 cylinder
260 hp
220 km (140 mi) (road)
Speed 40 km/h (25 mph) (road)


43M Zrinyi II




The Zrinyin II was supposed to be a complement of the Zrinyi I with a better support capacity. the plan was to built half the number of the Zrinyin I. for every 3 Zrinyi, a single one was supposed to be armed with the 105mm. but the too long delayed development of the 75mm 43M gun and the problem of recoil of the gun and the too light and weak frame of the tank, the production of the Zrinyi I was delayed until 1944, the original production plan of the 43M Zrinyi II was supposed to buil 40 tank in 1943 and 50 other tank in 1945. the first serie was built as planed and put into service in the Royal Hungarian army. the production of the first serie ended in january 1944. the Zinyi I was originally supposed to be produced at the same time as the Zrinyi II but the long delay of the development was xxxx until 1944, to keep the production of the tank, the 2nd series o the Zrinyin II planed in 1945 was imediatly started with a order of 50 additional tanks. in addition of the 40 tanks of the first production, 31 of the 50 tanks ordered was in construction with at least 26 tanks finished. the production of the Zrinyi I never took place on time.



Weight 21.6 t
Length 5.68 m (18 ft 8 in)
Width 2.99 m (9 ft 10 in)
Height 2.33 m (7 ft 8 in)
Crew 4

Armour 13–75 mm (0.51–2.95 in)
105 mm MÁVAG 40/43M L20.5 howitzer
with 42 rounds
Engine Manfred Weiss V8 cylinder
260 hp
220 km (140 mi) (road)
Speed 43 km/h (27 mph) (road)


43M Zrinyi II Mod 1944




the Zrinyi II mod 1944 wasn't a proper serial tanks, it was not directly related to the 2nd series of Zrinyi II. the mod 1944 was a upgrade developed by the Hungarian Institute of Military Science (HTI) who studied in 1943 all the solution to increase the resistance of the Hungarian armored forces, the solution of introducing new tanks was also studied and put into production (reference 44M Tas and 43M turan III). but as the production of a new tanks was costly, long and uncertain, a temporary solution was to upgrade the armor of the existing tank by adding the spaced armor in the fashion of the German Panzer IV J. the tanks ws upgraded with a additional 8mm of armored side skirt that was efficient against the infantry anti-tank rifles, explosion, shrapnel and also offering a little better protection against the tank gun (even if it was very little). the light weight of the side skirt didn't really increase the performance. in addition of the side-skirt, the Zrinyi II saw also certain feild upgrade of addons armor in certain case by adding the spare track link to the front and the side of the hull, the additional armor gave an additional 25mm of protetion wich was not insignificant (the armor was now reaching 100mm in some part). only a few number of Zrinyi II was upgraded.


Weight 21.9 t
Length 5.68 m (18 ft 8 in)
Width 2.99 m (9 ft 10 in)
Height 2.33 m (7 ft 8 in)
Crew 4

Armour 13–75 mm +8mm of spaced armor (with posibility of additional 25mm of armor du to the spare track placed in the front and side of the hull)
105 mm MÁVAG 40/43M L20.5 howitzer
with 42 rounds
Engine Manfred Weiss V8 cylinder
260 hp
220 km (140 mi) (road)
Speed 42 km/h (26 mph) (road)


43M sorozatvető




this interesting prototype was a concept tested on the Zrinyi I before the tank was even ready for the production. this special variant was mounting 6x 43M rakéta sorozatvető in the rear of the hull to give the tank a additional firepower (like if the 75mm wasn't enough) the prototype was never used in combat or saw a mass production because of the tank himself wasn't ready for the production, this adaptation wasn't made on the Zrinyi II. the 43M rakéta sorozatvető was license built German 15 cm Nebelwerfer 41,


Specifications (Zrínyi II)
Weight 23 t
Length 5.68 m (18 ft 8 in)
Width 2.99 m (9 ft 10 in)
Height 2.33 m (7 ft 8 in)
Crew 4

Armour 13–75 mm (0.51–2.95 in)
105 mm MÁVAG 40/43M L20.5 howitzer
with 42 rounds
6x 43.M rakéta sorozatvető RPG
Engine Manfred Weiss V8 cylinder
260 hp
220 km (140 mi) (road)
Speed 37 km/h (23 mph) (road)

40M Nimrod: related suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/400596-hungary-40m-nimrod/




to understand what is the Nimrod, well, it more or less the Hungarian equivalent of the Ostwind or the Crussader AA Mk.I. the tank was armed with the Bofors 40mm L/60 gun and was a dual purpose tank that was both a anti-aircraft and tank destroyer. but the 40mm L/60 was been ineffective against the Russian KVs so the main purpose of those tank was the anti-air support. the vehicles was agile and fast but didn't have much armor, the armor is just thick enough to resist the HMG hit. the turret is open to the roof which make the vehicles vulnerable to the aerial attack (like most of the SPG in tier 3-4)




Landsverk L-62, it was the vehicles that the 40M Nimrod was based upon.

after the Hungary purchased the license for the L-60 light tank in 1937, the Swedish proposed the L-62 anti-tank/aircraft tank to Hungary. the Haditechnikai Intézet (Institute of Military Science) imediatly show interrest to the new tank and ordered a single tank for trial and production test. the vehicles was tested in Swedeen in 1939 and the Hungarian MÁVAG factory bought a prototype and the production rights. the vehicles was considered to be a exelent all terrain, anti-aircraft tank that was a exelent modernization of their anti-air support of the early WW2 (their previous anti-air armament was mostly built with the WW1 doctrine). in addition to the favor of the production of the L-62 was the 40mm L/60 bofors. the 40mm was already produced in Hungaria and the shell was also used on the 40mm gun of the later toldi light tank and earlier turan medium tank (a real standarization of the ammunition)



after a long trial in Hungary, the tank was Haditechnikai Intézet decide that serial modification was to be made to the L-62 before entering into services. the first was a larger crew to operate the gun (which imply to a new larger turret), a LMG to be used against the infantry, and a thicker armor. in additional to those major modification was the a lot of other hergonomical change. one the modification was made and tested formt he modificaiton of the L-62, the Honvédelmi Minisztérium (Ministry of Defence) ordered 43 tanks designated 40M. Nimród páncélvadász és légvédelmi gépágyú (Nimród tank destroyer and anti-air machinegun) from MÁVAG factory in 1940. a secod serie of 89 tanks was ordered in 1941 and equiped with the new  Ganz VIII. VGT 107 type engines built in Hungary.

the first Nimrod was built finished in 1941 and was employed in the eastern front against the Russian as tank hunter but had variable success. the tank was very effective against the lght or unarmored tank but literally useless against the more armored tank like the T-34 or the KVs. after 1942 the surviving tanks was trasnfered to anti-aircraft battaillon. the tank was used until the very end of the war. it proven to be a weak anti-tank agains the russian and even more, an easy target for the T-34 and KVs but proven to be a decent anti-aircraft even until the end of the war.




