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Republic of Korea Sub-tree: 강한친구 대한민국 육군


Republic of Korea Sub-tree (Please read the Editor's Comment's for reasoning behind this sub-tree).  

262 members have voted

  1. 1. IF a United Korea tree isn't implemented, would you want to see the Republic of Korea added as a Sub-tree? Note: This sub-tree can also be applied to non-game nations.

    • Yes.
    • No.

Flag_of_South_Korea_svg.png.1637809c962d  Republic of Korea Sub-tree: 강한친구 대한민국 육군 220px-Flag_of_the_Republic_of_Korea_Arme

Translation: "A Strong Friend, Republic of Korea Army"


K2 Black Panther's during an exercise.


Disclaimer : Working on correcting information as a lot of sources were contradicting each other so I kept the descriptions very basic. If you have corrections, please share them in the comments and I will fix it.

USA Reference Tree:






Note: Vehicle tree's can exceed more than 5 vehicles per Rank as seen in the Israel Tree which has 6 Magach's without being foldered.


Tech Tree Notes:

  • This tree utilizes the USA Ground Forces Tech Tree as the primary reference. This was due to the Republic of Korea utilizing USA-made vehicles as well as some of its modern vehicles being influenced by US designs.
    • This sub-tree can also be applied to nations not in-game yet. 
    • I do have a (highly modified) ROK sub-tree for the USA Ground Forces Tree created from my Experiment post found here that is posted as well:
  • I added more modern USA vehicles to the tree to fill out the higher-ranks. I did not add all of them yet, however, they can be added/are potential options.
    • Of note, Rank I-IV for the USA tree are unmodified and therefore not shown in the tree above. The ROK utilized many vehicles throughout the USA tree that can be reskinned to ROK camouflage schemes.
    • USA Battle Ratings and Ranks have been expanded to prevent saturation. 
  • Vehicles are fluid and can be added or removed as necessary .
  • Special thanks to @spamanator500for their United Korea Tech Tree!
  • This is just to find a way to add the ROK in the game if it isn't combined with North Korea in a unitary Korea tree such as the suggestion by Spamanator500 below:
  • Additional note regarding Russian vehicles in the tree:

    • The ROKA operates 33x T-80U's (not the T-80UM version with thermals like the one in-game), and 40x BMP-3's so it's not voodoo if they're implemented.


A Republic of Korea Army T-80U main battle tank and BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle in-service.

  • Vehicles that are already in-game that I will not post additional information on :

    • M8 Greyhound

    • M26 Pershing

    • M56 Scorpion

      • Side note, they were in storage but not used.

    • M46 Patton

    • M47 Patton

    • M48A2C

    • BMP-3 (Premium)

    • T-80U (Premium)

Description and Decals :

  • The Republic of Korea Army (ROKA) is the land component of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Korea (ROK). The ROKA is one of the largest standing armies in the world and has played a crucial role in the defense of South Korea since its creation in 1948. The ROKA has a rich history that dates back to the Korean War (1950-1953), when it fought alongside the United States and other United Nations forces to repel the invasion of South Korea by North Korea. During the war, the ROKA proved its capabilities as a fighting force, and its soldiers played a critical role in securing important victories against the North Korean Army. Following the Korean War, the ROKA underwent a period of modernization and expansion. It received substantial military aid from the United States, which helped it to build a modern and well-equipped force capable of defending South Korea from any potential threats. Today, the ROKA is one of the most advanced and capable armies in Asia, with a wide range of modern weapons and equipment. The Republic of Korea's defense industry has seen substantial modernization, developing new and highly advanced vehicles and equipment such as the K2 Black Panther, and the KF-21, both of which have and have seen potential export orders. The ROKA's primary mission is to defend South Korea from any potential threats, including North Korea. It is also responsible for providing support to civil authorities during times of natural disasters or other emergencies. The ROKA is organized into several major commands, including the Capital Defense Command, the First Army Command, the Second Operational Command, and the Third Army Command. The ROKA has played a key role in maintaining stability and security on the Korean Peninsula, particularly in the face of North Korea's continued nuclear and missile development programs. In recent years, the ROKA has focused on enhancing its capabilities in areas such as cyber warfare, special operations, and missile defense, in order to better counter North Korea's evolving threats. In addition to its domestic responsibilities, the ROKA also participates in international peacekeeping and humanitarian operations. It has contributed troops to various United Nations peacekeeping missions, such as in Lebanon, Sudan, and South Sudan, as well as to coalition operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The ROKA is known for its rigorous training and discipline, with soldiers undergoing an extensive period of basic training before being assigned to their units. The ROKA also places a strong emphasis on physical fitness, and its soldiers are required to maintain a high level of physical readiness throughout their careers. One of the challenges facing the ROKA is the ongoing need to balance its defense needs with the desire for peaceful relations with North Korea. The ROKA is committed to maintaining a strong defense posture, but also recognizes the importance of dialogue and engagement with North Korea to reduce tensions on the peninsula. Overall, the Republic of Korea Army is a highly capable and professional force that plays a critical role in the defense of South Korea and the maintenance of regional stability. With its modern weapons and equipment, rigorous training and discipline, and commitment to its mission, the ROKA is well-positioned to continue to meet the challenges and threats that it may face in the years ahead.

