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Removal of unrealistic Jet flames

And I sayd its fine, have your epinion, but in my opinion its not a minor thing, its a very big deal I want changed..

so here is an idea for you, talk up the stuff you think are important and want changed in the game, and let others talk up the stuff they want in stead of talking it down..

Edited by *Sibir-Hansen

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, MAX94100 said:

These flames only appears in afterburn no?


Correct. And as we don't have any aircraft with afterburners it's a pretty odd thing to see.

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Try to fly into space.

When you go in space there is no air so No Flames... 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Setting another +1, because it still continues to annoy me due to the reasons already mentioned.
Another reason that I came across why I want those completely unrealistic flames removed is the fact that they also cause bugs, were the flame texture e.g. on the Ho 229 and Ar 234 cut through the nacelle walls near the exhaust.


Best regards,



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I dont have any jets but +1 for realism

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6 hours ago, sniperNZSAS said:



This thread has been here since 2015 why hasn't this been done yet??

Well, it seems graphic design lead cares most about numbers of polygons and texure resolutions, not about the general authenticity :/

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  • 1 month later...

Not only is this still not implemented, but the suggestion (or should we rather call it a bug report?) hasn't been even moved to "Further discussion" section (for more than 2 years). This makes me sad :(

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6 hours ago, Blafirelli said:

Not only is this still not implemented, but the suggestion (or should we rather call it a bug report?) hasn't been even moved to "Further discussion" section (for more than 2 years). This makes me sad :(

Exactly it's been two years since this was posted and it just keeps getting forgotten, it needs to be implemented, the flames hurt to look at for me.

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yes + 1


this has been discussed for ages.


Needs to be removed .


This would only be present for an afterburning aircraft , but only when engaged in AB mode.  



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On 18. 08. 2017. at 6:27 PM, The_Lieutenant said:

The F9F has an afterburner of a sort, as far as I know. It still doesn't merit the jet of hellfire the rest of the time it isn't being used though.


Incorrect, F9F never had afterburner

Only Water injection


But I still support this idea

Edited by TyphoonCro
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