40M Nimród serie I



the barrel is not suppose to be there.

while been a lot similar to the Landsverk L-62, the 40M Nimrod was mounting a different turret who had a gun sheild who was not raising with the gun and higher border. the internal part was also diffent but mostly invisible from the outside. this tank seris was powered by the german engine of 150hp


Weight 10.5 tonnes
Length 5.32 m (17 ft 5 in)
Width 2.31 m (7 ft 7 in)
Height 2.8 m (9 ft 2 in)
Crew 6

Armor 6–13 mm on the hull, 28 mm on the turret
40 mm Bofors/60 AA-gun (160rnd)
Engine Büssing-NAG L8V/36TR
150 hp (110 kW)
300 km (180 mi)
Speed 50 km/h (31 mph)


40M Nimród serie I




the second serie of 40M nimrod was nearly identical to the serie 1. only the engine was change for a identical locally made license-built engine. since the both vehicles do not really have any difference, i will not put the distinction between the both vehicles and only suggest the tank as a single tanks.


Weight 10.5 tonnes
Length 5.32 m (17 ft 5 in)
Width 2.31 m (7 ft 7 in)
Height 2.8 m (9 ft 2 in)
Crew 6

Armor 6–13 mm on the hull, 28 mm on the turret
40 mm Bofors/60 AA-gun (160rnd)
Engine VIII EST 107, 8-cylinder, gasoline, water-cooled
150 hp (110 kW)
300 km (180 mi)
Speed 50 km/h (31 mph)






Just a personal note: Tree-examples with Italy:











Naval Release Tree:



23px-Flag_of_First_Slovak_Republic_1939- Slovakia (1939-1945)




TschechoslowakeiCzechoslovakia (after 1945)






Regele Ferdinand-class



The Regele Ferdinand class was a group of two destroyers built in Italy for the Romanian Navy, which fought in World War II. Following the Soviet occupation of Romania in 1944, the two ships were seized and incorporated into the Soviet Black Sea Fleet. They were returned to Romania in 1953 and served until the 1960s when they were scrapped.

General characteristics
Type: Destroyer
  • 1,422 tons (standard)
  • 1,880 tons (full load)
Length: 101.90 m (334 ft 4 in)
Beam: 9.60 m (31 ft 6 in)
Draught: 3.51 m (11 ft 6 in)
Propulsion: 2 shaft Parsons type geared turbines, 4 Thornycroft type boilers, 36,000 kW(48,000 hp)
Speed: 35 knots (65 km/h; 40 mph)
Range: 3,000 nautical miles(5,600 km; 3,500 mi) at 15 knots (28 km/h; 17 mph)
Endurance: 480 t oil
Complement: 212




The Vifor class was a group of four destroyers ordered by Romania in 1913 and built in Italy during the First World War. The four ships were however requisitioned by Italy in 1915 and rearmed as scout cruisers (esploratori), subsequently seeing service in World War I. Two were re-purchased by Romania in 1920 and saw service in World War II. The other two were eventually sold by Italy to the Spanish Nationalists and saw service during the Spanish Civil War.

General characteristics
Type: Destroyer
  • 1,432 tons (standard; during World War II)
  • 1,460 tons (standard; as of 1939)
  • 1,751 tons (full load)
Length: 94.7 m (310 ft 8 in)
Beam: 9.5 m (31 ft 2 in)
Draught: 3.6 m (11 ft 10 in)
Installed power:
  • 5 x Thornycroft type boilers
  • 40,000 hp (30,000 kW) (designed)
Propulsion: 2 shaft Tosi type geared turbines
Speed: 34 knots (63 km/h; 39 mph) (designed)
Range: 1,700 nautical miles (3,100 km; 2,000 mi) at 15 knots (28 km/h; 17 mph)
Complement: 146

Amiral Murgescu-class



NMS Amiral Murgescu was a minelayer and convoy escort of the Romanian Navy, the first sea-going warship built in Romania and the largest Romanian-built warship of World War II. She laid numerous minefields, from the Bulgarian port of Burgas to the Crimean port of Sevastopol, which inflicted significant losses to the Soviet Black Sea Fleet. She also carried out numerous convoy escort missions and took part in the Axis evacuation of the Crimea in May 1944. Due to her success in combat, she was decorated twice by May 1944. She was captured by the Soviet Union in September 1944 and served until 1988, when she was scrapped.

Type:Minelayer/Escort vessel


812 tons (standard)

1,068 tons (full load)

Length:76.9 m (252 ft 4 in)

Beam:9.1 m (29 ft 10 in)

Draught:2.5 m (8 ft 2 in)

Propulsion:2 Krupp diesel engines 1,600 kW(2,100 hp), 2 shafts

Speed:16 knots (30 km/h; 18 mph)

Range:3,400 nautical miles(6,300 km; 3,900 mi)



2 x 105 mm SK C/32 naval/AA guns

2 x 37 mm Rheinmetall AA guns

4 × 20 mm Oerlikon AA guns

2 × 13 mm M1929twin machine guns

2 x depth charge throwers

65 x depth charges

135 x mines

1 x motor launch armed with:

1 × 20 mm Oerlikon AA gun

1 x 8 mm machine gun

6 x depth charges

Mihail Kogálniceanu-class



NMS Mihail Kogălniceanu was a monitor of the Romanian Navy. She saw service in both world wars, being the most successful vessel in her class of four ships. Like her three sisters, she was initially built as a river monitor, but in early 1918, she was converted to a sea-going monitor. During the Second Balkan war, she supported the Romanian crossing of the Danube into Bulgaria. During World War I, she carried out numerous bombardments against the Central Powers forces advancing along the shore of the Danube and carried out the last action of the Romanian Navy before the 11 November 1918 armistice. She later fought successfully against Bolshevik naval forces during the early months of the Russian Civil War, helping secure the Budjak region. During the interwar period, she contributed to the suppression of the Tatarbunary Uprising and was rearmed with longer main guns towards the end of the 1930s. During World War II, she fought several engagements against the Soviet Navy in the first month of the Eastern Front, but was ultimately sunk by Soviet aircraft shortly after Romania ceased hostilities against the Soviet Union, on 24 August 1944.

General characteristics
Type: Monitor
  • 680 tons (standard)
  • 750 tons (full load)
Length: 63.5 meters
Beam: 10.3 meters
Draft: 1.6 meters
Propulsion: 2 engines, 2 Yarrow boilers, 2 shafts, 1,800 hp
Speed: 13 knots (24 km/h; 15 mph)
Range: 1,500 nmi (2,800 km; 1,700 mi)
Complement: 110
  • World War I:
  • 3 x 120 mm Škoda naval guns
  • 1 x 120 mm Škoda naval howitzer
  • 4 x 47 mm Škoda naval guns
  • 2 x 6.5 mm Maxim machine guns
  • World War II:
  • 3 x 120 mm Škoda-Bofors naval guns
  • 1 x 76 mm naval/AA gun
  • 2 x 47 mm Škoda naval guns
  • 2 x 6.5 mm Maxim machine guns
  • 1 x 760 mm depth charge thrower
  • 1 x 700 mm depth charge thrower
Armor: 70-75 mm




The Sava-class river monitors were built for the Austro-Hungarian Navy during the mid-1910s. The two ships of the class were assigned to the Danube Flotilla and participated in World War I. The ships survived the war and were transferred to Romania and the newly created Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (later Yugoslavia) as reparations