  • Different units of the Republic of Korea Army:



Editor's Comments/Reasoning:

  • My main reason for creating this tree is the same of my Polish Sub-tree (and my others which can be found below). It's to find a way to add these nations in the game IF Gaijin (not myself) deems the nations as not having a sufficient amount of vehicles to create an independent tree even though there's very well made community options for both an Independent Unified Korea Tree and Polish Independent Tree (or options like the very nicely made Visegrád Group Tree). I tried my best to provide additional alternatives in the case that these nations are put on the back burner even though they have their own significant capabilities and uniqueness. I'm a very strong proponent for not splitting individual nation's vehicles amongst many trees as that hurts those nation's players and want to offer the best experience I can for them if the option of a full tree does not work for developers. So please, feel free to criticize the sub-tree.
  • All of my Sub-tree Suggestions:
    • Spoiler




Ground Vehicles:




A K263A1 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

  • Description
    • The K263A1 and K263A3 anti-aircraft vehicles are South Korean variants of the American M163 VADS (Vulcan Air Defense System), which was built on the M113 armored personnel carrier. The South Korean version, however, utilizes the K200 chassis. The K263A1 and K263A3 are both self-propelled anti-aircraft gun systems that are designed to defend against low-flying aircraft and helicopters. The vehicles are equipped with a six-barrel M61 Vulcan 20mm rotary cannon, which is capable of firing up to 3,000 rounds per minute. The cannon is mounted on a turret that can rotate 360 degrees and elevate up to 85 degrees, providing a wide range of coverage. The K263A1 and K263A3 are both operated by a crew of four, including a driver, gunner, and two ammunition handlers. The vehicles are also equipped with advanced fire control systems, including radar and electro-optical sensors, to help track and engage targets with the A3 version having further upgrades. The K263's will be receiving a new thermal imager, replacing the existing AN/TVS-5 IR sight. 6x smoke grenade launchers have been added to provide additional countermeasures. Overall, the K263A1 and K263A3 anti-aircraft vehicles are important components of South Korea's air defense capabilities, providing rapid response and mobile firepower to protect against airborne threats. Additional note, all K163's have been upgraded to a minimum of the K263A1 modification.




An M48A3K during an exercise.

  • Description
    • The M48A3K is a South Korean variant of the American M48 Patton main battle tank, which was originally developed in the 1950s. The M48A3K features a number of upgrades and modifications that were made to improve the tank's combat capabilities and to better suit the needs of the South Korean military. The tank is also equipped with a 90mm main gun and a range of secondary weapons, including a coaxial machine gun and a turret-mounted machine gun. The M48A3K also features an advanced fire control system dubbed the Laser Tank Fire Control System, or LTFCS, including a laser rangefinder which helps improve accuracy and fire solution capabilities. Overall, the M48A3K has been an important part of South Korea's armored forces since its introduction in the 1970s, and it has been used in a number of conflicts and peacekeeping missions around the world. While the tank is now outdated compared to more modern designs, it remains a capable and reliable platform for a variety of military operations.




M48A5K1 on display featuring new electronics, countermeasures, and side-skirts.


The M48A5K2 main battle tank.

  • Description
    • The M48A5K1 and M48A5K2 are South Korean variants of the American M48 Patton main battle tank, which underwent significant upgrades and modifications to improve its combat capabilities. The tanks feature an upgraded 105mm main gun, improved fire control systems, and enhanced armor protection. Both tanks are powered by a 750-horsepower Continental diesel engine, which provides improved mobility and speed compared to earlier models. It also features a range of secondary weapons, including a coaxial machine gun and a turret-mounted machine gun. The tank is equipped with an advanced digital fire control system including a laser rangefinder, and ballistic computer, which provide improved accuracy and targeting capabilities. The M48A5K1 and M48A5K2 features a new crosswind sensor and side skirts. Overall, both tanks have been an important part of South Korea's armored forces since its introduction in the 1980s. While it is now outdated compared to more modern tanks, it remains a capable and reliable platform for a variety of military operations and has been used in a number of conflicts and peacekeeping missions around the world.

    • The only major difference between the two tanks is the M48A5K2 utilizes the low-profile Urdan Commander's cupola developed by Israel. The new cupola utilizes an M60 machine gun.

Sky Tiger K30W



The Sky Tiger K30W during testing.

  • Description
    • The Sky Tiger K30W, sometimes referred to as the KW2AA, is a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun system developed by Hyundai Rotem for the South Korean military. The system is based on an 8x8 wheeled chassis, which provides improved mobility and speed compared to tracked vehicles. The Sky Tiger K30W is armed with two KKCB 30mm automatic cannons to increase probability of first hit against aircraft and low flying helicopters/drones. The cannons are mounted in a fully-stabilized turret, which provides improved accuracy and targeting capabilities. The system also features advanced fire control systems, including radar and electro-optical sensors with new thermal imagers, which allow it to effectively track and engage targets. The Sky Tiger K30W has a crew of three, including a driver, gunner, and commander. The vehicle is powered by a diesel engine, which provides exceptional mobility and speed. It is also equipped with advanced communications equipment and smoke launchers that can deploy a defensive smoke screen to confuse enemy sensors. Overall, the Sky Tiger K30W is a highly capable and mobile air defense system that can provide important protection for ground forces against airborne threats. It was accepted into service with the Republic of Korea Army and supplements the K30 Biho, a tracked SPAA with anti-aircraft missile capability. The Sky Tiger K30W will likely replace the K163-series of SPAAG over-time.

