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It should NEVER be possible to lose SLs on a win.


Well, for my 2 cents :

I'm a freemium player, playing every tiers, mostly aircraft.

i have somehow an even economy in the game.


I think repair cost is somewhat healthy, because:

-> Stupid players are reduced because of the repair cost (i've already enough of players crashing their aircraft to have bomb kill for exemple : the exemple come from Arcade Ground Mode, which i don't play anymore, because of this)

==> imagine you have no more repair cost - tomorrow all mode would be full of stupid crashs, and complaints because of this foreseen spam crash.


-> It also put somewhat interest to STAY ALIVE in Air modes, reducing the number of Stupid Head-on fights where the guy having more firepower would most likely win.


So it is an important feature for both players and Gaijin, because it refrains the stupid actions.


However, it is currently too high, and in all means it should cut between 20% to 30% accross the board. (As i said for survey, and other threads since).

Edited by Cpt_Bel_V
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1 hour ago, Cpt_Bel_V said:

Well, for my 2 cents :

I'm a freemium player, playing every tiers, mostly aircraft.

i have somehow an even economy in the game.


I think repair cost is somewhat healthy, because:

-> Stupid players are reduced because of the repair cost (i've already enough of players crashing their aircraft to have bomb kill for exemple : the exemple come from Arcade Ground Mode, which i don't play anymore, because of this)

==> imagine you have no more repair cost - tomorrow all mode would be full of stupid crashs, and complaints because of this foreseen spam crash.


-> It also put somewhat interest to STAY ALIVE in Air modes, reducing the number of Stupid Head-on fights where the guy having more firepower would most likely win.


So it is an important feature for both players and Gaijin, because it refrains the stupid actions.


However, it is currently too high, and in all means it should cut between 20% to 30% accross the board. (As i said for survey, and other threads since).


Gaijin would never entirely remove SL costs.  You could implement a system which prevents negative SL loss only allowing you to go down to a profit of zero for your rewards.  Leave TK penalties as paying the full repair cost and add the cost of the other user's vehicle as a negative cost.  

In ground repair cost discourages multiple respawns.  This leads to unhealthy gameplay at top tier "ODL, one death leaving".  A system needs to be in place to either reduce repairs for multiple spawns or to stop negative SL loss so rather than focusing on an outside system players can instead focus on the actual game.


Air allows RTB, it's something you need to use to avoid a negative SL balance at top tier.  Usually this means base racing them going to the airfield and heading to the next match.  Not entertaining for fighters.  Air RB is a much more annoying game mode to balance the above solutions would encourage multiple spawns there as well.

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2 hours ago, Vamilad said:

Gaijin would never entirely remove SL costs. 

It worse than that, i'm asking them to keep it but with lowered values,...


Most players here are asking for complete removal, which is an utopia and not my PoV ^^"


Ps-note: i'm not against having negative values when i got shot down without doing things.

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49 minutes ago, Lulzwhat said:

Could anyone constructively explain with reasonable arguments why they think repair shouldn't be removed?

Without the myths ofc.


Literally did 2 post above yours,...


If you don't wanna read it's your problem not mine,... 

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On 25/05/2023 at 11:47, Tarmok said:


The better question is why do you want to punish people, who seem to already struggle, so badly?

Also I was not in the match (and neither do I really play air arcade). Not every hit counts as an assist and considering he has more than points than the guy below him who made 2 kills at least, so I ahve to assume he did at least something beyond the 1 kill and also who knows how many openings he created by having people go after him, which his team could exploit.

He played the game, he struggled, badly it seems. Why punish him?

You  want to argue, that in a PvP situation taking away every kind of punishment for simply being above your own comfort zone and unwillingness to learn should go?

Any sign of you are somewhere where you don't belong at has to go?


You get points for getting hit.

You get points for receving critical hits.

You get points for being killed.

The points you get for a kill depend on the BR difference between you and your kill. That is why I got that few kills, because many burned through their few jets fast and come up with like BR 4 planes. One even with a He 51...


If your team is filled with players like him - by target thugs or decoys, if you want to be mean - you will be the first one getting mad about it.

Edited by anyuser
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Well if you are going to remove repair costs or down right not get players to lose SL on a win then you better increase the awards you get for participating in a match because otherwise you will get people AFK farming and not contributing for the team. I'm talking you shouldn't just be AFK and somehow get positive SL while contributing nothing to the team.


Increase SL for kills, awards, assists and so on. Even something stupid as getting the rewards for helping teammates or the reward for spotting enemy players. If you are going to remove repair costs then make sure that the players will atleast contribute something to the team in order to gain SL. I don't want useless teammates I want teammates that actually try.


Besides you should be awarding good players who actually try and not people who hold W and just rush everything that they see.


Which to be honest is probably why the repair costs are even a thing.

Edited by Shiftyhead

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10 hours ago, Shiftyhead said:



Increase SL for kills, awards, assists and so on. Even something stupid as getting the rewards for helping teammates or the reward for spotting enemy players. If you are going to remove repair costs then make sure that the players will atleast contribute something to the team in order to gain SL. I don't want useless teammates I want teammates that actually try.


they already reward well for these things considering they are repeatable actions that add up to a lot of money.  

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