General characteristics
Type: River monitor
Displacement: 580 tonnes (570 long tons)
Length: 62 m (203 ft 5 in)
Beam: 10.3 m (33 ft 10 in)
Draught: 1.3 m (4 ft 3 in)
Installed power:
Propulsion: 2 vertical triple-expansion steam engines
Speed: 13.5 knots(25.0 km/h; 15.5 mph)
Complement: 91 officers and enlisted men












2 ships: Väinämöinen + Ilmarinen

Finnish coastal defence ship

General characteristics
Class and type: Väinämöinen-class coastal defence ship
Displacement: 3,900 t
Length: 93.0 m (305.1 ft)
Beam: 16.864 m (55.33 ft)
Draught: 4.5 m (15 ft)
  • Diesel-Electric powertrain
  • four Krupp engines 875 kW (1,173 hp), two shafts.
  • 3,500 kW (4,700 hp)
Speed: 14.5 knots (26.9 km/h; 16.7 mph)
Range: 700 nmi (1,300 km; 810 mi)
Complement: 403 (11 September 1941)
  • [design]
  • 4 × 254 mm (10 in)/45 cal Bofors guns (2 × 2)
  • 8 × 105 mm (4 in)/50 cal Bofors DP guns (4 × 2)
  • 4 × 40 mm/40 cal Vickers AA guns (4 × 1)
  • 2 × 20 mm/60 cal Madsen AA guns (2 × 1)
  • [1941]
  • 4 × 254 mm/45 cal Bofors guns (2 × 2)
  • 8 × 105 mm/50 cal Bofors DP guns (4 × 2)
  • 4 × 40 mm/56 cal Bofors AA M/36S guns (1 × 2, 2 × 1)
  • 4 × 20 mm/60 cal Madsen AA guns (4 × 1)


would be new ship-class in the game, yes it has a big caliber gun but it is much smaller and slower than for example the german Emden.

Sisu-class MTB




General characteristics
Type: Motor torpedo boat
Displacement: 13 tons
Length: 16.2 m (53 ft)
Beam: 3 m (9.8 ft)
Draught: 1.2 m (3 ft 11 in)
Propulsion: 2 × Isotta Frachini; 373 kW
Speed: 25 knots (46 km/h; 29 mph)
Range: 150 nmi (280 km; 170 mi)
Complement: 7
  • 2 × 450 mm torpedoes
  • 1 × 7,6mm machine gun
  • 4 × depth charges
  • 2 × mines
Notes: Ships in class include: Sisu, Hurja


maybe to bad MG armament even the LS boat has a 15mm gun


The Sisu class motor torpedo boats was a series of two Italian M.A.S. type motor torpedo boats of the Finnish Navy. The vessels were constructed in 1916 by the Orlando shipyard in Livorno, Italy. Sisu and Hurja were purchased by the Finns in 1920, and saw service in World War II. When dashing forward at full speed, the vessels sprayed water high in the air, earning the nickname "the fountains" from Finnish sailors.

On 1 October 1941 Sisu, together with Nuoli, was patrolling east of Gogland when it came across a large, stationary Soviet minesweeper of the Fugas class. Sisu missed with her first torpedo, having mistaken the foam painted on the minesweeper's bow for an indication that it was actually moving. A second torpedo hit the minesweeper amidship and sank her.


Vessels of the class:


Ex-MTV 1 in Finnish service, and ex-MAS 220 in Italian service. She was used as a torpedo boat until 1942, and then transferred to Lake Ladoga, where she served as a patrol vessel. Sisu was broken up after the war.


Ex-MTV 2 in Finnish service, and ex-MAS 221 in Italian service. She was used as a torpedo boat until 1941. Hurja was broken up after the war.

Isku-class MTB




General characteristics
Type: Motor torpedo boat
Displacement: 11 tons
Length: 16.6 m (54 ft)
Beam: 3.4 m (11 ft)
Draught: 1.1 m (3 ft 7 in)
Propulsion: 2 × Rolls Royce gasoline engines; 597 kW
Speed: 31 knots (57 km/h; 36 mph)
Complement: 1+6
  • 2 × 450 mm torpedoes
  • 2 × 7.62 mm machine guns
  • 2 × depth charges
Notes: Ships in class include: Isku


maybe to bad MG armament even the LS boat has a 15mm gun


Syöksy-class MTB




General characteristics
Type: Motor torpedo boat
Displacement: 13 tons
Length: 16.8 m (55 ft)
Beam: 3.4 m (11 ft)
Draught: 1 m (3 ft 3 in)
Propulsion: 2 × 375 shp (280 kW)
Speed: 43 knots (80 km/h; 49 mph)
Complement: 7
  • 2 × 450 mm (18 in) torpedoes
  • 1 × machine gun
  • 2 × depth charges
  • 3 × mines (instead of torpedoes)
  • Raju & Vinha on 1942:
  • 2 × 450 mm torpedoes
  • 1 × 20 mm Madsen AA
  • 2 × depth charges
  • 3 × mines (instead of torpedoes)


the Raju & Vinho 1942 modification should be possible

Hurja-class MTB

General characteristics
Type: Motor torpedo boat
Displacement: 14 tons
Length: 16.5 m (54 ft)
Beam: 4.3 m (14 ft)
Draught: 1.3 m (4 ft 3 in)
Propulsion: 2 x Isotta Fraschini; 2,300 hp
Speed: 36 knots (67 km/h; 41 mph)
Complement: 1+10
Notes: Ships in class include: Hyöky (H 1), Hirmu (H 2), Hurja (H 3), Hyrsky (H 4), Häijy (H 5)

Ahven-class minesweeper




General characteristics
Type: Minesweeper
Displacement: 17 tons
Length: 17.2 m (56 ft)
Beam: 3.7 m (12 ft)
Draught: 1.3 m (4 ft 3 in)
Propulsion: 60 hp (45 kW)
Speed: 10.5 knots (19.4 km/h)
Complement: 8
  • 1 × 20 mm Madsen
  • 6 mines
Notes: Ships in class include: Ahven 1, Ahven 2, Ahven 3, Ahven 4, Ahven 5, Ahven 6

Kuha-class minesweeper




General characteristics
Type: Minesweeper
Displacement: 18 tons
Length: 17.1 m (56 ft)
Beam: 3.8 m (12 ft)
Draught: 1.5 m (5 ft)
Speed: 9 knots (17 km/h; 10 mph)
Armament: 1 × 20 mm Madsen
Notes: Ships in class include: Kuha, Salakka, Siika, Harjus, Säynäs, Karppi, Kuha 7, Kuha 8, Kuha 9, Kuha 10, Kuha 11, Kuha 12, Kuha 13, Kuha 14, Kuha 15, Kuha 16, Kuha 17, Kuha 18



23px-Flag_of_Independent_State_of_CroatiCroatia (1941-1945)





built by germany before ww1 and sold to yugoslavia without armament in 1919.


