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Planned economy changes in May



Continuing the transition to an economy based on vehicle ranks

In February last year we began the transition to a rank-based economy, which was chosen by the majority of players in a vote. We remind you that this transition requires several smoothed economy updates. With the release of the current economy update, the transition to the new system will be completed for most aircraft and ground vehicles of rank III and higher.

Maximum repair cost in the table sheet for economy changes

Usually in the table sheet, economy changes indicate the minimum repair cost of vehicles without taking into account used modifications. This is the “default” repair cost of vehicles that will be shown in the vehicle card for example before research or purchase. However in the case of different number of modifications in the vehicle and accordingly different additions to the repair cost from modifications it is not quite correct to compare the minimum repair cost. For example, right now (before the economy changes), the repair cost of the T-80BVM in RB when all modifications are installed will be changed from 3690 to 7405 SL and for the Leopard 2A6 - from 5410 to 8050 SL. We see the estimated (maximum) repair cost of these vehicles differs by only 8.7% while the basic (minimum) - almost one and a half times. At the same time the change in the repair cost of vehicles must be of interest primarily to those players who own these vehicles; play them and have already researched a number of modifications or even all of them. And accordingly see and spend no longer the basic repair cost.


Beginning in this update we decided to use in the economy change tables, the maximum repair cost of the vehicle by taking into account all installed modifications.


Open the table sheet of changes


However, in this update, for the last time a table with minimum repair cost will also be presented, so that everyone can make sure that the repair cost of all vehicles hasn’t been increased several times and these are two different parameters - the minimum (basic) repair cost and the maximum (estimated) repair cost.


Open the table sheet of changes (with minimum repair cost)

Converting the repair time of vehicles in the hangar to the system of vehicle ranks 

Free vehicle repairs in the hangar allows you to save a certain amount of SL on vehicle repair. That’s why initially the time of free repair has been calculated from the repair cost of the vehicle. But for some vehicles in some game modes (aircraft in SB, fleet in AB and RB) the repair cost became very high due to the peculiarities of vehicles and modes (primarily because of the large average life span) which led to a very long time of free repair.


We decided to simplify this mechanics and fixed the free repair time depending on the economy rank of the vehicle (rank and position in the research tree) by analogy with such indicators as research cost, price, crew training price, RP multiplier and some others.


As a basis for calculating the new free repair time, the average repair time rates of ground vehicles were taken.

Changes of the cost of the expendable modification "Crew Replenishment"

Repair costs are not the only expense in battle. Silver Lions will also be spent on ammo, suspended weaponry and the expendable modification "Crew Replenishment". All these expenses will be taken into account when calculating the repair cost and subtracted from the initially calculated value forming the final estimated repair cost. Moreover, the share of expenditures on consumables should be noticeably lower than the expenditures on repairs. However in the case of the “Crew Replenishment” modification this rule isn’t followed - the modification is too expensive for rank I vehicles but too cheap for rank V and higher and we will fix it in this economy update.


Now the cost of the "Crew Replenishment" will be linked not to vehicle rank but to the economy rank (rank and position in the research tree on the rank) which will allow to fine-tune the price of the modification for all vehicles. For reserve vehicles the price will drop from 100 to 10 SL, for other rank I vehicles it will drop from 100 to 40-70 SL, for rank VII vehicles it will increase from 700 to 1000-1100 SL. Once again, please note that an increase in the cost of an expendable modification does not mean an overall increase in costs, as it is taken into account when calculating the price of a vehicle repair.

Changes in the research and purchase cost of squadron vehicles

There will be changes to the research and purchase costs for a number of squadron vehicles.


Open the table sheet with changes

Changes in the research tree

M3A1 Stuart — taken out of the M3/M3A1 Stuart research group.

Pz.III J — taken out of the Pz.III F/J group.

Pz.IV C — moved to the position before  Pz.II C.

Pz.II F — taken out of the Pz.II C/F group.