KW1 Scorpion FSV



The KW1 FSV during vehicle trials.

  • Description
    • The KW1 Scorpion FSV is a prototype 6x6 armored vehicle developed by the South Korean defense company, Hyundai Rotem. The vehicle is designed to provide mobile firepower and support for ground troops in a variety of combat scenarios. The KW1 FSV is armed with a Cockerill 90mm low-pressure gun, which is capable of firing a range of ammunition types, including armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabots, and high explosive rounds. The gun is mounted in a fully-stabilized turret, which provides improved accuracy and targeting capabilities. In addition to its main gun, the KW1 Scorpion is also equipped with a 7.62mm machine gun and 16x smoke grenade launchers for defensive purposes. The vehicle has a crew of three, including a driver, gunner, and commander. The Gunner is equipped with a thermal imager while the Commander and Driver utilize IR Passive imagers. The KW1 Scorpion has a top speed of around 100 km/h and can operate in a variety of terrains, including desert and mountainous regions. Overall, the KW1 Scorpion FSV is a versatile and capable armored vehicle that provides important mobile firepower and support for ground troops in a variety of combat scenarios.

PV-1/PV-2 (Premium)



The PV-1, part of the ROKIT (Republic of Korea Indigenous Tank) program.


The PV-2, part of the ROKIT (Republic of Korea Indigenous Tank) program.

  • Description
    • The PV-1 and PV-2 were two prototype tanks developed by the South Korean company Hyundai Precision (now Hyundai Rotem) in the early 1980s as part of the K1 88-Tank development program. The PV-1 was designed to be a light tank with a weight of around 20 tons, while the PV-2 was a slightly heavier tank weighing around 30 tons. Both tanks were armed with a 105mm rifled gun and had a crew of four, including a driver, gunner, loader, and commander. They also featured advanced fire control systems, including a laser rangefinder and a computerized fire control system. Both had their own issues ranging from engine fires, fire control issues, starting problems, etc. The PV-1 and PV-2 were tested extensively, but ultimately neither design was chosen for production. Instead, the K1 88-Tank was developed based on the design of the American M1 Abrams tank, which was licensed for production in South Korea. The K1 88-Tank entered service with the South Korean Army in the late 1980s and has since undergone several upgrades to keep it up to date with modern technology.




Two K21 IFV's on display with dual AT-1K Raybolt ATGM launchers.

  • Description
    • The K21 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) is a tracked armored vehicle developed for the Republic of Korea Army. The vehicle was designed to provide advanced protection and firepower to infantry troops on the battlefield. The K21 IFV is armed with a KNT 40mm automatic cannon, which is mounted in a fully-stabilized turret, and a coaxial 7.62mm machine gun. The cannon is capable of firing a range of ammunition, including high-explosive and armor-piercing rounds. The IFV also has the ability to equip and launch Hyungung anti-tank guided missiles. These are also known as AT-1K Raybolt. The K21 IFV has a crew of three, including a driver, gunner, and commander, and can transport up to nine infantry soldiers. The vehicle is powered by a 750hp D2840LXE diesel engine, which provides exceptional mobility and speed on the battlefield. It is also equipped with advanced suspension and steering systems, which allow it to operate effectively in a range of terrains, including desert and mountainous regions. The K21 IFV features advanced armor protection, which is designed to provide excellent protection against a range of threats, including small arms fire, mines, and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). The vehicle also features a range of defensive systems, a series of smoke grenade launchers that can deploy smoke screens and chaff to confuse enemy sensors. The K21 IFV has been in service with the Republic of Korea Army since 2009 and is considered one of the most advanced IFVs in the world. The K21 IFV has undergone several upgrades with a modernization program designating the vehicle as the K21 PIP, and variants, including a command post vehicle, a mortar carrier, and an ambulance, to meet the diverse operational requirements of the Korean military. Overall, the K21 IFV is a highly capable and versatile armored vehicle that provides critical protection and firepower to the infantry forces of the Republic of Korea Army.

K30 Biho



A K30 Biho in a field.

  • Description
    • The K30 Biho is a South Korean self-propelled anti-aircraft gun system developed by Hanwha Defense. The vehicle is based on a tracked chassis and is designed to provide mobile air defense capabilities for ground forces. The K30 Biho is armed with two KKCB 30mm autocannons, which is capable of firing up to 1,200 rounds per minute with each gun housing 300rds. The gun is mounted on a fully-stabilized turret, which provides improved accuracy and targeting capabilities. The vehicle includes a secondary weapon system that is equipped with 4x Shingung Surface-to-Air missiles. The system itself features advanced fire control systems, including the TPS-830K RADAR and EOTS electro-optical sensors with integrated FLIR/Thermal Imager and Laser Rangefinder, which allow it to effectively track and engage targets. The K30 Biho has a crew of three, including a driver, gunner, and commander. The vehicle is powered by a D2840L 520hp diesel engine, which provides exceptional mobility and speed. It is also equipped with advanced communications equipment and smoke grenade launchers to conceal the vehicle as necessary. One of the key features of the K30 Biho is its ability to engage both air and ground targets, able to swap ammunition to meet required needs. The K30 Biho has been in service with the Republic of Korea Army since 1996 and has participated in various military exercises and operations, including joint exercises with the United States and anti-aircraft defense drills in the Republic of Korea. The K30 Biho is widely considered to be one of the most advanced and effective self-propelled anti-aircraft gun systems in the world, and it continues to be a critical component of the South Korean military's air defense capabilities.