General characteristics
Class and type: Gazelle-class light cruiser
Displacement: 2,963 tonnes (2,916 long tons)
Length: 105 m (344 ft 6 in) overall
Beam: 12.20 m (40 ft)
Draft: 5.03 m (16 ft 6 in)
Installed power: 8,000 ihp (6,000 kW)
Propulsion: 2 shafts, 2 Triple-expansion steam engines
Speed: 21.5 knots (39.8 km/h; 24.7 mph)
Range: 3,570 nmi (6,610 km; 4,110 mi) at 10 kn (19 km/h; 12 mph)
  • 14 officers
  • 243 enlisted men
Armor: Deck: 20 to 25 mm (0.79 to 0.98 in)


armament was changed by yugoslavia to

6x Skoda 8.5 cm /55 quick-firing guns

4x  later 6x 2 cm (0.79 in) anti-aircraft guns


or (different source:)


6x 8.3 cm (3.3 in) L/35 anti-aircraft guns,

4x 47 mm guns,

6x machine guns


-> as you can see with that armament and the size it would work more like an low Tier Destroyer





-> after yugoslavian defeat aquired by italy later transfered (Her guns were replaced by two 76 mm (3.0 in) L/40 anti-aircraft guns) to croatia

General characteristics
Class and type: 250t-class, F-group sea-going torpedo boat
  • 266 t (262 long tons)
  • 330 t (325 long tons) (full load)
Length: 58.5 m (191 ft 11 in)
Beam: 5.8 m (19 ft 0 in)
Draught: 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in)
Installed power:
Speed: 28 knots (52 km/h; 32 mph)
Range: 1,200 nmi (2,200 km; 1,400 mi) at 16 knots (30 km/h; 18 mph)
Complement: 38–41








part of six torpedo-boats from 1907

General characteristics (World War II)
Class and type: Drazki-class torpedo boat
Displacement: 97 tons
Length: 37.80 m (124.0 ft)
Beam: 4.27 m (14.0 ft)
Draught: 1.37 m (4 ft 6 in)
Propulsion: 1 triple-expansion reciprocating engine, 1,900 hp, 1 shaft
Speed: 26 knots (48 km/h; 30 mph)
Complement: 23-30
  • 2 × 37 mm Sk C/30 AA guns
  • 3 × 460 mm torpedo tubes









The Team:






Edited by stefffff1871
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i think the axis minor nation can come in the game, with the Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Yugoslavian and the Czech but without the Italian.

the Italian have enough stuff on their own.


and having the vehicles as a premium or more acuratly in even coming from a particular nation do not expel them to have a tree on their own. the french did get their tree. china can too

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I fully support. It would allow to introduce Italian tank tree, without it being a lackluster filled to brim with "borrowed" vehicles and prototypes. Could also help with air tree, because let's be frank, Italian plane tree is rather useless outside of fighter branch, and still needed German plane to fill <6 planes per rank> requirement.

As a side bonus Romania could be used as backdoor to introduce Polish planes some people asked for, like PZL.24 or PZL.37, which were used by Romania.

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i'm not sure about finland being included, but like stefffff said, this is just his solution.


other than that, i'm all good with this. italy wound up in nearly the same position as france, being partly conquered, but unlike france, remaining as kind of just a footnote from then on, and without quite the same level of armored development during the cold war. axis hungary and romania could fill in some of the gaps while Warsaw Pact era hungary and romania could help fill out and diversify italy at the top.

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6 hours ago, CaID said:

i think the axis minor nation can come in the game, with the Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Yugoslavian and the Czech but without the Italian.

the Italian have enough stuff on their own.


and having the vehicles as a premium or more acuratly in even coming from a particular nation do not expel them to have a tree on their own. the french did get their tree. china can too

As CaID said italy can work without other axis members and would be better for them to have their own tree (axis)

Btw: there are more variants of the IAR80/81 and more tanks (Tacam R-2 with the resita m1943, 88mm kwk36, maresal tank versions, etc.)

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2 hours ago, Nell_Lucifer said:

As CaID said italy can work without other axis members and would be better for them to have their own tree (axis)

Btw: there are more variants of the IAR80/81 and more tanks (Tacam R-2 with the resita m1943, 88mm kwk36, maresal tank versions, etc.)


Of course, there are many more vehicles, versions and prototypes but I have just taken the most common and best known to not scare off a few people right away. I am currently working on a list of all vehicles used by these countries. including slovakia and croatia.


4 hours ago, Admiral_Aruon said:

i'm not sure about finland being included, but like stefffff said, this is just his solution.

There are other possibilities for example the fenoscandinavian tree but I have a problem with the fact that the countries did not clearly belong to one alliance. finland fought with germany against the Soviet union(later against germany) and had many german material (e.g the finish StuG III) , denmark and norway fought against germany and sweden shot at everything that flew over the countrie.  

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I think you should also make an option for a minor axis without Italy as if Italy is released with only italian vehicles to have another option. (I can help with romanian vehicles if u want(there are some variants that u won t find on internet and they are in books))

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3 hours ago, Nell_Lucifer said:

I think you should also make an option for a minor axis without Italy as if Italy is released with only italian vehicles to have another option. (I can help with romanian vehicles if u want(there are some variants that u won t find on internet and they are in books))

i added the option i some more romanian vehicles would be nice 

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I concur; I believe that Italy is solid enough for its own set of trees, and so there's no good reason to dilute Italy's tree with other nations.


Instead, we could end up with Minor Axis and Minor Allied(Perhaps also Minor Warsaw and Minor NATO, but that's more iffy) tech trees to serve as melting pots for all the nations that don't have enough vehicles for their own trees. 

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13 hours ago, LordAskelon said:

I concur; I believe that Italy is solid enough for its own set of trees, and so there's no good reason to dilute Italy's tree with other nations.


Instead, we could end up with Minor Axis and Minor Allied(Perhaps also Minor Warsaw and Minor NATO, but that's more iffy) tech trees to serve as melting pots for all the nations that don't have enough vehicles for their own trees. 

of course italy could have their own Tree but i think an own tree for romania/Hungary yould be difficult.

and i think a Minor Axis tree would be technically a Minor warsaw-pact too. Romania, Hungary slovakia, Bulgaria ... were in the axis and after the war in the Warsaw-pact. 

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I partially support this suggestion. I believe that Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria all belong in the Italian tree simply because that's the most logical place to put them. Finland on the other hand would make far more sense in the German tree as they were far closer, both politically and militarily. Now for my own agenda for Sweden, Finland, or any other nations for that matter, isn't really needed for a Swedish tree to happen despite some people making it out to be. When it comes to Czecholsovakia in the Axis tree, that would be better in the German tree as Czechoslovakia did a lot of development and production for the Germans, to the point that some "German" tanks like the Panzer 38(t) nA and T-15 are almost entirely of Czechoslovakian origin. I've seen some mention of Yugoslavia as well, something which makes no sense. That would be like allying the French with Germany. Yugosavia did a lot more fighting against the Axis powers than they did with them. Another nation to consider would be Spain simply because of their political stance, but I'm very unsure about it myself. 


As for you suggestion specifically, I'm seeing a lot of missing vehicles and some inconsistencies here and there, but it's quite nice overall

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why not adding the Yogoslavian. they was a bit forced but they joined the Axis side during the ww2 and they have a few interesting vehicles to offer.




The Bov-1 at he left. it's a IFV tank hunter from the 80s armed with 6 ATGM



the BOV-3 armed with 3 20mm. it is obviously a SPAA



BOV-30, this one was never put into real production, more like a pre-production, it had two 30mm cannon, it's a SPAA again



M-60PB, it is a APC armed with two recoiless 82mm gun in the rear. a bit like the Japanese M60 but a bit bigger.