Pz.35(t) — moved to the position before Sd.Kfz.221 (s.Pz.B.41).

Pz.38(t) A, Pz.38(t) F — moved to the position after Sd.Kfz.221 (s.Pz.B.41).

Pz.38(t) F — taken out of the Pz.38(t) A/F group.

15cm sIG 33 B Sfl, Panzerjäger I, Sd.Kfz.251/9 — moved to the position before StuG III A.

Т-28 — taken out of the Т-28/Т-28E group and moved to rank I.

Ratel 20 — moved to rank IV to the position after Ratel 90.

G6 — moved to rank V to the position after Eland 90 Mk.7.

Spj fm/43-44 and Sav m/43 (1944) — switched the places.

PTL02 — moved to rank VI to the position after CM25.

Ki-109 — moved to rank I to the position after Ki-45 tei.

Ki-45 hei — taken out of the Ki-45 group.

J1N1 — moved to rank II to the position after Ki-45 hei.

Ki-45 otsu — moved to the position after J1N1.

B6N1 Model 11 — taken out of the B6N group and moved to rank I.

D4Y3 Ko — taken out of the D4Y group.

P1Y1 mod. 11 — moved to rank III to the position before B7A2.

H8K2 — moved to the position after Ki-49-IIa.

T18B and T18B (57) — switched places and moved to rank III; the requirement to open ranks IV and V have been adjusted.

Changes to research cost, purchase cost, and related vehicle parameters


Open the table sheet with changes

Changes in cost and RP multiplier of premium vehicles


Open the table sheet with changes

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I personally believe that the repair cost system should be abolished completely. 

There is no point in punishing people for doing good in a game.


If repair costs were removed, people would no longer play a certain vehicle over and over just because playing their favorite vehicle is like a punishment where unless they manage to get 1-2 kills they make negative profit. This is especially true in Sim where your plane can cost upwards of 20,000SL to just spawn which heavily discourages players from playing the gamemode at all while also encouraging scummy behavior and runway bombing.


Repair costs currently only serve one purpose and it is to hinder and punish an average player's progress by making them lose Silver Lions every time they die while the few players that are exceedingly good in the vehicle are not affected at all.


In summary:

Repair costs that are used to balance out the earnings of vehicles by people who do good in them but punish people that don't do good in them. That is why the Repair Cost feature should be removed.



As a responce to the comment by Smin1080p:

In order to balance out the removal of repair costs, SL modifiers could be re adjusted in order to reflect on the income the developers wish for the vehicle to have. For example, if a vehicle is seen having poor income average, it could have a higher SL modifier than a vehicle which has a higher income average.

The removal of repair costs will greatly benefit players which want to play the game in a casual way, people that play the game just to have fun and not grind (Where you can just get 1-2 kills per life and be happy) without having to worry about running low on Silver Lions.

Simulator Battles on the other hand could greatly benefit with a massive reduction of Spawn Costs combined with a nerf in research efficiency. Air Simulator is not a viable grinding method and will never be because of how it will be abused so at least make it a viable mode where people can have fun in.

Edited by ミーナ

Smin1080p (Posted )

Hello! Repair costs are an essential part of the in-game economical balance. As such, they cannot simply be removed. We welcome any feedback on the proposed changes, but removing the system outright is not a viable option.
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While it is a nice step in the right direction, i think the overall repair costs are to high for top tier, you can still go broke for playing it and this shouldnt be the case, so either the silver modifier in general should be increased or the repair costs still need to be reduced

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I'd like to see the bomber Vautour IIs move to 8.7 to avoid seeing 10.0 aircraft. Gaijin moved many supersonic jets to 9.3 which massively outspeed the Vautour II, such as the F-104 and Su-7BKL.


While most 7.7s will be unable to catch them in a straight line, they can still intercept the Vautour II, and besides, downtiers in that range are super rare either way. And if the Vautour II will overperform in 8.7, Gaijin can move it to rank VI so it loses the airspawn.



