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1.95 Rumor Round-Up and Discussion


The Mirage is not coming in 1.95.




Welcome to the 1.95 Rumor Round-Up and Discussion thread!

Here you can discuss everything related to 1.95, such as rumors and discussions.


Please no wish listing! There's a separate thread for that here!

Please keep in mind that all vehicles already in game have their own dedicated thread in the Machinery of War Discussion.


Please use the 1.93 update thread to discuss Update 1.93 "Shark Attack". Complaining here won't solve anything. 




Q: What is this thread about?

A:  This thread is about the upcoming patch 1.95 and future content.


Q: Shouldn't the next patch be 1.94?

A: No. The even patch numbers are reserved for internal test builds.


Q: Will you add...?

A: No. We are no developers, just nosy players.


Q: Why isn't [vehicle] on the list?

A: Either because there is no evidence that this vehicle will be added, or because no one told me that there is such evidence.


Q: Why is [vehicle/feature] on the Denied list?

A: Because said feature or vehicle was denied by Gaijin developers or their representatives at some point in the past.


Q: Where did my post go?

A: Off-Topic comments will often be hidden (not deleted) to keep this thread readable and on topic. No need to be alarmed or comment on the disappearing post(s), if concerned then PM Forum Moderators or Seniors.


Q: What does (data finds) mean?

A: It means that evidence of this vehicle, map, or feature has been found in the game files.


Q: When will we get the patch?

A: Currently our best guess is in December.


Q: What if I don't want to read all these pages to find out what will come?

A: Read the OP. I will frequently update it with new information.



Unconfirmed / General overview of new stuff (to be updated regularly):


Stuff that has been confirmed will have "Confirmed:" in front of it.





Air general

  • Drop Tank mechanics (CDK finds, currently deemed not necessary by devs)
  • New aircraft carrier models - Tweet from WT Twitter. Source
  • New loadout mechanic for planes - Source 


USA air

  • PV-2 (CDK finds)
  • B-26 Marauder (shooting range 71
  • PBM-5a (data finds)
  • PBM-1 (data finds)
  • F-105 Thunderchief - Pylon is found in the CDK the 3000lbs M118 bomb - that bomb was only really used by F-105 during rolling thunder, rarely it was fitted to the F-4
  • F-8 Crusader - AIM-9C is mentioned in files, the AIM-9C was ONLY used by the F-8, the only other plane that fired them in testing was a modified F3D-2M in china Lake


Germany air

  • F-86K (CDK find)


Russia air

  • BI-1, BI-6, I250, La-7r (plans for some of these link)
  • MiG-19S (CDK find)
  • Confirmed: Plans for several more versions of the MiG-21, they are being worked on already - Source


Great Britain air

  • Spitfire IX If c (data finds)
  • Lincoln B Mk I (data finds)
  • Hornet F.1 (CDK)
  • Whirlwind  Mk II (1.75 release video)
  • early Seafires (Q&A)
  • Maryland Mk I (data finds)
  • Shackleton MR.MK 1 (data finds)
  • Welkin Mk.I (data finds)
  • Welkin Mk.I late (data finds)
  • Confirmed: English Electric Lightning (EEL) is WIP (Work In Progress) - Source: "New Vehicles from Update "Night Vision" / War Thunder"


Japan air


China air 

  • Chinese P-36 found in CDK - Source


Italy air


France air 

  • Confirmed: Mirage is planned for the future and is already in development - Source


Sweden air






Ground General

  • Regenerative steering (Q&A)
  • time fused shells (source)(proof)
  • upgrade the DM with wheeled vehicles for damage to suspension and wheels (Q&A)
  • Single player campaign (in the works Shooting range 83
  • new Japan map (source)
  • more wheeled vehicles (Q&A)
  • Armoured trucks like Humvees, buggies UAZs, Toyotas are in development - Source
  • Chances of adding Su-25 and A10 are good - Source  


USA ground

  • M4A4 (data finds)
  • M3A3 (data finds)
  • М103А2 (possible)


Germany ground

  • Pz.35t Romania Mare (Premium): (CDK finds)
  • East-German T-72M1 possible - Source


Russia ground


Great Britain ground


Japan ground


Chinese ground

Italy ground

  • 75/34 M43 with 3 breda 8mm mgs on top
  • M14/41 with 47/40 gun
  • Plans to add more ground vehicles between 4.3 - 6.0 - Source


France ground

Swedish ground

  • IKV 72 - Source
  • Swedish tank tree likely to come in 1.97, but might also come in 1.99 if something might get delayed. Dev said on stream.