Yugoslavian modified M3A3 with 20mm Flack 38, it's pretty much a widelwind with less armoer.



BVP-M80. a yogoslavian version of the BMP-2



Yogoslavian modified M3A3 with a pak 50 cannon.



this is a Yugoslavian use French Samua S35 which seem to be field modified with a British 6pndr



Rogozarski IK-3, have a 20mm cannon in the hub and 2 machingun




Ikarus IK 2, it's ugly but will do the job



Ikarus MM-2, actually a trainer plane but it will work anyway



Rogozarski R-313, a light attacker



Ikarus S-49. a post ww2 plane with the performance of the mid tier. a version A and C was produced with different engine.



Ikarus Orkan, an ugly light bomber but decent performance and armament.



Zmar R-1. a light bomber with decent armament.



Ikarus J-451MM Stršljen, a jet witth a single cannon.




Of course we can also include the Czechoslovakian.




the light tank Skoda CKD LT Vz 34 (let's simplifie and call it Vz.34)




the Skoda S-I-D (t-32)



THe Skoda CKD Lt Vz.35 light tank.



the LT vz.38, already in game under the Name of Pz 38T



the prototype of the Lt Vz.38



un experimental modified Lt Vz.38.




The Lt Vz.40



the prototype of medium tank, the ŠP-IIb (t-21)



Skoda T22


They also built a Skoda T23M who was a uparmored T22.



OT-65A VYDRA, with a 82mm recoilless gun.



Ot-62B with the same 82mm recoiless gun



Ot-62D with the same Recoiless 82mm but an additional and diferent 82 mm Bzk vzor 59 recoilless gun in the rear.



the Ot-810D with the 82 mm Bzk vzor 59 recoilless gun. it's basically a SD.Kfz 251 with the recoiless gun. a folding plate can form a turret to protect the gunner,


BMP-1 Sitrop, twin 30mm



M53 Praga. a nice SPAA



Avia B-34



Praga BH-44 (designated E-44 in ther airforce)



Praga E-45. faster than the E-44 but same armament.


Avia B-534, it was faster and more armed than the B-34, a perfect Br.1.3/7



Aero A-104, reconaissance plane.



Aero A-102, fighter



Aero A-300 bomber



Aero A-302 bomber



Avia B-71, a license built of the SB-2M-100A. the defensive armament and the bomb layout may change to the Czech gun and bombs.



Avia B-35



Avia B-135



Avia B-33, it was a Czech built Il-10



Avia S-99 and S-199, it was a post war built of the BF-109G, they produced a decent number of them actually, and minor axis nation have all right to have some similarity with the German.



The Avia S-92, Yop, it's a actually a Me.262



Avia B-228, actually a Czech buil Il-28. the way i see it, pretty much all the minor Axis nation was incorporated to the USSR so why not having a few russian vehicles.




Aero L-29, light attacker



Aero L-39, light attacker



Aero S-103. a czech Mig-15



with all that and what you already have, we start to have something that look like a tree. we do not really need the Italian at all, neither that the Italian need the other nation.

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also, please add the romanian TR-77-580. a high tier MBT from Romany with a few variant, this tank was based on the T-55.



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16 hours ago, McPuff said:

I partially support this suggestion. I believe that Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria all belong in the Italian tree simply because that's the most logical place to put them. Finland on the other hand would make far more sense in the German tree as they were far closer, both politically and militarily. Now for my own agenda for Sweden, Finland, or any other nations for that matter, isn't really needed for a Swedish tree to happen despite some people making it out to be. When it comes to Czecholsovakia in the Axis tree, that would be better in the German tree as Czechoslovakia did a lot of development and production for the Germans, to the point that some "German" tanks like the Panzer 38(t) nA and T-15 are almost entirely of Czechoslovakian origin. I've seen some mention of Yugoslavia as well, something which makes no sense. That would be like allying the French with Germany. Yugosavia did a lot more fighting against the Axis powers than they did with them. Another nation to consider would be Spain simply because of their political stance, but I'm very unsure about it myself. 


As for you suggestion specifically, I'm seeing a lot of missing vehicles and some inconsistencies here and there, but it's quite nice overall


in the case of Finland, I actually think they would be better in the German tree but I also think Gaijin will not bring any Finnish vehicles into the regular German Tree. the Bt-42 will end up as a premium and for example the StuG III "Sturmi" (which I could see in a regular tree too) will not be there anyway since you already have normal StuGs in the german tree. That's why I think: rather in the Italian tree than not at all. (edit: i added the Sturmi to the tree)


you are right with Czecholsovakia, that is the reason i do not plan to add them to this tree. atleast the slovak republic could work but it had no real own designs and would be only something for the premium-section (for example: a Panzer 35(t) with different axis-camos (romanian, slovak...))


for Yugoslavia you are right too. but I think the tree could still have some Yugoslavian vehicles, but with Croatian emblems (maybe).



and for the whole postwar-stuff of these nations (not Italy) there is the problem that most of this countries were part of the warsaw-pact, and that would have the same problem as already the German MiG15. i mean i am an arcade player but many realistic players hate this situation. this would the this tree too an warsaw-pact tree too ... i will think about it again.

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2 hours ago, stefffff1871 said:

in the case of Finland, I actually think they would be better in the German tree but I also think Gaijin will not bring any Finnish vehicles into the regular German Tree. the Bt-42 will end up as a premium and for example the StuG III "Sturmi" (which I could see in a regular tree too) will not be there anyway since you already have normal StuGs in the german tree. That's why I think: rather in the Italian tree than not at all. (edit: i added the Sturmi to the tree)

Why would they be researchable in the Italian tree but not in the German one? These other nations combined with Italy will have multiple vehicles to fill the roles the Finnish vehicles would be able to fill. It's no different from the German tree in that sense. Considering that their equipment, military  and political status is far closer to Germany than to the other nations, adding them alongside the Germans makes more sense. Finland wasn't part of the Axis but instead allied itself with Germany specifically. Its connection to the other Axis nations was minimal. In that sense it would be more logical to and Finland alongside Sweden tbh, even though that's not the best way to do it in my opinion.


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16 minutes ago, McPuff said:

Why would they be researchable in the Italian tree but not in the German one? 

it was a guess. i think thats the way gaijin would handle it. i think they would not add such a "small" nation to the regular tree from one of the biggest nation in the game. but like i said already you are right that it would be more logical for the german tree. and as i said in my topic already:

On 19.11.2017 at 12:07 AM, stefffff1871 said:

(I know that Finland wasn´t an axis-member but they get a lot of support from Germany and fought with them against the soviet Union. it is better to have finland in an axis tree, than no finland at all. This is my solution and not THE solution)

ok i am talking here from germany too and not from the other axis-member, but it is still a guess that gaijin would add them rather in an Axis-tree than in the german tree. (afcourse a regular ones nad not as premium) 


I would immediately support a suggestion calling for the regular addition of Finland to the German Tree.

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It's never made any sense since closed beta as to why we have not sub nations within other nations.


You can sit there and claim that nations such as France would be hard to place due to them being occupied but it's much more clear cut for other nations. 


By not adding in sub-nations you are only further pushing away the possibility to appease players from these nations, or just fans, that might otherwise be very happy to be playing under a tab that represents a nation they have been waiting to play under; meaning that some people would simply be much more happy playing under the Romanian sub tab rather than the German main tab. 