Specifically about the Israeli Vautour IIN: it should get the Shafrir 2 as it was compatible with it IRL. Perhaps move to 9.3 due to that and fill a similar role of a missile bus like the Yak-38M.

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Changes in the research tree

M3A1 Stuart — taken out of the M3/M3A1 Stuart research group.

Pz.III J — taken out of the Pz.III F/J group.

Pz.IV C — moved to the position before  Pz.II C.

Pz.II F — taken out of the Pz.II C/F group.

Pz.35(t) — moved to the position before Sd.Kfz.221 (s.Pz.B.41).

Pz.38(t) A, Pz.38(t) F — moved to the position after Sd.Kfz.221 (s.Pz.B.41).

Pz.38(t) F — taken out of the Pz.38(t) A/F group.

15cm sIG 33 B Sfl, Panzerjäger I, Sd.Kfz.251/9 — moved to the position before StuG III A.

Т-28 — taken out of the Т-28/Т-28E group and moved to rank I.

Ratel 20 — moved to rank IV to the position after Ratel 90.

G6 — moved to rank V to the position after Eland 90 Mk.7.

Spj fm/43-44 and Sav m/43 (1944) — switched the places.

PTL02 — moved to rank VI to the position after CM25.

Ki-109 — moved to rank I to the position after Ki-45 tei.

Ki-45 hei — taken out of the Ki-45 group.

J1N1 — moved to rank II to the position after Ki-45 hei.

Ki-45 otsu — moved to the position after J1N1.

B6N1 Model 11 — taken out of the B6N group and moved to rank I.

D4Y3 Ko — taken out of the D4Y group.

P1Y1 mod. 11 — moved to rank III to the position before B7A2.

H8K2 — moved to the position after Ki-49-IIa.

T18B and T18B (57) — switched places and moved to rank III; the requirement to open ranks IV and V have been adjusted.

Why is Gaijin taking out a large number of grouped vehicles?Will all groupings be deleted in the future to increase player development costs and time?

What gaijin should do is continue to group more vehicles, such as 2s25 and 2s25m, t54 (1949) and two more t54, ztz99II and ztz99III, instead of taking out the grouping.


Edit: I'm curious to know how much of a player's SL and RP revenue has been reduced by gaijin over the years? How many high-value RP top-level vehicles have been added? And how many RP requirements have been reduced?

Now that more and more players are joining, Gaijin decided to gradually reduce the player's revenue to increase the player's game time and cost, and they made it necessary for players to top up a large number of premium accounts and pack vehicles to maintain a normal playing experience.

Italy was the first tree I developed, and I didn't have a Premium Vehicle or even a Premium Account. Now, I have to rely on a year-round premium account with merkava2d T69IIG or buy Talisman to get to level seven.

I'm not telling players to stop paying gaijin, and while many interesting and unique vehicles are still great and make people want to buy, I want to say why things like premium accounts are now changing from something that can enhance the gaming experience to a power-up item that makes it difficult to continue playing without buying

Stop oppressing players

Edited by mz_14_Gelzooz
Added a paragraph to say what I wanted to say

Smin1080p (Posted )

Hello! We have noticed particularly that newer players don't tend to research grouped vehciles. As such, they miss out on learning important parts of the game and also the significance of lineup composition can easily be seen to have negative effects without these vehciles. These changes help those players to have complete lineups in the early stages of the game. We have made some changes to balance out some of these changes as part of the economic update which you can see from the graphs. As for higher rank vehciles, similarly we have noticed groups tend to have a negative effect on their stats, as they are researched less and thus played less. So more grouping actually has a negative effect for some key aspects of these vehciles that must be taken into consideration.
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These changes make no sense.

Overplayed good vehicles reduced in price.

Rarely played vehicles getting rekt by all aspects highly raising in price.

This is not how economy works Gaijin! Unless you want us to play just a handfull of vehicles. Which would go against your 2000+ playable vehicles advertising.