General Naval

  • Mines
  • new naval game modes (Q&A)
  • New ship texture files. - Source: "New Ship Weapons Files Found In 1.93":
  • turret_100mm_mz16_twin, turret_152mm_mk17_twin, turret_305mm_mk15_triple - Kronshtadt class BC (CDK find)

  • turret_127mm_skc34_c34 - Type 1936B Destroyer (according to the other datamine, but it was also used on Type 34 and 36s) (CDK find)

  • turret_305mm_mk8_triple - Alaska class CB (CDK find)

  • turret_37mm_46k_quadruple - Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya in 1942 (Source) (CDK find)

  • turret_40mm_mk1_quadruple_shield - This makes no sense since the quad 40mm Bofors was designated Mk.II. (CDK find)

  • Texture updates for British destroyers' 102 and 120mm guns (found on Tribal, etc.). (CDK find)

  • Texture updates for PT boats' 37mm M4. (CDK find)

  • lifeboat_ussr_pr371_admiral - Admiralty class service vessel, found on larger ships. (CDK find)

  • lifeboat_japan_daihatsu_landing_craft (CDK find)

  • Malta and Port Moresby EC - Source


USA naval


Germany naval


Russia naval


Great Britain naval

  • DD J-Class HMS Jervis (data finds)
  • DD K-Class HMS Kelvin (data finds)
  • DD Battle Class HMAS Tobruk (data finds)
  • DE Hunt Class HMS Calpe (data finds)
  • DE Hunt Class HMS Brissenden (data finds)


Japan naval


China naval

  • Plans for Chinese naval - however it's complex - Source


Italy naval

  • MAS 500 (data finds)
  • Turbine class Destroyer (data finds)
  • Freccia-class destroyer (data finds)
  • Trento-class cruiser - Source and data finds
  • Saetta Class gunboat - Source


France naval


Swedish naval





General helicopters


USA helicopters

  • YAH-64 - Accidentally uploaded images to PS4 store and in Mi-28 dev blog clip by mistake


Germany helicopters


    USSR helicopters


    Great Britain helicopters

    • Plans to develop British helicopter research tree more - Source
    • Considering options, specifically Westland Wessex - Source


    Japan helicopters


    Chinese helicopters

    • Plans for Chinese helicopter research tree - Source 


    Italy helicopters


    France helicopters


    Swedish helicopters





    Other stuff

    • New GI solution for WT (+ maybe Vulkan and DX12 support) this year (might come in 1.95): - Source
    • One developer has plans for heli EC - Source
    • Clouds are going to be reworked 





    General Unclear

    • Sea Killer/Nettuno Italian anti-ship missile found in the CDK. Trailed on the Freccia-class patrol boat.
    • Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile (90式艦対艦誘導弾, SSM-1B) 
    • Otomat Mk I missile
    • OV-10A unclear - being worked on by Nova - possible candidate.
    • Submarines unclear - Q&A so far said either "not now" or "not yet", might come eventually. 
    • Auxiliary cruisers (Q&A) - non in development, but have not been ruled out (said in 2017)





    General Denied

    • PTAB/SD 4 HL (Q&A)
    • Zerstörer 45 (Q&A)
    • changing loaded round without shooting
    • Fairey Gannet (shooting range 13.04.2017)
    • B-36
    • No Israeli tech tree (Q&A))
    • British Gazelle - Source - Not enough evidence for British Gazelle armament, therefore denied for now, need more information on it


    Thread last updated: 30th November 2019.

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    Every nation got some power creep

    Could it be this patch that Japan finally get what it deserve?


    Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt type 10 tank

    Or it will be the same as every patch?

    We'll meet again
    Don't know where
    Don't know when
    But I know we'll meet again some sunny day


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    im kinda disappointed gaijin decided to put the chinese tree into OBT without a spaa line, hopefully they fix this in or before 1.95


    i am however really excited to see the swedish tree, with the J8A being the most exciting imo, no copy paste like we see in the china tree.

    so theres something quite nice to look forward to in 1.95 :)

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    I think that japanese helicopters and SAM are more important than the type 10, i know that we have only 1 mbt but helicopters brings a lot of support for the team

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    Just now, _Condottiero_ said:

    Italian Navy and Helicopters trees are both denied for 1.95.

    PS @magazine2 what have you done with @Lord_of_Sofa ?


    Unfortunately, he was offline for ages.

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    1 minute ago, DuftiDieKerze said:

    I wonder what happened to the Apache from the KA 50 video


    Perhaps in 1.95. They probably need more time, like MirageIII and other things.

    Edited by Hyrikul
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    What kinda Sidewinders did the FGR2 get? 

    magazine2 (Posted )

    Please take 1.93 discussions here:

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    Swedish aviation tree will probably go live in 1.95, perhaps we might get an early beta on Swedish armor as well?


    It would be nice to see some development in the higher (jet) tiers of Great Britain, France and Germany, there were a lot of prototypes in the late 1940s and 1950s.  Especially pre-1957 Defence White Paper stuff for the British tree...

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    2 minutes ago, _Condottiero_ said:

    Italian Navy and Helicopters trees are both denied for 1.95.

    PS @magazine2 what have you done with @Lord_of_Sofa ?

    Giving me a long awaited break.


    I didn't really have time for WT after the last patch and gravely neglected the forum. And today's patch caught me really off guard. Unfortunately I will stay busy till next year.

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    3 minutes ago, Hyrikul said:

    100% Accurate the next navy is the Italian One ?

    100% is not a valid word in the Great Snail thesaurus...

    But yes, the italian navy should be next.

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