EDIT: You can also go on the rant about how "Some sub trees would be bones bare" but we already see that with every single new release of a tree so again I believe it would be much more intelligent to make the effort for sub tabs to appease the most people we can. You can make any sort of claim you want but you can;'t argue with the fact this game is stagnating. We need more quality of life updates that allow for players to be more happy with the game overall. 

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10 hours ago, stefffff1871 said:

it was a guess. i think thats the way gaijin would handle it. i think they would not add such a "small" nation to the regular tree from one of the biggest nation in the game. but like i said already you are right that it would be more logical for the german tree. and as i said in my topic already:

ok i am talking here from germany too and not from the other axis-member, but it is still a guess that gaijin would add them rather in an Axis-tree than in the german tree. (afcourse a regular ones nad not as premium) 


I would immediately support a suggestion calling for the regular addition of Finland to the German Tree.


i see nothing that tell me any allegiance of the finish to the Axis side.


of course the cross, the invasion of USSR with germany, romany, bulgary, italy, the gear bough from Germany, the military support and the embassy in Berlin during ww2 is a allied thing.


joke aside, the finish was in ww2 a minor Axis nation. those who say otherwise are either uneducated or voluntary blind

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6 hours ago, stefffff1871 said:

ok they used the cross ears before hitler even thought about it to use it. but they were somehow an involuntary semi-member of the axis


they pick a side out of interests. just like the Japanese, Russian, China, USA, Poland, France, UK, Italy, Romany. they wasn't any different than any other country involve in the war.

they wanted to take revenge over russia so they did join the Axis. but doing the right thing the wrong way is still making them as guilty. vonluntary or not, they was a full member of the Axis sphere of influence and a real allied of the nazy germany.

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an up-date about the Finnish plane for your addition. i will make as clear and the same way you do it so you can copy paste them if you want. they are local Finnish plane unique to finland. those plane can fill the fighter line well enough, with the other country, the air tree will be built well even without the Italian




Tier 1


VL Humu




as the USA declare war against the Germany and indirectly to Finland, the supply of the B-239 ordered from USA was cut-off. the Finish government tried to create a fighter based on the B-239 with local modification. fitting a captured Soviet-made M-63 engines. In connection with the shortage of aluminum alloys, the wooden structure prevailed in the design of the aircraft. To compensate for the reduction in engine power, it was decided to reduce the number of machine guns to two. while the performance was a bit low for the expectation due to underestimated weight, the aircraft show good characteristic. the only plane made was put into storage after 20h due to the lose of interest of the government about this plane (because of the recent arrival of Bf.109 from germany and other more modern plane.)


Crew: One

Length:  8.03 m (26 ft 4 in)

Wingspan:  10.67 m (35 ft 0 in)

Height:  3.66 m (12 ft 0 in)

Wing area:  19.40 m2 (208.8 ft2)

Max. takeoff weight:  2,895 kg (6,380 lbs)

Powerplant: 1 × Shvetsov M-63 9cyl., 746 kW (1,000 hp)

Maximum speed:  430 km/h (267 mi/h)

Service ceiling:  8,000 m (26,250 ft)

Rate of climb:  13.3 m/s (43.6 ft/s)

2x 12.7- VKT LKk/42


1 built, armed and fully tested


Tier 2


VL Myrsky (Prototype My-1)



Crew: One

Length: 8.35 m (27 ft 5 in)

Wingspan: 11.00 m (36 ft 1 in)

Height: 3.00 m (9 ft 10 in)

Wing area: 18.00 m2 (193.7 ft2)

Empty weight: 2,337 kg (5,152 lbs)

Max. takeoff weight: 3,213 kg (7,080 lbs)

Powerplant: 1 × Pratt & Whitney R-1830-SC3-GTwin Wasp 14-cyl., 749 kW (1,065 hp (metric))1,050 hp (imperial)

Maximum speed: 535 km/h (332 mph)

Range: 500 Km (311 miles)

Service ceiling: 9,500 m (31,168 ft)

Rate of climb: 15 m/s (2953 ft/min)

Power/mass: 3.0 kg/hp (6.6 lb/hp)

4x 7.7-mm and 2x 12.7- VKT LKk/42


prototype plane based on the Dutch fighter Fokker D-XXI with American engine and local armament.

1 Built, not know to have ever fit any bomb


VL Myrsky I (pre-production My-2 My-3)



Crew: One

Length: 8.35 m (27 ft 5 in)

Wingspan: 11.00 m (36 ft 1 in)

Height: 3.00 m (9 ft 10 in)

Wing area: 18.00 m2 (193.7 ft2)

Empty weight: 2,337 kg (5,152 lbs)

Max. takeoff weight: 3,213 kg (7,080 lbs)

Powerplant: 1 × Pratt & Whitney R-1830-SC3-GTwin Wasp 14-cyl., 749 kW (1,065 hp (metric))1,050 hp (imperial)

Maximum speed: 535 km/h (332 mph)

Range: 500 Km (311 miles)

Service ceiling: 9,500 m (31,168 ft)

Rate of climb: 15 m/s (2953 ft/min)

Power/mass: 3.0 kg/hp (6.6 lb/hp)

3x 12.7- VKT LKk/42 machine guns


continuation of the test into a pre-serie of the Myrsky with different armament. the 7.7mm was replaced by a single 12.7mm on the nose. not know to had ever carried any bomb

2 built with that 3mg configuration. later damaged in hard landing


VL Myrsky I (pre-production My-4)




Crew: One

Length: 8.35 m (27 ft 5 in)

Wingspan: 11.00 m (36 ft 1 in)

Height: 3.00 m (9 ft 10 in)

Wing area: 18.00 m2 (193.7 ft2)

Empty weight: 2,337 kg (5,152 lbs)

Max. takeoff weight: 3,213 kg (7,080 lbs)

Powerplant: 1 × Pratt & Whitney R-1830-SC3-GTwin Wasp 14-cyl., 749 kW (1,065 hp (metric))1,050 hp (imperial)

Maximum speed: 535 km/h (332 mph)

Range: 500 Km (311 miles)

Service ceiling: 9,500 m (31,168 ft)

Rate of climb: 15 m/s (2953 ft/min)

Power/mass: 3.0 kg/hp (6.6 lb/hp)

4x 12.7- VKT LKk/42 machine guns


other configuration of the test into a pre-serie of the Myrsky with different armament. the 7.7mm was replaced by a pair of 12.7mm on the nose. not know to had ever carried any bomb

1 built with that 4mg configuration was selected for the production


VL Mysky II (production)




Crew: One

Length: 8.35 m (27 ft 5 in)

Wingspan: 11.00 m (36 ft 1 in)

Height: 3.00 m (9 ft 10 in)

Wing area: 18.00 m2 (193.7 ft2)

Empty weight: 2,337 kg (5,152 lbs)

Max. takeoff weight: 3,213 kg (7,080 lbs)

Powerplant: 1 × Pratt & Whitney R-1830-SC3-GTwin Wasp 14-cyl., 749 kW (1,065 hp (metric))1,050 hp (imperial)

Maximum speed: 535 km/h (332 mph)

Range: 500 Km (311 miles)

Service ceiling: 9,500 m (31,168 ft)

Rate of climb: 15 m/s (2953 ft/min)

Power/mass: 3.0 kg/hp (6.6 lb/hp)

4x 12.7- VKT LKk/42 machine guns

2x 100kg bomb


Production variant of the Mysky with the possibility to carry bomb

43 built and put into services


Tier 3






a Finnish modification of the out-dated M.S.406 their receive from France in 1940 and later from Germany as a gift. the engine was changed for a Klimov M-105P of of 820.3 kW (1,100 hp), modified nose, the armament was change for a 20mm MG 151/20 in the propeller and a pair of captured russian Berezin UBS of 12.7mm in replacement of the 7.5mm. the plane was 64km/h faster and could fly 2000m higher than the original french plane.


