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Planned economy changes in May



We have noticed particularly that newer players don't tend to research grouped vehciles. As such, they miss out on learning important parts of the game and also the significance of lineup composition

Why not just add a quick tutorial for new players showing how folders work (AKA telling them to click a single button) instead of increasing the entire game's grind?



As for higher rank vehciles, similarly we have noticed groups tend to have a negative effect on their stats, as they are researched less and thus played less.

Because they're just side-grades which is the entire point of them being in folders in the first place. In Ground Forces there're already enough non-foldered vehicles in each relevant lineup to completely use up all non-GE crew slots and several additional GE crew slots on top of that so of course relatively few players dive into the folders. The whole point is that if you're a big fan of the M46/M48/T32/XM-803/Leopard A1A1/T-62/T-72B/Chieftain or Magach 6 then you can choose to grind another one, otherwise you ignore it and move on whilst still using a large well rounded lineup. Forcing players to grind through almost the exact same vehicle 3 or 4 times to unlock something new does not in any way improve the game. 

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1 hour ago, OrsonES said:

T18B and T18B (57) — switched places and moved to rank III; the requirement to open ranks IV and V have been adjusted.

Suggestion: Instead of moving both T18Bs down move T18B(57) and Bf109G-2 down to rank 3 just like its german counterpart. This way Sweden will still have rank 4 bomber and requirement to unlock rank 4 will still be same.

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45 minutes ago, AquaUselessGod said:

Since Gaijin is all about compromising certain things, I've got a suggestion for everyone to consider.


- Capping maximum Air (including helis) repair costs at 15,000 SL across all modes

- Capping maximum Ground repair costs at 10,000 SL across all modes

- Capping maximum Naval repair costs at 25,000 - 30,000 SL across all modes


Edit: in case some people misunderstood, I DO NOT mean making all repair cost the same, my point is so that if Gaijin were to increase repair costs any further, it is to hard cap stop at those values above.


If that is the case.. this means if I gain enough SP to Spawn in.. like 8-9 times with my Lineup and all do get destroyed. I only pay for like Ground Battles 10.000 SL maximum?

No summing up of all my vehicles?

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Talking about Air RB specifically.

I'll be blunt . 

You practically increased the repair cost of every t6 vehicle  across the board. In many occasions the cost surpasses t7 and 8 vehicles. You clearly don't take on account the average player or the f2p player on account so much that at this point just make it a subscription based game at least for over t3 vehicles, since the f2p player won't ever afford to play for example the F-100D (that can reach to a whooping 21K SL repair cost spaded and barely able to play it stock at 13k). The average player won't be able to pull these numbers either.  And that comes from a premium account user that plays 10 years your game 90% of that time in premium account.

In comparison with the F-100D at t6 BR 9.3 , you have the Ayit same exactly BR and Tier, costing 3K less (that's an assist of worth. or a kill for the f2p player) a way more capable all around aircraft with flares and better missiles...

In fact, you shouldn't need more than 1/1 K/D in a vehicle to break even in Sl.  In any scenario.  

And i see you target specifically t6 and t5, having costs that equal up to greatly surpassing t7/8s.  Meanwhile you sell premium t7s...  I won't go and accuse, but someone smart gets it (or at least how it looks like). 

For reference , F-4S dropped repairs to 5K Sl, while TRAM raised very slightly by 300 SL. 


But i'll get to gameplay. Someone can really skip all that , give 70EU and never look back , why even play the F-100D for grinding... or even for fun aka, you'll deem it not useable at least effectively. That being said, the statistics you gather, no sane "average" and f2p player will play the F-100D so you'll gather statistics from a DEFYN or someone at that scale of skill and then you'll say the plane is good raise the repair cost more...or the BR for that matter. 


So, in other words the whole thing is wrong. If you want people to actually play those vehicles 1/1 K/D balance in repair costs should be your move ... and that way you can even keep the balancing with the crazy statistics, the plane may be more demanding for a bad player, yet useable for a better one and even profitable the better you get at the game.

