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1.95 Rumor Round-Up and Discussion


There are rumours saying that F-104 is coming for all nations that operates it which include: US, Germany, Italy, Japan, and of cause the Republic of China aka Taiwan.

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11 minutes ago, von_Stauffenburg said:

We didn't start with the m2 bradley, so...

Not the same thing. The M3 Bradley is the base variant of the M3 Bradley Cavalry Fighting Vehicle. It's just that the M2 Bradley is the IFV version, so there are 2 Bradley types. AFAIK, there's only one type of Marder.

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2 hours ago, Capt_Rodgers said:

Devblogs for 1.95 around 28th November. My bet for theme of patch are Mach 2 planes for every nation. 

Name of the patch: 1.95 Strafighter wave


M8, we ALREADY announced that 1.95 will be about Swedish planes)))

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1 minute ago, gromvoiny said:


M8, we ALREADY announced that 1.95 will be about Swedish planes)))

Ok, so no new Mach2 planes (or very few)... this gonna be good.

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I have bunch of info:

New naval weapons/turret textures were found in CDK:

  • turret_100mm_mz16_twin, turret_152mm_mk17_twin, turret_305mm_mk15_triple - Kronshtadt class BC

  • turret_127mm_skc34_c34 - Type 1936B Destroyer (according to the other datamine, but it was also used on Type 34 and 36s)

  • turret_305mm_mk8_triple - Alaska class CB

  • turret_37mm_46k_quadruple - Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya in 1942 (Source)

  • turret_40mm_mk1_quadruple_shield - This makes no sense since the quad 40mm Bofors was designated Mk.II.

  • Texture updates for British destroyers' 102 and 120mm guns (found on Tribal, etc.). Maybe they'll finally add the other 5 British destroyers found previously?

  • Texture updates for PT boats' 37mm M4.

  • lifeboat_ussr_pr371_admiral - Admiralty class service vessel, found on larger ships.

  • lifeboat_japan_daihatsu_landing_craft 

We can expect new GI solution for WT (+ maybe Vulkan and DX12 support) this year: SOURCE


In our last chat, you mentioned that the large scale Global Illumination solution you first devised for Enlisted would also be added to War Thunder. Is that still happening and if so, when?

Yes, it is still coming this year to our games.

Are you planning another major technological update for your Dagor Engine? Also, is there any update on your testing to port the engine to the Nintendo Switch?

The next obvious update will be the support of modern APIs - such as DX12 and Vulkan. With a recent Microsoft initiative (adding DX12 support to Windows 7), it is going to be possible to enjoy the features of the new hardware by our whole audience.
Also, this will allow us to add DXRT support (DX11 does not support DXRT/RTX).


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OFL F1 120mm wrong values

OFL F1 105mm wrong values
Tiger AP belt missing
Leclerc armor UFP wrong
Leclerc mantlet missing "titanium" gun trunnion
F100 at the same br and repair while having twice less payload (not half the price then? ok)
Leclerc reload wrong should be 5s like Type 90 and fanboy VT 1
Roland tracking fast target non working leading to always miss
Nato oheat is a joke as they got that ammo stock, but you make the change before fixing their stock ammo new issue
Since mig 15 got 8.7, Mystere 2 suffer even more and need even more decrease, stop being biased agains't France and do your job properly


You did nothing great for France this update and the only slightly positive thing is finally a mach 1 after ages we needed it and after ages usa for their F100 but you release it with no payload and at the same price and BR than a moore fully usable usa one? Are you for real or what is your probem with France? Of course the F4 was one update old and uk already got his arient wonder why it didn't worked this way for french F100 while their airforce was in the need since 10 months! Terrible job from gaijin as usual. Not encouraging to invest any money n this non serious work and heavely biased toward france.


But hey you prolly don't have enough time to fix what is already in game right, that's prolly why you already release ineeded swedish air tree, with this, you would have even more time to not fix any of our vehicules right? GG.

Edited by gabinus99

magazine2 (Posted )

Please read the main post before posting. Take 1.93 discussions to the correct section and submit bug reports! Complaining here will literally do NOTHING, apart from embarrassing yourself. Thanks.
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9 minutes ago, gromvoiny said:

M8, we ALREADY announced that 1.95 will be about Swedish planes)))


you also annouced that every nation were going to have supersonic aircraft, a year ago !! and italy still doesn't have one... two are only getting one, this patch !! and they are copy pasted one ... don't you think your priority are a little bit off ?

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15 minutes ago, ShadowRangerCZ said:


Thanks added and added new section called "Other".

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2 minutes ago, Stavroforos said:

Can we not turn this into the Francoitalian Whining Thread on day 1 of 1.93? At least wait until the dev blogs start coming out. 


Also, USS Alaska...man, how do you balance that?


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3 minutes ago, Stavroforos said:

Can we not turn this into the Francoitalian Whining Thread on day 1 of 1.93? At least wait until the dev blogs start coming out. 


Agreed, read the main post guys. 


"Please use the 1.93 update thread to discuss Update 1.93 "Shark Attack". Complaining here won't solve anything."


Writing here and complaining does NOTHING.

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Just now, wulfalier said:



Not big enough for Alaska.

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