Crew: One

Length: 10.62m

Wingspan: 8.28m

Height: 2.80

Wing area: 16.00 m2

Empty weight: 2055 kg

Max. takeoff weight: 2625kg

Powerplant: 1 × Klimov M-105P of of 820.3 kW (1,100 hp)

Maximum speed: 525 km/h

cruising speed: 435 km/h

Range: 780 km

Service ceiling: 12,000 m

Rate of climb: 25 m/s !!!

1x 20mm Mg 151/20 and 2x 12.7mm Berezin UBS



3 plane converted from the french MS 406/410, over 40 was planned to be converted but the end of the war put a end to this plan


VL Pyörremyrsky



the Pyörremyrsky was a Finish plane built to match the German BF.109 in the performance while been a bit upgraded. the to be armed with a pair of 12.7- VKT LKk/42 machine guns over the nose and a single 20mm Mg.151/20 in the propeller. the landing gear was a bit larger and facing the inside of the plane giving the plane a better landing stability.


Crew: One

Length: 9.13 m (29 ft 11 in)

Wingspan: 10.38 m (34 ft 1 in)

Height: 3.89 m (12 ft 9 in)

Wing area: 19.00 m² (204.5 ft²)

Empty weight: 2,619 kg (5,774 lb)

Loaded weight: 3,310 kg (7,297 lb)

Max. takeoff weight: 3,310 kg (7,300 lb)

Powerplant: 1 × Daimler-Benz DB 605AC V-12, 1,100 kW (1,475 hp)

Maximum speed: 620 km/h (385 mph)

Service ceiling: 11,250 m (36,900 ft)

Rate of climb: 18.5 m/s (3,640 ft/min)

Wing loading: 174 kg/ m² (35.7 lb sq ft)

1x 20mm Mg 151/20 and 2x 12.7- VKT LKk/42




as the prototype came late and the lack of fund, the prototype flew and consider ready to produce but the war ended and no production was made.

1 built and fully tested



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if ever you think to add the Yogoslavia into the Axis country even if they was rather conquer, their history was pretty much the same as france exept they was more communist than allied. but they can add 8 plane from ww2 on their own





Tier 1


Ikarus IK-2




good armament but this plane is only fit for the high tier 1


Crew: 1

Length: 7.88 m (25 ft 10 in)

Wingspan: 11.4 m (37 ft 5 in)

Height: 3.84 m (12 ft 7 in)

Wing area: 18 m2 (190 sq ft)

Empty weight: 1,502 kg (3,311 lb)

Gross weight: 1,857 kg (4,094 lb)

Fuel capacity: 250 kg (550 lb)

Powerplant: 1 × Hispano-Suiza 12Ycrs liquid-cooled V-12 piston engine, 640 kW (860 shp)

Propellers: 3-bladed adjustable pitch


Maximum speed: 435 km/h (270 mph; 235 kn) at 5,000 m (16,404 ft)

Cruise speed: 250 km/h (155 mph; 135 kn)

Range: 700 km (435 mi; 378 nmi)

Service ceiling: 12,000 m (39,000 ft)

Time to altitude: 5 minutes 25 seconds to 5,000 m (16,000 ft)

Wing loading: 103 kg/m2 (21 lb/sq ft)


1 × 20 mm Hispano-Suiza HS.404 cannon with 60 rounds in a spiral drum

2 × 7.92 mm Browning/FN machine guns with 250 rounds per gun


12 built and put into service


Tier 2


Rogožarski IK-3




decent speed fighter with all armament in the nose. it will be a fierce fighter


Crew: 1

Length: 8 m (26 ft 3 in)

Wingspan: 10.3 m (33 ft 10 in)

Height: 3.25 m (10 ft 8 in)

Wing area: 16.5 m2 (178 sq ft)

Empty weight: 2,048 kg (4,515 lb)

Gross weight: 2,630 kg (5,798 lb)

Fuel capacity: 330 l (73 imp gal; 87 US gal)

Powerplant: 1 × Avia-built Hispano-Suiza 12Ycrs liquid-cooled V-12 piston engine

Propellers: 3-bladed adjustable pitch

Maximum speed: 527 km/h (327 mph; 285 kn)

Cruise speed: 400 km/h (249 mph; 216 kn)

Range: 785 km (488 mi; 424 nmi)

Service ceiling: 9,400 m (30,800 ft)

Time to altitude: 7 minutes to 5,000 m (16,000 ft)

Wing loading: 159.4 kg/m2 (32.6 lb/sq ft)

1 × Oerlikon FF 20 mm cannon

2 × 7.92 mm Browning/FN machine guns with 500 rounds per gun



13 built and put into service



Rogozarski R-313




General characteristics

Crew: 2

Length: 11.00 m (36 ft 1 in)

Wingspan: 13.00 m (42 ft 8 in)

Height: 2.68 m (8 ft 10 in)

Wing area: 26.40 m2 (284.2 sq ft)

Empty weight: 2,950 kg (6,504 lb)

Gross weight: 4,270 kg (9,414 lb)

Powerplant: 2 × Walter Sagitta inverted air-cooled V-12 piston engines, 368 kW (493 hp) each

Propellers: 3-bladed


Maximum speed: 376 km/h (234 mph; 203 kn) 450 at sea level

Range: 1,000 km (621 mi; 540 nmi)

Service ceiling: 8,000 m (26,000 ft)

Rate of climb: 8.33 m/s (1,640 ft/min)


1x 20-mm gun Oerlikon FF (HS-404) and
1x 7.92 mm (8 mm) defensive machine gun Browning FN
4x 100-kg bombs on the bomb bay


Zmaj R-1



General characteristics

Crew: 3–4

Length: 12.78 m (41 ft 11 in)

Wingspan: 14.40 m (47 ft 3 in)

Height: 2.50 m (8 ft 2 in)

Wing area: 33.80 m2 (363.8 sq ft)

Empty weight: 2,600 kg (5,732 lb)

Gross weight: 5,094 kg (11,230 lb)

Max takeoff weight: 5,664 kg (12,487 lb)

Powerplant: 2 × Hispano-Suiza 14AB 14-cyl. air-cooled radial piston engine, 552 kW (740 hp) each

Propellers: 3-bladed


Maximum speed: 450 km/h (280 mph; 243 kn)

Cruise speed: 320 km/h (199 mph; 173 kn)

Range: 1,000 km (621 mi; 540 nmi)

Service ceiling: 10,000 m (33,000 ft)

Rate of climb: 5.55 m/s (1,093 ft/min)


Guns: 2x 20 mm (0.787 in) Oerlikon cannon, and 4x 7.9 mm (0.311 in) machine guns

Bombs: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb) of bombs carried internally


Tier 3


Ikarus S-49A




the S-49A was a post-war development of the IK-3.