AS21 Redback (IF-LD)



The AS21 equipped with the Iron Fist-Light Decoupled APS.

  • Description
    • The AS21 Redback is an advanced Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) developed by the Hanwha Defense. The vehicle was designed to provide the Australian Army with a highly capable and versatile platform for a range of mission types. The AS21 Redback is based on the K21 IFV and features a highly modular design, which allows it to be easily configured for a range of mission types. The vehicle is armed with a 30mm Mk44 Bushmaster II automatic cannon and a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun, which are both mounted in a fully-stabilized turret. The cannon is capable of firing a range of ammunition, including armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabots and high-explosive rounds. The vehicle can also equip a Spike-ATGM launcher, capable of housing 2x missiles. The AS21 Redback has a crew of three, including a driver, gunner, and commander, and can transport up to nine infantry soldiers. The vehicle is powered by a diesel engine, which provides exceptional mobility and speed on the battlefield. It is also equipped with advanced suspension and steering systems, which allow it to operate effectively in a range of terrains, including desert and mountainous regions. The AS21 Redback features advanced armor protection, which is designed to provide excellent protection against a range of threats, including small arms fire, mines, and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). The vehicle also features a range of defensive systems, including a laser warning system from Elbit System's, smoke grenade launchers, and Iron Fist-Light Decoupled (IF-LD) that can destroy incoming anti-tank guided missiles and some APFSDS-T rounds. One of the key features of the AS21 Redback is its advanced digital network, which allows the vehicle to share real-time situational awareness data with other vehicles and units on the battlefield. This capability enhances the vehicle's ability to operate effectively as part of a larger combat force. The AS21 Redback is also equipped with state-of-the-art communication systems, which allow the crew to maintain contact with other units and receive real-time updates on the battlefield situation. The AS21 Redback was selected by the Australian Army in 2018 to replace the aging M113 armored personnel carriers. The vehicle is currently in the testing and evaluation phase, and if successful, it will enter service in the mid-2020s. Other nations interested include Poland and Romania. Overall, the AS21 Redback is a highly capable and versatile Infantry Fighting Vehicle that provides advanced protection, firepower, and mobility.

KW2 Jupiter



The Rotem KW2 Jupiter on display.

  • Description
    • The Rotem KW2 Jupiter is a Fire Support Vehicle developed by Rotem which is a subsidiary of the automotive company Hyundai. The KW2 Jupiter is a variant of the Rotem KW2 8x8 vehicles designed for infantry support in the South Korean Army. Not much is known of the KW2 Jupiter other than its designed to be a mobile assault gun capable of supporting infantry and in rare cases against main battle tanks. The KW2 Jupiter features an autoloaded 120mm main gun capable of firing all standard NATO rounds. It also is equipped with Thermal Imagers for the Gunner/Commander. The hull itself is designed to protect infantry up to 12.7mm caliber weapons with the option of addon armor to protect it against heavier fire. The KW2 Jupiter features a standard layout of Mobile Gun Systems, with the engine and Driver in the front with the commander and gunner towards the center-rear. It is unknown what type of electronics the vehicle has, however it can be determined the Driver has some access to thermal imagery with the use of the rear camera as well as an APS system. Currently the KW2 Jupiter is not in service with any country. 

K21-105 (Premium)/K21 XC-8 120



The K21-105 during drills


The K-21 XC-8 120 light tank on display.

  • Description
    • The K21 XC-8 120 is a modified K-21 Infantry Fighting Vehicle developed by CMI Defence and Doosan DST. The program was designed to convert the K21 into a light tank by utilizing a series of different turrets housing different guns. The first program focused on incorporating a XC-8 turret housing 120mm main gun which was first displayed at an IDEX exhibition in Abu Dhabi in 2013. This vehicle was equipped with thermal imaging technology for the Gunner and Commander allowing for enhanced situational awareness. The main gun was also capable of firing all NATO standard ammunition, allowing for easy interoperability between nations keeping to NATO standards. The vehicle was not adopted by any military however, another variant was created. This alternative was developed that incorporates a lighter, more cost effective Cockerill CT-CV 105HP turret housing a 105mm main gun. This vehicle incorporates the latest advances in fire control, thermal technology and battlefield communications allowing for effective operations. The vehicle also still houses the K21's flotation bags allowing the vehicle to cross water obstacles. Neither vehicle has been accepted into service and are focused on export. In all, while the K21 XC-8 120 brings to the battlefield more firepower, the K21-105 brings in more advancements in hardware to further increase situational awareness.

K31 Chumna



The K31 firing one of its missiles.

