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Removal of unrealistic Jet flames

  • 2 weeks later...


But it seems Gaijin guy responsible for effects does not like to be constrained by reality.

Either that or they simply want the graphics to be attractive to kids...

Edited by Blafirelli
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I would say yes to this, however, only if you can still use them in Userskins as I like to make the jet flame blue or red on some of my jets to give a nice si-fi feel.

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I've just got my 2 first jets, and I'm quite happy with it.


sure it is unrealistic......but IMO it is "atmospheric" - it looks good.


Also it is the main visual indicator that teh engine is still running!!


so in a small minority for keeping it



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  • 3 months later...

LIke the smoke trail idea for jet engines... though in real it looks like the F-86 has a pronounced smoke trail, while the MiG-15 has almost none at non-full throttle settings:
F86 vs MiG-15 at a 2011 air show

Still, it is probably a better solution than the unrealistic flame.


Best regards,



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  • 4 weeks later...
On 19/02/2017 at 2:31 AM, Target1331 said:

LIke the smoke trail idea for jet engines... though in real it looks like the F-86 has a pronounced smoke trail, while the MiG-15 has almost none at non-full throttle settings:
F86 vs MiG-15 at a 2011 air show

Still, it is probably a better solution than the unrealistic flame.


Best regards,



There is the possibility that the MiG-15 had a further modified engine or is a retrofitted airframe with a newer smokeless variant like the RD-33MK made in 2001, it may also be that the way it's buit produces less smoke at low thrust...


But the Jet flames need to go, this isn't an arcade style jet game, not every engine produces a constant flames especially when there is no afterburner. And smokeless engines were not produced until far later (post Vietnam War) and they should be present in game, and don't trust YouTube airshow videos as proof as many of those aircraft have been modified both willingly and by safety law to different standards which is why many Me-262 don't produce smoke as most use reworked engines and sometimes entirely different engines, and the same goes for the MiG-15's.


And given that now Patch 1.67 is adding inline and radial engine flames, now is the time to remove the fake looking jet engine flame and opt for the most realistic option, no flame and smoke trails!

Edited by *AceArchangel
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It's a must,historically speaking 262 never had flames so these must disappear! I support

P.S.:You should add a poll

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It should look something along the same lines as this:






This is from an outdated mod for War Thunder called Smokey Jet Exhaust and it really shouldn't take a person creating a mod to put a realistic jet exhaust effect in the game.


Now that we have the exhaust flames for piston fighters it time to take the next step and fix something that is in need of it. The current jet flames are not only unrealistic but kind of cheap looking and the only flames seen would have been momentary sputters on the higher tier jets in game. The current effect could stay for the rocket powered fighters but not the jet powered.

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yes thank you.. and it would be lovely if u can see the flames inside the engine.. 

you guys can see the similar flames here.. not so extensive as shown in the game already.



Edited by RepublicanGuard
wrong embd code.
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I was playing my 262 just now and was reminded of this suggestion. One of my engines died and I thought it looked so much better not having this big cartoon flame coming out the back while in flight. A bit of haze and exhaust fumes would look much better.

Edited by ReachForTheSky
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On 10/18/2016 at 2:56 PM, SgtPineapple said:

I'm sure a lot of people wish for this to be implemented, but the real question I have is will it be implemented? 

They implemented exhaust flames for piston engines, so why not revise the jet flame stuff?

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17 hours ago, RepublicanGuard said:

yes thank you.. and it would be lovely if u can see the flames inside the engine.. 

you guys can see the similar flames here.. not so extensive as shown in the game already.



This is a late MiG-17, likely the MiG-17F model as it had an afterburner. The model in game is the first basic MiG-17, no afterburner on the aircraft.

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Lol beat me to it. Yes just checked, that one is a MiG-17F, which was the first variant of the MiG-17 to have an afterburner engine, the VK-1F, installed. In WT we have the MiG-17A with the VK-1A engine.


Best regards,



Edited by Target1331
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