I'm not saying these things because you'll do it (as logical as it is), i'm saying it to have my conscience clean that i did say them and tried to help the situation for both you and the playerbase.

Also it looks like you are too aggressive in the premiums and even for a player that pays you (like me) doesn't look good.



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i don't understand the raising of the repair cost for bayern...  it's a sitting duck.. who is gonna play and pay...40k+ for repairs on that thing?


scharnhorst is 10k cheaper to repair and it actually has some aa defence... 

Edited by SKurj
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France rank V has only 4 vehicles surely the Lorraine 40t and the AMX-50 100 can go in rank V since they have a comparable B.R , also if in the future the char 25t is to go up to 7.7 it should also go to rank V not that it should go up unless is for whatever reason it is buffed.

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This is an answer to Smin's answer on a reply about grouping vehicles.



People really do want to skip some vehicles. Yes that is the exact reason we want grouping. I don't care how many people research a grouped high tier vehicle or skip it. I don't want to grind an exact same Challenger with the mobility of a turtle and the same broken armor kits. I don't want to grind the exact same Su-7 with 2 more bombs. 

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I'll add another suggestion that differs from my previous one.


- Increase of repair cost should also increase the vehicle's multiplier proportionally

- Decrease of repair cost should also decrease the vehicle's multiplier proportionally


I'm not gonna dictate how much change is considered "much" for the devs to adjust multipliers, but these are some thoughts out there.

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What are those changes for TKX and Type 10?TKX lowered repair cost and Type 10 rised?Here is the prime example how this economy changes dont work.

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Removing folders is a bad move, I'd go as far as to say it's a cashgrab, new players don't skip them because they don't know how they work, they do so because they mostly don't care for a slight upgrade to the M3 Stuart or the Pz.2 when they could be researching vehicles further down the line (M5 Stuart, Pz.3 etc.) folders are criminally underused when they could be making the game much better.

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The reasoning of unfoldering low rank vehicles is fine.


But with this argument, we should consider foldering higher tier vehicles.


This wouldn't harm the learning curve of new players.


Suggestions for folders:


  • F-104A/F-104C
  • B-57A/ B-57B
  • Challenger MK 2/Challenger MK 3
  • Challenger 2/ Challenger 2 (2F)/ Challenger 2 TES
  • Canberra B MK 2/ Canberra (I) MK 6
  • KI-49-IIb/ KI-49-IIb/L
  • R2Y2 Kai V1/ R2Y2 Kai V3/ R2Y2 Kai V3
  • Q-5 early/ Q-5A
  • F-5A/ F-5E (china)
  • Z.1007 bis series 3/ Z.1007 bis series 5
  • S.O. 4050 Vautour IIB/ S.O. 4050 Vautour IIA
  • Mirage IIIC/ Mirage IIIE
  • Sambad/ Sa'ar
  • Vautur IIA/ Vautur IIN


Most of these vehicles have the same BR and capabilities in game and offer no benefit of researching in regard to experience, learning or loadout.

They should be foldered as optional vehicles.


Additional request: Move the Puma behind the Radkampfwagen 90 , since the BR adjustment the order of vehicle BR doesn't match up, and you are basically researching a higher BR vehicle before the lower ones. This harms learning experience and the creation of useful Lineups if you research that area.



Edited by Obirzoe
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We are not happy with High Tier Sim rewards changes, Helicopter EC.


There are good changes here and there but why are you making this game harder for top tier enjoyers ???


Please for the love of god, make non-premium vehicles in top tier Air Sim viable again...

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The repair costs are exhorbitant on some vehicles and are one of the reasons many people don't play full lineouts past 7.0. This is a decision to the worse, repair costs must be lowered rank IV onward, with special detail on some concrete nations ( UK, France, Sweden, Italy ) whose lineouts at 7.7 already exceed 20 to 30k SL for a 3 to 4 vehicle loss.

please reconsider this, you're killing the game.