  • Description
    • The K31, or K-31, Cheonma(Pegasus), Chumna, K-SAM, is a Short Range Air Defense System that features the French Designed Crotale system mounted on a modified/elongated K200A1 KIFV. Named after the legendary Sky Horse, or thousand-mile horse of Korean mythology that was deemed to swift and elegant for any man to mount, the K31 began development in the late 1990's with South Korea realized the need to increase its air defense capabilities against its Northern neighbor. The result was the development of the K31 Chunma and the K30 Biho, which are two separate programs designed to meet air defense needs. The K31 features a launcher similar to the Crotale-NG system, able to launch the Cheonma missile, developed by LIG Nexone, which is capable of reaching supersonic capable of mach 2.6-2.7, as well as several electronics and RADAR's such as the 20km K/F-Band Doppler Search RADAR and the 16km Ku-band Tracking RADAR that allow the K31 to track up to 8 targets simultaneously. Some sources claim it uses FLIR with a detection range of 15km and a TV camera with an IR goniometer for a range of 10km. The K31 is still used by the South Korean military and continues to be a cornerstone in Short Range Air Defense.




A K1 main battle tank.

  • Description
    • The K1 is a South Korean main battle tank that was first introduced in 1987. The vehicle was designed in coordination with the United States to replace the aging M48 Patton tanks in service with the ROKA at the time. As seen with the design, the vehicle shares similarities to the Abrams, however the Korean military included modifications which greatly differ from the Abrams. The original version of the K1 was armed with a KM68A1 105mm rifled gun, which was capable of firing a range of ammunition, including armor-piercing and high explosive rounds. The tank also featured a 7.62mm machine gun mounted on the roof of the turret for additional support. The K1 had a crew of four, including a driver, gunner, loader, and commander. The vehicle was powered by a diesel engine, which provided exceptional mobility and speed on the battlefield. It was also equipped with advanced suspension systems, which allowed it to operate effectively in a range of terrains, including desert and mountainous regions. The K1 featured advanced armor protection, which was designed to provide excellent protection against a range of threats, including small arms fire to modern anti-tank munitions. During its service life, the K1 underwent several upgrades and variants, including the K1A1 and K1A2, which featured improved armor protection, upgraded fire control systems, and improved powertrain. These upgrades helped the K1 remain a viable and capable main battle tank well into the 21st century. Overall, the original version of the K1 main battle tank was a highly capable and advanced armored vehicle that provided critical protection and firepower to the South Korean military. Its success paved the way for the development of other advanced South Korean armored vehicles, such as the K2 Black Panther, which is widely regarded as one of the most advanced main battle tanks in the world.

K1E1/K1E2 (Premium)



A K1E1 main battle tank maneuvering.

  • Description
    • The K1E1 is an upgraded version of the K1 main battle tank developed by the South Korean company Hyundai Rotem. The vehicle was designed to improve upon the original K1's capabilities in terms of firepower, protection, and mobility. The K1E1 retains the original gun and most of the same equipment, however, the K1E1 focuses on battlefield integrations. The primary focus of this upgrade was in C4I, or adding a Battlefield Management system. This allows tank brigades to maintain battlefield situational awareness and communications between multiple units. The K1E1 also includes an IFF system to assist in preventing friendly fire. Deliveries began in 2014, with all K1's planned to be upgraded by the mid-2020's. Another upgrade is currently being developed known as the K1E2 which includes a variety of enhancements such as Laser Warning System technology and more. As more information is released on the K1E2, the post will be updated.




The K1A1 during exercises.

  • Description
    • The K1A1 is an upgraded version of the K1 main battle tank that was developed by the Republic of Korea in the 1990s. The vehicle was designed to improve upon the original K1's capabilities in terms of firepower, protection, and mobility. The K1A1 features several upgrades over the original K1, including a new KM256 120mm smoothbore gun, which is capable of firing a wider range of ammunition than the original 105mm rifled gun. The tank also features an upgraded fire control system, which includes a thermal imaging sight and a laser rangefinder, allowing for improved targeting capabilities. The K1A1 has a crew of four, including a driver, gunner, loader, and commander. The vehicle is powered by a MTU MB 871 Ka-501 turbocharged diesel engine, which provides exceptional mobility and speed on the battlefield. It is also equipped with advanced suspension and steering systems, which allow it to operate effectively in a range of terrains, including desert and mountainous regions. The K1A1 features advanced armor protection, which includes composite armor inserts which provide protection against modern anti-tank rounds. The vehicle is also equipped with two smoke grenade launchers for concealment.  In addition to these upgrades, the K1A1 also features an improved hybrid hydropneumatic and torsion bar suspension, allowing the vehicle to change its ground clearance. The K1A1 has been in service with the ROK military since 1999 and has participated in various military exercises and operations, including peacekeeping missions in Lebanon and anti-piracy operations off the coast of Somalia. The tank has also been exported to several countries, including Turkey and Poland.




A K1A2 on display.

  • Description
    • The K1A2 is one of the latest versions of the K1 main battle tank developed by the Republic of Korea. The vehicle was designed to further improve the capabilities of the K1A1 in terms of communication and operability. Equipped with similar equipment and capabilities, the K1A2 focuses on improving Battlefield Situational Awareness and C4I though Battlefield Management System. Other addition is the use of IFF system's to assist in preventing friendly fire. The K1A2 started mass production in 2012, with all K1A1's expected to be upgraded to the K1A2 standard. The K1A2 is also equipped with a soft-kill APS system located directly above the main gun.




Prototype XK-2.