Moreover you promissed leveling the costs by rank, yet USSR for some reason has still 30% cheaper repair costs compared to everyone else.


I just ... you know what? There is no point even trying to comprehend the decisions anymore. Do what you want. I don't care anymore..

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16 minutes ago, ofekk213 said:

Specifically about the Israeli Vautour IIN: it should get the Shafrir 2 as it was compatible with it IRL. Perhaps move to 9.3 due to that and fill a similar role of a missile bus like the Yak-38M.

Agree, if it gets moved to rank 6 to fill the emptiness in its line, it would be fitting for it to get its Shafrir 2

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On 04/05/2023 at 12:38, mz_14_Gelzooz said:

Why is Gaijin taking out a large number of grouped vehicles?Will all groupings be deleted in the future to increase player development costs and time?

What gaijin should do is continue to group more vehicles, such as 2s25 and 2s25m, t54 (1949) and two more t54, ztz99II and ztz99III, instead of taking out the grouping.

The 2S25 and 2S25M can't be foldered becauee the 2S25M is an end of the line vehicle. The T-54 (1949) used to be folded in a triple folder between the 1947 and 1951 T-54s, and was taken out due to it's lower BR.


Here are some folders that actually should happen:


* Mirage IIIC and Mirage IIIE

* Vautour IIA (Israel) and Vautour IIN (Israel)

* Challenger 2, Challenger 2F, and Challenger 2 TES

* AMX-32 (105) and AMX-32

* AMX-30 (1972) and AMX-30 BRENUS

and many more



Only vehicles that are incrededibly similar to each other should be folded together.

Edited by ofekk213
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I can't understand the point of new economic changes

Basically, playing games deserves rewards, but the current economic system doesn't.

Ground RB is already getting less good the more you play, what does it mean to increase the cost of repairing most equipment by 1.5x?

This is not an unreasonable request, nor is it asking for "free Abrams".  When i play the game, i am asking for a minimum reward to purchase the next level of equipment, and it should not give a penalty in the name of repair cost instead of a reward when we play the game

The game would be less appealing without a change in the reward multiplier, at least equal to the increased repair cost.  that's all for now

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You are lowering the time required for free repair in hangar for aircrafts in SB since they have a long average life span?


Sounds nice until you rermember that the whole feature is not even avaibale for air SB :good:


EDIT: then again, I guess the "pay the whole repaircost SL upfront for spawning and not if/when dying" feature in air SB helps to even out the lack of free repair features.....oh wait

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lol, never seen a premium get cheaper before. Also I think in the charts you've mistakenly put RP multiplier instead of SL multiplier. epik, 


Hmmm, what's with some Rank 4 ships having a 6.0 SL modifier, but then some Rank V ships only getting like 4.5. Shouldn't it be the other way around with Rank-based economy?


Anyhow I have a few tree suggestions for Naval Bluewater:
Moskva Rank I -> II

USSR Rank 1 Bluewater currently has 5 ships in the tree, more than any other naval tree. Moskva is at 4.3, it is the highest BR rank 1 in the entire game (and the same BR as Italian rank 3 DDs lol). It will also help the rank 3 grind as rank 2 only has 2 4.3 ships, with Tashkent a BR step higher. Putting Moskva at rank 2 will allow people to play a full 4.3 lineup to research rank 3 without needlessly uptiering themselves. 


Ognevoy -> After Letuchiy

I didn't understand Letuchiy's position when it was first added. It is inferior in every aspect to Ognevoy, has 0 AA, worse speed, worse guns, worse protection, and worse survivability. Putting Ognevoy after Letuchiy also makes the line progression feel more natural, as Bezuprechny is an improved Ognevoy, you go from interwar open-mount DD with no AA - > late/post-war-ish DD with enclosed turrets, HE-VT and autocannons, - > the same thing but better.


