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Unlinking PSN-bound account

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There’s no ETA. Follow this topic to know when the transfer will become available again. 

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When will I be able to transfer my PlayStation account to pc,

Dear players,

Due to the high volume of current requests, we stop accepting transfer requests until further notice. Thank you for understanding. Please refer to the following thread on the official forum for any updates

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After months of no answers I will be uninstalling warthunder. Payed to much money over the years to get tihs sort of customer support. yall should give answers on an ETA some people may have just made a new account rather than wait 6 months but we have no idea how long it will take so we just been waiting and waiting wasteing time and money on this account. 

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14 hours ago, Phantom_Rcn14@psn said:

After months of no answers I will be uninstalling warthunder. Payed to much money over the years to get tihs sort of customer support. yall should give answers on an ETA some people may have just made a new account rather than wait 6 months but we have no idea how long it will take so we just been waiting and waiting wasteing time and money on this account. 

there is a giant **** pinned message saying that there is no ETA, as far as i understand it they are working on automating the system and that needs time, manualy unlinking eats away A LOT of manpower that is needed for other stuff

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4 hours ago, x_Shini_ said:

there is a giant **** pinned message saying that there is no ETA, as far as i understand it they are working on automating the system and that needs time, manualy unlinking eats away A LOT of manpower that is needed for other stuff

Not sure why that post is not getting pinned, as it explains more.
Best regards,

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My complete tech trees (incl. all special vehicles) spreadsheet is updated to match 2.23 (only accurate atm for list & status of vehicles): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13bjEgsDhTjJhXt9N4fzIzvWa7cvy-KSDQc1HNNOZuaI/edit Contains probably all vehicles WT has published.

Edited by Target1331
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18 minutes ago, Target1331 said:

Not sure why that post is not getting pinned, as it explains more.
Best regards,

---------------- Manual signature until those and profile pics are returned ----------------
Bring back forum profile pictures and signatures!

My complete tech trees (incl. all special vehicles) spreadsheet is updated to match 2.23 (only accurate atm for list & status of vehicles): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13bjEgsDhTjJhXt9N4fzIzvWa7cvy-KSDQc1HNNOZuaI/edit Contains probably all vehicles WT has published.


Do you truly believe it will stop all those "are we there yet?" posts?))

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2 hours ago, gromvoiny said:


Do you truly believe it will stop all those "are we there yet?" posts?))

True, not really stop, maybe at least reduce :D

Best regards,


---------------- Manual signature until those and profile pics are returned ----------------
Bring back forum profile pictures and signatures!

My complete tech trees (incl. all special vehicles) spreadsheet is updated to match 2.23 (only accurate atm for list & status of vehicles): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13bjEgsDhTjJhXt9N4fzIzvWa7cvy-KSDQc1HNNOZuaI/edit Contains probably all vehicles WT has published.

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7 hours ago, x_Shini_ said:

there is a giant **** pinned message saying that there is no ETA, as far as i understand it they are working on automating the system and that needs time, manualy unlinking eats away A LOT of manpower that is needed for other stuff

Ive seen the pinned post and understand it perfectly well. The point is its been months and they cant find a way to automate this, are we talking about cavemen trying to learn how to make fire for the first time? The point is there is no "ETA' which sounds like they arent even working on it. for instance if i am building something for someone, you at somepoint will be able to say hey this thing will be done around this time or hey this is becoming complicated. Its about talking to the comunity about what is happening so they can plan accordingly. Gajin has known about this issue for YEARS if it is a problem now to transfer accounts surely it was when they started this. THey have had forever to figure something out. I also have every right to post my frustration and declare I wont play anymore if I and a lot of the community feel like they are getting shafted. all i ask for is transparency at this point its not liking im begging for it to happen tomorrow just an idea of when this will happen, if i knew 6 months ago when i started playing war thunder again no ETA meant 6 months with no answers i would have simply made a new account and had no issue. Thanks. 