  • Description
    • The XK-2 was a prototype of the K2 Black Panther, a main battle tank developed by Hyundai Rotem. The XK-2 was designed to test and demonstrate the advanced technologies and capabilities that would later be incorporated into the K2 Black Panther. The XK-2 featured several key upgrades over the K1A1 and K1A2, including an improved 120mm smoothbore gun, which was capable of firing a wider range and more powerful selection of ammunition. The tank also featured an advanced fire control system, which included a second-generation thermal imaging sight and a laser rangefinder, allowing for improved targeting capabilities. In addition to these upgrades, the XK-2 also featured an advanced digital network, which allowed the vehicle to share real-time situational awareness data with other vehicles and units on the battlefield. The tank was also equipped with a range of modern communication systems, which allowed the crew to maintain contact with other units and receive real-time updates on the battlefield situation. The XK-2 prototype underwent extensive testing and evaluation in the early 2000s, and the technologies and capabilities demonstrated in the vehicle were later incorporated into the K2 Black Panther, which entered service with the South Korean military in 2014. The K2 Black Panther is widely regarded as one of the most advanced main battle tanks in the world, with superior firepower, protection, and mobility capabilities.

K2 Black Panther



The K2 Black Panther in all its might on display.

  • Description
    • The K2 Black Panther is a Republic of Korea main battle tank developed by Hyundai Rotem. The vehicle was designed to replace the aging M48 Patton and M60A1 main battle tanks in service with the ROKA. The K2 Black Panther features several key upgrades over previous ROKA main battle tanks, including an advanced 120mm smoothbore gun, which is capable of firing a wider range of ammunition, including new developments like the K279 APFSDS-T round, the K280 HEAT-MP-T multi-purpose round, and a guided missile developed specifically for the K2 Black Panther, the Korean Smart Top-Attack Munition (KSTAM). The KSTAM is a fire and forget (with manual guidance capability), top attack missile capable of traveling out to 8km. The missile is fired from the gun like any round and automatically tracks the target before releasing an explosively formed penetrator into the top armor. The tank also features an advanced fire control system, which includes a third-generation thermal imaging sight and a laser rangefinder, allowing for improved targeting capabilities. The K2 Black Panther has a crew of three, including a driver, gunner, and commander. The vehicle is powered by a diesel engine, which provides exceptional mobility and speed on the battlefield. The K2 Black Panther features advanced armor protection, which includes composite armor and explosive reactive armor (ERA), designed to provide excellent protection against a range of threats, including small arms fire, mines, and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). The vehicle also features a range of defensive systems, including a laser warning system, a smoke grenade launcher, and a countermeasure system that can deploy smoke screens and chaff to confuse enemy sensors. In addition to these upgrades, the K2 Black Panther also features an advanced digital network, which allows the vehicle to share real-time situational awareness data with other vehicles and units on the battlefield. The tank is also equipped with a range of modern communication systems, which allow the crew to maintain contact with other units and receive real-time updates on the battlefield situation. The K2 Black Panther is also equipped with an active protection system (APS) called KAPS, or Korean Active Protection System, which uses sensors and countermeasures to detect and neutralize incoming threats, such as anti-tank missiles and rockets. The APS provides an additional layer of defense for the vehicle and its crew. The K2 Black Panther entered service with the South Korean military in 2014 and has since participated in various military exercises and operations. The tank or its technology has also been exported to several countries, including Turkey and Poland. Overall, the K2 Black Panther is widely regarded as one of the most advanced main battle tanks in the world, with superior firepower, protection, and mobility capabilities. Its advanced technologies and capabilities make it a formidable force on the battlefield, and its success has helped establish South Korea as a major player in the global arms market.





Thanks for the Visit!



Edited by Yontzee
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My main focus was to get the tree out there first and polish up the descriptions. Please, if there's any errors/omissions, share them in the comments section with a source and the corrected information and I'll be more than happy to fix it. I'll also be doing fixes on my own as well. Also, any additional information like APS systems for the K1A2, K2 Black Panther, etc., is also much appreciated in the comments section. 


Thanks :salute:


Edit: Reworked the USA Ground Forces Reference tree. This sub-tree can be applied to nation's not in-game as well. This is a general sub-tree using two nations currently in-game that make the most sense to have an ROK-subtree.

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In case a Unified Korea isn’t coming then i would say the US (even though it’s unnecessary), the majority of South Korea’s vehicles are either modified American vehicles or have been influenced by American design. 

Japan has no claim on any S.Korean vehicles as they have nothing to do with so i don’t actually understand why it’s option (lack of vehicles is no excuse), it’s basically like suggesting Iranian vehicles in the Israeli Tree. Germany and France for example do have claim on S.Korea unlike Japan because of the K-SAM, Bo105, Super Puma and etc. 

However i still hope for an Unified Korean Tree. 


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On 29/05/2023 at 19:03, Yontzee said:

Sky Tiger K30W

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The Sky Tiger K30W during testing.