Geniere Rank II -> II and RN Tigre Rank III -> II, swap their prices and modifiers too I guess
I'd like to see Geniere go from the rank 2 prem to the rank 3, swapping places with the Tigre. Geniere is a better ship, having more powerful guns that fire much faster (almost 3x faster reload, can fire 12 shells in the span of 1 Tigre reload), much stronger AA with automatic HE-VT guns, has more crew and tonnage, is faster, and also has radar. As I've seen premiums have their ranks changed before (T14), I don't think this is an outlandish suggestion. Geniere is just more fun than Tigre (with the high RoF and all), and I think it being Rank 3 would lead to a lot more people buying it cause they can use it to grind most of the tree and do events, it would definitely sell more than Tigre.


RN Leone Rank III -> II, before RN Corazziere

This goes with the Tigre changes. In my opinion Leone is worse than Corazziere. Yes it has 3 more guns, but they reload slower and aren't particularly powerful anyhow, Italian destroyer guns only have access to AP and HE, which makes it less effective at spamming ships to death. But in exchange for the 3 extra guns, Leone is slower, has worse torpedoes, has less crew, and is also more easy to ammo rack cause the shell room is above the waterline compared to Corazziere, not IMO a worthy tradeoff. Italian rank 2 bluewater also only has a single ship, Commandante Margottini, so this would help the new players to research rank 3.

Edited by RඞnminbiYඞn
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Back in 2020 Gaijin made the excellent decision to apply the repair cost reduction premium vehicles get to non-premium event vehicles:


Non-premium vehicles that are obtained during our special in-game events differ from linear vehicles in the way you achieve it, and unique status, but doesn’t offer any economic advantages over them, which in some ways spoils the joy of gaining and owning these vehicles. Now all special event non-premium vehicles receive reduced repair costs, but continue without the additional income bonuses. 


However this was apparently a one-time change and is no longer applicable. For example the Tornado IDS Marineflieger has a higher repair cost than the more capable Tornado IDS (1995). I would strongly urge Gaijin to make the reduced repair costs for event vehicles a permeant thing. After all if high repair cost "spoils the joy of gaining and owning these vehicles" in 2020 it logically still does so in 2023.


Also now that Rank 8 jets are in the game can we see a reduction in research costs of lower ranks, as has happened previously when new ranks are added.

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Some interesting changes, however 1 of the changes I feel needs to be addressed is the RIDICULOUS increase to helicopter repair costs in AB. As it stands right now heli EC is a borderline failure of a game mode while being the only effective way to grind out new helicopters and unlock their modules. As it stands right now the majority of deaths in the mode are almost completely unavoidable ranging from: Frontlines spawning directly under you, convoys spawning under you or worse them spawning ANYWHERE within 3km of you is a death sentence, especially in tier 6 helicopters that can't even track the extremely desynced Gepards before they 1 shot you and we're now expected to pay 25,000SL for this experience??

I understand that your intention is to reduce the SL income from the mode but are missing the mark by punishing people trying to grind through helicopters instead of increasing the repair costs of the actual outliers (Premium helicopters). Lastly I'd like to suggest that Tier 6 helicopters RP costs be slightly reduced to be inline with the costs of Tier 6 aircraft and tanks (~220-280k RP) as an AH-1F/Mi24P shouldn't have the same RP requirements as an AH-64D or Ka-52 which is a problem only highlighted more by the utterly terrible game mode we're forced to grind them in.

Edit: I didn't even notice but the rewards for heli EC were  also nerfed  you cant be serious right? The mode is already hopelessly anti-consumer to grind through.

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A few of suggestions for German tech tree vehicle placement:

Jagdtiger to rank 4, it's a little strange having this thing in rank 5 with all the early cold war vehicles, and there is plenty of room for it in rank 4

Kugelblitz to rank 4, same reasoning as above

Maybe Jpz 4-5 to rank 5 and placed after the Jagdtiger, it is a BR step down from the Jagdtiger and Ferdinand but I think it fits the progression and theme of the German tank destroyer line a bit better

PUMA moved to be after the Radkampfwagen and maybe moved to rank 7, now this is 9.7 it just makes sense, both in terms of vehicle progression and thematics


Otherwise I like the reorganisation of the rank 1 German tree.