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12 hours ago, Phantom_Rcn14@psn said:

Ive seen the pinned post and understand it perfectly well. The point is its been months and they cant find a way to automate this, are we talking about cavemen trying to learn how to make fire for the first time? The point is there is no "ETA' which sounds like they arent even working on it. for instance if i am building something for someone, you at somepoint will be able to say hey this thing will be done around this time or hey this is becoming complicated. Its about talking to the comunity about what is happening so they can plan accordingly. Gajin has known about this issue for YEARS if it is a problem now to transfer accounts surely it was when they started this. THey have had forever to figure something out. I also have every right to post my frustration and declare I wont play anymore if I and a lot of the community feel like they are getting shafted. all i ask for is transparency at this point its not liking im begging for it to happen tomorrow just an idea of when this will happen, if i knew 6 months ago when i started playing war thunder again no ETA meant 6 months with no answers i would have simply made a new account and had no issue. Thanks. 

It's not an "issue" though is it? More of a "first world problem".

Sure, we don't get the market right now, but we also DO get sales and discounts people on other accounts don't.

"I can't access my PlayStation to redeem my purchase from the PSN store," is an issue you can raise a support ticket for, but also your own problem.

Not to mention you can sign in to any PS4/5 with your PSN account, download War Thunder and get your stuff.

PS4/5 even support multiple PSN logins on the same machine, so you could even do this on a friend's console.


Which is why they've been clear that it is not a priority.

Players can still play, players can still redeem purchases, the reasons for transfer are decadant,

The fact that the most recent response from gromvoiny has moved this from "We have no plans yet," to "This is now planned" is progress.


And it's not a matter of how difficult it is, devs can work on game features and bugs, or they can work on this.

No dev wants to work on this particular snoozefest of a job, and bugs and features are a much greater priority.

It'l almost definitely be palmed off to a junior to complete.


So if you feel like you're getting "shafted" because you can't trade virtual vehicles on a virtual market, maybe that's just FOMO?

If you're not buying anything in the game, you are literally unaffected short term.
Long term, you're not going to be making a bazzillion GaijinBucks trading the latest BP/Event vehicle token on the market so you're going to be holding those for months anyway.
So it makes no difference if you have to wait a day or you have to wait another 12 months.

If you desperately want some super-rare or interesting favorite vehicle from the market so badly that you're angry and frustrated that you can't get it, grab some perspective instead.

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13 hours ago, MightyRhinox@psn said:

It's not an "issue" though is it? More of a "first world problem".

Sure, we don't get the market right now, but we also DO get sales and discounts people on other accounts don't.

"I can't access my PlayStation to redeem my purchase from the PSN store," is an issue you can raise a support ticket for, but also your own problem.

Not to mention you can sign in to any PS4/5 with your PSN account, download War Thunder and get your stuff.

PS4/5 even support multiple PSN logins on the same machine, so you could even do this on a friend's console.


Which is why they've been clear that it is not a priority.

Players can still play, players can still redeem purchases, the reasons for transfer are decadant,

The fact that the most recent response from gromvoiny has moved this from "We have no plans yet," to "This is now planned" is progress.


And it's not a matter of how difficult it is, devs can work on game features and bugs, or they can work on this.

No dev wants to work on this particular snoozefest of a job, and bugs and features are a much greater priority.

It'l almost definitely be palmed off to a junior to complete.


So if you feel like you're getting "shafted" because you can't trade virtual vehicles on a virtual market, maybe that's just FOMO?

If you're not buying anything in the game, you are literally unaffected short term.
Long term, you're not going to be making a bazzillion GaijinBucks trading the latest BP/Event vehicle token on the market so you're going to be holding those for months anyway.
So it makes no difference if you have to wait a day or you have to wait another 12 months.

If you desperately want some super-rare or interesting favorite vehicle from the market so badly that you're angry and frustrated that you can't get it, grab some perspective instead.

I dont have a playstation no one i know has one either this isnt 2002, The only way to advance in this game is to buy prem vechicles which i have beacuse the econmy is TRASH. The selction of prems on my account being playstion on PC is AWFUL so im stuck buying and playing vehicles i dont even want and also spending money on them. Every time an event comes around i cant do anything with the stuff i dont want. like i said tell us it will take a year or more before this services will be available again would have solved the issue. And no i dont get sales and discounts others dont get if i had a console sure but i DONT. you speak of devs having to fix bugs and features im sorry i missed the part where this game was a beta? Maybe we should be at a point of quilty of life for the players as appose to fixing the fundamentals of a game on a 231421432 year old engine thats been out since 2016fully. Oh wait they prob been busy making a mobil version of the game. This can not be that complicated but like you said Its not a priority to even automate it which is kind of my point. If it wasnt a big deal they wouldnt be flooded with request like they claim no? 