  • Description
    • The Sky Tiger K30W, sometimes referred to as the KW2AA, is a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun system developed by Hyundai Rotem for the South Korean military. The system is based on an 8x8 wheeled chassis, which provides improved mobility and speed compared to tracked vehicles. The Sky Tiger K30W is armed with two KKCB 30mm automatic cannons to increase probability of first hit against aircraft and low flying helicopters/drones. The cannons are mounted in a fully-stabilized turret, which provides improved accuracy and targeting capabilities. The system also features advanced fire control systems, including radar and electro-optical sensors with new thermal imagers, which allow it to effectively track and engage targets. The Sky Tiger K30W has a crew of three, including a driver, gunner, and commander. The vehicle is powered by a diesel engine, which provides exceptional mobility and speed. It is also equipped with advanced communications equipment and smoke launchers that can deploy a defensive smoke screen to confuse enemy sensors. Overall, the Sky Tiger K30W is a highly capable and mobile air defense system that can provide important protection for ground forces against airborne threats. It was accepted into service with the Republic of Korea Army and supplements the K30 Biho, a tracked SPAA with anti-aircraft missile capability. The Sky Tiger K30W will likely replace the K163-series of SPAAG over-time.



He already has it.

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36 minutes ago, TheNexonRegime said:

He already has it.

my bad must of missed it

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8 hours ago, __Fleks__ said:

It looks good, but I’ll probably refuse, due to the fact that you can’t change history and forget it, only a united Korea, as it should be :yes_yes_yes:

Thanks man. Yeah I want a United Korea as well which I think has good odds but I just wanted a backup idea. Too many unique vehicles to not have an alternative idea of some sort. A lot of people requested Japan as an option so I added it.

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Not bad idea, Especially ground vehicle from Republic of Korea Army (ROKA) enhance japan tech tree

I can't imagine aviation from Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) and Helicopter from Republic of Korea Army (ROKA) sub-tree suggestion 

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+1 to the vehicles implemented in some way. Maybe a sub tree of China tt? USA is already strong enough and the historic context between Japan and South Korea is a bit rough.

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That's like the third time someone suggested Korean sub-tree for Japan, though that still doesn't make sense.


Even if you argued that the idea is apolitical, lumping South Korea into Japan does not have much backing into it, since Korea doesn't have much cultural or military affirnity with Japan (or USA) up until recently, and that's only on certain aspects. Unlike South Africa and Finland whose their host nation (UK and Sweden, respectively) has strong cultural and military ties to back it up.


So, I guess I have to say "no" for the third time.

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41 minutes ago, NotKringe said:

That's like the third time someone suggested Korean sub-tree for Japan, though that still doesn't make sense.


Even if you argued that the idea is apolitical, lumping South Korea into Japan does not have much backing into it, since Korea doesn't have much cultural or military affirnity with Japan (or USA) up until recently, and that's only on certain aspects. Unlike South Africa and Finland whose their host nation (UK and Sweden, respectively) has strong cultural and military ties to back it up.


So, I guess I have to say "no" for the third time.

Clarifying my stance : I do not like the idea of ROK in Japan, however, it was requested multiple times so I made it :dntknw: If people feel like it should be there, I can't be bias in my own suggestion.


Personally I want its own tree, with the best backup currently in the USA tree. The idea behind this is where to have ROK vehicles if the United Korea tree didn't come to fruition. The poll option "Other" is made for people to come up with ideas outside of the USA and Japan tree ideas so if anyone has ideas (outside of a United Korea Tree which we're all aware of and want) by all means share.


Edit: Also, the Republic of Korea has had a close military relationship (regardless of the political situation) with the USA since the early 1950's, just a few years after when the modern ROK was founded so that doesn't make sense to say otherwise. The ROKA utilized Sherman's, Pershing's, Grey Hound's, Chaffee's, Patton's, etc., for many years (Patton's are still in use today even). They began developing vehicles with USA assistance such as the K1 that features many similarities with the Chrysler XM-1 and vehicles like the K263 which features commonality with the M163 VADS.

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23 minutes ago, Yontzee said:

Clarifying my stance : I do not like the idea of ROK in Japan, however, it was requested multiple times so I made it :dntknw: If people feel like it should be there, I can't be bias in my own suggestion.


Personally I want its own tree, with the best backup currently in the USA tree. The idea behind this is where to have ROK vehicles if the United Korea tree didn't come to fruition. The poll option "Other" is made for people to come up with ideas outside of the USA and Japan tree ideas so if anyone has ideas (outside of a United Korea Tree which we're all aware of and want) by all means share.


Edit: Also, the Republic of Korea has had a close military relationship (regardless of the political situation) with the USA since the early 1950's, just a few years after when the modern ROK was founded so that doesn't make sense to say otherwise. The ROKA utilized Sherman's, Pershing's, Grey Hound's, Chaffee's, Patton's, etc., for many years (Patton's are still in use today even). They began developing vehicles with USA assistance such as the K1 that features many similarities with the General Motors XM-1 and vehicles like the K263 which features commonality with the M163 VADS.

K1 is closely related to Chrysler's XM-1, not GM's.

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14 minutes ago, T50B_BlackEagles said:

K1 is closely related to Chrysler's XM-1, not GM's.

Thanks for the correction, I appreciate it.


Either way, my point stands. If the ROK had to be a sub-tree, the USA would be the best option. Many vehicles that the ROK used are already in the tree and would require additional ROK camouflage/skin options, as well as many later vehicles share similar aspects and origin. Same could be said of it's air force and even it's Navy with the usage of SPY-1 RADAR and Arleigh-Burke inspiration for the KDX-III (Sejong the Great)-class DDG. 

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28 minutes ago, Yontzee said:

Thanks for the correction, I appreciate it.