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I would like to know the reason or mechanic behind the double reduction policy:

In other words why are some vehicles not only made more expensive, but also have their modifiers lowered.

So in other words double nerf  pay more to repair and earn less for the things you do.


I was looking at GFAB and some of the top tier MBT's in particular SWE and ISR had this.

Some even went below 1.0 in other words a negative modifier for SL earned.


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God These Japanese Air Tree Changes Give Me OCD Attacks.

Anyhow - Would It Be Possible To Move The Ki-32 To The Bomber Rather Than The Interceptor / Dual Engine Line?
And Move The F1M2 In-Front Of The A5M4 As The Navy's Introductory Biplane Rather Than Being A Useless "Bomber"? It Excels Rather Well In A Fighter Role.

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Very nice but in SB EC I will still lose money because some level 10 player in premium MiG 23 ML in my team thought i was an enemy while flying MiG-29. 


Its always the same, you pay 25-30K to spawn and you work hard to get 2-3 kills to get at least 30K SL and boooooooooooooooooom level 10 teammates always making you spawn again with a missile. Earned 30K SL, lost 60K SL. Very nice.


Great changes as always.:mellow:

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8.0 Seahawk FGA6 should be moved behind the 7.7 Sea Venom FAW20

9.7 PUMA IFV moved behind Radkampfwagen 90

Centaur I 105 R should be moved behind the VCC-80/60, which is stronger than the VCC-80

Folding two Canberra and B-57s from the United States and Great Britain


And should the reparations of the player who killed the teammate be used for free repair of the player who was killed?

Edited by mz_14_Gelzooz
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  • F-86F-2:move to Rank 5 and folded into F-86A-5 and F-86F-25.
  • F9F-8:move to Rank 5 and folded into F9F-2 and F9F-5.
  • FJ-4B:move to Rank 5(probably behind the F-84F?)
  • CL-13A Mk.5:taken out from CL-13s folder and move to Rank 5
  • Hunter F.1 : moved to Rank 5
  • J29F:moved to Rank 5
  • J34:moved to Rank 5 and swich to the Swedish fighters line(probably next to the J29F?)


They were sitting at rank 5 for a long time after their implementation in the game until around 2019, when they were moved to rank 6 because of supersonic aircraft and AAMs at the end of 2018. Although at that time rank 7/8 did not yet exist and moving them to rank 6 was not a problem because they were still only early supersonic jets, more than four years have passed since then and they are becoming outdated. Now that so many aircraft have been implemented in Rank 6, there should be no more reason for Korean War-era jets to continue sitting in Rank 6. The J29F was implemented after the AAM was implemented, but its performance is still close to that of Korean War era jets and far from that of supersonic jets like the MiG-19 and F-100. 


As for J34, the reason why the rank should be changed is the same as for Hunter F.1 and other Korean War era jets, but the TT line should also be changed. The J34 was historically owned by Sweden, and the Finnish Air Force NEVER had a Hawker Hunter. However, the current Swedish TT somehow has a J34 placed at rank 6 in the Finnish sub tree, which is completely pointless. It should be placed next to the J29F because it was historically used as a Swedish fighter.

Edited by WheelchairGamer
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Since Gaijin is all about compromising certain things, I've got a suggestion for everyone to consider.


- Capping maximum Air (including helis) repair costs at 15,000 SL across all modes

- Capping maximum Ground repair costs at 10,000 SL across all modes

- Capping maximum Naval repair costs at 25,000 - 30,000 SL across all modes


Edit: in case some people misunderstood, I DO NOT mean making all repair cost the same, my point is so that if Gaijin were to increase repair costs any further, it is to hard cap stop at those values above.

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