Edited by Phantom_Rcn14@psn

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6 hours ago, Phantom_Rcn14@psn said:

I dont have a playstation no one i know has one either this isnt 2002, The only way to advance in this game is to buy prem vechicles which i have beacuse the econmy is TRASH. The selction of prems on my account being playstion on PC is AWFUL so im stuck buying and playing vehicles i dont even want and also spending money on them. Every time an event comes around i cant do anything with the stuff i dont want. like i said tell us it will take a year or more before this services will be available again would have solved the issue. And no i dont get sales and discounts others dont get if i had a console sure but i DONT. you speak of devs having to fix bugs and features im sorry i missed the part where this game was a beta? Maybe we should be at a point of quilty of life for the players as appose to fixing the fundamentals of a game on a 231421432 year old engine thats been out since 2016fully. Oh wait they prob been busy making a mobil version of the game. This can not be that complicated but like you said Its not a priority to even automate it which is kind of my point. If it wasnt a big deal they wouldnt be flooded with request like they claim no? 


All of that's a you problem and good dash of FOMO. 

Literally none of the problems you have with this game are going to be solved by buying more premiums.

Honestly, If you think there are some super-special-uber-OP-pay-2-win-easy-mode premium vehicles being hidden from you because you have a PSN account, you are going to be really really disappointed.


This is just a video game, if you're not enjoying it, move on.


Or: just stop trying to grind your way to the bottom of the tech tree, desperately throwing money at it to get "there" sooner.

There is no "there". There is no "advancement". Higher BR vehicles don't make the game easier (or harder), they just shift playstyle.

The F-16s are no better than the P-26s


Instead, start enjoying the vehicles you've mastered. The game is a lot better when you do that.

You start to develop those missing keys to the game that you are chasing.
The keys that will make the game easier, more fun and more rewarding (in terms of SL and RP): player skills.


Good luck with your life.

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16 hours ago, MightyRhinox@psn said:


All of that's a you problem and good dash of FOMO. 

Literally none of the problems you have with this game are going to be solved by buying more premiums.

Honestly, If you think there are some super-special-uber-OP-pay-2-win-easy-mode premium vehicles being hidden from you because you have a PSN account, you are going to be really really disappointed.


This is just a video game, if you're not enjoying it, move on.


Or: just stop trying to grind your way to the bottom of the tech tree, desperately throwing money at it to get "there" sooner.

There is no "there". There is no "advancement". Higher BR vehicles don't make the game easier (or harder), they just shift playstyle.

The F-16s are no better than the P-26s


Instead, start enjoying the vehicles you've mastered. The game is a lot better when you do that.

You start to develop those missing keys to the game that you are chasing.
The keys that will make the game easier, more fun and more rewarding (in terms of SL and RP): player skills.


Good luck with your life.

I get your point.

But we play the game to have fun, some of us have no problem with the game, War Thunder is my favorite game after all.
The thing is, just because we don't NEED stuff in the game, it doesn't make it less valid to just forget about it, since, again, we play to have fun, and having something we WANT even though we don't NEED is FUN.
I wanted the MIG-29, I never needed it, I could keep playing with the La-7s or the Yaks all year, but I got the MIG-29, and now I have a lot more fun because I got what I wanted.
I don't NEED the green camo skin for the MIG-29 or the golden one for the F-16, but I've been playing this game for fun for years and it's fair to have fun with a skin I want, isn't it?
I get that they have a ton of things to work on, and honestly unlinking the accounts is not the priority now, what I think is happening is that whenever they fix the things they had to, instead of getting some time to fix this one little issue for us, they just find another small bug or issue smaller than ours to fix and call it a priority. 
That's my point. And yes, I could be mistaken, but that's what I'm taking from all of this.
Also, this could be because of Sony and Microsoft as well, we can't know for sure, so we can't just go around blaming Gaijin.

Also, guys. it's no use to complain without helping finding a solution.
The Gaijin staff aren't computers, they could do with some help from us too.

Here's what I think could be done about it: Find a way to have us (PSN or XBOX account holders) be able to get the items we want without having to unlink the accounts since that's so complicated, at least for now.
It's true, I have no idea HOW they could do that without affecting the market, but that would really help us on the waiting.
I really love this game and I truly want it to be the best it can be.

I wish you all a great day and a lot of silver lions! 
TIP: Use your wagers. Making money is not THAT hard, but it can take a while. 