Either way, my point stands. If the ROK had to be a sub-tree, the USA would be the best option. Many vehicles that the ROK used are already in the tree and would require additional ROK camouflage/skin options, as well as many later vehicles share similar aspects and origin. Same could be said of it's air force and even it's Navy with the usage of SPY-1 RADAR and Arleigh-Burke inspiration for the KDX-III (Sejong the Great)-class DDG. 

Thats fine and all the problem is that the US doesnt need a sub tree at all as it has more then enough of its own to make its tree larger.

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Just now, Rambolf said:

Thats fine and all the problem is that the US doesnt need a sub tree at all as it has more then enough of its own to make its tree larger.

That's fine. I'm not advocating for a sub-tree for the USA. With the current in-game nations we have, I support it more-so in the USA tree, however I voted "I don't know" because maybe there are better ideas that I'm missing (minus from a full independent tree). I'm just saying that if the ROK had to come as a sub-tree, the most logical sense is within the USA due to many of the vehicle's origins stem from the USA. I'm not sure how people from the ROK would react to their vehicles in the Japan tree, however we do have a Polish Leopard in the German tree so I don't know :dntknw: 

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1 minute ago, Yontzee said:

That's fine. I'm not advocating for a sub-tree for the USA. With the current in-game nations we have, I support it more-so in the USA tree, however I voted "I don't know" because maybe there are better ideas that I'm missing (minus from a full independent tree). I'm just saying that if the ROK had to come as a sub-tree, the most logical sense is within the USA due to many of the vehicle's origins stem from the USA. I'm not sure how people from the ROK would react to their vehicles in the Japan tree, however we do have a Polish Leopard in the German tree so I don't know :dntknw: 

Tbh at the end of the day its probs easier to have a United Korea Tree to appease everyone.

(Also heres an Image of the K21 PIP I believe)


South Korean ground forces tech tree for War Thunder proposal by PikPikker

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12 minutes ago, Rambolf said:

Tbh at the end of the day its probs easier to have a United Korea Tree to appease everyone.

(Also heres an Image of the K21 PIP I believe)

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I'm for the United Korea Tree but that's the thing though, we can't appease everyone. Even if a United Korea Tree came out, there's going to be a lot of people that are going to find a reason to complain like "why is there vehicles originating from Eastern and Western nations in the same Tree", or "there's a lot copy and paste, oh no", "the C&P is taking away the uniqueness of other nations", etc. which there would be, you need it to fill the tree out because some parts of the tree would be bare bones. Many of these vehicles are exported around the world so there's nothing you can really do about it. Not to mention, with Rank VIII confirmed, it will spread things out and allow for more room. Anyways, in the end, Gaijin is going to do what they want anyway. 


Legit! I wanted to add the PIP but there's not much out there for sources.

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Meh. Only if a United Korean Tree is denied, otherwise no. A United Korean tree would only make sense considering how the ROC and PRC share a tree. Same thing for East and West Germany. It would also bring North Korea into the game, which would provide some incredibly unique gameplay since quite a few of their platforms can double as AA. Thankfully, there are other options to choose from when it comes to giving Japan a subtree so that point doesn't concern me.

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9 minutes ago, DMYEugen said:

Meh. Only if a United Korean Tree is denied, otherwise no. A United Korean tree would only make sense considering how the ROC and PRC share a tree. Same thing for East and West Germany. It would also bring North Korea into the game, which would provide some incredibly unique gameplay since quite a few of their platforms can double as AA. Thankfully, there are other options to choose from when it comes to giving Japan a subtree so that point doesn't concern me.

Exactly, the only purpose of this suggestion was to provide an alternative if a United Korea tree was denied for some reason. Trying to find a home for ROK vehicles in whatever situation. It's the same exact reason why I created my Polish Sub-tree Suggestion, trying to find alternatives in-case the most popular idea, an independent Polish Ground Forces Tree (or Visegrád Group Ground Forces Tree) fails:


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Couple more IFV and K-200 vehicles for SK



K-225 (KAFV-25) version

Oerlikon KBA 25mm/L50 autocannon with stabilization equipment is installed to enable shooting while manoeuvring.




(Warning BIG IMAGE)



K230M [KAFV-30M] equipped with what I believe is a 30mm Mauser MK.30 turret.



K-290 (KAFV-90) with the British Cockerill Mk-3MA1 90mm/L36 low pressure gun






K-200 with Metis-M launchers






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On 6/16/2023 at 11:39 PM, Yontzee said:

I'm not sure how people from the ROK would react to their vehicles in the Japan tree, however we do have a Polish Leopard in the German tree so I don't know :dntknw: 

The Leopard 2PL is clearly a Leopard 2 family vehicle and has technical ties. It cannot be a reference case for Korea. Unless the K2 claims to be a modified version of the Type 90 or Type 10.

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31 minutes ago, SaabGripen said:

The Leopard 2PL is clearly a Leopard 2 family vehicle and has technical ties. It cannot be a reference case for Korea. Unless the K2 claims to be a modified version of the Type 90 or Type 10.

I completely disagree. While it is a Leopard vehicle and yes it falls into that family, many of the Polish players do NOT like any idea of association with Germany. I would know as in my previous suggestions and PM’s, I’ve discussed this and no matter which direction the discussion went, it ended up in the same result. 

Again, I can state how I feel on the matter, but in the end the poll is there and most lean on Japan anyway if a United Korea Tree isn’t implemented.

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