General characteristics

Crew: one pilot

Length: 8.43m

Wingspan: 10.30 m (33 ft 91 in)

Height: 3.20

Wing area: 16.60 m2

Empty weight: 2320kg

Max. takeoff weight: 2950kg

Powerplant: 1 × PD Klimov VK-105PF of 1180 hp


Maximum speed: 544 km/h

Range: 690 km (373 nm, 429 mi)

Service ceiling: 10,000 m (33,000 ft)

rate of climbing: 17.1 m/sec


1 × 20-mm SHVAK motor gun with 120 ammunition ammunition and 2x 12.7-mm UBS machine gun with 200 ammunition ammunition



45 built and put into services


Ikarus Orkan




General characteristics

Crew: 3

Length: 10.00 m (32 ft 10 in)

Wingspan: 13.25 (43 ft 6 in)

Height: 3.20 m (10 ft 6 in)

Empty weight: 2,870 kg (6,330 lb)

Loaded weight: 4500 kg (9,900 lb)

Powerplant: 2 × Fiat A.74 RC.38 radial engine, 617.65 kw () each


Cruise speed: 468 km/h (291 mph)

Range: 1,200 km (750 mi)

Service ceiling: 11,000 m (36,000 ft)

Rate of climb: 15 m/s ()


Guns: 3 × 20 mm cannon, 3 x 7.92 mm machine gun

Bombs: 4 x 106 kg


Tier 4

Ikarus S-49C




an development of the S-49A


General characteristics

Crew: one pilot

Length: 9.06 m (29 ft 83in)

Wingspan: 10.30 m (33 ft 91 in)

Height: 2.90 m (9 ft 6 in)

Wing area: 16.65 m2 (179 ft2)

Empty weight: 2,818 kg [3] (6,200 lb)

Max. takeoff weight: 3,568 kg[3] (7,850 lb)

Powerplant: 1 × Hispano-Suiza 12Z-17 water cooled V-12, 1,104 kW (1,500 hp)


Maximum speed: 628 km/h (339 knots, 390 mph) at 1,525 m (5,000 ft)

Range: 690 km (373 nm, 429 mi)

Service ceiling: 10,000 m (33,000 ft)

rate of climbing: 14,8 m/sec


1 × 20 mm MG-151/20 cannon in propeller hub

2 × 12.7mm Browning M2 machine guns with 650 rounds per gun in upper cowling

2 × 50 kg (110 lb) bombs or 4× 5 in HVAR missiles




113 built and put into service


Ikarus IK-5




this plane was never built but was designed. a prototype was under construct but taken by the german in the early war. it was a heavy fighter/ frontline bomber. the plane was to be impressively armed and fast. little infos fast found about the specification but his performance was to be reaching 690km/h and armed with a pair of 20mm and 4mg all in the nose.


Crew: 1

Length: 8 m (26 ft 3 in)

Wingspan: 10.3 m (33 ft 10 in)

Powerplant: 2 × Hispano-Suisa H.38\39 of 820 hp

Maximum speed: 690 km/h

Service ceiling: 11,000m

Range: 1350km

Time to altitude: 5 minutes to 5,000 m

2 × 20 mm cannon
4 × 7.7 or 12.7 mm machine guns

200kg of bomb (4 to 50kg only)





Edited by CaID
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for the romanian, there was also the AIR-80C armed with 20mm


50 aircraft built


and here is an actual AIR 81C, you have the wrong picture but since they are very similar, we can understand


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here is 6 additional Hungarian plane




Tier 2


WM-23 Ezüst Nyil  (prototype)




this plane was a prototype of Hungarian plane tested in 1940. the plane was armed with a pair of 12.7mm Danuvia (Gebauer) GEP machine guns and another pair of 8-mm Danuvia (Gebauer) GAP machine guns. the only plane built crashed in test. the production was planned but never started because of the local production of Bf.109


Crew: 1

Length: 9.60m

Wingspan: 9.10m

Height: 3.10m

Wing area: 23.5 m2

Empty weight: 2,100kg

Gross weight: 3.290kg

Powerplant: 1 × Weiss Manfred WM K-14/B of 1020 hp

Maximum speed: 530 km/h

Cruise speed: 472 km/h

Range: 600km

Service ceiling: 9,000m

rate of climbing: 16.6m/sec

2x 12.7-mm Danuvia (Gebauer) GEP machine gun and 2x 8-mm machine gun Danuvia (Gebauer) GAP.
light bombs (10-, 20-kg)



WM-23 Ezüst Nyil (production)




the production version was identical of the prototype expept the 12.7mm was to be replaced by 20mm Mauser.


Crew: 1

Length: 9.60m

Wingspan: 9.10m

Height: 3.10m

Wing area: 23.5 m2

Empty weight: 2,100kg

Gross weight: 3.290kg

Powerplant: 1 × Weiss Manfred WM K-14/B of 1020 hp

Maximum speed: 530 km/h

Cruise speed: 472 km/h

Range: 600km

Service ceiling: 9,000m

rate of climbing: 16.6m/sec

2x 20mm mauseur cannon and 2x 8-mm machine gun Danuvia (Gebauer) GAP.
light bombs (10-, 20-kg)


tier 3


Marton X/V




this project was having for goal to decvelop a new fighter for replacing the obsolete Weiss Manfred WM-23. a prototype was built in 1943, it was powered by two Daimler-Benz DB-605 engines (1475 hp) and armed by a pair of 20mm and another pair of 12.7mm. the aircraft was been destroy by a American raid in 1944


Crew: 1

Length: 10.20m

Wingspan: 11.80m

Powerplant: 2 × Daimler-Benz DB-605 engines (1475 hp)

Maximum speed: 580 km/h

Cruise speed: 510 km/h

2 × 20mm and 2x 12.7mm



Tier 5


XNI-2 Kameleon




every country need their derp plane, for the Axis tree, the Derp plane is a jet. the design of the plane was started in 1944 with the fuselage of a captured P-51D mustang, the wing of the Ju-87D -3  and a pair of German TRD BMW 003 jet engine on the side. all that frankstenplane was armed with 2x 30mm and 2x 12.7mm in the nose and the capacity to carry 2x 250kg or 4 rocket. you may think that the plane was a simple weird prototype but no. this plane was planned to production up to 50 aircraft with the engine provided by Germany as a gift for the "most loyal until the end" allied. because of the lack of P-51D fuselage available, a very few plane was built. at least 1 was recorded to have been shutdown near linz the 1st april 1945. there is rumor that the plane was also used by the allied after the war but those rumor are very unlikely to be true.


Crew: 1

Length: 9.95m

Wingspan: 15m

Wing area: 31.5 m2

Gross weight: 6140kg

Fuel capacity: 330 l (73 imp gal; 87 US gal)

Powerplant: 2 × TRD BMW 003 jet engine

Propellers: 3-bladed adjustable pitch

Maximum speed: 800km/h

Cruise speed: 710 km/h

2 × 30mm cannon

2 × 12.7 machine gun

4x rocket or 2x 250kg bomb





Edited by CaID
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