Edited by LUCASPRY

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19 minutes ago, LUCASPRY said:

I get your point.


Sorry, no, you have missed the point entirely.


Desperately grinding out the Mig-29 by throwing money at premiums isn't effectiive or fun, that's why everyone who does it cries about how awful it is.

The fastest, most effective and ultimately fun way to get that Mig-29 is to play vehicles YOU are effective in, because you're not constantly bashing your head against a brick wall of instant death and constant losses and constant stock grind and shifting play style. Better player performance = better rewards, more RP, more SL and faster progress.


I'm also NOT saying don't buy stuff. Just buy stuff because it's you think it's cool, none of it is better than any spaded TT vehicle and will not make the game easier.. Hell I got the SPS-K in the last sale even though it's pretty awful because it is a cool skin and it's not available now. 

Edited by MightyRhinox@psn
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8 minutes ago, MightyRhinox@psn said:

No, you've missed the point entirely.


Desperately grinding out the Mig-29 by throwing money at premiums isn't effectiive or fun, that's why everyone who does it cries about how awful it is.

The fastest, most effective and ultimately fun way to get that Mig-29 is to play vehicles YOU are effective in, because you're not constantly bashing your head against a brick wall of instant death and constant losses and constant stock grind and shifting play style. Better player performance = better rewards, more RP, more SL and faster progress.

I said literally nothing about premiums or how hard the grinding is or throwing money in the game...
Also, you can't tell me what I have fun with man. 
I enjoyed the grind for the MIG-29, it just took time.
I do agree with you that better performance = better rewards, but this has nothing to do with unlinking accounts.

Edited by LUCASPRY
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1 minute ago, MightyRhinox@psn said:

No, you said you understood MY point.

MY point was about premiums.
MY point was not about not chasing things you want.

Hence, you completely misunderstood MY point.


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8 hours ago, MightyRhinox@psn said:

Sorry, no, you have missed the point entirely.


Desperately grinding out the Mig-29 by throwing money at premiums isn't effectiive or fun, that's why everyone who does it cries about how awful it is.

The fastest, most effective and ultimately fun way to get that Mig-29 is to play vehicles YOU are effective in, because you're not constantly bashing your head against a brick wall of instant death and constant losses and constant stock grind and shifting play style. Better player performance = better rewards, more RP, more SL and faster progress.


I'm also NOT saying don't buy stuff. Just buy stuff because it's you think it's cool, none of it is better than any spaded TT vehicle and will not make the game easier.. Hell I got the SPS-K in the last sale even though it's pretty awful because it is a cool skin and it's not available now. 

bruh i agree with this i enjoyed the f16 grind because i was playing planes i enjoyed

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Starting to think the Transfers wont become available again for another few years, WarThunder must not have enough support staff to do this otherwise it would still be active.. I have played Ps4 for years and put hundreds if not thousands of dollars into it, I upgrade to a PC and I cant even transfer which is a little sad.. I cant buy anything until Gaijin turns transfers back on and High Tier battles require in game money, and the repairs are insane if you dont have premium... They need to turn these Transfers back on lmao, I would prefer NOT throwing money into a new account just to catch up to the current Player Base that have all the upgrades on their crew and vehicles, I also dont feel like being constantly Out Tiered for the first 800 battles because everyone has the best of everything already. TURN IT BACK ON GAIJIN PLEASEEEEE!!! xD I cant give you money until I can transfer hahaha

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9 hours ago, Phantom_Rcn14@psn said:

Nothing on the road map posted for account unlinking. looks like we got at least a year boys, thank god they are making it easier to report 'hate speech' tho thats the real issue!

But hey, great news!: The road map fixes all the things that make the game too hard for you, so you don't even need any premiums anymore and it still doesn't matter if you can't buy packs! 


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We missd so much sales :(  rly sad you can only buy packs on ps or xbox than and if ther is somthing special (like new packs or cheaper packs) its only for pc accaounts.

I rly hope they Convert accounts soon its 5 moths till i askd last time and its a lil Frustrating.




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15 hours ago, Phantom_Rcn14@psn said:

Nothing on the road map posted for account unlinking. looks like we got at least a year boys, thank god they are making it easier to report 'hate speech' tho thats the real issue!

Fr it seems weird that they address insignificant things yet don't seem to care about this issue which hurts both the players and gaijin. I mean c'mon it's been almost 6 months.


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