Edited by CptRy4nFinn@psn
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nice to see both SIDAMs going down in SL cost, now it's time to lower their BR too, expecially the standard one. be real, that thing cannot in any reasonable way be on the same level of any AMX 40 DCA or also the swedish gepard WITH A LEOPARD 2 MOBILITY!

also, HELI PvE is just ridicolous now, shame on you gaijin.
How am I supposed to grind the italian helicopter tree now starting from the 14 rockets crapbox? how am I supposed to grind the 4 TOWs for my supernerfed A109EOA (Elicottero da Osservazione Avanzata - Advanced Observation Helicopter) which is still missing it's optical advantage since the last unexplained nerf?

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I would like to start off with a small meme but Can you not increase the Tacoma class Frigates repair for 5 minutes!! But yes seeing that pitiful ship get a repair increase is sad as it REALLY isn't a good ship (I'd almost dare say it should be removed or placed in the other tech tree as it's current placement is terrible).




The naval changes from what I understand seems alright for the most part especially the SQN points for the Pr.35 going up yet it baffles me that it's repair isn't changing all to significantly (well stock repair at least for the lists don't show the elite repairs) and to an extent the Pr.159 yet it's also strange to see all Pr.50's get an increase as well.


Other changes that don't make to much sense are the Chidori class Torpedo Boat seeing it's repair increase same with the Hiburi class Kaibōkan two ships that definitely don't warrant increases, I will say it's a odd choice to increase a few of the JMSDF Destroyer Escorts/Destroyer have repair increases as well like the Isuzu class or Ayanami class Destroyer. 


Still it's a slight change in the right direction of the Type 12 ASW Frigate & Type 41 AA Frigate seeing their repairs lowered a tad and similar for the Köln class Frigate as well although the Restigouche class destroyer going up is a bit annoying as that thing is crazy like the still lower to repair Pr.159/Pr.35.


Still economically speaking will the devs even think about changing all Rank IV/V vessels of the coastal TT (between 3.3 & 4.3 ocean going warships) ammunition costs for many are like that of pre 2.01 ships yet their adversaries of the bluewater TT (sub 5.0 ships) all have 1 sl shells for it's baffling to see shells costing 60 sl still or ammunition belts costing up to 6700 sl.

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I just don't understand why the italian p-47 which was just added got a 3k SL increase and now costs 7k to repair, while the chinese one which is exactly the same got its price reduced and now costs 2/3k to repair. It just doesn't make any sense :dntknw:

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Now the cost of t he "Crew Replenishment" will be linked not to vehicle rank but to the economy rank (rank and position in the research tree on the rank) which will allow to fine-tune the price of the modification for all vehicles. For reserve vehicles the price will drop from 100 to 10 SL, for other rank I vehicles it will drop from 100 to 40-70 SL, for rank VII vehicles it will increase from 700 to 1000-1100 SL. Once again, please note that an increase in the cost of an expendable modification does not mean an overall increase in costs, as it is taken into account when calculating the price of a vehicle repair.


This is not being taken in to account for French vehicles.


You're increasing the repair cost of all 3 LeClercs while reducing the reward multiplier for all three tanks.


This does not factor in the now 300-400 increased SL cost of using crew replenishment.

Edited by Vamilad

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You could also move the Sd.Kfz.234/2 (3.3) after the Marder III bracket (2.3 and 3.0).


The light tank / tank destroyer line in USA could be better too. For example:

- M18 to rank III light tank line

- M36 to rank III tank destroyer line

- M56 and M50 to tank destroyer line to balance the amount of vehicles in each line.


This would fix the progression in the tank destroyer line since currently you have to research a 5.7 (M18) before a 5.3 (M36) in RB. It would also make sense in AB. M18 is listed as light tank anyway.


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